The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)

STREATOR TIMES-PRESS, Streator, Friday, March 25, 1977 3 Brownie Troop 247 Has Group Pictures Taken Celebrate Dual Birthdays With Party ANN LANDERS 'Liberated' Daughter Hasn't An Easy Life was chosen to take treats to the next meeting. Flag ceremony was given and the scouts enjoyed singing songs and playing games. Leaders are Mesdames- Helen Ehlert, Sherla Moon Centennial Brownie Troop 247 had group pictures taken at Wednesday's meeting. While in the Brownie circle, requirements for the ready-helper and friend maker patches were discussed and papers were given for the requirements that must be done at home. The papers should be returned at the April 20 meeting, since it will take three weeks to complete the required work Kelly Biroschik took at tendance, Dinaf Loftin gave treats and Norma Cipriano and Marv Grace McEnd MONTHLY PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Ask about our long term payment plans on loans from $50 to $10,000.

KANKAKEE Investment Inc. 125 S.Vermillion St. STREATOR, ILLINOIS Andrew Palanos. resident of Heritage Manor. Thursday celebrated his 83rd birthday and Andrew Babey, 1424 E.

Morrell Street, a friend of Mr. Palanos, also celebrated his 90th birthday the same day. Both were honored by Aid Association for Lutherans from Trinity Lutheran church, their families and guests. Birthday prayers were presented by Mrs. Dorothv Berta and Rev.

Wilton Hille, followed by recitation of a prayer in unison. Nancy Pastirik, niece of Mr. Palanos. made a large decorated cake in the form of an open Bible. Other cakes were made by Anna Bazik Mary Crouch and Lucille Roy Mesdames Clara Hewitt.

Margaret Fribbs and Mary Beimer. all sisters of Mr Palanos, served ice-cream. Coffee was furnished by dietary department of Heritage Manor. Cake and refreshments were served by Mesdarhes Martha Estvanik, Lena Post, Lucille Roy, Dorothy Berta, MarjL Drapp and Sue Gotch. Ann Majher and Marie Esch-bach entertained the large group with accordion selections and group singing.

Honorees were presented many cards and gifts. Lose Water Weight with ODRINIL-Nature's Way ODRINIL helps eliminate excess weight bloat and putfiness retained during premenstrual cycle ODRINIL its Nature's Way. Satisfaction or Money Back HUDACHKO DRUGS 221 E. MAIN ST Mail Orders Filled-Add Postage Tax whenever he feels like it Please say something, Miss Landers A MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: I have never been in favor of those light-housekeeping arrangements. The woman is almost always the big giver as well as the big loser.

According to my mail and what I hear on campuses, eight out of ten live-in couples end up not speaking to each other and1 those who do speak use language that is unprintable DEAR ANN LANDERS. My husband and I will soon be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary I was 16 when we married and Harry was 19 We didn'l have a dime College was out of the question We were lucky if we could put food on the table. Harry and 1 have had a good life together We thank God for every day. Our children are wonderful. They have given us 15 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren We feel blessed.

Now the question: Our children want to honor us at a DEAR ANN LANDERS: Iwould like to write a few words about our "liberated" daughter. Maybe it will help other parents who have the same problem Sarah is 25, attractive and intelligent. She has been living with her boyfriend for the last two years. (Or I should say. HE has been living with her.) This "liberated" woman, besides working an eight-hour day, cleans the apartment, does the laundry and cooking She also schleps the heavy bags of groceries up two flights of stairs.

Her boyfriend pays for half the rent and groceries This is liberation? Thirty -one years ago when her father and I were married the rabbi told us to help one another Money was tight and times were hard, but I was more liberated then than Sarah is now 1 didn't have to hold down two jobs I made a home for my husband and he took care of me Sarah has a live-in boyfriend but no wedding ring and no license The one who is liberated" is the boyfriend He is getting a real bargain and can leave dinner party and invite 50 guests, would like to surprise everyone and wear my white wedding gown. Would it be in good taste? HOPE YOU'LL SAY YES DEAR 'HOPE: It's a wonderful idea! How lovely that you can still get into it, dear. My heartiest congratulations! Dear Ann Landers: Please settle a family dispute We have been married for 15 years I have always con sidered my husband normal in every way Now something has happened that makes me wonder Lately he has been asking me to tie his wrists together behind his back, and also his ankles He wants to be left alone, on the bed, for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour (I watch TV jr sew.) Then he calls me in to release him and. we make love. I must admit this crazy Idea has certainly improved his ability to perform sexually.

He says it is just fun and games I say it's kinky Is there anything wrong with it? I'm signing myself LINKED TO A KINK MR AND MRS GEORGE RODOSKY of Kinsman, will be married 45-years, April 5 They were married in 1932 at St Columba church in Ottawa. They are parents of four children: Mrs. D. E. (Barbara) Wetzel of Joliet, Jerry of Scarsdale, Mrs John (Patricia) Harty and William of Kinsman.

