Stand To! No.1 to No.133 Full Contents Listing (2024)

There are 133 issues of Stand To! Online. Spring 1981 toMarch 2024

There are over 1,852 articles here and a further untold number of additional items in letters to the editor and editor’s news. There are over 2,450 photographs and images and2,700 book reviews - in total approximately12 million words.

The best way by far to browse or to search Stand To! is to visit our Searchable Magazine Archive.

The PDF of the Full Contents listing runs to over 62,000 words over 282 pages. Printing it off is not recommended!

Find articles on the Royal Navy, the Royal Flying Corps / Royal Air Force and the Home Front. There are many features on other theatres of war too, not least Gallipoli, but also the Italian Front, Salonika, South West Africa, the Eastern Front and Russia. In addition, you will find pieces about America’s role in the First World War (65 Articles on the American Expeditionary Force), Ireland's role in the First World War as well as the Dominion Countries such as Australia (38 articles on the Australian Imperial Force), Canada (13), New Zealand (9) Newfoundland (9) and South Africa (3). There have always been perspectives from the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman sides too. How to Research the story of an ancestor and the building blocks of the British Army frequently feature.

  • There are also regular features such as 'The Camera Returns' (Over 114 editions), War Art (over 70 editions) and book reviews featured in the Garrison Library.

With this complete contents listing you can now search, browse, download, even re-edit and compile your own listing.

Stand To! 1-133 Content

Stand To 1 Spring 1981

Editorial Notes (Peter T. Scott)

Serving members of the Western Front Association

Early Days, New Paths and Acknowledgements

Inaugural Meeting: John Terraine's Address. Historian John Terraine berates those who indulge in ‘purely tragic pilgrimages to the Western Front’.

The Loving Care of the CWGC (Richard Dunning)

The Visit to Flanders 9th - 13th November 1980 by John Giles

Chairman's Letter (John Giles)

Welcoming the first issue of Stand To!

A Telegram sent to Buckingham Palace congratulating to His Royal Highness Prince Charles and Lady Diana on their engagement

The WFA neck tie

Secretary’s Notes (Margery Giles)

As of 6th March 1981: Membership 430

From an Observation Post: 1 by Laurie A. Upton

The folly of removing any potentially dangerous explosive items …

The 19 mines on the Messines Ridge, June 1917 - mine number 20 detonated by lightning in July 1955

The explosive compounds are still very active

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed by ‘Obturator’)

‘In writing this and future columns it is my object to provide members with a conspectus of new and forthcoming books relating directly or indirectly to the war on the Western Front. In addition I will draw attention to older books, many no longer in print, that would be of interest to readers and collectors of the history and literature of the Great War in the formation of their libraries.’

  1. Trench Warfare 1914-1918. The Live and Let Live System by Tony Ashworth
  2. Death's Men: Soldiers of the Great War by Denis Winter
  3. Imperial German Army Handbook 1914-1918 by Ian Allan
  4. The Army and Society 1815-1914 by Edward M Spiers
  5. British Military Policy between the Two World Wars by Brian Bond
  6. The Soldiers' Strikes of 1919 by Andrew Rothstein
  7. Lloyd George's Secretariat by John Turner
  8. The Smoke and the Fire by John Terraine (President, The Western Front Association)
  9. The Roses of No Man's Land by Lyn Macdonald

Intelligence Summary

  • Future Meetings
  • Forgotten Memorials
  • Malcolm Brown, BBC documentary film producer ‘The Battle of the Somme’ (1976) and later compiled Tommy Goes to War (1978)
  • Poetry
  • Tours
  • Restoration of Souvenir

Time out of War. Monty Ramplee, 2/4th Royal Berks (Veteran reminiscence)

Recalling a chance encounter in the dark with an old school chum

Information Please

  • Battle of Arras, 1917
  • Wilfred Owen

Stand To! 2 Autumn 1981

Editorial Notes (Hon. Editor Peter T. Scott)

  • Poetry contributions to David Patterson
  • Appeal for contributions

Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay RFA 1916-19 (Part I) (written in 1928 and now first published)



A German 'Wex' flamethrower or Wechselapparat (Exchange Apparatus)

18 jets of flame, each lasting 20 seconds, over approx: 25 metres

Chairman's Letter (John Giles)

A year since ‘measures were taken towards the foundation’ of our Association


Stand To!

Secretary’s Notes (Margery Giles)

As of 21 July 1981 - 654 members of whom: Veterans 115, Life Members 20 (+ 1 Honorary Life Member) and Combined Memberships 32

The Role of the Doughboy in the Current American Renewal by James Brazier

Private Martin A. Treptow

New Paths (I) Unremembered Officers - Lt-Gen Sir Travers Clarke, QMG British Armies in France, 1917-1919 (by A. Frame)

Private Memorials (Richard Dunning)

Towards a complete register of memorials, sites and details

Sapper on the Somme by B J Gill (Veteran reminiscence)

238 Army Troops Company, RE

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed by ‘Obturator’)

  1. A Subject Bibliography of the First World War: Books in English 1914-1978 by A G A Enser
  2. The Donkeys by Alan Clarke
  3. A Guide to the Sources of British Military History by Robin Higham (Ed.)
    1. Land, Sea, Air, Home Front
  4. The Bibliographic Guide to the Two World Wars; an annotated survey of English Language Reference Materials by Gwyn M. Bayliss
  5. English Poetry of the First World War by Catherine W Reilly
  6. A Bibliography of Regimental Histories of the British Army by Arthur S White
  7. The Two World Wars: A Guide to Manuscript Collections in the United Kingdom by S L Mayer and W H Koenig
  8. Der Angriff: A Journal of World War I History by Richard Baumgartner
  9. Fritz: The World War I Memoirs of a German Lieutenant by Richard Baumgartner

Communication Lines (Letters to the editor)

The Work of the CWGC on the Western Front from Bill Anderson, Leeds

Messines Mines from A Spagnoly

Butte de Warlencourt - ‘here is a memorial and a site that should be better preserved, especially considering the significance that the Butte held in the Somme battles’ from W G Caudwell, The Forest School, Horsham.

Intelligence Summary

  • The Royal Wedding, 29th July 1981
  • Future Meetings
  • The Press, Publicity and our Archives

Information Please

Stand To! 3 Winter 1981

Editorial Notes (Honorary Editor: Peter T Scott)

  • 70 years on - the first ‘decade’ anniversaries in which the WFA will play an active role.

Evidence in Camera. A Cautionary Tale by Dr A J Peaco*ck

Porton Revealed (Porton Down)

General View of Porton from the water tower c.1918

Gas Wood in the background

Porton was opened in 1916 as a Royal Engineer Experimental Station dealing with all forms of gas and chemical weapons. (by W.M.B.K)

Chairman's Letter from John Giles

  • Joining our ‘ranks’ and having gained something by doing so.
  • On setting up a ‘film unit’

The Cemetery We Lost by Anthony Spagnoly

Trench Weaponry (1) A German 17cm medium minenwerfer (Peter T. Scott)

  • A German 17cm. Medium minenwerfer
  • A German 24,5cn heavy minenwerfer

Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay, RFA 1916-19 (Part II) (written in 1928 and now first published)

On Foot To The Front by Bill Hogg

WFA Poets by David Patterson

Behind the Lines (1) (Peter T. Scott)

  • A British army printing shop somewhere in France.
  • Possibly GHQ, Montreuil in 1918

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Butte de Warlencourt
  • WFA Ypres Tour

Intelligence Summary

  • Restoration of Souvenirs
  • Trench Map Service
  • Aerial Propaganda
  • WW1 Courses
  • The Annual General Meeting

Information Please

Stand To! 4 Spring 1982

Editorial Notes

This 1st anniversary edition carries an additional 4 pages for articles and veteran member memoirs ...

Rescue, Restoration and Preservation: 1916 Clyno Motorcycle

Stand To! Exists to provide a forum for the expression of views of Members on any aspect of the war in France and Flanders and life on the Home Front.

Siege Battery Gunner by Len Thomas

Royal Artillery

The Royal Flying Corps 1915-1916 by Christopher Cole

Lt. Wynne-Eyton

Lt. Davey 2, Sqn, 13th Siege Battery

Behind the Lines (2) Chinese Labour Corps - Weihaiwei, North-East Coast Shantung Peninsula, China (Peter T. Scott)

Chairman's Letter

Imagine what troops would be living through at this time of year

Ypres Tour 1981

New Members

30th Anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne

Home Front (1) Two young soldiers of the KRRC (Peter T. Scott)

WFA Poets by David Patterson

New Paths (II) by Martin Pegler

Unknown Raiders or Not Every Pictures Tells A Story by W Alex Frame

Captioning photographs and images grabbed from movie reels

A letter from S D Badsey, Department of Information Retrieval, Imperial War Museum

Hand-Made Kit by R F Bridger

A trench-made Primus Stove and lighter (with photographs)

L/Cpl R F Bridger, ASC, attached 277 Siege Battery Ammunition Column

Trench Weaponry (2) Colonel Newton's Mortars (Peter T. Scott)

Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay, RFA 1916-1919 (written in 1928 and now first published) (Part III)

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Battle: Passchendaele 1917: Evidence of War's Reality by Paul Wombell
  2. The Old Contemptibles: A Photographic History of the British Expeditionary Force, August to December 1914 by Keith Simpson
  3. The Mons Star. The British Expeditionary Force 5th Aug - 22nd November 1914 by David Ascoli
  4. The Little Field Marshal: Sir John French by Richard Holmes
  5. The Diary of a Dead Officer by Arthur Graeme West
  6. Some Desperate Glory by John Terraine
  7. The Czar's British Squadron by Bryan Perrett
  8. The Boilerplate War by John Foley
  9. Amiens 1918 by Gregory Blaxland
  10. Military ‘Sweetheart’ Brooches by K W Jarmin
  11. Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty - The First World War through the eyes of the Heraldic China Manufacturers by Roberth Southall
  12. Popular Arts of the First World War by Barbara Jones and Bill Howell (reviewed by James Brazier)

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Thanks for the Remembrance Day Tour
  • Moving the lawns and cleaning headstones by the CWGC from S Campbell, MC, Director of Information Service, Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Intelligence Summary

  • List of Donors to WFA Funds
  • WFA Pullovers

Information Please

Stand To! 5 Summer 1982

Editorial Notes

  • On contributions, ‘write whatever you like’, results of the 1981 survey of members and ‘Battlefield Reports’ as landmarks are knocked down and craters filled.

The Navy on Wheels: No 15 Squadron, Royal Naval Armoured Car Division

Lochnagar Crater Pilgrimage by Richard Dunning

Gratitude expressed to the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission by Richard Dunning

New Paths III. Questions and Answers by Peter T. Scott

Response in the 1981 Member Survey to Question 7:

“Is there any particular aspect of the war that you would like to see covered by an article or articles in Stand To! ?"

  • Artillery
  • War Artists
  • Hand Grenades
  • War Pensions
  • Previously unpublished first-hand accounts of the war on the Western Front
  • RFC & RAF
  • Tunnelling
  • Views from ‘the other side’
  • Tanks
  • Life Behind the Lines
  • Clearing up Army
  • Trench routine and weapons
  • The Generals
  • Medical Service
  • Military Prisons
  • French Army Mutinies
  • The Machine Gun Corps
  • Ireland during the war
  • The use of Cavalry
  • The work of the Salvation Army and other civilian organisations on the Western Front
  • A guide to the Public Record Office

Home Front (2) Bomb Disposal, 1916 (photographs)

Chairman's Letter by John Giles

  • 1,000 members
  • Remembering Archie Stanley, the last surviving ‘Old Contemptible’

The Battle of Loos: an eye-witness account of the attack on Hill 70 by Harry Fellows

Signal Moment by Fred Dixon

  • Signaller in the Woking Company of the Church Lads Brigade
  • 2/1st Surrey Yeomanry

Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay 1916-19: Part IV (written in 1928 and now first published)

Trench Weaponry (3) The West Spring Gun by Peter T. Scott

The Directorate of Fortification and Works at the War Office in 1914

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed by ‘Obturator’)

  1. Mametz: Lloyd George's 'Welsh Army' at the Battle of the Somme by Colin Hughes
  2. Terriers in the Trenches: The Post Office Rifles at War 1914-1918 by Charles Messenger
  3. White Heat. The New Warfare by John Terraine
  4. The First of the Few: Fighter Pilots of the First World War by Denis Winter
  5. The Official History of Australia in the War 1914-1918 by C E W Bean
  6. A Short History of World War I by James L Stokesbury
  7. Military Badges of the British Empire by Reginald H W Cox
  8. Fallen on the Somme. The War Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Harold Harding Linnell, MC edited by M A Argyle
  9. Critical analysis of Death’s Men by Denis Winter

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

J B McDowell and Geoffrey Malins - Dr S D Badsey

Feedback on the WFA Somme Tour

Information Please

Roll of Honour - Four veteran members remembered

Death of William C. Lambert DFC, 24 Squadron RFC/RAF

Stand To! 6 Winter 1982

Editorial Notes

Photographic contributions: cropping of images and a request for pictures from Members. Peter T. Scott

Machine Guns:

Mle O7 Sainte-Etienne

Hotchkiss gun (Mle 14)

One-man range-finder

A Bavarian Returns by Richard Baumgartner

George Maier, 1st Bavarian Infantry, 3rd Machine-gun company

An attack on Jussy, Crozat Canal 22 March 1918

WFA Poets edited by David Patterson

Chairman's Letter by John Giles

Seven unknown soldiers dug-up on the ‘old’ Western Front whose sense of duty and motivations interest us.

Per Ardua Astra by Fred Dixon

Witness to air action over Poperginge and Menin, summer 1918

Red Farm Cemetery, Brandhoek. April-May 1918 46 British soldiers and 3 Civilians buried

Light Railways of the BEF: 3

The Taking of Thiepval - a personal account by R G Emmett

New Paths IV Records of the Great War at the PRO: Part I by Peter T.Scott

The creation, and later ‘weeding’ and destruction of thousands of tons of documents

Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay, RFA 1916-19 (written in 1928 now first published) Part V.

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed by ‘Obturator’)

  1. The Illustrated London News Social History of the First World War by James Bishop
  2. Behind the Lines: One Woman's War 1914-1918. The Letters of Caroline Ethel Cooper by Caroline Ethel Cooper. A detailed and intimate picture of the war’s effects on the German civilian population
  3. War Against War: British and German Radical Movements in the First World War by F L Carsten
  4. A Higher Form of Killing. The Story of Gas and Germ Warfare by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman
  5. The British Service Lee: The Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield Rifles and Carbines 1880-1960 by Ian Skennerton
  6. A Guide to Military Museums by Terence Wise
  7. My Grandfather's War: Canadians Remember in the First World War by William D Mathieson
  8. The Aeroplanes of the Royal Flying Corps by J M Bruce

Home Front (3) Home Defence: 2nd (Home Service) Garrison Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, August 1917

Communication Lines

  • John Giles and the WFA - a well-fashioned and yet adaptable instrument for the future from Michael Brewer, Faversham, Kent.
  • Cropping Photographs

Intelligence Summary

Clearing the Butte de Warlencourt and placing memorials there August 1982 marking the work of The Western Front Association and Souvenir Francais

Developments at the Imperial War Museum: acquiring HMS Belfast, opening Duxford and planning for repairs and expansion.

Information Please

Stand To! 7 Spring 1983

Editorial Notes

Improvements in layout, largelly in-house, increasing budget, pages from 16 to 24 pages

Communication Lines

Letters to the Editor, and letters sent to the Editor meant for other officers of The Western Front Association

No advertising in this issue - hopefully in feature editions

Behind The Lines (4) Prisoners at Play: Prisoner of War Troupe with an short explanation of the developing employment of PoWs by the BEF for a range of tasks and purposes and how such postcards came to be produced and sent home to Germany (Peter T. Scott)

The Generals. John Terraine's 1982 WFA Address

  • Sir John French
  • Sir Douglas Haig
  • Sir William Robertson

WFA Poets: Poetry Editor David Patterson

Chairman's Letter by John Giles

  • Spring reflections on the men who served and died, were doing their duty and expected ‘no fuss’.

National Army Museum Meeting

New Paths (IV) Records of the Great War at the P.R.O Part II The War Office by Peter T.Scott

Trench Weaponry (4) The Mills Grenade by Peter T.Scott

  • Hill 60 and High Wood from the Air
  • Looking South West over High Wood and London Cemetery

Wings Over Flanders by John Giles

Home Front (4) 220th Brigade by Peter T.Scott

Feeding the Guns (Part VI) Lt F H MacKay RFA 1916-19 (written in 1928 and now first published)

Cover Story: Diary of the 1st Scots Guards (2nd Guards Brigade Guards Division)

From Contemporary Sources (I) German 1918 Pattern Automatic Pistol-Gun

Reminiscence by Jack Dorgan

  • Taking a prisoner, who had already escaped twice, across the country

Per Ardua Ad Astra (Part II) by Fred Dixon

  • Explosion of the Ammunition Dump at Brandhoek 27 April 1918

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Ypres 1914-1918 by Les Coate
  2. Contemporary Accounts of the First World War by John Simkin
  3. Hull to the Somme. The Diary of Pte James Tait, 10th Bn East Yorkshire Regiment
  4. Dunbartonshire Men at the Front War Diaries of the 9th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders by James Forrester
  5. Holt’s Battlefield Tours by Tonie and Valmai Holt
  6. Armageddon Road. A VCs Diary 1914-1916 by Billy Congreve edited by Terry Norman
  7. A Peculiar Kind of Politics: Canada’s Overseas Ministry in the First World War by Desmond Morton
  8. Room 40. British Naval Intelligence 1914-18 by Patrick Beesly
  9. No Heroes No Cowards by Hawtin Mundy
  10. Fire Over England: The German Air Raids of World War I by G H Castle
  11. Letters to Veronica Stanley by H H Asquith edited by Michael and Eleanor Brock
  12. Fire Power. British Army Weapons and Theories of War 1904-1945 by Shelford Bidwell and Dominick Graham
  13. The Eye in the Air. History of Air Observation and Reconnaissance by the Army by Peter Mead
  14. Quartered in Hell. The American North Russian Expeditionary Force 1918-1919 by Denis Gordon

Intelligence Summary

  • Military, Naval and Air Records
  • The Special Amateur Commemorative Radio Club at Ypres, broadcasting 9-12 November since 1973
  • Roses for Sir John French’s memorial
  • A new gallery at the NAM

Information Please

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Campsite at Truex, Somme recommended by Tony Spagnoly

Stand To! 8 Summer 1983

Editorial Notes

  • Anniversary Issues - Cartographer Needed
  • New Contributors Start Here

Behind the Lines (5) 51 Siege Battery (Photograph: P T Scott)

My Experiences in the Great War by Clarrie Jarman

WFA Poets

The Five Caribou by Joy A Cave

  • A postcard of the original log cabin built for the Warden of Beaumont Hamel Memorial Park in 1927 (Postcards P T Scott)

A First Visit to the Battlefields (Beaumont Hamel) by Don Cook

Chairman's Letter

Home Front (5) Bakery Section (Peter T. Scott)

The Territorial Infantry Divisions by Colonel Terry Cave

Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay, RFA 19160191

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Joe's War. Memoirs of a Doughboy by Joseph Rizzi (reviewed by James Brazier)
  2. God on our Side. The British Padres in World War by Michael Moynihan (reviewed by ‘Obturator’)
  3. Somme by Lyn Macdonald (reviewed by ‘Obturator’)
  4. China on the Western Front. Britain's Chinese Workforce in the First World War by Michael Summerskill (Reviewed by Peter T Scott)
  5. For the Sake of Example by Judge Anthony Babington (reviewed by ‘Obturator’)
  6. The Last Summer. May to September 1914 by Kirsty McLeod
  7. The Eye of Intelligence by Ursula Powys-Lybbe (reviewed by ‘Obturator’)
  8. The Best of Fragments from France by Tonie and Valmai Holt (Eds.) (reviewed by James Brazier)
  9. Periodical publications

Reminiscence by Jack Dorgan

Intelligence Summary

  • Roll of Honour - Seven Veteran Members remembered
  • Intelligence Corps Museum
  • National Army Museums new gallery

Communication Lines

  • Taking Issue with John Terraine’s address on The Generals
  • The departure of menfolk from to villages based on a study of two memorials in North Bovey, Devon

Cover Story - Stormtrooper by Richard A. Baumgartner (Photograph: James Brazier)

Information Please

Stand To! 9 Winter 1983

Editorial Notes

  • British Bias
  • Veterans: 1914-1984

Christmas Messages

I Vowed by Margaret & Ian Ronson

The New Army Divisions by Colonel Terry Cave

Chairman's Letter

A Yorkshire 'Terrier' by Norman Terrier

Home Front (6) Grenville Fort

Art at the Front: Muirhead Bone 'Tanks' by Julian Freeman

Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay, RFA 1916-1919

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. World War I Army Ancestry by Norman H Holding
  2. The Bottom of the Barrel by F A J Taylor
  3. The War Walk: A Journey along the Western Front by Nigel H Jones
  4. British Regiments 1914-1918 by Brigadier E A James
  5. British Propaganda during the First World War 1914-1918 by M L Sanders and Philip M Taylor
  6. Delville Wood by Ian Uys
  7. The Profession of Arms by General Sir John Hackett
  8. Catalogue of Airdropped Facsimile Postal Stationery by R G Auckland
  9. Kent's Listening Ears. Britain's First Early Warning System by David G Collyer

The Homecoming

Intelligence Summary. Roll of Honour - deaths of veteran members

  • Western Front Violin
  • The new WFA Standard

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Cemetery Registers
  • The Generals
  • Newfoundland Casualties
  • ST/8 Territorial Divisions
  • Horse Memorials
  • Beaumont Hamel, 1929
  • 1914-1984

Information Please

Chairman: John Giles

Chairman's Letter - tendering his resignation

Stand To! 10 Spring 1984

Chairman’s Letter

  • George Ashurst wrote of playing in an International: England Vs German, Christmas 1914
  • John Giles tendered his resignation
  • Responses from John Glubb and John Terraine

Editorial Notes

  • John Giles
  • Editorial Advisor USA

Transportation (1) (Photograph P T Scott)

With France. The 'WF' Plan and the Genesis of the Western Front by General Sir Percy Radcliffe KCB, KCMG, CB, DSO (Edited with an introduction and notes, by Peter T. Scott)

The Regular Army Divisions by Colonel Terry Cave, CBE

The View from the War Office. A Preliminary Extract from the Previously Unpublished War Diary of General Sir Charles Deedes, KCB, CMG, DSO (Edited with an introduction and notes, by Peter T. Scott)

"Are You Ready for War"? The Practice Mobilization of No.5 Squadron, RFC - April, 1914 by Peter T. Scott

Intelligence Summary

  • Roll of Honour - Five veteran members remembered
  • Commercial Tours of the Battlefields

Transportation (2) Photograph P T Scott

Five Years in Fieldgray by Richard A Baumgartner

Reflections on the Faces of 14-18 by Richard Dunning

The Western Front - A Plea for Understanding by John Terraine

To War by Timetable Colonel A M Henniker, CBE (Introduction P T Scott)

Garrison Library (First World War book reviews)

  1. For the Sake of Example. Capital Courts Martial 1914-1920 by Anthony Babington (Reviewed by Julian Sykes)
  2. Memoirs of a Signaller by Harold Charles Hinckfuss
  3. Officers Died in the Great War 1914-1919
  4. The First World War 1914-1918 by John Terraine
  5. Byng of Vimy. General and Governor General by Jeffrey Williams
  6. Lloyd George and the Generals by David R Woodward
  7. Eugene Esmonde, VC by Chaz Bowyer
  8. Beyond the Dams to the Tirpitz by Andrew Hendrie
  9. Seek and Strike: The Lockheed Hudson in World War II
  10. Military Operations: France and Belgium
  11. The WFA Trench Map Service
  12. Editor of Garrison Library ‘Obturator’ re-assesses For the Sake of Example by Anthony Babington (reviewed above)

The WFA Trench Map Service by Miss Effie Lund

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Cemetery Registers / The Morality of Battlefield Archaeology
  • Alnwick Camp
  • Battlefield Archaeology
  • New Army Divisions
  • The WFA. A Personal View

The Mk.VI Webley Service Revolver by Martin C Pegler

Information Please

Stand To! 11 Summer 1984

Special Introduction to 1984

John Terraine: 1984 Anniversary

John Giles: Prelude to 1984

Terry Cave: 70 years ago

Editorial Notes

Expanded issue to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War

  • Binders
  • Air Mail Delivery

New Chairman's Letter: Terry Cave

  • Recruited via signing the Y Ravine cemetery visitor’s book and giving his full address.
  • What caught his interest in the Great War
  • First visit to the Western Front with his father

View from GHQ. The Second Part of the War Diary of General Sir Charles Deedes KCB, CMG, DSO (Part II) edited, with notes, by Peter T. Scott

Le Cateau, St. Quentin, Vieux Berquin Postcards/Photographs P T Scott and IWM

1914: The Memoirs of a Territorial by Jack Dorgan

From Deepcut to France by Brigadier G E W Franklyn (introduction by P T Scott) Postcards/Photographs P T Scott

British Mobilization 1914 Prints/Photographs P T Scott

England Mobilises, Whitehall, Bank Holiday Tuesday, 4th August 1914

Crowds, Whitehall, Bank Holiday Tuesday, 4th August 1914

The Yeomanry Mobilize Prints/Photographs P T Scott

Port R Rouen - August 1914 by Peter Scott

Photographs Roger-Viollet

German Mobilization by Richard Baumgartner

The Wagoner's Special Reserve by Dr H N Young

1914: The Memoirs of a Volunteer by Harry Fellows: C Company, 12th (Service) Battalion, The Northumberland Fusiliers

  • From age 13 working for a firm of bicycle manufacturers
  • Eldest of four orphans in 1914
  • No entitlement to benefits when working part of the week
  • Unable to pay board and lodgings
  • Joined up with a work friends 1 September ‘to ease financial problems’
  • Fancied a long ride on a train: Northumberland Fusiliers (as Newcastle United were a good football team)

WFA Poets by S J Brophy

A Gunner at Le Cateau extracts from a diary of the retreat by Colonel E L B Anderson, CBE, DSO (Introduction by Peter T. Scott)

  • The 2/Coldstream Prepare, Victoria Barracks (Photo P T Scott)

The Diary of an Old Contemptible by CQMS H J Hopper 2nd Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps (Edited by Peter T. Scott)

  • Entente Cordiale, Filling Water bottles (Postcard: P T Scott)

A Diary of the Retreat from Mons. Captain N B C B Grounds, 1st Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) (Edited by Peter T. Scott)

  • Lieutenant M R Sweet-Escott, 1st Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment) (Photo P T Scott)

Mobilization Miscellany

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. A Guide to Military Museums by Terrence Wise
  2. Military Operations: France and Belgium 1914 (Vol .1)
  3. The Hell They Called High Wood by Terry Norman
  4. Twice in a Lifetime by M L Walkinton

‘Obturator’ the reviewer of books for the Garrison Library tackles complaints over his style and approach - all correspondence to the Editorial Address (Peter T Scott)

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • From our Founder - thanks for letters regarding his needing to resign as Chairman
  • WFA Somme Tour
  • Shot at Dawn: Review of For the Sake of Example by Julian Sykes
    • ‘Obturator’ critical of this letter and the letter writer’s qualifying comments
  • Cemetery Registers/The Morality of Battlefield Archaeology
  • Hon. Editor on the British Employment of horses during the war
  • John Terraine's 1983 Address
  • Remarks on an article in the Sunday Express by John Laffin that led to an increased in WFA membership by 457
  • The British mine east of Plugstreet Wood from A F Spagnoly

Intelligence Summary

Information Please

Stand To! 12 Winter 1984

Christmas Messages

  • From our Founder: John Giles
  • From our Patron: John Grubb
  • From our Chairman: Terry Cave
  • From our Honorary President: John Terraine
  • From Herbert Sulzbacj, OBE - from ‘the other side’ - two countries reconciled

Editorial Notes

  • Honorary Vice-President: General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley

Emil & Franz: Pilot and Observer in the German Air Service by Richard Baumgartner

  • Unteroffizier Robert Niemann - Flieger Abteilung (A) 250
  • Lt. Peter von Ustinow - Observer

The Diary of an Old Contemptible by CQMS H J Hopper 2nd Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps

John Henry Stephen ‘Jack’ Dimmer VC, MC by David J Harrison

Picked for the Machine Gun: An Instructor's Story by Don Cook

Christmas in Plugstreet: The London Rifle Brigade, Christmas 1914

Truce between 11th Brigade and the German 40th (4th Saxon) Division

The View from GHQ. The Third Part of the War Diary of General Sir Charles Deedes, KCB, CMG, DSO Edited, with notes, by Peter T Scott

An Officer's Letters from 1914: Captain Lord James Stewart-Murray by Bruce C Cazel

  • Captain Lord James Thomas Stewart-Murray Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders

Who? Where? When? Detective work on a war photograph (Photograph P T Scott)

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Gun Fire by Dr A J Peaco*ck (reviewed by Peter T. Scott)
  2. The Red Horizon by Patrick MacGill
  3. The Air Defence of Britain 1914-1918 by Christopher Cole & E F Cheeseman
  4. Letters from a Volunteer by Charles St.G Cook
  5. Raising and Training the New Armies by Basil Williams (1918)
  6. The Kitchener Armies by V W Germains (1930)
  7. British Army Proficiency Badges by Denis Edwards & David Langley
  8. Christmas Truce by Malcolm Brown & Shirley Seaton
  9. Two Newfoundland VCs by Joy B Cave
  10. The VCs of Wales and the Welsh Regiments by Alister Williams
  11. Landships. British Tanks in the First World War by David Fletcher
  12. Somme by Lyn Macdonald

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

WFA Poets

Intelligence Summary. Roll of Honour - deaths of veteran members

  • German Private Museum
  • Army Records Society

Information Please

Chairman: Colonel Terry Cave

Deputy Chairman: Peter T Scott

Hon. Treasurer: Paul Foster

Historical Information Officer: Colonel Terry Cave

Veteran Pilgrimage

Veteran Memoir

Stand To! 13 Spring 1985

Editorial Notes

  • Troubles with copies of ST/11 and ST/12 not reaching their destinations

Home Front (7) The New Armies (Photographs by P.T.Stott)

Relearning the Lessons. John Terraine's 1984 5th Annual WFA Address

I Did It My Way by Harry Fellows: 12/Northumberland Fusiliers (62nd Brigade, 21st Division)

  • Veterans at the Thiepval Memorial Service, 1 July 1984

Emil & Franz: German Air Services Pilot and Observer by Richard Baumgartner

German Air Service (Luftstreitkrafte)

  • Hauptmann Wolfgang Zorer
  • Vizefeldwebel Josef Schleiffer

The Indian Army Corps by Colonel Terry Cave, CBE (photos P T Stott)

  • Lahore Division
  • 15th Ludhiana Sikhs
  • Gurkha Rifles
  • Indian Muleteers

Captain R B Hodson. A Record of Service by Anthony Spagnoly

  • The Somme 1916
  • Ypres Salient 1916-1917
  • Third Battle of Ypres 1917
  • The Battle of Menin Road

The View from GHQ. The Fourth Part of the Diary of General Sir Charles Deedes, KCB, CMG, DSO edited, with notes, by Peter T. Stoff

Second Ypres - 70th Anniversary by Fred Gaffen (Historical Researcher at the Canadian War Museum)


Gas!! No.8 Casualty Clearing Station (Second Army)

Lieutenant J W NcNee, in charge of Mobile Laboratory No. 3

Field Punishment. Some Correspondence and Notes

An exchange between Peter T Scott, Hon Editor Stand To! And Dr A J Peaco*ck regarding an essay on Field Punishment in Gun Fire No.2

An exchange also on the nature, purpose, priorities and opportunities of Stand To!

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. John Masefield's Letters from the Front 1915-1917 by John Masefield
  2. Britain, America and the Sinews of War 1914-1919 by Kathleen Burk
  3. The Scaremongers. The Advocacy of War and Rearmament 1896-1914 by A J A Morris
  4. Behind the Lines. East London Labour 1914-1919 by Julia Bush
  5. 1918. The Last Act by Barrie Pit
  6. The First World War 1914-1918 by John Terraine
  7. British Divisions in the Great War by Robin Spaight

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

WFA Poets

Intelligence Summary. Roll of Honour - deaths of veteran members

Information Please

Summer 1985

The Founder & Vice-President: John Giles

Chairman: Ted Smith

Deputy Chairman: David Cohen

Advert: The Great War Exhibition of Drawings and Paintings - David Cohen

Then and now young recruit and veteran 70+ years later: Alec Stringer

Stand To! 14 Summer 1985

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Home Front (8) Land Army: The Woman’s Land Army / Women’s Forestry Corps and Forage Corps (Drawing: P T Scott Collection)

My Experiences in the Great War by Alec Stringer as told to James Brazier

The Agony of Loos by Don Cook including an unpublished letter by Br-General D G M Campbell (Commanding 6th Cavalry Brigade, 1914-1916) giving his account of action from 26 to 29 September 1915

  • General Sir David Campbell GCB (1869-1936)

Emil and Franz: pilot and observer in German Air Service by Richard Baungartner

  • Oberleutnant Friedrich Ritter von Krausser CO Bavarian Schutzstaffel 23
  • Vizefeld Theor Weidner, pilot Schutzstafferl 23

Gas Warfare. The British Defensive Measures: The Second Battle of Ypres by Simon Jones by Simon Jones

Part I: The Second Battle of Ypres

Precautions against Asphyxiating Gases

The Indian Army Corps (Part II) by Colonel Terry Cave, CBE

Order of Battle of Divisions

  • The Indian Army Corps.
  • The Indian Cavalry Corps
  • & Their Divisions in France, 1914-1918
  • 3rd (Lahore) Division
  • 7th (Meerut) Division
  • 1st Indian Cavalry Division
  • 4th Cavalry Division
  • 2nd Indian Cavalry Division
  • 5th Cavalry Division

The Lincoln Tank Group by R E Dryden

The Lewis Gun by Martin Pegler

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. A Nation in Arms. A social study of the British Army in the First World War By Ian F W Beckett and Keith Simpson (Eds.)
  2. A Time To Leave the Ploughshare. A Gunner Remembers 1917-1918 by William Carr
  3. The Location of the British Army Records by Norman Holding
  4. Petain. Hero or Traitor. The Untold Story by Herbert R Lottman
  5. Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson and the Guilt of Germany. An essay in the pre-history of Appeasem*nt by A Lentin
  6. Facing Total War: German Society 1914-1918 by Jurgen Kocka
  7. The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 by C E W Bean
  8. Gallipoli 1915: Pens, Pencils and Cameras at War by Peter H Liddle
  9. Some Desperate Glory: The Diary of a Young Officer by Edwin Campion Vaughan
  10. The Carlton Colville Chronicle by Canon R A Bignold
  11. From Hell to the Himalayas by Colonel C F Hodgson
  12. The King’s Shilling; The Life and times of Lord Kitchener of Khartoum by Richard Kellet
  13. The Battle of the Scheldt by W Denis Whitaker & Shelagh Whitaker
  14. Templer: Tiger of Malaya: The Life of Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templer by John Cloake
  15. Yes, Your Excellency by V E O Stevenson-Hamilton
  16. Books We Need: Fortunino Matania - suggested by Bob Grundy

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Indian Corps VC
  • Field Punishment
  • John Terraine and the 50th Division of 1918 and 1944

Intelligence Summary

  • Roll of Honour - Nine veteran members remembered
  • IWM News
  • Labour Corps

Information Please

Stand To! 15 Winter 1985

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Home Front (9): London: A birds-eye view of the Ministry of Munitions temporary Charing Cross Buildings in 1917 on the Savoy Gardens (Victoria Embankment)

The War Office 'Old' and 'New' by P T Scott

  • Inside the War Office: Previously unpublished photographs (11 pages) pp15-29
  • Director of Graves Registration & Enquires - photos and facsimiles P T Scott (14 pages) pp29-43

The Staff of the BEF: The Myth? The Reality (11 pages) pp15-56

Divisions at Rest: Company Commanders, Course, Doullens 1917 by F A Baker

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Echoes of the Great War. The Reverend Andrew Clark 1914-1919 by Rev. Andrew Clark
  2. Q Ships by Carson La Ritche
  3. From Mons to Messines and Beyond. The Great War Experiences of Sergeant Charles Arnold by Charles Arnold
  4. The Burgoyne Diaries by Gerald Achilles Burgoyne
  5. 'Don't be a Soldier!' The Radical Anti-War Movement in North London by Ken Weller
  6. The Kitchener Enigma by Trevor Boyle
  7. British Food Policy by L Margaret Barnet
  8. Great Uncle Fred's War, an illustrated diary 1917-1920 by Fred Mills
  9. The German Poets of the First World War by Patrick Bridgwater
  10. Winged Victory by V M Yeats
  11. Flying Corps Headquarters 1914-1918 by Maurice Baring
  12. The Onslaught: The German Drive to Stalingrad: documented in 150 unpublished colour photographs from the German Archive for Art and History forward by Max Hastings
  13. God of War by John Toland
  14. The Unknown Army. Mutinies in the British Army in World War I by Douglas Gill and Gloden Dallas

Communication Lines (Letters from the Editor)

  • Field Punishments
  • Reply by A J Peaco*ck to the ‘splenetic reply’ by P T Scott in ST!13
  • John Terraine, the 50th Division and the failure to learn from the successes of the First World War in the Second
  • Riots of Canadian Troops
  • Glasgow Highlanders

Intelligence Summary: Roll of Honour - Seven veteran members remembered

  • The Youngest killed
  • Tunnels at Zonnebeke

Information Please

Spring 1986

Chairman: Charles E Thompson

Deputy Chairman: David A Cohen

Hon Treasurer: James Brazier

Press & Publicity Officer: David Filsell

Stand To! 16 Spring 1986

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Seeking Member or members to take on the editorial role for Stand To!

Emil & Franz: Leutnant Erich von Neindorf by Richard Baumgartner

On Cycles to War by David J Filsell

A Sopwith for Shuttleworth: As the Northern Aeroplane Workshops Sopwith Triplane nears completion Chris Page provides a summary of the project

Sopwith Triplanes

Horse Memories by Victor Hogben

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. On the Western Front. Soldiers' stories from France and Flanders by John Laffin
  2. Aspects of Conflict 1916 by Peter H. Liddle
  3. Home Fires and Foreign Fields. British Social and Military Experience in the First World War by Peter H. Liddle (Ed.)
  4. America and World War I by David R Woodward and Robert Franklin Maddox
  5. The Recollections of Three Manchesters in the Great War from conversations recorded with Frank Heaton by Sue Richardson (Ed.)
  6. The Tragedy of Sir John French by George H. Cassar
  7. Selected Letters by Wilfred Owen
  8. The Collected Poems by Charles Hamilton Sorely
  9. Charles Hamilton Sorely by Jean Moorcroft Wilson
  10. Isaac Rosenberg. Poet and Painter by Jean Moorcroft Wilson

WFA Poets

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Pte J E Plowright 10/Queens W.Surrey
  • Canadian Demobilisation Riots
  • Tanks
  • Tunnels

Intelligence Notes

  • 46th (North Midlands) Division
  • Mametz Wood Memorial Fund
  • Stand To! reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement

Information Please

Stand To! 17 Summer 1986

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Lieutenant-General Sir John Glubb KCB, CMG, DSO, OBE, MC (1897-1986) Patron of the Western Front Association. Obituary reprinted from The Times

  • A Personal Memory. Air Commodore R H S Spaight
  • A Tribute by Colonel Terry Cave
  • Farewell to Sir John Glubb by John Giles

'Did the rations in the dark': Extracts from the 1916 Diary of Q.M.S. W.R.Rickets edited by Don Cook

Q744 : George Ashurst by R B Grundy - Men of the 1st Lancashire Fusiliers fixing bayonets in the trenches opposite Beaumont Hammel Maps of the Great War at the P.R.O (The Camera Returns) by R B 'Bob' Grundy

  • Remembered by Corporal George Ashurst, 1st Lancashire Fusiliers
  • Standing on the exact spot where the photograph was taken
  • Acknowledgements to Dr A J Peaco*ck and Dr. S Badsey

Maps of the Great War at The P.R.O. by I Mumford (lately principal Map Research Officer MOD)

In the Furnace of Verdun by Karl Heimgartner translated and edited by R A Baugartner

Craven's Part in the Great War by William Turner

On the Somme: Behind the German Lines - Gommecourt Château, Pozières, Bazentine le Petit, Combles.