There are 13 grandchildren The couple will celebrate Sunday with a mass at Sacred Heart church in Kinsman and a family dinner at the John Harty home The event will be hosted by their children Mr Rodosky is owner of Kinsman Food locker (Kuhn's Studio) EL CAMINO RESTAURANT! Guild To 2100 N. BLOOMINGTON ST. STREATOR, ILL. Open Seven Days 24 Hours A Day CHEAPER THAN EATING AT HOME MONDAY, MARCH 28th HAM AND SCALLOPED POTATOES Large Tossed Salad Cake for Dessert Win With-'Pick Pork' Recipes When LaSalle County Porkettes sponsored the third annual "Pick Pork" recipe contest lor 4-H, junior high and high school students. 21 con lestants were entered, three times more than a year ago Some o( the winners were (rom the Streatorland area In the 12 to 14 year-old group second place winner of $10 was Tim Bnner of Grand Ridge Duraglas DEAR LINKED; You're TUESDAY, MARCH 29th BAR-B-Q RIBS Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Buttered Corn, Jello or Pudding DftllVC DMUTCDC right It kinky.

But if it helps lifnk-a Fiov him perform better, it not "CI i-illjuy "wrong." should hestart wanting to tie Dinner Meet YOU up, that's another matter. Tell him, "Not on your tintype. Durglas Makers Auxiliary met Thursday evening in a mm was km Polly Cramer Hold Session Second annual meeting of the LaSalle county Arts and Crafts guild has beep announced by its president. Mrs Sandy Martin The session will be held March 31 at 7 .30 p.m at the Dickenson House in Oglesby Persons interested in knowing more about the ob jectives ol the guild arc welcome to attend New officers for 1977-78 will be elected. Discussion and reports will be given of ac tivities and programs being planned for the guild The1 Arts and Crafts guild will sponsor the Folk festival held at the 4-H fairgrounds.

Aug 26-28 The same type of activities and programs presented the past two years will be featured again and new committees have been formed to add other programs activities and exhibits WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th MEAT LOAF Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Baked Beans Purple Plums for Dessert i THURSDAY, MARCH 31st Old Fashion POT ROAST Parsley Boiled Potatoes and Carrots Dessert local restaurant for dinner and a business meeting. President Loretta Jaegle presided. Minutes were read and treasurer's report was presented by Elizabeth Smith. Welfare projects were discussed to be acted upon in July. A Hawaiian beaded necklace was awarded to Maureen Sanderson.

Next meeting will be a luncheon at the Rockwell Inn in Morris, July 28. Are you, or is someone you care about messing around with drugs or considering it? Are all drugs bad? What about pot in moderation? Ann Landers's new booklet, "Straight Dope on Drugs," separates the facts from the fiction. For each booklet ordered, send a dollar bill, plus a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope (24 cents postage) to Ann Landers, PO Box 1400, Elgin, 111. 60120 grade school with apple stuffed pork Tib roast Third place honorable mention was Etta Marshall, Hustlers 4-H. with Chinese salad In the 15 to 18 year-old group, second place $10 winner was Angela Morse, Lostant high school, with Lincoln ham cheese logs Third place honorable mention went to Kris Mann of Lostant HS.

for baked vermicelli casserole Judges based their decisions on a point system Criteria for scoring was flavor and ten derness. appetizing appearance, importance ol lard or pork used in the recipe, neatness identification and recipe card Door award of a dinner bell went to Rosetta Huggins. Streator Vacuum clean velvet drawers By Polly Cramer DEAR POLLY I have just bought a used, but expensive, cherry dining room set How and what should I use on the table to clean and polish it? The lady from whom I bought it used a couple of commercial products and I have used another to try and get the dirt and oil off. But it still does not look right and there are dull and shiny spots Can I use soap and water to clean the drawers out and how do I clean the velvet in one drawer? JUDY P. DEAR JUDY I would first try a furniture cleaner to try and remove any old build-up of wax or polish.

The dull spots may be places where the wax has been removed. After using such a cleaner according to directions you will have a clearer picture of the condition of the wood. If all the old wax and polish is removed the wood should all look the same. It may even need refinishing, but, if not, you can start using your favorite wax or polish: Unless the drawers are in a deplorable condition wiping out with a damp cloth should be all that is necessary. Use a brush attachment on your vacuum to clean the velvet lined drawer.