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed) by 'Obturator'

  1. Holt's Battlefield Guides by T & V Holt
  2. The 'Accrington Pals' The 11th (Service) Battalion (Accrington). East Lancashire Regiment, A Pictorial History by William Turner
  3. The Poisonous Cloud. Chemical Warfare in the First World War by L F Haber
  4. Silvertown 1917 by Michael Paris
  5. The Great War and the French People by Jean-Jacques Becker
  6. Captain Stormont Gibbs: From the Somme to the Armistice edited by Richard Devonald-Lewis
  7. The Long March. The Story of 'The Devil's Own' B/210 (Burnley) Battery, Royal Field Artillery by Jack Horsfall
  8. The Diary of the World War I Cavalry Officer by Br General Sir Archibald Home
  9. Longueval by Ian Uys
  10. With a Machine Gun to Cambrai by George Coppard
  11. To Win a War 1918. The Year of Victory by John Terraine
  12. The Middle Part of Fortunes: Somme and Ancre 1916 by Frederick Manning
  13. The Somme Then and Now by John Giles
  14. The Great War and the British People by J M Winter
  15. Old Battles and New Defences by Corelli Barnett et al
  16. Stars in a Dark Night. The Letters of Ivor Gurney: 2/5 Gloucesters
  17. Finding out about Fighting in World War I by Stephen Hoare
  18. History of the Great War based on Official Documents: Order of Battle of Divisions I - The Regular British Divisions
  19. Attack. An Infantry subalterns impressions of 1 July 1916 by Edward Liveing

WFA Poets

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • The Battle of Arras
  • Statistics
  • Rifle Grenades
  • Haig's Headquarters when C in C by John Terraine

Intelligence Summary

  • 1982 Memorial Stone at Tower Hamlets
  • The IWM Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme
  • Roll of Honour - 18 Veteran Members Remembered

Information Please

Winter 1986

Chairman: Charles E Thompson

Deputy Chairman: David Cohen

Historical Information Officer: Terry Cave

(Founding) Hon. Editor: Peter T Scott - 6 years, 18 issues

Deputy Hon. Editor designate: R W Butcher

Deputy Hon. Editor designate: Lieut-Colonel R J ‘Bob’ Wyatt

Stand To! 18 Winter 1986

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Issue of a piece on the London Fire Brigade at Ploegstreet in late 1914
  • WFA Chairman Charles E Thompson
  • Stand To! Editor Peter T Scott retires after six years.
  • New editor R W Butcher and Deputy Editor Colonel R J Wyatt (For 30 years?)

Toplis, Etaples & 'The Monocled Mutineer'

Combat Command on the Western Front by Julian Putkowski (Historical Adviser to the recent BBC TV Series)

Francis Percy Toplis

Map of Etaples - Some Notes

Combat Command on the Western Front. Perspectives of America Officers by Captain Harold E Raugh JR USA

Survivors. Vignettes of the German Experience on the Somme

  • Leipzig Salient 1 - 7 July
  • Delville Wood - Ginchy: 1st Company, 19th Bavarian Infantry Regiment (5th Bavarian Division)
  • Rancourt 27 September - 3 October: 3rd Company 186th Infantry Regiment, 185th Division
  • Sailly-Saillisel 14-30 October: 1st Bavarian Infantry Regiment

Whispers from Wye: Wye Aerodrome, Near Ashford Kent 1916-1919 by David G Collyer

Wounded on the Somme by H C Bateman, 6th Battalion, Royal West Kent Regiment related to H P H Davies

Home Front related by Mrs J R Bateman: Women's Land Army to H P H Davies

Canada on the Somme: 70th Anniversary by Fred Gaffen

More from the War Office: Photo Gallery

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Blast of War. A History of Nottingham's Bantams, 15th (S) Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, 1915-1919 by Maurice Bacon and David Langley
  2. Indian Cavalry Officer 1914-1915 by Captain Roly Grimshaw
  3. The Great War and the British People by J M Winter
  4. The Army and the Curragh Incident by Dr Ian F W Beckett
  5. Island at War, the remarkable role played by the small Maux nation in the Great War 1914-18 by Margery West
  6. The Forgotten Front: Bristol at War 1914-1918 by James Belsey
  7. Military Operations: France and Belgium, 1916 by Brigadier-General Sir James Edmonds
  8. Most Dangerous Women: Peace Campaigners of the Great War by Anne Wiltshire
  9. Seen & Heard: The Imperial War Museum Review
  10. 1914: Glory Departing by Edward Owen

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Lochnagar Crater
  • WFA Somme Tour
  • 2/Welch (3 Bde, 1st Div) Drum-Major Jones diary 22-24th August 1914

Intelligence Summary

Roll of Honour - Three Veteran Members remembered

The Great War Society (Reenactment)

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 19 Summer 1987

Chairman - David Cohen

Press & Publicity Officer - David Filsell

Hon Treasurer - James Brazier

Historical Information Officer - Col. Terry Cave CBE

New Hon. Editor - Bob W Butcher following Peter T. Stott

Dept. Hon. Editor - Lieutenant Colonel Robert J Wyatt MBE

Cartographer - Trevor Pigeon

Editorial Adviser USA - Richard A Baumgartner

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Writing Editor Peter T Scott
  • Introducing: Bob Butcher, Honorary Editor & Bob Wyatt, Deputy Honorary Editor

Corporal J A Benson MM by K Northover

One Man's War: Bert Benson by Claud B Goodacre

Scraps from the Front by Stuart Elliott

The Camera Returns (1): comparing 'then and now' begins its 30 year run.

Ancre Valley by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Using Newnes’ Three 1930s Volumes ‘Twenty Years After’

The 59th Division

A pilgrimage to the Western Front, Stretcher bearing and America Enters the War.

Western Front Pilgrimage 1920 by Nellie Burrin

The Infantry Division by R W Butcher

Stretcher Bearing by Stanley Potts through P M Ray: the South Staffordshire Regiment

Home Front (11) The Western Front in Blackpool - the replica Loos trenches.

Mining Under Hill 60, March - April 1915 by Les Hughes

Incidents of War By Dr R C B Jones MC DSc FIAMM FGS

Formerly of the Northumberland Fusiliers, 21st Royal Fusiliers and 15 Lancashire Fusiliers - the turning point in the German Offensive ‘Georgette’ and how the Guards ‘obtained identification’.

Sixty Five Years Ago by William H Lord, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Delville Wood: Somme South African Brigade 9th Scottish Division 15-20 July 1916 by Anthony Spagnoly

Books Recording War Service by Don Cook

Books About Books by Bob Wyatt

America Enters the War

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Long March - The Story of 'The Devil's Own' B/210 Burnley Battery, Royal Field Artillery 1914-1918 by Jack Horsfall
  2. The Great War - an Evocation in Music and Drama Through Recordings Made at the Time
  3. Pals - The 13th and 14th Battalions York and Lancaster Regiment by Jon Cooksey
  4. Gas! The Battle for Ypres 1915 by James L McWilliams and R James Steel

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Flights Over the Somme

Intelligence Summary: Roll of Honour - Seven Veteran Members remembered

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 20 Summer 1987

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Changes in BEF Divisions by R W Butcher

The Camera Returns (2)

Carnoy on the Fricourt Mericourt Road by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Annual General Meeting Address delivered by Mr John Terraine at the AGM on 31 January 1987

Gentleman's Hours by R A Ford

What Happened to Grandfather? Gunner/Sergeant Edward Nelson Lea by John Lea MA PhD photos by Rod Pye NDD, BA

The Hundredth Anniversary of the the Creator of The Man Who Won The War by Tonie and Valmai Holt

Home Front (12) Army Cyclists

An Officer's Notebook: An office in the Black Watch by W T Young

The Other Side

What was his unit? Can anyone help?

The Canadians in 1917: Vimy Ridge, Hill 70, Passchendaele 70th by Fred Gaffen, Historian, Canadian War Museum

Behind the Lines: WAACs

My War Memoirs by Einar Eklöf: American Purple Heart Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster as told to Thomas Nilsson

The Americans Join In by Bob Wyatt

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Gotha Summer. The German Daytime Air raids on England May - August 1917 by C M White
  2. Lancer Dig In. 1914 DIary, the Marne by Trevor Horn MC
  3. British Battle Insignia by Mike Chappel
  4. Trench Maps - A Collectors Guide by Peter Chasseaud
  5. Fields of Death by P Stowe and R Woods
  6. Lancer Dig in 1914 by Trevor Horn
  7. The War the Infantry Knew by J C Dunn
  8. Lineage Book of British Land Forces 1660-1978 by J B M Frederick
  9. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Western Front 1914-1918 by General Sir Martin Farndale

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • The Gunners
  • Lochnagar
  • New Museum at Mailly-Maillet

Intelligence Summary. Roll of Honour - Veteran Members remembered

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 21 Winter 1987

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Chairman's Message from David Cohen

41st Division Christmas Card by Corporal J A Benson MSM, RFA

A VC Episode: Lance Corporal Eddie Foulkes by Edward Foulkes MBE, DCM, MM

36th Bn, Northumberland Fusiliers, 59th Division

The Camera Returns (3) Mametz and Fricourt, the Somme by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Home Front (13) The Volunteers - WW1 Home Guard

Memories of a Field Marshal: the unveiling of the Whitehall memorial to Haig by The Earl Haig, OBE, KstJ, DL.

Cambrai Day - A Memoir: Early tank actions by the late Major John Aloysius Coghlan MC

Which Unit? Photograph and Text by David Filsell

A 59th Division Man Replies by H P Head JP (Bombadier H B Head, RFA)

London County Council Roll of Honour

The Ricketts Diary Sequel (QMS Ricketts, 2nd Bn, The Essex Regiment)

Eyes from the Belgian Guns by D.T.A. Van Bavel Artillery Observation over Belgium

Sergeant-Pilot Paul-Herve de Goussencourt

Lieutenant-Observer Leon Adelin Decubber

Find the Groom by R A Ford

One Man's War (2) Lance Corporal S Suffield, 3/16th (County of London) Bn (Queen's Westminster Rifles) by Sidney M J Suffield

Dr Gladden: Norman Gladden 2/1st Hertfordshire Regiment, 7th Northumberland Fusiliers (50th Division) 11th Bn (23rd Division) ‘Ypres 1917, a personal account (1967)

Across the Piave (19710 and The Somme, a personal account (1971)

Behind the Lines: Canteens

Trench Mapping: military survey and large-scale mapping on the Western Front 1914-1918 British experience and practice by Peter Chasseaud

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. When the Barrage Lifts by Gerald Gliddon
  2. The Location of British Army Records. A National Directory of World War I Sources by Norman Holding
  3. Orders and Orders. A Manchester Pal on the Somme by Sue Richardson
  4. Battlefield Archaeology by John Laffin
  5. From the Desert to the Baltic by Maj-Gen G P G Roberts
  6. Send for Freddie by Gen Sir Charles Richardson
  7. A Tale of Two Battles by Geoffrey Cox
  8. Order of Battle of Divisions by Major A F Becke
  9. Socks, Cigarettes and Shipwrecks by Felicite Nesham (Ed.)
  10. Vimy by Pierre Berton
  11. The Battle Book of Ypres by Beatrix Brice assisted by Lieut General Sir William Pulteney KCB
  12. The First Londons by R E Handley
  13. The History of the Queen’s Royal Surrey Regiment 1959-1970 by Captain J P Riley

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Bob Wyatt’s ‘Books about Books’ - all available in the IWM Reading Rooms
  • A Saturday Night Soldier's War, 1913-18 by Norman Tennant
  • Etaples
  • Delville Wood
  • Wye Aerodrome

Intelligence Summary:

  • Roll of Honour - Eight Veteran Members remembered
  • Imperial War Museum redevelopment

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 22 Spring 1988

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Behind the Lines (8) Letters Up! The Army Post Office

Trench Mapping: military survey and large-scale mapping on the Western Front 1914-18. British experience and practice by Peter Chasseaud

One Man's War (3) by H H Sparrow

  • Private Harry Sparrow, 15th London Regiment (Civil Service Rifles)

The Canadian Corps by Colonel Terry Cave, CBE

The Sleep of Death: Captain The Hon James Boyle, The Royal Scots Fusiliers by Geoff Bridger

The Newfoundland Regiment. Analysis of those wounded on 1 July 1916 by Dr W D Parsons MD FRCP

William Avery Billy Bishop, VC, CB, DSO and Bar, MC, DFC

Under Two Great South Africans by Arthur Allwood

  • Corporal 7th Bn King’s Shropshire Light Infantry
  • Subaltern KSLI 3rd (Reserve) Bn in Ireland
  • Major Reitz
  • Colonel Burne

The Battalion Records of Sergeant C Thompson, 9th (Service) Battalion Suffolk Regiment

Home Front (14) Derby Scheme Armbands

The Recall of Sir John French by Peter Bryant

A German Soldier's Battle: Hermann Wilhelm Weubel by Bill Medland

The Camera Returns (4) Canal du Nord near Moeuvres by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. A Sergeant Major's War. From Hill 60 to the Somme by Ernest Shephard
  2. The 1914 Campaign August - October 1914 by Daniel David
  3. My Bit. A Lancashire Fusilier at War 1914-1918 by George Ashurst (Ed.)
  4. Mander’s March on Rome by D’A Mander
  5. The Birth of Independent Air Power by M Cooper
  6. The Conscription Controversy by R J Q Adam and P P Poirier
  7. Pals - The 11th (Service) Battalion (Accrington) East Lancashire Regiment by William Turner
  8. Fighting Soldier - the AEF in 1918 by Joseph D Lawrence
  9. The Wet Flanders Plain by Henry Williamson
  10. The Official History of the Great War. Operations in Persia 1914-1919 by F J Moberly
  11. 1914 by Lyn Macdonald
  12. Tank Warfare by Frank Mitchell
  13. The Official History of the Great War: The Occupation of the Rhineland 1918-1929 by Sir James Edmonds (Compiler)

Communication Lines (Letters to the editor)

  • Chela Kula Military Cemetery
  • Identity Discs
  • Western Front Pilgrimage 1920
  • US Divisions

Spy Scare

Intelligence Summary: Roll of Honour - Veteran Members remembered

WFA Poets


Information Please

Stand To! 23 Summer 1988

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

British Trench Mortars

  • The Light Mortar

The Camera Returns (5) Flesquieres 24 November 1917

The Canadian Corps by Colonel Terry Cave CBE

One Man's War (4) Herbert Gutteride

Harry Wells VC: Forgotten Hero of Herne by John Gillis

'Over The Sacks' by Edmund Blunden

The Home Front (15): The Specials

The Evershed Diary: Private Herbert Vernon Evershed by Stephen Chambers

Gas Projectors

Pioneer's Keep: L/Cpl Harry Taylor 2/6th South Staffs by Harry Taylor

Which Unit?

Behind the Lines (9): Supplies

The Major 'Minor Horror of War': fleas, ticks, leeches, mites, bed-bugs, co*ckroaches, flies and rats by Bob Wyatt

War Cards

War Art

The Recall of Sir John French by Peter Bryant

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. For King and Country and the Scottish Borders. The Story of the 1/4th (Border) Battalion by Gavin Richardson
  2. Great War Memories. Soldiers' Experiences 1914-1918 by D A Clarke
  3. A Strange War - Burma, India and Afghanistan 1914-19 by C P Mills
  4. The Weary Road. Recollections of a Subaltern of Infantry by C Douie
  5. The Last Great Battle of the Somme. Beaumont Hamel 1916 by G Y Cheyne
  6. The Countryside at War by Caroline Dakers
  7. The War of Invention. Scientific Development 1914-1918 by G Hartcup
  8. How Haig Saved Lives by B Pearce
  9. The Commonwealth Armies. Manpower and Organisation by F W Perry
  10. Palestine 1917 by Robert Wilson
  11. 'At Duty's Call' A Study in obsolete Patriotism by W J Reader
  12. Indian Cavalry Officer 1914-1915 by R Grimshaw
  13. The Airman's War 1914-1918 by Peter H Liddle
  14. From the Somme to Singapore by C Huxtable
  15. A Life on the Line by Ashton Wade
  16. The Road to the Somme. Men of the Ulster Division tell their story by Philip Orr

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

WFA Poets

Intelligence Summary

  • Roll of Honour - Veteran Members remembered

Information Please

Stand To! 24 Winter 1988

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Chairman's Christmas Message: David Cohen

The End! To All Ranks of the Fourth Army 11 November 1918 General Rawlinson

The Camera Returns: Bourlon (6) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Canadian Corps Order of Battle compiled by Colonel Terry Cave, CBE

2nd Canadian Division Order of Battle 1915-1918

Behind the Lines (10) The Red Caps

Germany 1917. The 1987 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine

The Home Front (16)

The Silver War Badge 1916-1919

One Man's War (5) by H B Rhead JP

British Trench Mortars (2)

  • The Medium Mortar

The Recall of Sir J French by Peter Bryant

The Inventor of the Gas Mask: Captain Cluny Macpherson by Joy Cave

With the Royal Welsh Fusiliers from the correspondence of H A Stott selected by Bob Wyatt

Obituary Air Commodore F M F 'Freddie' West, VC, CBE, MC

War Cards by Peter Arscott

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Casualty Lists
  • War photographs
  • Flying printers

War Art: 'Night Scene' painted in 1916 by Veteran Member Mr E G Williams by David Cohen

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Imperial Rearguard, Wars of the Empire 1918-1985 by L James
  2. The Test of Battle. The American Expeditionary Forces in the Meuse-Argonne Campaign by Paul F Braim
  3. Images of the Army. The Military in British Art 1815-1914 by J W M Hichberger
  4. War Against War by E Friedrich
  5. The Street Memorials of St Albans Abbey Parish by Alice Goodman
  6. Hitler's Gladiator by Charles Messenger
  7. Narrow Gauge Railways by H Household
  8. Morale. A Study of men and courage. The Scottish Rifles at the Battle of Neuve Chapelle 1915 by John Baynes
  9. The Killing Ground. The British Army. The Western Front and the emergence of modern warfare 1900-1918 by Tim Travers
  10. The Territorial Army 1907-1940 by Peter Dennis
  11. The Pictorial History of the World War I by G D Sheffield
  12. Staff Officer. The diaries of Lord Moyne 1914-1918 by Brian Bond and Simon Robbins
  13. Capitalism at War. Industrial Policy and Bureaucracy in France 1914-1918 by J Godfrey
  14. Australians on the Somme Pozieres by Peter Charlton
  15. A New Excalibur. The development of the Tank 1909-39 by A J Smithers
  16. The Home Counties Medical Services of the Territorial Army 1859-1922 by R L Barrett-Cross
  17. World War I in Postcards by John Laffin
  18. A Stillness Heard Round the World. The end of the Great War November 1918 by Stanley Weintraub
  19. France, Soldiers and Africa by A Clayton
  20. Recipients of Bars to the Military Cross 1916-1920 by J V Webb
  21. Destination Dardanelles. The story of HMS E7 by M Wilson
  22. ‘Stand To.’ A Diary of the Trenches 1915-1918 by Captain F C Hitchco*ck, MC
  23. World War I in Postcards by John Laffin
  24. A Stillness Hear Round the World. The end of the Great War November 1918 by Stanley Weintraub
  25. France, Soldiers and Africa by A Clayton

WFA Poets

Intelligence Summary: Eight Veteran Members remembered

Information Please

Stand To! 25 Spring 1989

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

The Committee returned, an abundance of Great War books and the variety of Tours from Waterloo to Normandy with the First World War in between.

British Trench Mortars (3) The Heavy Mortar

The Camera Returns (7) Aveluy, the Somme by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Australians at Broodseinde (Ypres). The Raid at Celtic Wood, 9 October 1917 by Tony Spagnoly

The Home Front (17) Anti-Aircraft Guns

WFA Poets

With the Artists Rifles

Derby Scheme Armbands by Bob Wyatt

Canadian Corps by Colonel Terry Cave, CBE

One Man's War (6) by George Franklin

7597 Sapper George Franklin 5th (WL) Div Sig Coy RE

The Hampshire Aircraft Parks, Royal Flying Corps by Ray Westlake

A Regiment at War: The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) by R W Butcher

A Derbyshire VC

  • The life of Charles Edwin Stone, VC, MM by N Wood

Behind the Lines (11): Ordnance Services

Listening Post by Harry Taylor

What Happened to my Grandfather - the Sequel by John Lea MA, PhD

With the Gunners at Nieuport in 1917 by Gunner N. Tennant, DCM

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Armoured Cars
  • Accrington Pals

Roll of Honour - Nine Veteran Members remembered

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. General Sir Arthur Currie. A Military Biography by M J Hyatt
  2. Men of 18 in 1918 by F J Hodges
  3. Up to Mametz: the 38th Division by W Griffith
  4. Kitchener's Army: The Raising of the New Armies 1914-1916 by P Simkins [Reviewed by Gary Sheffield]
  5. British Butchers and Bunglers of World War One by J Laffin [Reviewed by Gary Sheffield]
  6. Chronology of the Great War (Three Volumes)
  7. West Wickham and the Great War by Joyce Walker
  8. Nothing of Importance. A record of 8 months at the Front with a Welsh Battalion by Bernard Adams
  9. Twelve Days. The Somme 1916 by S Rogerson
  10. War Underground. The Tunnellers of the Great War by A Barrie
  11. West Wickham and the Great War by Joyce Walker
  12. F W Harvey - Soldier Poet by A Boden
  13. War Law and Labour. The Munitions Acts, State Regulation and the Unions 1915-1921 by G R Rubin
  14. Norfolk and Suffolk in the Great War by G Gliddon (Ed.)
  15. Western Front 1916-1916. The Price of Honour by J Laffin

Information Please

CWGC 69th Annual Report

Stand To! 26 Summer 1989

Notes by the way (Notices from the Editor)

  • NZ in ANZAC
  • Which unit?

The Camera Returns (8) Heavy Section of the Machine Gun Corps, Headquarters, Bermicourt Chateau by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Record Books of Mr Thomas Glover by W Turner

  • The 11th (Service) Battalion (Accrington) East Lancashire Regiment

The President's Address: Field Marshal Haig. The 1988 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine

In the Trenches with the Lincolns

The Home Front (18) Women's Bit

Our Hearts that Died: Private Arthur Small (1891-1914) by B Cory Kilvert JR

  • Robert Rowe
  • Arthur Small

The Last Victoria Cross by W J Westall

  • Colonel D J Dean VC

An Unusual Formation

War Graves Headstones

IWM Publications

Youthful Memories of War by Major General Ashton Wace, CB, OBE, MC

Roll of Honour

The New Zealanders at Le Quesnoy 4 November 1918 by Tony Spagnoly

Derby Scheme VTC Brassards

One Man's War (7): A V Simpson (Army No 3695)

The Battle of La Couronne April 1918 by John Facer

Behind the Lines (12)

  • Vehicles Repairs

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Royal Fusiliers
  • Edmund Blunden
  • Sir John French
  • Volunteer armbands

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. At the Going Down of the Sun. British First World War memorials by D Boorman
  2. Monuments to Memory. The Story of Rye War Memorials by Peter and Lynne Ewart
  3. Sheffield City Battalion by R Gibson and P Oldfield
  4. Liddle Hart and the Weight of History by J J Mearsheimer
  5. Chorley Pals, 'Y' Company 11th (Service) Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment. A Short History of the Company in the Great War 1914-1919 by John M Garwood
  6. A Pictorial History of the Royal Tank Regiment 1916-1987 by G Forty
  7. The Story of Rye's War Memorials by Peter and Lynne Ewart
  8. A Generation Missing: The Grenadiers by Carroll Carstairs MC
  9. It’s Only Me. A Life of the Reverend Theodore Bayley Hardy VC, DSO, MC (1863-1918) by David Raw
  10. Judy O'Grady and The Colonel's Lady. The army wife and camp followers since 1600 by N St Williams
  11. From Vimy Ridge to the Rhine. The war letters of Christopher Stone by G D Sheffield and G I Inglis (Eds.)
  12. My Own Darling. Letters from Montie to Kitty Carlisle by Christopher Carlisle (Ed.)
  13. A Brass Hat in No-Man's Land by F P Crozier
  14. A Killing Life by Richard Robinson
  15. Order of Battle of the British Armies in France. November 11th 1918
  16. For Labour and for Women. The Women's Labour League, 1906-1918 by Christine Collette
  17. The Ipswich School Corps by David Warnes
  18. Damn the Dardanelles! by J Laffin
  19. A Fortunate Soldier by Ken Perkins
  20. Soldiers of Scotland by J Baynes with J Laffin (Eds.)
  21. Ireland and the First World War by D Fitzpatrick (Ed.)
  22. The Sea and the Sand. The Story of HMS Tara and the Western Desert Force by W Davies
  23. The Fateful Alliance. France, Russia and the coming of the First World War by George F Kennan
  24. Never Such Innocence. A new anthology of Great War verse by M Stephen
  25. Wilfred Owen by Jon Stallworthy
  26. A Military History of the University of Dublin and its Officer Training Corps, 1910-1922 by R Willoughby
  27. A Lancashire Fusilier at War by G Ashurst
  28. The Coming of the First World War by R Evans and H von Strandmann (Ed.)
  29. The Face of the Enemy by M Gaiger-Smith
  30. In Glass Houses. A History of the Military Provost Staff Corps by Robert Boyes
  31. The Last Magnificent War by Michael Occleshaw
  32. Angels and Citizens. British Women as Military Nurses 1854-1914 by Anne Summers
  33. Armour against fate. British military intelligence in the First World War by Michael Occleshaw
  34. The Army, James II and the Glorious Revolution by John Childs

The Imperial War Museum reopens 29 June 1989

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To ! 27 Winter 1989

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • David Cohen, retires as Chairman of The WFA - A tribute
  • Chairman's Christmas Address (3rd) by David Cohen

The Camera Returns (9) D42 Fampoux/Athies/Blangy Road leading into Arras by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

'Soldiers Died in the Great War' as historical source material by Martin G Staunton

  • Name Patterns
  • Birth and Residence
  • Patterns of Voluntary Enlistment
  • Regimental Serial Numbers
  • Date of Death

Get The Medics In. I've Been Hit! Some notes on the RAMC in 1914 by Bob Wyatt

Behind the Lines (13): Ambulance Trains

The Broken Spur: Another Unusual Formation

In the Trenches with the Lincolns

Comrades in Death: Beauraing Cemetery, Private P C Beck

The 'New' IWM by The Editor (Reopened 29 June 1989)

Our Hearts That Died: 2nd/Lieutenant William Wright McNally MC by B Cory Kilvert JR

The First Air Raid: Great Yarmouth by Bob Wyatt

One Man's War (8) My Experiences as a PoW by Walter Hare, 16th West Yorks

American Victoria Cross Winners in the Canadian Expeditionary Force During the Great War by Captain Harold E. Raugh, JR, USA

  • Sergeant George Mullin VC, MM
  • L/Cpl William Metcalf

Roll of Honour - Four Veteran Members remembered

Wound Stripes

The Home Front (19) Anti-Aircraft Observation Room

Youthful Memoirs of War (II) by Major-General Ashton Wade, CB, OBE, MC

The Royal Marines Remember the Western Front

The Last Surviving Victoria Cross Holder Has Died by Edward Storey

  • Lieutenant Charles Rutherford VC MC MM

A Regiment at War 43rd and 44th (Garrison) Battalions

Trench Feet and Frostbite by Harry Taylor

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • AA and Reserve Battalions
  • WFA Tours
  • Sydney Goodman DCM

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. War Books by Cyril Falls (Ed.) R J Wyatt
  2. The British Military Cemeteries in the region of Boulogne-sur-Mer by J Watrin
  3. The Kimmel Park Camp Riots 1919 by J Putkowski
  4. First World War Photographers by Jane Carmichael
  5. Shot at Dawn by J Putkowski and J Sykes
  6. Fix Bayonets! With the U.S. Marine Corps in France 1917-1918 by John W Thomason
  7. Gallipoli Diary by Major John Gillam
  8. Somewhere in France. Letters to Home. The War Years of Sgt Roy Whitelaw 1st AIF by Allan M Nixon
  9. Business in Great Waters. The U-Boat Wars, 1916-1945 by John Terraine
  10. The Prisoners 1914-1918 by Robert Jackson
  11. Regiments of the Empire. A Bibliography of their published histories by Roger Perkins

WFA Poets

Information Please

Cartographer: Trevor Pidgeon

Stand To! 28 Spring 1990

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • The Western Front was not an exclusively British Affair: John Terraine
  • Gallant Little Belgium
  • The 4.5 inch Howitzer

The Camera Returns (10) King George V at Sautrecourt with the Tanks by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Ever-Open Eye: Another Unusual Formation

The 1989 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine: 'The U-Boat Wars, 1916-1945'

In The Trenches with the Lincolns

Roll of Honour - Seven Veteran Members remembered

'King of No Man's Land': Sergeant Dick Travis, VC by Tony Spagnoly

Youthful Memories of War (III) by Major General Ashton Wade

  • Captain C M Wide RAMC

The Home Front (20): Blighty Leave

Corporal Moore's Letters

Overseas Service Chevrons

The First Three Months: The Campaign of the Belgian Army in 1914 by W. Labbeke

New Corps

Behind the Lines (14): The Versatile Sappers

Our Hearts That Died: Acting Corporal William Kirkham (1879-1915) by B Cory Kilvert JR

Plain Soldiers (Salisbury Plain) by 'Moonraker'

  • Hurdcott Camp

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • RMF Serial numbers
  • Cemetery Visits
  • Shot at Dawn

Garrison Library (First World War Books reviewed)

  1. King and Country Call. New Zealanders Conscription and the Great War by Paul Baker
  2. William Noel Hodgson. The Gentle Poet by Jack Medomsley
  3. Johnnie Gough VC. A Biography of Brigadier General Sir John Gough VC BCB by Ian Beckett (Reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  4. Lads Love Poetry of the Trenches by Martin Taylor
  5. Anthology of Armageddon by Bernard Newman and I O Evans
  6. Dogs of War by Ernest A Gray
  7. Norfolk Roll of Honour 1914-18. List of men from Norfolk Parishers in fell in the Great War compiled by Gerald Gliddon
  8. Kitchener’s Army by Ray Westlake
  9. The Military Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir William Robertson
  10. Britain and the Great War by I M Bourne
  11. A Dictionary of Military Quotations by Trevor Royle
  12. Sir Eric Geddes. Business and government in War and Peace by K Grieves
  13. King of Air Fighters. The biography of Major Mick Mammock VC DSO MC by Ira Jones

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 29 Summer 1990

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Which Unit? Postcard by Nicholas Parker

The Camera Returns (11) Becordel-Fricourt Road by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

One Man's War (9) with The Chinese Labour Corps - France 1918 by Norman Mellor

The Bantams. Another Unusual Formation

The Reconstruction of 169 Brigade July - October 1916 by Kevin W Mitchinson

Behind the Lines (15) Chinese mechanics working on engines in the Tank Workshops

In the Trenches with the Lincolns

Special Duties

The Forts of Liege by Colonel F G Robson

Our Hearts That Died: Captain William Thomas Payne-Gallwey, MVO (1881-1914)

The Official History of the Great War : A complete list of military operations volumes.

The Role and Composition of the Army Corps in the BEF

Valcartier Camp Then and Now

An Artilleryman's War: Aneurin 'Dick' Williams by Dick Williams

Roll of Honour - Eight Veteran Members remembered

The Midland Railway Police and the Great War

Following in Father's Tanks Tracks by J R Sherratt

The Formation of the Lambeth Battalion of the Queen's

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Muddy Myth? “Did we send them into this?’ By John Terraine
  • Somme Anniversary
  • The RAMC officers, orderlies and 120 wounded who stayed behind at Le Cateau

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Forgotten Victory by John Baynes
  2. Fields of Death by Peter Slowe and Richard Woods
  3. When the Barrage Lifts by Gerald Gliddon
  4. Kitchener’s Army by Peter Simkins
  5. Death From the Skies. The Zeppelin Raids over Norfolk 19 January 1915 by R J Wyatt
  6. Battleground Europe by Nigel Cave
  7. The Last of the Regiments by Peter Dietz
  8. On the Western Front. Soldier's Stories from France and Flanders 1914-1918 by John Laffin
  9. In Good Company. The Gordon Highlanders by David Fraser (Ed.)
  10. Royal Flying Corps Communiques 1915-16 by Christopher Cole (Ed.)
  11. Royal Flying Corps Communiques 1918 by Christopher Cole (Ed.)
  12. Gallipoli. A Battlefield Guide by Phil Taylor
  13. The Battlefield Guides of Gallipoli. Then and Now by Nigel Steel
  14. Bill Kennedy MM, Egypt, Gallipoli, France and Flanders with 42nd (East Lancashire) Division in the Great War by Sue Richardson (Ed.)
  15. Behind the Lines. An Account of Administrative Staff Work in the British Army 1914-1918 by Col W N Nicholson
  16. Treat Em Rough. The Birth of American Armor by Dale E Wilson
  17. Immelman. The Eagle of Lille by Franz Immelman

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To ! 30 Winter 1990

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • ‘Did we really … (send them into that) ? John Terraine and Haig's style of command
  • Ten Years Old - The WFA today. 3000 Members of whom 130 are Great War Veterans

The Camera Returns (12) Beaumont Hamel by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Cambrai 1918. A Battle Remembered: 2/Lt John Stott, MC by Margery West

In The Trenches with the Lincolns

Divisional Deployment Companies

Trench Feet and 5 Australian Division - Winter 1916 by S J Evans

A Memoir of the Final Advance 1918 by Sergeant W G Sweet, 2nd Monmouthshire

What is a Battalion? By Ronald Clifton

  • Horse and Transports
  • Clothing
  • Battalion Equipment
  • Changes during the war

Here and There

The 28th Division. Another Unusual Formation.

Sound Ranging 1914-1918 by Peter Chasseaud

Behind the Lines (16)

  • The Labour Corps

The Home Front (21)

  • Prisoners of War

Our Hearts that Died by B Cory Kilvert JR

  • Private Arthur Horner (1884-1918)

Roll of Honour - Seven Veteran Members remembered

One Man's War (10) by Bill Stevens

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Desert Island War Books (10 out of 80 war books) by Ken Smallwood
  • The Gotha
  • Gun Fire

Garrison Library (First World War Books reviewed by Bob Wyatt unless otherwise stated)

  1. Monuments of War. How to read a war memorial by Colin McIntyre
  2. First In. Last Out by T R Frame and G J Swinden
  3. The Tragedy and Glory of Gallipoli by John Robertson
  4. Armoured Warfare by J P Harris and F H Toase (Eds.)
  5. Mametz- Lloyd George's Welsh Army at the Battle of the Somme by Colin Hughes
  6. Cheerful Sacrifice by Jonathan Nichols
  7. English Fiction and Drama of the Great War by John Onions
  8. Forward into Battle by Paddy Griffith
  9. Revolution? Ireland 1917-1923 by David Fitzpatrick
  10. The Blitz. Westminster at War by William Sansom
  11. ‘I have done my duty.’ Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War 1854-56 by Sue M Goldie (Ed.)
  12. A Medal for Life. Biography of Capt. Wm. Leefe Robinson VC by L W Bills
  13. The Commonwealth Armies Manpower and organisation in two world wars by F W Perry
  14. The Final Betrayal. The Armistice, 1918 … and after wards by Richard Garrett

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 31 Spring 1991

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • James Brazier, Treasurer since the inception of The WFA, standing down.
  • Roll of Honour - Six Veteran Members remembered

The Camera Returns (13) Whippet Tanks Outskirts of Mailly Maillet by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Commander Samson and the Dunkirk Circus by John Jones

A 2nd/Lieutenant at War: Alexander Stanier by Sir Alexander Stanier with notes by Dr John Dixon

Behind the Lines: The Vets

'Mephisto' by P J Cobb

Army Signals on the Western Front by Major General Ashton Wade

  • Electric Lamp Signalling
  • Wireless
  • Cables

In the Trenches with the Lincolns

The Undertakers: 12th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers by Harry Fellows

A Letter from a Nurse

The 56th Division: Another unusual formation

The Home Front (22) The End of the Zeppelins

'Cricketers Died'

Dugouts: The Tunnelling Companies after 'Passchendaele' September 1917-April 1918 by Aleks A M Deseyne

Our Hearts (12) That Died by B Cory Kilvert Jr

  • Captain Bleddyn Williams (1892-1916)

Percy Wyndham Lewis the War Writer and 'The Bull Gun' by Robert Edward Murray

What is an Artillery Brigade? by Ronald Clifton

Letters from France: Corporal William Neale

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Howitzer
  • The Camera Returns (11)
  • Poetry

Garrison Library (First World War Books reviewed by Bob Wyatt unless otherwise stated)

  1. Honour Satisfied. A Dorset Rifleman at War 1916-1918 by Anthony Bird (Ed.)
  2. Unversed in Arms. A Subaltern on the Western Front by Anthony Bird
  3. The Wet Flanders Plain by Henry Williamson
  4. Norfolk & Suffolk in the Great War by Gerald Gliddon (Ed.)
  5. General Wrangel (1878-1929) by Alexis Wrangel
  6. Chronicle of the First World War Vol I by Ronald Gray and Christopher Argyle (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  7. Suez - The Double War by Roy Fullick and Geoffrey Powell
  8. Men, Mud and Memories by Susan Cox (reviewed by Fred Wood)
  9. Plumer. The Soldier's General by Geoffrey Powell (Reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  10. Infantry Attacks by Erwin Rommel (Reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  11. The Red Air Fighter by Manfred von Richthofen
  12. A Tale of Two Captains by John Baynes and Hugh Maclean
  13. Fallen in the Fight. Farnworth and Kearsley Men who died in the Great War 1914-1918 by Neil and Sue Richardson
  14. The Righteous War by B S Barnes
  15. Combat Report. The RAF and the Fall of France by Kate Caffrey

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 32 Summer 1991

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Miss Rose Coombe RIP
  • Denis Winter's Haig

The Camera Returns (14) Caestre, nr Hazebrouck by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Southern Irish Regiments

'1940' The 1990 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine

The 47th Division

An American Neurosurgeon on the Western Front: Lt. Col Harvey Cushing by William C. Hannigan, MD, PhD

The Mystery of Major Kent by John S Sly

Clipstone Camp

Roll of Honour: Thirteen Veteran Members remembered

Our Hearts That Died by B Cory Kilvert JR

  • Private Albert Armitage (1884-1914)

The Home Front: War comes to the Capital

What is a Cavalry Regiment? by Ronald Clifton

Behind the Lines

The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps - the WAACs

The Battles of the Somme and the Battle that Never War by Joy B Cave

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Klerkham
  • William Noel Hodgson

Garrison Library (First World War Books reviewed by Bob Wyatt unless otherwise stated)

  1. Grimsby Chums. The Story of the 10th Lincolnshires in the Great War by Peter Bryant (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  2. The Victoria Cross Roll of Honour by James W Bancroft (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  3. Ivor Gurney - Collected Letters by R K R Thornton
  4. Women's Factory Work in World War I by Gareth Griffiths
  5. Mons. The Retreat to Victory by John Terraine
  6. Anti-German Sentiments in Kingston upon Hull by D G Woodhouse (reviewed by Dennis Pilger)
  7. The Suicide Battalion: the 46th Canadian Infantry in the Great War by James L. McWilliams and R J Steel
  8. An Air Fighter’s Scrapbook by Ira Jones

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 33 Winter 1991

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Long standing WFA Committee Members retire:

  • James Brazier (Treasurer since the inception of the WFA)
  • Maureen Arthur (Veteran Affairs Officer and Membership Secretary)
  • Kathy Stevenson (Assistant Secretary)
  • Roll of Honour (death of veteran members)

The Camera Returns (15) Peronne March 1918 by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Northern Irish Regiments

  • The Irish Guards
  • The Northern Irish Guards

The Battles of the Somme and the Battle that Never was by Joy B Cave

  • The 18th (Eastern) Division
  • Boom Ravine Area

Alpine Echoes. British PoWs in Switzerland by Philip Lewis

Langham's Scouts 1916-1919 by Paul Reed

Our Hearts That Died by Cory B Kilvert JR

2nd Lieutenant Jeffery Bradley Penfold (1886-1916)

IWM Publications by Dr G M Bayliss

Women's Services Roll of Honour by J D Stott

Divisional Signs

Another Unusual Formation

  • The 9th (Scottish) Division

What is a Divisional Train? by Ronald Clifton

War Establishments of Brigade HQs - 1914

The Home Front (24) Rationing

The Ross Rifle

The Transfer Controversy by Kevin W. Mitchinson

  • Parliament and the London Regiment

WFA Poets

Australia's Soldier-Settlers by S. Perth

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Divisional Concert Troupes
  • The National Guard
  • Grimsby Chums

The Diggers

  • Staff officers at the front
  • The 28th Division
  • Divisional Concert Troupes
  • Grimsby Chums

Garrison Library (First World War Books reviewed by Bob Wyatt unless otherwise stated)

  1. At Duty's Call - A Study in Obsolete Patriotism by W J Reader (reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  2. The Diggers who signed on for more by Bruce Muirden
  3. A Nation in Arms by Ian Beckett and Keith Simpson (Eds.) (reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  4. The Somme Battlefields by Martin and Mary Middlebrook
  5. The War Walk by Nigel H Jones
  6. Storm Troop Tactics - Innovation in the German Army 1914-1918 by Bruce I Gudmundsson (reviewed by Paddy Griffith)
  7. The Anatomy of a Raid by Tony Spagnoly
  8. July 1914. The Long Debate by John W Langdon
  9. War Memorials - From Antiquity to the Present by Alan Borg (reviewed by Colin I. McIntyre)
  10. The Leeds Pals by Laurie Milner
  11. The Imperial War Museum Book of the First World War by Malcolm Brown
  12. Poems by Wilfred Owen (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  13. The Western Front Illustrated 1914-1918 by John Laffin
  14. Three Cheers for the Derrys! by Gardiner S. Mitchell
  15. Welcome to Flanders Fields. The First Canadian Battle of the Great War, Ypres 1915 by D G Danco*cks
  16. A History of the First World War by John Buchan
  17. Chronicle of the First World War Vol II by Randal Gray and Christopher Argyle
  18. The Hell, the Humour and the Heartbreak by Bert Bishop
  19. VCs of the Somme by Gerald Gliddon
  20. Canada's Soldiers in Siberia 1918-1919 by John Skuce (reviewed by W E Storey)