Door wards of plants were presented to Mary Roffman, Blanche Abdnour and Dorothy Friederich. Refreshments were served by chairmen, Hildegarde Mizicko and Margaret Mar-sinko, and committee of Helen Halloran, Mary Pouk, Frances Whalen and Mary McGowan. HOMEMADE BREAD AND BUTTER SERVED WITH ALL SPECIALS WHY DO MAYTAGS LAST SO LONG' LESS MOVING PARTS lCHRISTOFF'S EL CAMINO RESTAURANT ATTENTION OTTER CREEK TOWNSHIP VOTERS WRITE-IN CANDIDATE FOR TOWN CLERK VOTE FOR When Margaret Roper Study club met Thursday night in Knights of Columbus clubroomsa plant party was the main event of the evening with Marlene Chiapelli of Granville, in charge. She explained and demonstrated the care of and how to cut to make bushy plants and how to start new plants. Officers led the group in prayer and pledge to the flag.

Leone Schmitt presided at the meeting. Sally Fedor read the treasurer's report and Hulda Gotch read the secretary's report in the absence of Mary Ritter, secretary. Nominating Committee Dorothy Friederich gave the lesson. Her topic was the life of St Joseph. Bea Stassel, Mary Pouk and Mary McGowan were appointed to the nominating committee.

Thank you notes were read from Ceil Howell, Nettie Trompeter and Jean Fornero. Loretta Jaegle reported a get well card had been sent to Helen Manley. It was announced that Charlotte Weiss ANN VENEGONI DEAR POLLY I have to shorten every garment I buy so I wrap the thread 1 ravel out of such hems around a small piece of cardboard (usually there is some sort of tag attached and I use that) and keep all these small cards with different colors of thread. When I have to change the hem in anything I usually have the proper color of thread on hand due to this saving. It may take a bit to find the proper spot but most hems will ravel out and there is a surprising amount of thread and in rather long lengths.

With gift wrapping paper so expensive these days I save all from gifts I receive and iron with a cool iron so it looks almost new and can be used again. MRS. D. DEAR POLLY When a big bag of potato chips is opened and all are not eaten, I fold the top over four times, attach a clothespin or two and the remaining chips stay fresh. MRS.

C.W. DEAR POLLY My water saver is to fill one side of the sink with soapy water and the other with clean hot water. The washed dishes are dropped into the clear hot water to rinse rather than keeping the hot water running as we used to do. I use a bottle washer to clean my coffee pot and a smaller one to clean the spout. Those plastic containers that strawberries come in make great holders for air plants KAREN.

Polly will send you one of her "peachy" thank you cards, ideal for framing or placing in your family scrapbook, if she uses your favorite Pointer, Peeve or Problem in her column Write Polly's Pointers in care of this newspaper. For TOWN CLERK TALKING PRICE! EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT APPRECIATED ELECTION TUESDAY, APRIL Sth Paid For By Ann Venegoni Don't lay an egg this Easter. Clean is in the hospital. Betty Galik was welcomed as a new member and Blanche your carpet with Steamex now. JUST RECEIVED! Truckload Save Save 4 Do it yourself and save! Add years to the Kle of your car pel1 Rent a Steamex It as srn pte to use as a vacuum powe' lets loosen and lift out harmful ground-in dirt that cuts carpel life short Dries quickly' For beauii Dodge D100 SCRATCH 'N DENT pi ckup rpp fut results Rem I I the pro 23 Channel CB CLOSE OUT SALE "AMERICAN EAGLE" ELECTRONICS FRI.

-SAT-SUN. MARCH 25th 27th COBRA 19 59.95 26 99.95 28. 119.95 85 Base 115.00 138 Mobile 150.00 139 Base 195.00 MISCELLANEOUS CBs $44 less than Ford; $58 less than Chevy? TALKING VALUE! This is the working pickup that's got it where it counts. With optional mnma Pi i carpet cleaner Refrigerators And Freezers Ptavtj company STEt a Reg vfeo i 'ad Ma Dodge Trucks Phone 672-6311 payloads up to 1975 pounds. A big list of standard features, including sturdy double-wall construction.

Electronic Ignition. Front disc brakes. And an independent front suspension. Dodge D100, it's the pickup you can count on to do an honest day's work day after day. Price comparisons based on manufacturers' suggested retail prices for base six-cylinder, RCA 14T301 $95.00 Shakespeare 1500 56.00 Shakespeare 2000 69.00 Shakespeare 2500 75.00 See Us Now For A Real Buy! BASE UNITS Green Machine $275.00 6TX 2300 175.00 FLOOR COVERING 115-inch-wheelbase models.

White sidewall tires $43 extra cost. Your Dodge Dealet talking your language! BOB DRYSDALE DODGE 1 20 S. Park St. Streator, III. Hours During Sale: 9:30 a.m.

to 5:30 p.m. OPEN WEEKDAYS KAWIECKI STEREO TV REPAIR 606 Branson St. STREATOR, ILLINOIS APPLEG ATE TV OPEN Blackstone Daily 'til 5 p.m. Phone 672-0109 Mon. Fri.

til 9 p.m. LOUIS MAXINE YUHAS, Prop. 426 E. MAIN ST. (Across From Goodyear) STREATOR, ILL (Formerly Community Liquors) I 9.

The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

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Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.