Information Please

Stand To! 34 Spring 1992

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Memorial Service from the founder of The Western Front Association John Giles
  • Reporting the death of the Founder John Giles
  • Roll of Honour - Four Veteran Members remembered

John Giles (1921-1991) Founder of The Western Front Association (1914-1918)

The 33rd Division

'Understanding': The 1991 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine

The Camera Returns (16) The Menin Gate by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Kitchener's Wood by W A Dymond (The Battle of Kitchener’s Wood)

The Welsh Regiments

The Dismissal of Major General Barter by Colonel Terry Cave

What is a Field Company? by Ronald Clifton

The Non-Combatant Corps

The Spirit of Aveluy: Conditions of the Competition and Award

Remember Old Bill by Tonie and Valmai Holt

The Gallant Maclears by John Gillis

The Home Front (25) The German Navy Strikes: Hartlepool

War Poet's Memorials

The Trench: A small and futile sacrifice in 1916 by Stan Evans (19 July 1916)

Behind the Lines (19) Training

Divisional Signs (2)

One Man's War (11) by Joe Beard

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Cricketers
  • Revere Order
  • 43rd RF
  • Nevill's Footballs
  • Gangrene
  • WFA Poets

Garrison Library (First World War Book reviews by Bob Wyatt unless otherwise stated)

  1. Above the Trenches. A Complete record of the fighter aces and units of the British Empire Air Forces 1915-1920 by Christopher Shores, Norman Franks and Russell Guest (reviewed by Trevor Richards: New Zealand)
  2. Military Operations - France and Belgium 1917 Volume II Messines and Third Ypres (Passchendaele) by Brigadier General Sir James E Edmonds (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  3. Topography of Armageddon. A British Trench Map Atlas of the Western Front 1914-1918 by Peter Chasseaud
  4. The First World War and British Military History by Brian Bond (Ed.) (reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  5. In Retreat and the Raid by Herbert Read (reviewed by Gunner)
  6. The Diary of a Dead Officer by Arthur Graeme West (reviewed by Gunner)
  7. White Heat. The New Warfare 1914-1918 by John Terraine (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  8. Billie. The Nevill Letters 1914-1916 by Ruth Elwin Harris (Ed.) (reviewed by Gunner)
  9. Fallen Soldiers. Reshaping the memory of the World Wars by George L Mosse (reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  10. Come From Away by David Macfarlane (reviewed by Gunner)
  11. An Alternative Guide to the Western Front (From Nieuport to Pfetterhouse) by Dr A Peaco*ck
  12. The Diary of an Unprofessional Soldier by T A Nash
  13. The Amateur Military Tradition by Ian F W Beckett (reviewed by Bob Butcher)

WFA Poets

Information Please

Stand To! 35 Summer 1992

  • Congratulations to Aleks A M Deseyne winner of the 1991 Bunting Memorial for his articles ‘Dugouts’ in Stand To! 31 Spring 1991
  • Roll of Honour - Seven Veteran Members remembered

The Camera Returns (17) Le Mesnil (Mesnil-en-Aurrouaise) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Red Hand. Another unusual Division

One Man's War: Sergeant Joe Beard by Joe Beard

Forgotten Armies

The Men of 1914 John S Sly

Behind the Lines (20) Preparation

A Battalion on the Somme: 2nd Bn Green Howards by Paul Reed

Wavell in the Great War: The Mud of Flanders and Mobility of Palestine by Major Harold E. Raugh, Jr, USA (Brigadier A P Wavell CMG MC)

War Art: Eric Kennington by David Cohen

Here and There

The Home Front (26) Manpower

A TF Subaltern Goes to War: Lieutenant Charles S. Workman, MC

The Scottish Regiments

  • The 15th (Scottish) Division

'Options for Change'

What is a Heavy Battery? by Ronald Clifton

The Official History of the Great War

  • Complete listing of the various volumes of the British Official History of the Great War
  • Military Operations
  • Order of Battle
  • Occupation
  • Transportation
  • Medical
  • Naval
  • Munitions
  • Veterinary
  • Statistics
  • Shipping

Communications Lines (Letters to the editor)

  • Understanding
  • 2nd King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

Divisional and Corps Signs

Garrison Library (First World War Book reviews)

  1. The Catholic Soldiers in the First World War by Terrence Denman (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  2. The Devil to Pay. The Mutiny of the Connaught Rangers, India, July 1920 by Anthony Babington
  3. Memoir of an American Patriot by Hamilton Fish (reviewed by Gunner)
  4. The War to end all Wars : The American Military Experience in World War I by Edward M Coffman (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  5. 'We Are Here Too' The Diaries and Letters of Sister Oliver L C Haynes, November 1914 to February 1918 by Margaret O Young (Ed.) (reviewed by Bob Wyatt)
  6. Into the Breach: American women overseas in World War I by Dorothy and Carl J Schneider (reviewed by Bill Leyden)
  7. Kaiserschlacht 1918: The Final German Offensive by Randal Gray
  8. Winged Warfare. The literature and theory of aerial warfare in Britain 1859-1917 by Michael Paris (reviewed by Gunner)
  9. From the Somme to the Armistice by Richard Devonald-Lewis
  10. Military Operations - France and Belgium 1916 by Wilfrid Miles (reviewed by Bob Butcher)
  11. Chavasse-Double VC by Ann Clayton (reviewed by Gunner)
  12. Rupert Brooke's Death and Burial by Martin Taylor (Ed.) (reviewed by Gunner)

WFA Poets

Information Please

Contribution by David Filsell


Bob Wyatt, MBE, TD, National Service and short service commission in REME, 1952-60. Commanded a Royal Military Police Company, TA, (brevet Lieutenant Colonel). Recently retired as Transport Manager with the Automobile Association. Hasn't stopped collecting military books since 1944—and has a house full to prove it. Current Mayor of Wokingham.

Bob Butcher, a retired police officer, has been fascinated by the Great War since childhood. During WW2 served in the Royal Fusiliers and then the Parachute Regiment.

'Gunner' has been retired for some years and a bookworm for as long as he can remember. Prefers not to be identified. Believes a review should tell the potential buyer something about the book, the subject and its treatment, its reliability, and whether it is worth the price.

Colin McIntyre is a freelance journalist who formerly worked for the BBC. He has had several books published, the latest Monuments of War—How to Read a War Memorial being reviewed in ST/30. He is the WFA's Press and Publicity Officer.

Stand To! 36 Winter 1992

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Roll of Honour - Five Veteran Members remembered

The Camera Returns (19) Chinese Labour Corps, Noyelles-Sur-Mer by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

What is a Signal Company? by Ronald Clifton

Photo Call: The National Motor Museum by David Filsell

Attack on the Somme 15 and 16 September 1916 by Lance Cettermole

The Home Front: Memories of a Munition Girl

The Case Against Haig. Mr Denis Winter's Evidence by John Hussey

Have You Any News of My Boy Jack? (Part I) by Tonie and Valmai Holt

Laertes' Sword: Threats and Responses to Poison Gas in the Great War by William C Hannigan

Western Front Myths: Most British Generals were cavalrymen

Behind the Lines: Feeding the Guns

The Reserve and the Training Reserve by Colonel Terry Cave

The London Pharmacists Volunteers 1915-1917 by Ray Westlake

Formation Signs (4)

The Advance into Germany, 1918-1919 (Part II) The memoirs of Sergeant W G Sweet, 2nd Bn Monmouthshire Regiment by Barry Johnson

Sergeant Sweet's Memoirs

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Artillery: Fromelles, 1916

Garrison Library (First World War Book reviewed)

  1. Somme Harvest. Memories of a PBU in the Summer of 1916 by Giles W M Eyres
  2. The Accrington Pals by William Turner
  3. A Contemptible little Flying Corps by I McInnes and J V Webb
  4. A History of the Great War by C R M F Cruttwell
  5. Soldier Boy. The Letters and Memoirs of Gunner W J Duffell 1915-1919
  6. Epsom's Military Camp by R I Essen
  7. The Smoke and the Fire by John Terraine
  8. Blasting and Bombardiering by Wyndham Lewis
  9. Britons to Arms by Glenn A Steppler
  10. Military Operations. Gallipoli Vol I by C F Aspinall-Oglander
  11. Dreadnought. Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War by Robert K Massie

WFA Poets

Information Please (This item moved to Bulletin for all future publications)

Stand To! 37 Spring 1993

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

The Camera Returns (19) The D42 Arras to Fampoux Road by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

'Passchendaele': The 1992 Presidential Address delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine

South Africa and the Great War

The 42nd (East Lancashire) Division by Terry Cave

Western Front Myths: Failure by British Generals to appreciate the value of machine guns from John Terraine’s The Smoke and the Fire

What is a Field Ambulance? by Ronald Clifton

Blighty Bound

Gunfight at St Julien by P H Arscott

Behind the Lines: Water

The Home Front. Digging in

Death Instead of Marriage by David Gray

Have you news of my boy Jack? by Tonie and Valmai Holt

John Evelyn Carr and the London Scottish

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Nieuport
  • Executions
  • Pte Twigg 1nd KOYLI

Garrison Library (First World War Books reviewed)

  1. The Lost Voices of World War I by Tim Cross (Ed.)
  2. On the Fringes of Hell by Christopher Pugsley
  3. Ireland's Unknown Soldiers by Terence Denman
  4. Roads to Glory by Richard Aldington
  5. The British Army and Signals Intelligence during the First World War by John Ferris (Ed.)
  6. There's a Devil in the Drum by J F Lucy
  7. The 1916 Battle of the Somme. A Reappraisal by Peter H Liddle
  8. The History of the South African Forces in France by John Buchan
  9. The Sky on Fire by Raymond H Fredette
  10. No More Strangers by David Gray
  11. Official History of the Great War - Transportation on the Western Front 1914-1918 by A M Hennicker
  12. The Ypres Salient by Michael Scott
  13. Art from the Trenches. America's uniformed artists in World War 1 by Alfred Emile Cornebise
  14. Men at War 1914-1918 National Sentiment and Trench Journalism in France during the First World War by Stephan Audoin-Rouzea
  15. Chemical Soldiers by Donald Richter
  16. In the Wake of War ‘Les Anciens Combattants’ and French Society by Antoine Prost
  17. Over There by Thomas Fleming

Stand To! 38 Summer 1993

Bob Butcher - Editor Stand To! From end of 1986.

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Bob Butcher retires as Editor of Stand To!
  • Roll of Honour - Six Veteran Members remembered (continued on page 6)

The Camera Returns (20) The Ruined Station at Beaucourt Hamel by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Behind the Lines: Salvage

Roll of Honour - Ten Veteran Members remembered

Leeds Commemoration

The Organisation of the British Army in the Great War by Bob Butcher and Terry Cave

  • The War Office and the Commands
  • 'Armies' and 'Corps'
  • Divisions
  • Base and LofC
  • Wartime Expansion
  • Regiments
  • The Territorials and the Reserves
  • Machine Guns
  • Staff Work
  • Indian Army
  • Colonels

Western Front Myths: The Dominion troops were better than the British

The Home Front: Training Officers

The Liverpool Merchants Mobile Hospital, Etaples, 1915-1918 by Edgar Chavasse and Ann Clayton

The Germans in Ypres by Sister Marguerite of the Convent St Marie, Ypres

Canada and the End of The War in 1918, 75th Anniversary by Fred Gaffen

Richborough Port: A Main Artery of the Western Front, 1915-1918 by Peter Oldham

The Big Guns of the Royal Garrison Artillery

One Thousand More Tanks by John Hussey


9th (Scottish) Division by Terry Cave

The Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust by Anthony O'Brien

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Photo-call
  • Sarajevo
  • Somme 1916
  • Executions

Garrison Library (First World War Books reviewed)

  1. The Fateful Battle Line. The Great War journals and sketches of Captain Henry Ogle by Michael Glover (Ed.)
  2. The World War One Source Book by Philip J Haythornthwaite
  3. Salford Pals - A history of the 15th, 16th, 19th and 20th Battalions Lancashire Fusiliers by Michael Stedman
  4. No Man’s Land: A postwar sketch book by George Pratt (reviewed by David Cohen)
  5. Tales of Old Soldiers by Tom Quinn (Ed.)
  6. Sanctuary Wood and Hooge by Nigel Cave
  7. Forces of the British Empire by Edward M Nevins
  8. Subalterns of the Foot. Three World I Diaries of The Cheshire Regiment by Anne Wolff (Ed.)
  9. The Glosters. An Illustrated history of a county regiment by Christopher Newbold and Christine Beresford (Eds.)
  10. Doctrine and Dogma - German and British Infantry Tactics in the First World War by Martin Samuels
  11. The Defeat of Imperial Germany 1917-1918 by Rod Paschall
  12. Bullets and Bandsmen. The Story of a Bandsman on the Western Front by Daphne Jones
  13. Tangled Web - Canadian Infantry Accoutrements 1855-01985 by Jack L Summers
  14. Hitler’s Panzers East by R H S Stolfi
  15. Rebels: The Irish Rising of 1916 by Peter de Rosa
  16. Doughboy with the Fighting Sixty-Ninth by M Albert and Churchill Eettinge

WFA Poets

Stand To! 39 Winter 1993

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Book Reviews
  • Roll of Honour - Eight Veteran Members remembered

The Camera Returns (21) Sign Post Lane, Neuve Chapelle by Bob Grundy and Steve Wal

The Thin Red Line at Monchy by John Gillis

A Coffin for the Captain: Captain Robert Chaworth-Musters, M.C. by Nigel Wood

The Battle of the Somme: Image and Reality by Peter A Liddle

WFA Poets

David Jones and His Survey. 15th (London Welsh) Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers, 1915.

Canada at Ypres. La Petite Douve Farm, Messines, November 1915 by Tony Spagnoly

What Was David Lloyd George's view of Strategy in December, 1916? To What extent and in what sense was he an Eastener? by David J. Harrison

WFA Committee Vacancies

  • East Surrey Footballers
  • St Julien, 1917
  • The Ypres Salient
  • Salford Pals

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Royal Navy Aircraft Serials and Units 1911-1919 by R Sturtivant and G Page
  2. The Australian Victories in France in 1918 by Sir John Monash
  3. How I Filmed the War by Geoffrey Malins
  4. Poems by Wilfred Owen with an introduction by Siegfried Sassoon
  5. The German Occupation of the Channel Islands by Charles Cruickshank
  6. York in the Great War by A Peaco*ck
  7. The German Air Raids on Great Britain by Capt J Morris
  8. Love and War. A London Terrier's Tale of 1915-1916 by Peter Trafford
  9. Valiant Hearts of Ringmer: The men behind the names on Ringmer's War Memorial by Geoff Bridger
  10. Letters from Two World War by Ernest Sanger
  11. Merchants of Hope by Rosa Maria Bracco
  12. Light Dragoons by Allan Mallinson
  13. The Official Names of the Battles and other Engagements during the Great War 1914-1919 and the Third Afghan War from The Naval & Military Press
  14. Memoirs of a Young Lieutenant 1896-1917 by D S Carrothers (Compiler) [Reviewed by Gary Sheffield]
  15. The Cross of Sacrifice. Officers who died in the Service of British, Indian and East African Regiments and Corps 1914-1919 by S D and D B Jarvis
  16. Wavell in the Middle East 1939-1941 by Harold E Raugh
  17. A Bibliography of Regimental Histories of the British Army by A S White
  18. The Edge of the Sword by Anthony Farrer-Hockley
  19. Russian Hassar by Vladimir Littauer
  20. No Easy Hopes or Lies. The World War I Letters of Lt Arthur Preston White by M Hammerson (Ed.)
  21. Royal Naval Division Roll of Honour: Howe Battalion from the Imperial War Museum
  22. No Easy Hopes or Lies. The World War I Letters of Lt Arthur Preston White by M Hammerson (Ed.)
  23. British Strategy in the Napoleonic War by Christopher Hall
  24. Verses, Letters and Remembrances of Arthur Waldern St. Clair Tisdal, VC, Sub-Lieutenant RNVR by A W St. C Tisdal

Stand To! 40 Spring 199

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Editor. Tony Farquharson
  • Roll of Honour - Three Veteran Members remembered

New Committee

The Final Offensive. The 1993 Presidential Address by the Honorary President John Terraine

WFA Poets

Address at the AGM, 12 March 1994 by Tony Noyes, Our New Chairman

Ironclad. The Service of 202081 Pte Frank Beresford H Bn Tank Corps by Charles Reece Beresford

Old Soldiers Never Die by Frank Richards DCM MM

Be Strong and of Good Courage: The Lives and Careers of the Barrington-Kennett Brothers by Nigel Wood

The Camera Returns (22) Hedauville by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The Field General Court Martial of 7595 Private James A Haddock 12th (Service)

Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment (Sheffield City Battalion) by P J Oldfield

‘At the Eleventh Hour ... ‘ Recollections of 11 November 1918 by Paul Cobb

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Neuve Eglise
  • Book Reviews
  • Clearing Battlefields
  • The Camera Returns
  • 42nd East Lancashire Division
  • Pals Battalions

Reminiscences and Experiences of Adam Fulton in the Great War (10th Bn Border Regiment) by John M Cameron

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. A Deep Cry. A Literary Pilgrimage to the battlefields and Cemeteries of First World War British Soldier Poets Killed in Northern France and Flanders by Anne Powell (Ed.)
  2. The War Correspondents: The Boer War by Raymond Sibbald
  3. The Tenth (Irish) Division in Gallipoli by Bryan Cooper
  4. German WWI Identity/Disks by Peter Meinlschmidt
  5. Experiences of the IV German Corps in the Battle of the Somme during July 1916
  6. Birmingham in the First World War by P J Letheridge
  7. Forearmed by Anthony Clayton
  8. Coalitions Politicians & Generals by Dominick Graham and Shelford Bidwell
  9. "I Survived Didn't I" The Great War Reminiscences of Private 'Ginger' Byrne by Joy Cave (Ed.)
  10. Battle Maps of the Ypres Salient by Mr & Mrs Holt

Memorials Officer: Barrie Thorpe

Bulletin Editor: James Brazier

Stand To! 41 Summer 1994

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Previous Stand To! Editor Tony Farquharson
  • 80th Anniversary since the outbreak of the Great War
  • Roll of Honour - Three Veteran Members remembered

War Art : ‘How Todger Jones Won the VC’ by Stanley L Wood : David Cohen

Garrison Library (book review): 1915 The Death of Innocence by Lyn Macdonald

WFA Meetings and Tours

The 'Old Contemptibles' by John Terraine

‘Diggers in Strife’ The Australian Military Prison, Lewes, Sussex 1917-1919 by Paul Cobb

Australia in the Great War

Some Further Notes on Army Organisation by Bob Butcher and Terry Cave

  • Personnel - Officers
  • Personnel - Other Ranks
  • The Gunners
  • Machine Guns
  • Tanks
  • Gas
  • Mortars
  • Cavalry
  • The Royal Engineers
  • Brigades

Garrison Library (book review): Somme: Beaumont Hamel by Nigel Cave

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Halifax Pals

Mr Marpole and the Army of Wales: Recruitment drive in Canada by John Richards

The Camera Returns (23) Bank of the Scarpe at Blangy by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The Seizure of the German Cameroons in 1914-1916 by Louis Ackroyd

Western Front Myths: That the French demanded rent for the trenches held by the British Army

WFA Poets

The Great War Distinction in Dress for the Wounded by Ray Westlake

The Story Behind the Marsden-Smedley Memorial by Victor Piuk

Harold Chapin: A Drama in Four Acts by Pete Starling

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Officers who Died in the Service of the Royal Navy by S D and K J B Jarvis
  2. The Camel File by Ray Sturtevant and Gordon Page
  3. Sniping in France by H Heskith-Pritchard
  4. Official History of the Great War Military Operations France and Belgium 1917 Volume I Appendices by Sir James Edmonds (series editor)
  5. British Battalions on the Somme by Ray Westlake
  6. The Fighting Nation by A J Smithers
  7. Handbook of the Austro-Hungarian Army in War, June 1918 by War Office
  8. The Accrington Pals by William Turner
  9. Cotton Town Comrades. The Story of the Oldham Pals Battalion 1914-1919 by K W Mitchinson
  10. In the Teeth of the Wind by C P O Bartlett
  11. The Accrington Pals Remembered. A Guide to their Resting Places and Memorials by William Turner

Stand To! 42 January 1995

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • British and Indian Officers
  • Roll of Honour - A Veteran Member remembered: Mr Charles Robert Searle

War Art : 'The Soup March' by Robert Walker by David Cohen

General Joffre. The 1994 Presidential Address, Delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine

Non Regulation Badges in Uniform by Ray Westlake

'When we come back from first death' Thomas MacGreevy and the Great War by Susan Schreibman

Some Further Notes on Army Organisation by Bob Butcher and Terry Cave

  • 1918 Reorganisation

The Camera Returns (24) Meaulte (a mile south of Amiens) by Steve Wall and Bob Butcher

When the Men from the Pru went to War (Part I) by Martin Middlebrook (Part II) by Ross Davies

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Clearing the Battlefields
  • Visitors to the Battlefields
  • NOT the Western Front?
  • 'Todger' Jones VC
  • 2nd Manchesters in Nieuport

Western Front Myths by Bob Butcher

A Contemporary Record or Post-War Fabrication. The Authenticity of the Haig Diaries for 1914 by John Hussey

Observation Post

  • Theatre: The Big Picnic by Bill Bryden

Charles Dejalma Moucan - Croix de Guerre by A D Chissel

WFA Poets: To the ‘Conscientious Objector’

A Forgotten CEF Memorial by Paul Reed

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Defeat at Gallipoli by Nigel Steel and Peter Hart
  2. The Redcaps. A History of the Royal Military Police from the Middle Ages to the Gulf War by G D Sheffield
  3. Letters from the Front. The Great War Letters of Lieutenant Brian Lawrence
  4. Panorama of the Western Front by John Laffin
  5. Brigadier-General R B Bradford & His Brothers
  6. Traces of the Great War by J Cartier
  7. The Worst Ordeal - Britons Home and Abroad 1914-1918 by Peter Liddle
  8. Victory in the West (Volume II) by L F Ellis
  9. Wales on the Western Front by John Richards (Ed.)
  10. Battle Tactics of the Western Front: The British Army's Art of the Attack 1916-1918 by Paddy Griffith

Book Notices in Brief:

  1. Battle Honours Awarded for the Great War by John Murray
  2. ‘Dishonoured’ - the ‘Colonels’ Surrender’ at St Quentin, the Retreat from Mons August 1914 by Peter T Scott
  3. Into Battle, by E W Parker
  4. Hot Blood and Cold Steel - Life and Death in the Trenches of the First World War by A Simpson
  5. Wilfred Owen, Poet and Soldier by Helen McPhail

Stand To! 43 April 1995

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Roll of Honour - Three Veteran Members remembered

War Art : 'Waiting for the Wounded' by Sir David Muirhead Bone (1876-1953) by David Cohen

When the Men From the Pru went off to War (Part III) by Ross Davies

The Camera Returns (25) The road to Buissart south west of Mailley Maillet by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Revisiting the Old Front Line. The historiography of the Great War since 1984 by Ian Beckett

From Wei-Hai-Wei to the Western Front: Royal Douglas Wood by John D Matthews

Rank Insignia of the French Army, 1915-1918

The War Service of Lieutenant William Crowther Central Ontario Regiment and 10 Squadron Royal Flying Corps by Paul Cobb

With 120 Siege Battery RGA Essigny-le-Grand March 1918: A Memoir by Major Kenneth F Angus, Office Commanding

The Silhouette As Icon of the Western Front by Paul Gough

If: Sir James Grierson by Bob Butcher

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • NOT the Western Front? Suitable Western Front material.
  • Remembering

WFA Poets ‘Memory’

The Death of a Conscript by Peter Newell

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Impacts of War 1914 & 1918 by John Terraine
  2. Ypres 1918 by Otto Schwink
  3. Trial by Friendship. Anglo-American Relations 1917-1918 by David R Woodward
  4. Anti-Aircraft Artillery, 1914-1955 by N W Routledge
  5. The Concise Catalogue of Embroidered Silk Postcards by John Westland
  6. Salient Points. Cameos of the Western Front, Ypres Sector 1914-1918 by Tony Spagnoly and Ted Smith
  7. Forward Everywhere - Her Majesty’s Territorials by Major Stanley Simm Baldwin MBE TD
  8. A Western Front Companion 1914-1918 by John Laffin
  9. The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Army edited by David Chandler & Ian Beckett
  10. A Youth in the Great War (in the ranks) by H E Huston
  11. Seize and Hold by Bryan Perrett
  12. The First Air War 1914-19818 by Lee Kennett
  13. Armageddon Revisited - A World War 1 Journal by Amos N. Wilder
  14. Wings Over the Somme 1916-1918 by G H Lewis DFC
  15. Albert Ball VC by Chaz Bowyer
  16. Chemical Soldiers - British Gas Warfare in World War One by Donald Richter
  17. The U-Boat War 1914-18 by Edwyn A Gray

Stand To! 44 September 1995

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Remembering an Unknown Soldier under the Menin Gate
  • Roll of Honour - Six Veteran Members remembered

War Art : 'The Care of the Wounded Horses in Northern France' by Fortunino Matania by David Cohen

The Tomb of The Unknown Australian Soldier by Patricia Johnson

The Camera Returns (26) St Julien, Steenbeck by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The Ypres Raid: 7 April 1917 by Matthew Richardson

Mounted Cyclists & Cyclist Divisions TF by Terry Cave

London's Saturday Night Soldiers: The London Regiment in Peace and War 1908 - 1918 by Paul Reed

The Story Behind a Cemetery Headstone by Elizabeth Hudson

The Accident to the Tyndareus, 6 February 1917 by Ray Westlake

Additional note on the Garua Action, 1914

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • NOT the Western Front (again)
  • An Australian School Project
  • Non-Regulation Badges
  • Film and the Great War
  • Old Contemptibles

Rank Insignia: German Army, 1914-1918 by Ronald Clifton

Return from Vienna: Beatrice Kelsey by J E M de Quidt

Capt. H. Ackroyd VC MC RAMC (1877-1917) by his great-grandson Edward F Malet de Carteret

'Good' Poetry

Home Front (30)

  • Canadian Field Comforts on Salisbury Plain

Observation Post

  • Theatre: Dusky Warriors
  • Cinema: Legends of the Fall

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Pyramids and Poppies: The First SA Infantry Brigade in Libya, France and Flanders 1915-1919 by Peter A Digby
  2. Imperial War Museum Film Catalogue, Vol.1. The First World War Archive by Roger Smith (Ed.)
  3. Pill Boxes on the Western Front. A Guide to Design, Construction and use of Concrete Pill Boxes by Peter Oldham
  4. We Who Knew; the Journal of an Infantry Subaltern During the Great War by M Cooper (Ed.)
  5. Forgotten Divisions. The First World War from both sides of No Man's Land by John Fox
  6. A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919 by The Marquess of Anglesey
  7. Where are the Lads of the Village tonight? The Minshull Vernon War Memorial, Cheshire by Joy Brotherson
  8. Graf Spee's Raiders - Challenge to the Royal Navy 1914-1915 by Keith Yates
  9. The Mobb's Own - the 7th Battalion The Northamptonshire Regiment 1914-1918 by David Woodall
  10. Garside's War: Memoirs of Bernard Garside F R Hist.S (1898-1963)
  11. Before Endeavours Fade. A Guide to the Battlefields of the First World War by Rose E Coombs MBE
  12. Christmas Truce - The Western Front December 1914 by M Brown and S Seaton
  13. Surrender Be Damned - A History of the 1/1st Battalion the Monmouthshire Regiment 1914-1918 by Les Hughes & John Dixon
  14. The Mobb’s Own - the 7th Battalion The Northamptonshire Regiment 1914-1918 by David Woodall
  15. Birdsong by Sebastian Faulkes
  16. Fields of Glory by Jean Rouad

Stand To! 45 January 1996

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  1. 15 years of The Western Front Association
  2. Notable WFA milestones
  3. The Camera Returns (long may their efforts continue!)
  4. PoWs

The 15th Anniversary of John Terraine as Hon. President of the WFA is marked. Regular features, articles, letters and reviews.

Roll of Honour: Six Veteran Members remembered

War Art: 'The Spirit of the Regiment' by Colonel Henry Bathurst Vaughan (b.1858) by David Cohen

Prisoners of War by Ross Davies

Prisoner: A Memoir by 3367 Pte. James Slessor of the Liverpool Irish (1/8 King's)

British Divisional Reorganisation, February 1918 by John Hussey

The Camera Returns (27) Fricourt by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Commonwealth War Cemetery Jelgava Latvia by Harry Milner

War Memorials to Local Regiments in Nottinghamshire Churches by Louis Ackroyd

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Lover's Lane
  • War Artists by Paul Gough
  • The Camera Returns (26)
  • London Scottish
  • London's Saturday Night Soldiers
  • Last Post Ceremony
  • Austrian Fortifications
  • Draining the Bellewaerde Lake

Kitchener's Monument: The Expansion of the British Army by Bob Butcher

Tractors to Tanks: The Evolution of the Landschip by William Hanigan


Observation Post

  • Imperial War Museum
  • Postcard packs
  • Video
  • Audiotape

Garrison Library (First World War book reviewed)

  1. Old Soldiers Never Die by Frank Richards DCM
  2. How Dear Life is by Henry Williamson
  3. The Austro-Hungarian Forces in the Field from The General Staff
  4. The Missing of the Somme by Geoff Dyer
  5. The Imperial War Museum Book of the Western Front by Malcolm Brown
  6. Army Battlefield Guide, Belgium and Northern France by Richard Holmes
  7. Gentlemen and Officers, the Impact and Experience of War on a Territorial Regiment 1914-1919 by K W Mitchinson
  8. Riding the Retreat - Mons to the Marne 1914 Revisited by Richard Holmes
  9. The Hood Battalion. Royal Naval Division, Antwerp, Gallipoli by Leonard Sellers
  10. Field Equipment of the European Foot Soldier 1900-1914 by Emile Lavisse
  11. The Best of Good Fellows by Jonathan Horne

Book Notes in Brief:

  1. VCs of the First World War - Gallipoli by Stephen Snelling
  2. A Dear and Noble Boy - the Life and Letters of Louis Stokes by R A Barlow & H V Bowen (Eds.)
  3. Tank Action: From the Great War to the Gulf by George Forty
  4. Fallen Stars by Brian Bond
  5. The RAF in Camera 1903-1939 by Roy Conyers Nesbit
  6. Agents of the Empire: Angol-Zionist Intelligence Operations 1915-1919 by Anthony Verried (Ed.)
  7. Imperial Germany 1871-19115: Economy, Society, Culture and Politics by V R Berghahn
  8. A Lonely Grave - the life and Death of William Redmond by Terrence Denman

Stand To! 46 April 1996

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • At the Cenotaph
  • Roll of Honour: A Veteran Member remembered

A Black Country Perspective

War Art : 'Farrier at Forge' by Eric Henri Kennington R.A by David Cohen

Kitchener of Khartoum: The 1995 Presidential Address, Delivered by the Honorary President John Terraine

The Collapse of Imperial Germany 1918 by Hans Andriessen

Landrecies 25/26 August 1914 compiled by Maurice Johnson with an introduction by Terry Cave and commentary by John Hussey

Poetry by Helen McPhail

The Camera Returns (28): Fouquereuil by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

I'm Over Here by Frank Davies

  • Pioneer Frank Meredith, Royal Engineers
  • Pte Walter Meredith, Royal Welch Fusiliers
  • Sergeant George Davies, Royal Welch Fusiliers

America's Stonehenge by Walter Kudlick

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Prisoners of War
  • Tyndareus
  • In Durance Vile
  • Jelgava Cemetery
  • Vandalism and Cemeteries
  • The Somme 1995

In Durance Vile by an anonymous prisoner of war March - November 1918

Luxembourg in the Great War by David Heal

The Somme 1995 by Neela Khatri, age 15, Kingsbury High School, London

Soldiers' Documents to be Available at the Public Record Office, Kew from November 1996

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Tanks at Flers - an Account of the First Use of the Tanks in War at the Battle of Flers-Courcelette, the Somme, 15th September 1916 by Trevor Pidgeon (Reviewed by Terry Cave)
  2. Irishmen or English Soldiers? The Times and World of Southern Catholic Irishman 1876-1916 by Thomas P Dooley
  3. The Story of the Unknown Warrior by Michael Gavaghan
  4. For God’s Sake Shoot Straight - the Story of the Court Martial and Execution of Sub Lt Edwin Dyett by Leonard Sellers
  5. The Bickersteth Diary by John Bickersteth (Ed.)
  6. Film and the First World War by Karel Dibbets and Bert Hogencamp
  7. The Men who Marched Away. Liddlesdale and the Great War 1914-1918 by Derek Robertson
  8. Aviation Awards of Imperial Germany in World War I and the men who earned them Volume I by Neal W O’Connor
  9. The Men who Marched Away. Liddlesdale and the Great War 1914-1918 by Derek Robertson
  10. Saddleworth 1914-1919 by K W Mitchison
  11. The Ghost Road by Pat Barker
  12. Birmingham in the First World War by J P Lethbridge
  13. The Somme 1916. Crucible of a British Army by Michael Chappell
  14. The Faithful Sixth. A History of the Sixth Battalion, Durham Light Infantry by Harry Moses
  15. The Great War on Video

Stand To! 47 September 1996

Tony Noyes - Chairman

Chris Baker Deputy Chairman

Kathy Stevenson Press and Publicity Officer

James Brazier - Bulletin

Barrie Thorpe - Memorials Officer

Christine Holstein - European Co-Ordinator

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Stand To! Covers in colour to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme
  • John Terraine’s 75th celebrated
  • Duke Albrecht of Bavaria
  • Villers Bretonneux Military Cemetery
  • Roll of Honour - deaths of veterans

Tributes to John Terraine F R Hist S, Hon. Fellow, Keble College, Oxford and Honorary President of The Western Front Association

War Art : Punch Cartoon dated 17 March 1915 by George Belcher R.A. 1875-1947 by David Cohen

Donald Hankey A Student in Arms by Ross Davies

'Mar Chuimmneachan Air NA Gaisgeach Nach Maireann': A Memorial to the Heroes That Are No More' A special case by Tom Tulloch-Marshall

Sir Douglas Haig's Diary and Despatches. Dating and Censorship by John Hussey

Contacts with troops: Commanders and Staffs in the First World War by Captain Cyril Falls

Postcards. The 'Bliss' Series

A 'New' Poet

Members' Research

  • A straight bat at first crease: Arthur Collins by John Gillis
  • William Ellam's memoirs by Jeanne and Tony Knight
  • Private Orrell Taylor Duerdon by Mark Smith

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Kitchener's Monument
  • Italian Front
  • The Camera Returns (28)
  • Collapse of Imperial Germany
  • Vandalism and theft of cemetery registers

The Camera Returns (29): Heilly by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Garrison Library (First World War book reviews)

  1. A Serious Disappointment. The Battle of Aubers Ridge 1915 and the Munitions Scandal by Adrian Bristow
  2. A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919 Volume 7 The Curragh Incident and the Western Front 1914 by The Marquess of Anglesey
  3. For Love of Regiment - A History of British Infantry by Charles Messenger
  4. Major and Mrs Holt's Battlefield Guide to the Ypres Salient.
  5. Major and Mrs Holt's Battle Map of the Somme
  6. Major and Mrs Holt's Battlefield Guide to the Somme
  7. Airmen Died in the Great War, 1914-1918 by Chris Hobson
  8. Henry Williamson - Tarka and the Last Romantic by Anne Williamson
  9. The Golden Virgin by Henry Williamson
  10. The Flower of Battle - British Fiction Writers of the First World War by Hugh Cecil
  11. Bloody Red Taps by F Davies and G Maddocks
  12. The Evolution of Victory. British Battles on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Andy Simpson (Reviewed by Garry Sheffield)
  13. Men, Ideas and Tanks British Military Thought and Armoured Forces, 1903-1939 by J P Harris
  14. Responding to the Call. The Kitchener Battalions of the Royal Berkshire Regiment at the Battle of Loos 1915 by John Chapman
  15. The Student Soldiers (Aberdeen) by John McConachie
  16. AIF Epitaphs of World War One by John Laffin
  17. Responding to the Call: the Kitchener Battalions of the Royal Berkshire Regiment at the Battle of Loos 1915 by John Chapman et al. (Reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  18. The World War I Memoir of a German Lieutenant by R A Baumgartner
  19. Handbook of the French Army 1914
  20. Battlebags - British Airships of the First World War by Ces Mowthorpe
  21. Handbook of the Italian Army 1913
  22. Military Operations - France and Belgium 1918 Volume II by James Edmonds
  23. Military Operations - France and Belgium 1918 Volume I Appendices by James Edmonds
  24. Military Operations - France and Belgium 1918 Volume III by James Edmonds
  25. Military Operations - Togoland and the Cameroons 1914-1916 by Brig. Gen F S Moberly
  26. Shadows Cast. A Walking Journey. Albert to Thiepval by I C & D Pearson
  27. Imperial War Museum Review by Janet Mihell and Peter Simkins
  28. The Canvas Falcons. The Men and Planes of World War I by Stephen Longhurst
  29. Immingham’s War Dead Remembered. What Happened to Joe? By Mary Leitch
  30. Organised Against Fire (The London Fire Brigade) by W F Hickin

Stand To! 48 January 1997

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Computer Floppy Disk and the next edition of Stand To!
  • Roll of Honour - Five Veteran Members remembered

The Affair of Néry by Gerald Gliddon

Postcards by Tony Allen

Horace Pippin - An African American Soldier and Artist by Walter Kudlick

Poetry by Helen McPhail

  • Geoffrey Dearmer - death of veteran of the Great War and published poet

The Camera Returns (30): Trescault by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Nonconformity at War by Louis Ackroyd

A Canadian Veteran: Roy Henley

War Art : ‘Artillery on the Dunes - Flanders 1915’ by Adrian Jones from the David Cohen Fine Art Collection

The Australian National Memorial and the Villers Bretonneux Military Cemetery by Alan Box

New Western Front Association Constitution (to take the WFA into the next century)

Overseas Service Chevrons by Ray Westlake

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • The Collapse of Imperial Germany
  • WFA Photographic register?
  • A Ukrainian-Canadian VC: Filip Konowal: Ottawa's 77th Canadian Infantry Battery and 47th Canadian Infantry Battalion
  • Metal Detectors and Vandalism
  • Swagger Sticks

The Development of Infantry Tactics in the British 12th (Eastern) Division 1915-1918 by Andrew Whitmarsh

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The History of British Military Bands by Gordon and A W Turner
  2. Battleground Europe, Somme, Thiepval by Michael Stedman
  3. Arras, Vimy Ridge by Nigel Cave
  4. Serre, Somme by Jack Horsfall & Nigel Cave
  5. Facing Armageddon - The First World War by Hugh Cecil and Peter Liddle (Eds.)
  6. Pilgrimage - A Guide to The Royal Newfoundland Regiment in World War One by Dr W David Parsons
  7. Manu Forti - A History of the Hertfordshire Regiment 1860-1967 by Lt. Col. T J Hill
  8. English and Welsh Infantry Regiments - An Illustrated Record of Service by Ray Westlake (Reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  9. Far From A Donkey. The Life of General Sir Ivor Maxse by John Baynes
  10. Jutland: The German Perspective by V E Tarrant
  11. The Lions of July - Prelude to War 1914 by W Jannen Jr
  12. Lieux de Batailles: IGN - France
  13. The Price of Pity by Martin Stephen
  14. Violets from Oversea: Poets of the First World War by Tonie & Valmai Holt
  15. The Fierce Light. The Battle of the Somme July-November 1916 by Anne Powell (Ed.)
  16. History of the Post Office Rifles, 8th Battalion City of London Regiment, 1914 to 1918 by A D Darvine-Jones
  17. A Select Analytical List of Books Concerning the Great War by George Prothero
  18. The Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Britain in Old Photographs by Roy Masters
  19. The Gold Coast Regiment in the East African Campaign by Hugh Clifford
  20. War Letters of Bernard Long by V A Hawgood

IWM Reprints:

  1. France and Belgium 1914 Volume I by J E Edmonds
  2. France and Belgium 1916 Volume I Case of Maps
  3. Egypt and Palestine Volume II Part I by Cyril Falls
  4. Handbook of the German Army in War
  5. Vocabulary of German Military Terms and Abbreviation
  6. Handbook of German Military and Naval Aviation (War) 1918
  7. A Subaltern on the Somme by Max Plowman
  8. Tickled to Death to Go - Memoirs of a Cavalryman in the First World War by Richard van Emden
  9. A Fox Under my Cloak by Henry Williamson
  10. Bushmill Heroes by Robert Thompson (ed.)
  11. A Dictionary of Great War Abbreviations by Howard Williamson
  12. Brassey’s Book of Camouflage by Tim & Quentin Newark
  13. Trench Tea and Sandbags by D McMillan
  14. Researching Local History by M A Williams
  15. The London Gunners Come to Town - life and death in Hemel Hempstead in the Great War by Bertha & Chris Reynolds
  16. Fallen Fighters: Brief Biographies of the Bentley Men Who Died in Action 1914-1918 by Heather Taylor
  17. Ballyshannon, Belcoo, Bertincourt. The History of the 11th Battalion the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Donegal & Fermanagh Volunteers) in World War One by W J Canning
  18. Authority, Identity and the Social History of the Great War by F. Coetzee and Shevin-Coetzee (Eds.)

Stand To! 49 April 1997

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • John Terraine's health
  • John Terraine Poem ‘In May’
  • Behaviour at the Menin Gate
  • War Cemeteries in Spring
  • Cricketing Photographs

Territorial Battalions of the King's (The King’s Liverpool Regiment) by Lieutenant Colonel A J Moore, TD

Poetry by Helen MacPhail

Postcard by Tony Allen

Dolomiten Freunde by James Ure

Black Soldiers in the British Army 1914-1919 by Paul Reed

Bruges and Gravelines July-September 1914: A Diary Edited by Meryl Moore

War Art : Jean Berne-Bellecour b. 1874 by David Cohen

The Innkeeper and the Upper Room: Talbot House by Mike Lyddiard, Director Toc H

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Sir Ivor Maxse
  • Non-Conformists
  • Martin Middlebrook on ‘blacking in’ names on memorials with chalk or crayon
  • Harry Wells VC
  • School Visits to the Western Front

Where are the Blankshires ?

Towards a Memorial Avenue: The Western Front Association and the National Memorial Arboretum by Paul Gough

County and Regiment: An Analysis of Recruitment and the Northumberland Fusiliers 1914-1918 by Graham Stewart

The Camera Returns (31): Blangy on the outskirts of Arras by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Geology and Warfare on the Western Front by Peter Doyle and Matthew Bennett

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Indian Corps in France by Lt Col J W B Merewether
  2. Brassey's Companion to the British Army by Maj Gen Makepiece-Warne
  3. The History of the 89th Brigade 1914-1918 by Brig. Gen F C Stanley
  4. The Finest of all by F Holcroft
  5. Listening In. Intercepting German Trench Communications in World War I by E Henrichs
  6. On The Somme. Kitchener’s Battalion of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1916 by John Chapman et al.
  7. British Fighting Methods in the Great War by P Griffiths (Ed.)

Stand To! 50 September 1997

WFA Chairman: Tony Noyes

Deputy Chairman: Chris Baker

Review Editor: Lt. Col R J Wyatt

European Co-Ordinator: Christina Holstein

Book reviews by Gary Sheffield, Paul Gough and Tony Spagnoly

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Passchendaele Anniversary
  • Fiftieth Edition of Stand To!
  • 100th Birthday Veteran George Louth
  • Remembering the Armistice
  • Roll of Honour - deaths of veterans

The Battles of Flanders in the summer and autumn of 1917 from Gen Van Kuhl's Der Weltkrieg 1914-1918, Volume II (pp.117-132) (Berlin, Kolk, 1928) translated by the late Colonel Roderick Macleod DSO, MC, Royal Artillery and revised by Colin Fox BA, MPhil with an introduction by John Hussey from a copy made available to him by John Terraine

The Camera Returns (32): Vaulx Vraucourt north-east of Bapaume by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Subvention, Impressment and Mass Production. The 'Standard' Lorry and British Military Logistics 1912-1918 by Alan S Wakefield

The Somme Memorial to the Missing by Martin Middlebrook

A Policeman on board the Hampshire by R McAdam

The Hon. Evelina Haverfield by Ray Westlake

War Art : William Cecil Dunford, FRSA, RDS (1885-1969) by David Cohen

Casualties during the Somme Battles by Geoffrey Noon

The Anti-Aircraft Corps by Michael N Jackson

Poetry by Helen MacPhail

Postcards by Tony Allen The Daily Mail Series

The Raid by Ralph Whitehead

Remembering - Poem by Sarah Hendry, aged 15, Lewes

An Australian Diary: Thomas Edward Keeling with an introduction by Brian F Dyer

William Alonzo Border Frontiersman by David Ashwin

A Casualty Clearing Station at War by Philip Guest

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Geology and warfare
  • Hill 60 bunker
  • Black Soldiers
  • Commemoration 1918-1998
  • London Scottish
  • Tubby Clayton at Talbot House

Rifleman John Corns: Tracking a Spirit of the Great War by Adrian Gregson

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Passchendaele - the untold story by Prior Wilson (reviewed by Gary Sheffield)
  2. Legacy of the Somme 1916 by Gerald Glidden
  3. Walking the Somme by Paul Reed (reviewed by Tony Spagnoly)
  4. La Boiselle by Michael Stedman
  5. The Royal Air Force in the Great War from the Air Ministry
  6. Handbook of the Russian Army by General Staff
  7. Of Those Who Lie In Foreign Fields (Colton, Staffordshire) by R I Stanley & Joy Bratherton
  8. The Trumpet Sounded (Oxfordshire) by Patricia Utechin
  9. The Launton Lads Who Went to War by Pat Tucker
  10. The Conservation of War Memorials from the National Inventory of War Memorials
  11. Poems about the Accrington Pals by Benjamin Hargreaves
  12. Cinema and the Great War by Andrew Kelly (reviewed by Dr Paul Gough)
  13. Collecting Metal Shoulder Titles by Ray Westlake
  14. W H R Rivers by Richard Slobdin
  15. The Air VCs by Peer G Cooksley
  16. Naval Aviation in the First World War by R D Layman
  17. Valour - A History of the Gurkhas by E D Smith
  18. A Fiery Glow in the Darkness by Michael Grundy

Stand To! 51 January 1998

Barrie Thorpe - Memorials Officer

Article by David Filsell

Article by David Tattersfield

Book Reviews by G D Sheffield

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • John Terraine standing down as Honorary President of the WFA
  • Corelli (Bill) Barnett stepping into the role of Honorary President of the WFA

Cricket and the Great War by Jack Williams

‘Keep it Simple’ Postcards posted without an address 1914 submitted by David Filsell

Fricourt Liberated: Major R G Raper 8th Bn South Staffordshire Regiment 1/2 July 1916 by James Mills

Moltke Unsupported - The German Navy by Colin Lyle

Poetry by Helen McPhail

War Art : Wind Up by Lieutenant Ernest Stafford Carlos (1883-1917) by David Cohen

Stand To! 51 January 1998

Drawing From the Devastation. Artist Edward Handley-Read at the Front by Paul Gough

Postcards by Tony Allan

A German Postcard by Derek Savory

Wartime Journey to Switzerland: Lance Corporal Frank Omrod with an introduction by Tom Hallworth

A Remarkable NCO - CSM F H Keeling MM 6th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry by E W Lever

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Somme Memorial to the Missing
  • 8th East Surreys
  • Scottish Women's Hospitals
  • Frontiersmen not disbanded in 1918, still extant in 1998
  • Successful trip for a 15 year old schoolboy

The Camera Returns (33): Caestre by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Member's Research:

  • The Spirit of Canada - Uncloaked by Paul Chapman
  • Remembered 80 years on - John William Duxbury by David Tattersfield
  • The Great War Prisoner of Cwmyoy by Katie Nelson

Lance Corporal Harry Squires, MM: A Casualty of Langemarck by John Briggs

A Rifleman’s Dairy: 2442 Rifleman William Francis Eve 1/16th Bn The London Regiment (the Queen’s Westminster Rifles) [18th Brigade, 6th Division]

The Vimy Memorial Remembered: 80 years on

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. A History of British Cavalry 1816-1939 by The Marquess of Anglesey
  2. The Hindenburg Line by Peter Oldham
  3. Leaving All That Was Dear: Cheltenham and the Great War by J Devereux and G Sacker
  4. Butchers and Bunglers Revisited by John Laffin (Reviewed by Garry Sheffield)
  5. The Sons of John Company. The Indian and Pakistani Armies by John Gaylor [Reviewed by Gary Sheffield]
  6. A Walk Around Plugstreet South Ypres Sector 1914-1918 by Tony Spagnoly and Ted Smith
  7. Men of Dukinfield. A History of Dukinfield During the Great War by Mike Pavasovic.
  8. Task of Gratitude. Canadian Battlefields of the Great War by Stephen Mills
  9. Passchendaele in Perspective by Peter H Liddle (Ed.)
  10. By God They Can Fight! A History of the 143rd Infantry Brigade 1908-1995 by Peter Caddick-Adams

Stand To! 52 April 1998

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Tony Noyes, Chairman and Committee Member Retires
  • Front Cover photographs
  • Requests for ‘Information Please’ will only appear in Bulletin

Maintaining Regimental Identity in the Great War: The Case of the Irish Infantry

Regiments by Nicholas Perry

Poetry by Helen McPhail

The Canadian Ross Rifle by Edward Storey

War Art : Plugstreet Observation Post on the St.Yves Ridge May 1916 by Lieutenant Richard Barrett Talbot Kelly MC by David Cohen Stand To 52 April 1998

Granezza Cemetery: The Grave of Edward Brittain by Rob Kirk

Executions in the Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914-18 by Cpt Andrew B Godefroy

The Camera Returns (34) Hourges, astride the Amiens to Roye Road by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Rugby and the Great War by Edmund McCave

The WFA Schools Prize:

  • Lions Led By Donkeys by Tim Howard
  • Casualties of the Somme by Jane Wright

How I Escaped from Germany Lieutenant Walter Duncan 1/8th Battalion King's (Liverpool) Regiment

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Rubbish fiction about the Great War
  • German Navy
  • German Graves
  • London Scottish, 1914
  • Photographing Headstones
  • Red Cross Visits

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. From Emmanuel to the Somme.The War Writings of A E Tomlinson (1892 - 1968) by Michael Copp
  2. Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning and the First World War by Jonathan F Vance
  3. The Imperial War Museum Book of the Somme by Malcolm Brown
  4. Naval Operations. Volume I by Sir Julian Corbett
  5. Naval Operations. Volume II by Sir Julian Corbett
  6. Seaborne Trade. Volume I by C Ernest Fayle
  7. The Campaign in German South West Africa 1914-1915 by Brig. Gen. J Collyer
  8. Medical Services - Casualties and Medical Statistics of the Great War by T J Mitchell and G M Smith
  9. The Campaign in Mesopotamia 1914-1918 by F J Moberly
  10. VCs of the First World War by Gerald Gliddon
  11. The Campaign in German South West Africa 1914-1915 by J J Collyer
  12. British Trench Warfare 1915-1917 by General Staff, War Office
  13. Shock Army of the British Empire. The Canadian Corps in the Last 100 Days of the Great War by Shane B Schreiber
  14. Dr. Brighton's Indian Patients by Joyce Collins
  15. The Jasta Pilots. Detailed Listings and Histories, August 1916-November 1918 by Norman Franks, Frank Bailey and Rick Duiven
  16. The War Memorials of Purton by John Belt
  17. Birmingham Pals 14th, 15th & 16th (Service) Battalions of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. A History of the Three City Battalions Raised in World War One by Terry Carter
  18. British Regiments at Gallipoli by Ray Westlake
  19. Captured by History by WFA Honorary Vice-President John Toland
  20. Remembrances of Hell - The First World War Diary of Norman F Ellison by D R Lewis (Ed.)
  21. Above the Trenches by Christopher Shores, Norman Franks and Russell Guest
  22. The 90th Division in World War I. The Texas-Oklahoma Draft Division in the Great War by Lonnie J Wight
  23. Above the Trenches - Supplement by Christopher Shores, Norman Franks & Russell Guest (Reviewed by Garry Sheffield)
  24. They Lived with Death. Local (Wigan) Men in the Battle of Passchendaele 1917 by Fred Holcroft

Stand To! 53 September 1998

WFA Chairman: Chris Baker

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • 80th Anniversary of the Armistice
  • Wilfred Owen Association
  • 11 November 1998

John Terraine Book of Essays Stand To! 53 September 1998

Col. George Bruchmueller and the birth of modern Artillery Tactics by David T Zabecki

The Reverend George S Duncan at GCHQ by Nigel Cave

Otto Ernest 9099 US Army 2 August 1918 by R.Whitehead

The Camera Returns (35) Warloy Baillon 29 April 1918 by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

'It Was a Dirty War': deaths through sickness by Jack Cavanagh

Casualty Figures WW1 - infections/illness

  • Enteric Fever
  • Epidemic dysentery
  • Bacillary dysentery
  • Amoebic dysentery
  • Cholera
  • Malaria
  • Bronchopneumonia
  • Trench Fever
  • Wound Infection

War Art : Australian Artillery Gun Team, France 1918 by Lieutenant Harold Septimus Power (1879-1957) by David Cohen

The Warwickshire (Mountain) Brigade by James Ure

Haig Unsupported. The Jutland Opportunity by Colin Lyle

Writing About the Somme by Gerald Gliddon

Poetry by Helen McPhail

The Armistice at Home and Abroad

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Comparative studies and Second World War
  • Addressing the ignorance of the media
  • Study in the Second World War ?
  • London Scottish Rifles
  • Great War Fiction

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Flash Spotters and Sound Rangers. How they lived, worked and fought in the Great War by John R Innes
  2. With the Rank and Pay of a Sapper by James Sambrook
  3. The American Expeditionary Forces in the Meuse-Argonne Campaign by Paul F Braim
  4. Death Sentences Passed by Military Courts of the British Army 1914-1924 by Gerard Oram
  5. American Women in World War I by Gavin Lettie
  6. News from the Front by Martin J Farrar
  7. The Riddles of Wipers by John Ivelaw-Chapman
  8. The English Country House Party by Phyllida Barstow
  9. Ladies of the Manor - Wives and Daughters in County House Society 1830-1918 by Pamela Horn
  10. The Illustrated History of the Housewife by Una A Robertson
  11. The Irish Guards in the Great War by Rudyard Kipling
  12. The Blood Tub: General Gough and the Battle of Bullecourt 1917 by Jonathan Walker
  13. The Battles of Neuve Chapelle, Aubers Ridge and Festubert 1915 by Michael Gavaghan
  14. The War Letters of Captain Jack Oughtred 1915-1918 by Alan Wilkinson (Ed.)

Stand To! 54 January 1999

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Soldiers Died CD ROM
  • The Kipling Society
  • Questions about the size and scope of Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

The American ‘Royal Engineers’ by Walter Kudlick

Hobart’s History of Cambrai (Part I)

Chapter I: The Allied Situation in October 1917

Chapter II: Tank Corps 1917

Chapter III: The Inception and Development of the Plan Battle

Chapter IV: The Orders and Preparation for Battle

Members' Research:

  • Patrol at Villers Carbonnel 5 March 1917 by Graham Saville
  • Two Long Service Medal Stories. How Far West Was the Western Front? Ernie Wicks and George Wilson by John S Sly

The Camera Returns (36): Sunken Road at Bourlon February 1918 by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War I by Edward M. Coffman

One Story Among Many by David Heal

War Art : Tank Battle on the Somme by Captain Bryan De Grineau, 1883-1957 by David Cohen Stand To 54 January 1999

How I escaped from Germany by Lieutenant Walter Duncan 1/8th Batt. King's (Liverpool Regiment)

Poetry by Helen McPhail

A Padre at Amiens: Richard V H Burne

How to find ‘Some Corner of a Foreign Field’ by Peter Francis

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Who Downed the Aces during the First World War by Norman Franks
  2. The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War by David G Herman
  3. They Shall Not Grow Old - Irish Soldiers by Myles Dungan (Reviewed by G D Sheffield)
  4. Arras to Cambrai: the Kitchener Battalions of the Royal Berkshire Regiment 1917 by Colin Fox et al.
  5. Handbook of the Belgium Army
  6. Field Marshal Sir William Robertson by David R Woodward
  7. Official History of the War. The War in the Air by H A Jones
  8. A Short History of the Royal Air Force. Air Publications 125

Stand To! 55 April 1999

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • WFA Schools Prize
  • New Feature; ‘Editor’s Choice’ in the Garrison Library

Hobart's History of Cambrai (Part II)

  • Chapter V: The Battle of Cambrai
  • Chapter VI: The Germans at Cambrai
  • Chapter VII: Some Lessons after the Battle

Stormtroopers and Stick Grenades: Recent Writing on How the German Army Nearly Won the Great War by Peter Caddick-Adams

Doughboys' Rifle: It wasn't necessarily a Springfield by Leonard G Shurtleff

Entente Cordiale at the Cafe de la Caserne

Caught in the Crossfire: Canadian Snipers and Open Warfare by Leslie P Mepham

Letters from a Poilu

War Art : ‘Gallipoli - The Welsh Casualty Clearing Dressing Station’ by Norman Wilkinson CBE PRI ROI (1878-1971) by David Cohen Stand To 55 April 1999

The Camera Returns (37): Mansel Copse by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Poetry by Helen McPhail

Whitaker's War by Garry Atterton

Classroom Exercise - Identikit by John West

Member's Research:

  • On the Somme with with a 60-pounder Battery by Harry Milner
  • From Fovant to the Schwaben Redoubt July-October 196 by Roland Wilco*ck

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • George Fugate
  • Hobart and the Tank
  • Collecting medals
  • George Fugate
  • Sarajevo
  • CWGC records on the Internet
  • Ross Rifle
  • Deserters
  • Two Minute Silence

A Tank at Passchendaele

Garrison Library (First World War book reviewed)

  1. A School for Diplomats by Clifford R Lovin
  2. Royal Flying Corps Communiques 1917-1918 by Chaz Bowyer (Ed.)
  3. Command or Control? Training and Tactics in the British and German Armies by Martin Samuels
  4. Pillars of Fire - the Battles of Messines Ridge 1917 by Ian Passingham
  5. The Wood of Death and Beyond by Major P St Lloyd OBE
  6. Above Flanders Fields by Walter M Pieters
  7. The Virago Book of Women and the Great War by Joyce Marlow
  8. Filming 'All Quiet on the Western Front' by Andrew Kelly
  9. Epic Actions of the First World War by R W Gould
  10. Soldiers in the Great War/Officers in the Great War: CD
  11. Loos by Michael Gavaghan
  12. James Neville Marshall VC MC & Bar by Arthur Graham
  13. Sons of This Place - Commemoration of the War Dead in Oxford’s Colleges and Institutions by Patricia Utechin
  14. Lechdale & the Great War by Paul & Tessa Hob
  15. Don’t Shout at the Guns by Laurence Harris
  16. United States Army in the World War 1917-1919 by US Center for Military History
  17. Kineton in the Great War 1914-1921 by Gillian Ashley
  18. A Question of Conscience - Conscientious Objectors in the Two World Wars by Felicity Goodall
  19. Air War Flanders 1918 by Robert Jackson
  20. Salient Points Two - Cameos of the Western Front by Tony Spagnoly & Ted Smith
  21. Only Remembered by Mike Lyddiard
  22. Images of Omagh and District by Dr Haldane Mitchell
  23. The Mudbook - Machine Gunner by Allan C Mott
  24. Theatre at War by L J Collins
  25. Memorials and the Local Historian by Alex Bruce
  26. Editor’s Choice: The Women of Royaumont - A Scottish Women’s Hospital on the Western Front by Eileen Crofton

Interesting Internet Sites

'Perhaps in years to come websites will be reviewed in Stand To! just as books are today.

First Western website with Chris Baker

Stand To! 56 September 1999

Notes by the Way. (Notices from the Editor)

  • Mike Lyddiard RIP
  • Peter Simkins retired and awarded OBE

Alexander McClintock - a Kentuckian with the Canadians by Paul Guthrie

War Art : Ernest Procter (1886-1935) ‘Verdun and Advanced Dressing Station on the heights behind the town’ by David Cohen

Hobart's History of Cambrai (Part III)

Chapter 8: Some Personal Accounts of the Battle by Tank Officers

Some Very Important Ground: The Attack on Maissemy, 15 September 1918 by Richard Hughes

Member's Research:

  • Remembering Essigny le Grand by Lt Col Ian F. Angus TD, Bsc
  • Trumpeter Patterson’s War by Richard Young
  • A Tale of Two Brothers by Phil Tomaselli
  • The Men of Auchtermuchty by John Mathieson
  • Can it Be? The Guns Ceased This Morning: Leaves from the diary of Lieutenant Will Carne, an Australian Prisoner of War in Germany by Alan Box

In Such Fortitude: Major The Hon Maurice Boving OBE by Lanayre D. Liggera

Letters of an Airman: 2nd Lt Geoff Wal RFC 1916-1917 6 August 1917 by Andrew Whitmarsh, RAF Museum, Hendon

Trumpeter Patterson's War

A Tale of Two Brothers

Web Watch (1) by Jim Fanning

The Durham Light Infantry in Archangel: The Diary of Private Walter Wright. Regimental Butcher with the 2/7th Battalion TF October 1918 - May 1919

The Camera Returns (38) Merris, 12 April 1918 by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Night Attack 2/Royal Munsters at Cité Calonne 25 June 1916 by Graham Saville

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • US Army in the Great War
  • Stormtroopers and Stick Grenades by Peter Caddick-Adams (Stand To! 55)
  • Collecting Medals
  • 'George Robey' Tank
  • Lagarde Cemeteries
  • Garrison Library - your views

Poetry by Helen McPhail

Western Front Association Schools Prize 1998

Haig has been called 'the Butcher of the Somme'. To what extent should he be blamed for the casualties of the Battle of the Somme?

Women's War Work from the collection of D.Savory.

Another Card from Pater

Photographing Headstones

Women's War Work - Postcards

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. A Weekend with the Great War by Steven Weingartner (Ed.)
  2. Pals Battalions (A range of Pals Histories listed)
  3. Amiens to the Armistice. The BEF in the Hundred Days Campaign 8 August 1918 - 11 November 1918 by J P Harris and Niall Barr
  4. The Great War Generals on the Western Front by Robin Neillands
  5. Private Memorials on the Western Front by Barrie Thorpe [Stand To 56 September 1999]
  6. A Patriot's Progress. Henry Williamson and the First World War by Anne Williamson
  7. The Dover Patrol 1914-1918 by Roy Humphreys
  8. A History of the 10th Battalion The Sherwood Foresters 1914-1918 by C Housley
  9. Easily Led - History of Propaganda by Oliver Thomson
  10. The Encyclopaedia of 20th Century Conflict by Paul Kemp
  11. Memorials of the Great War in Britain: The Symbolism and Politics of Remembrance by Alex King.
  12. K Boats - Storm-Powered Submarines in World War I by Don Everitt
  13. Engaged in War - the Letters of Stanley Goodland 1914-1919 by Anne Noyes et al (Eds.)
  14. Baptism of Fire - the 5th Green Howards at St.Julien April 1915 by Mark Marsay
  15. One Day on the Somme by Barry Cuttell
  16. Mons 1914 by Michael Gavaghan
  17. War, Medicine and Modernity by Roger Coote, Mark Harrison & Steve Sturdy
  18. Propaganda by Bertrand Taithe & Tim Thornton
  19. Cleckheaton’s Finest by Charlie Turpin
  20. IWM Reprints

Stand To! 57 January 2000

Chris Baker - Chairman

David Filsell - Area Coordinator

Christina Holstein - European Co-Ordinator

James Brazer - Bulletin Editor

Lt Col R J Wyatt - Reviews Editor

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Western Front Postage Stamp
  • Index of articles for Issues 1-45 in Stand To! No. 44 January 1996
  • Index of articles for Issues 45-56 in this issue
  • Soldiers Died CD-Rom

The Hospitallers' War: The Orders of St John, 1914-18 by Gervase Phillips

The Camera Returns (39): Fins by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The Welsh Army Corps 1914-1918: Shortage of Khaki and basic equipment promote a 'national' uniform by Clive Hughes

Omnibuses at War 1914-1918 by Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) M H G Young

The Great War Dispatches of Sir Philip Gibbs by Richard Hughes

Web Watch (2) On how to set up a Web page


Swiss Soldiers of the Great War

War Art : Stirrup Charge by Countess Feodora Gleichen, RA (1861-1922) by David Cohen Stand To 57 January 2000

To Identify a Body

The Highlander Statue at Newfoundland Park

The Wolds Wagoners: an unusual formation with a controversial memorial by Paul Cobb

A Ticket to Rouen by Jack Cavanagh

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • The myth of German Battalions having a machine-gun section each in 1914
  • Armenian Massacres
  • Collecting medals

Heroes All

Captain Gordon Cuthbert 1/8th Bn Middlesex Regiment

Member's Research:

  • Ernest Jones - South Wales Borderers
  • The Devil's Orchestra. Searching for an Old Contemptible
  • Search for Second Lieutenant John Hayes Fearnhead 'Jack' of the 1/7th (King's Liverpool) Regiment, killed near Guillemont in August 1916 by Pam Hall
  • Garrison Library (200 Great War Books published each year)

The Rangers at Villers-Cotterets 1918 by Colin Fairman

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Aftermath. Remembering the Great War in Wales by A Gafney
  2. The 2nd Munsters in France by Lt Col H S Jervis
  3. Sir John Fisher's Naval Revolution by N Lambert
  4. With Snow on Their Boots - the Tragic Odyssey of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France during World War I by J H I co*ckfield
  5. The Fighting Man. The Soldier at War from the Age of Napoleon by P L Isemonger and C Scott
  6. Doing His Bit by R M Greig
  7. British Logistics on the Western Front by Malcolm Brown
  8. The All-Americans at War: The 82nd Division in the Great War, 1917-1918 by J Cooke
  9. War and Faith. The Religious Imagination in France by A Becker
  10. Letters from a Lost Generation by A Bishop and M Bostridge (Eds).
  11. Over There. The United States in the Great War 1917-1918 by B Farwell
  12. The Long Silence by H McPhail
  13. Great Battles of the Great War by M Stedman and E Skelding
  14. The First World War by John Keegan
  15. Liaison 1914 by Edward Spears
  16. Sea Killers in Disguise by Tony Bridgland
  17. Back to the Front by Stephen O’Shea
  18. Battle Beneath the Waves by Robert C Stern
  19. A History of the English Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill
  20. Assassin! By Paul Elliott

Editor’s Choice:

  1. Great Battles of the Great War by M Stedman & E Skelding

Stand To! 58 April 2000

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Helen McPhails Poetry Editor for a number of years retires

Web Watch (3) by Jim Fanning

L’Ecossais of the 51st (Highland) Division by Michael Young

The Sandringhams at Suvla Bay by Dick Rayner

Unveiling of the Menin Gate 24 July 1927

Construction of the Gate

Poetry by Helen McPhail

Provisioning The BEF by Walter Kudlick

Memories of Metal: ' Trench Art', a Lost Resource of the Great War by Nicholas J Saunders

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Deborah at Flesquieres
  • The Hospitallers' War
  • Sunken Roads
  • Omnibuses at War
  • Americans in Canadian Forces

Provisioning the BEF

The Camera Returns (40) Combles by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

War Art : George James Charlton by David Cohen

Members' Research

  • A Diary of Foreign Service
  • The Men of Auchtermuchty
  • Can It Be? The Guns Ceased This Morning. Leaves from the diary of Lieutenant Will Carne, an Australian Prisoner of War in Germany

In Such Fortitude: Major The Hon Maurice Boving OBE

2nd Lt Geoff Wal RFC 1916-1917 6 Aug 1917

Heroes All (2) by Ray Westlake

Lt James Campbell-Henderson Hamilton 24 Sept 1915

Letters of an Airman: 2nd Lieutenant Geoff Wall RFC, 1916-1917

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Last Man by Lyn MacDonald
  2. Artillery's Astrologers: A History of British Survey and Mapping on the Western Front 1914-1918 by P Chassaud
  3. At the Eleventh Hour. Reflections, Hopes and Fears at Closing of the Great War by Cecil H Liddle (eds)
  4. Cameos of the Western Front by A Spagnoly and T Smith
  5. The Western Front from the Air by N Watkis
  6. Ends and Means: The British Mesopotamian Campaign and Commission by P.K. Davis.
  7. The Grand Fleet Warship Design and Development 1906-1922 by D K Brown
  8. With Snow on Their Boos. The Tragic Odyssey of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France During World War I by J H co*ckfield
  9. Their Duty Done. The Kitchener Battalion of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1918 by C Fox
  10. Influenza 1918: The Worst Epidemic in American History by I Iezzzoni
  11. Retreat Hell! We Only Just Got Here! The American Expeditionary Force in France, 1917-1918 by M M Evans
  12. Gallipoli, 1915 by C Townsend
  13. Almost Like A Dream - A Parish at War 1914-1919 by M Austin
  14. Eastbourne's Great War by R A Elliston
  15. Ballymoney Heroes 1914-1918 by R Thompson
  16. Memorial and Local Studies
  17. Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967) by J S Roberts
  18. QMS Edgar Wignall of the 51st Field Ambulance RAMC by C Harrison
  19. The Train Now Standing in No Man’s Land by L Harris
  20. The Outbreak of the First World War; Strategic Planning, Crisis Decision-Making and Deterrence Failure by J H Maurer
  21. Decisions for War by K WIlson (Ed.)
  22. Generals in Khaki by H B Davis
  23. The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment after 75 Years by M Boemeke

Stand To! 59 September 2000

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Colin Fox RIP
  • Prize for A Level Students?

Preparation for War: Tactics in European Armies before 1914 by Andrew Whitmarsh

Web Watch (4) by Jim Fanning

Behind Their Lines: The Story of the Calder Brothers by Michael Copp

A Gentleman Cadet at War: Captain William Henry Victor Van der Smissen CEF by Capt. Andrew B. Godefroy

The Camera Returns (41) Conqueror at Fontaine-Notre-Dame by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

'Breaking the Rules' Officers' Memoirs Published 1920-1935 by Jonathan Walker

Dr Paul F Brain interview by Paul Guthrie

Letters from a Poilu (Continued from Stand To! 55)

War Art : Balliol Salmon (1868-1953) by David Cohen


Dear Sister Harfield

Members' Research:

  • With the 34th Battalion MGG Ypres to Rhine by Bryan Adams
  • In Commemoration of Robert Spall VC by Neville Skinner
  • Group Photography Before, Now and In-Between by Andrew Tatham

The Northern Rhodesia Police on the Western Front by Tim Wright

Heroes All by Ray Westlake

  • Lieutenant Colin Knox Anderson, 1st Battalion, Queens' Own Royal West Kent Regiment

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • The Sandringham’s at Sulva Bay
  • 51st (Highland) Division Memorial
  • The Building of the Menin Gate
  • Omnibuses at War
  • Women's Writing
  • Mystery Officers

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Forward March! Memoirs of a German Office by Ernst Rosenhainer
  2. Command in the Royal Naval Division. A Military Biography of Brigadier General A.M. Asquith DSO by Christopher Page
  3. A Village Remembers 1914-1918. Military and Social History, Letters and Diaries and Photographs from Faulkbourne Essex by Chris and Ken Adam
  4. Women's Writing of the First World War. An Anthology by Angela K Smith (Ed.)
  5. The US Navy in World War I - Combat at Sea and in the Air by A B Feuer
  6. Moreton & District Patriots 1914-1918 by Stephen McGreal
  7. Memoirs of the Maelstrom - A Senegalese Oral History of the First World War by Joe Lunn
  8. The Great War, 1914-1918 by Spencer T Tucker
  9. Your Country Needs You. From Six to Sixty Five Divisions by Martin Middlebrook.
  10. Blood Brothers - Hiram and Hudson Maxim: Pioneers of Modern Warfare by I McCallum
  11. Unceasing War - the 6th Service Bn King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry during the Great War by M K Johnson
  12. Five Years in Turkey by Liman von Sanders
  13. British Battalions in France & Belgium 1914 by Ray Westlake
  14. Doctors in the Great War by Ian R. Whitehead
  15. Combat Surgeons by John Laffin

Stand To! 60 January 2001

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Patron John Terraine turns 80
  • Durham Seminar
  • Trench Map CD Rom

Webwatch (5) by Jim Fanning

First Across: The Letters of Roger Williams Birdseye 1915-17 by Leonard G Shurtleff

War Art : G20333 Lance Corporal Harold Earnshaw 8th (Pioneer) Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment (1886-1937) Stand To 60 January 2001

'All Over by Christmas' by Tony Allen

Heckmondwike Lads by Louis Ackroyd


Teilhard De Chardin's La Nostalgie du Front introduced and translated by Lanayre de Liggera

The Shell-Shock Debate by Barry R. Price

The Camera Returns (42): Bonnay by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

All Quiet on the Western Front? Fact or Fiction? by Matthew Lucas

Heroes All by Ray Westlake

Second-Lieutenant Harold Percy Clarke, Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own)

A German Postcard Collection

Lt. Walter Scott Griffith Northumberland Hussars Yeomanry

Incidents in the Aisne Valley May-Aug 1918 by F Ashmore

A Great War web page by David Blanchard and pupils of Simon Langton Boys' School, Canterbury

Alan and Amy - love story with a happy ending - like Alan and Iris by Pamela McLeary

Mort de Soissons Arthur Martins by Andrew England, Maurice Johnson and Dick Rayner

Ledbury, Herefordshire The Camera Returns: To the Home Front by Andrew Taylor

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Photographic Mystery
  • WFA in America

Photographic Mystery

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Their Names Shall Be Carved in Stone by F Bond
  2. The Lost Battalion by Thomas M Jackson and Fletcher Pratt
  3. An Artist's Diary: Expedition to the Somme Battlefields by Robert Perry
  4. The British Field Marshals 1763-1997 by T A Heathcote
  5. The Hazy Red Hell. Fighting Experiences on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Tom Donovan
  6. War Land on the Eastern Front - Culture, National Identity and the German Occupation in World War I by V G Lieulevicius
  7. U S Infantry Weapons of the First World War by Bruce N Canfield
  8. The Great War 1914-1918 by Spencer T Tucker
  9. Nice Girls and Rude Girls. Women Workers in World War I by Deborah Thom
  10. A Village Goes to War. A History of the Men of Ravensthorpe who Fell in the Great War by David Tattersfield
  11. Seek Glory, Now Keep Glory. The Story of the 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment 1914-1918 by John Ashby
  12. The Battle of Neuve Chapelle by Geoff Bridger

Editor’s Choice:

  1. The Battle of Neuve Chappelle by Geoff Bridger
  2. A Haven in Hell by Paul Chapman
  3. French Women and the World War by Margaret H. Darrow Stand To 60 January 2001
  4. Sepoys in the Trenches by G.Corrigan

Stand To! 61 April 2001

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Increase in size of Stand To! from 44 or 52 pages
  • (Some years ago from 40 to 44)
  • Trench Map CD-Rom

Webwatch (6) by Jim Fanning

The Other Great Battle of 1916: Verdun adapted by Malcolm Brown from his talk 'Verdun and the Somme' at the WFA National Seminar Day, Durham, 9 September 2000

Robert Loraine: A Life Sketch by Lanayre D Liggera

The conversion of Great War trench map references to absolute references: a note by Walter Stanners

Heroes All (5) Second-Lieutenant Horace Holmes Watkins, South Wales Borderers by Ray Westlake

The Camera Returns (43) Outskirts of Aveluy by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy


Members' Research:

  • Hugh Stewart Classicist, Soldier and Administrator New Zealand Division by Louis Ackroyd
  • A Matter of Duty by Patricia Kaye
  • The Armistice and Afterwards: Extracts from the Diaries of QMS Edgar Wignall RAMC by Clive R Harrison

Gretna: The Devil's Porridge by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Artillery, Intelligence and Optimism Wire-Cutting During the Somme Bombardment by Sanders Marble

2nd Lt Donald S.Bell VC by Richard B.Leake

War Art : Lieutenant Arthur Royce Bradbury, 3rd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (1892-1977)

Wire-Cutting on the Somme

Over There by Jim Minnoch

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by Steven H Shaw

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • All Quiet
  • War books and the passage of time
  • Desertion

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Canvas of War by Laura Brandon and Dean F Oliver
  2. No Place to Hide. The Canadian Corps and Gas Warfare in the First World War by Tim Cook
  3. Allenby and British Military Strategy in the Middle East by Matthew Hughes
  4. Chronology of the Great War 1914-1918
  5. The 6th Battalion King's Shropshire Light Infantry 1914-1919
  6. Victory in the East. The Rise and Fall of the Imperial German Army by Michael P Kihntopf
  7. Manchester Scottish. The Story of the Manchester Contingent of the 15th Battalion. Royal Scots 1914-1918 with a Record of Manchester and Salford Men by Roger J Dowson
  8. Leadership in Conflict by Matthew Hughes and Matthew Seligman
  9. 'Look to Your Front'. Studies in the First World War
  10. Ordered to Die. A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War by Edward J Ericson
  11. Best O'Luck. How A Fighting Kentuckian Won the Thanks of Britain's King by Alexander McClintock
  12. The Canadians at Mount Sorrel 2-14 June 1916 by N Christie
  13. The Tigers: 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th (Service) Battalions of the Leicester Regiment by Matthew Richardson
  14. One Time, One Place Activity Pack
  15. Suffrage and Power: The Women's Movement 1918-1928 by Cheryl Law

Stand To! 62 September 2001

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Armistice Day 2001
  • 1914-18: Le Magazine de la Grande Guerre

Webwatch (7) by Jim Fanning

The Legacy of Verdun - Malcolm Brown

No Journey's End: An American Nurse in France by Ann Ray

Uncle Harper at Cambrai: General Harper at Cambrai by John Hussey

The Camera Returns (44) Bernafay Wood, 5 November 1916 Hamel by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

War Art : 92100 Sergeant E Claude Rowberry MM 4th Battalion D

Squadron Tank Corps (1896-1962) by David Cohen

Madame Caillaux. Whatever Happened to Her? By Jim Minnoch


Records, Recruitment and the Rank and File: Spring 1915 - A Note by Chris Hill

Heroes All (6) Private Donald Waters 1/4th Seaforth Highlanders

Remembering the AEF by David C Homsher

Members' Research:

  • Philip William Bates 1897- 1974 by Peter Wiseman
  • Sydney Walter Manning, MC by Marelyn Manning
  • Out Of A Long Silence: George Gordon Bates by Ione Bates

Communication Lines

  • The Military Band at Arras
  • British at Verdun
  • Fovant Badges near Salisbury

Civil Service Rifles

American Combat Experiences in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1917 by T J Harris

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War I by Alan Axelrod
  2. United States Naval Aviation, 1910-1918 by Noel C Shirley
  3. All That We Had, We Gave. The Story of the Denbighshire Territorials August 1914-September 1915 by Peter Glyn
  4. United States Naval Aviation 1910-1918 by Noel C Shirley
  5. General Headquarters 1914-1916 and its Critical Decisions by Eric von Falkenhayn
  6. The Great War and the Twentieth Century by Jay Winter, Geoffrey Parker and Mary R Habeck (Eds).
  7. Mametz Wood - Somme - Battleground Europe by Michael Renshaw
  8. The World War 1 Diaries and Letters of W Stull Holy by Maclyn P Burg and Thomas J Priestley
  9. Flawed Victory, Jutland 1916 by Keith Yates
  10. The Undermining of Austria Hungary. The Battle for Hearts and Minds by Mark Cornwall
  11. 148 Days on the Somme, 2nd July to 26th November by Barry Cuttell
  12. Verdun by David Mason
  13. Out Since '14. A History of the 1/2nd Battalion The Monmouthshire Regiment by John Dixon
  14. Kitchener by John Pollock
  15. Once a Cameron Highlander. A Record of Personal Experiences from 1914 to 1919 by Robert Burns
  16. Irish Voices from the Great War by Myles Dungan
  17. Irish Guards - The First Hundred Years 1900-2000

Editor’s Choice

  1. First World War Graves and Memorials by Ray Westlake
  2. Bravest of Hearts by Hal Giblin with David Evans and Dennis Reeves
  3. In Search of the Better ‘Ole by Tony and Valmai Holt
  4. Salient Points by Tony Spagnoly
  5. CD: Oh! It’s a Lovely War!

Stand To! 63 January 2002

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • First Christmas Calendar
  • The Great War series on video

Web Watch (8) by Jim Fanning

War Art : Gunner F J Mears, Royal Garrison Artillery by David Cohen

The 2/8th Sherwood Foresters and the Battle of Polygon Wood by David Borrill

Thomas Edgar Barrill 26 September 1917

The London Balloon Apron by Martin Kender

Letters from a Postman: Horace Surtees by W T Littler

Heroes All (7) by Ray Westlake

  • Lieutenant Basil Claudius Ash, 2nd Sherwood Foresters
  • The Soda Water Merchant: Horace Ronald Eddison 28341 RAMC

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Sgt. Thomas Hunter
  • Fovant Badges
  • Shot at Dawn
  • Australian Horses
  • The Royal Gunpowder Mills

Major S J Rowland RAMC 26 General Hospital by Angie Hodges


The Camera Returns (45) 22 Squadron by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

A Perspective on the Western Front by an Indian Army Office on the Western Front by Dr DeWitt C.Ellinwood

A sad discovery near Loos by Peter Last

Battles of the Silver Helmets by Bob Butcher

Haelen 12 August 1914

Walter Marsden - Sculptor (died 17 August 1969) by Richard Hughes

Garrison Library (First World War book reviews)

  1. The First World War, Vol.1 The Call to Arms by Hew Strachan
  2. Caucasian Battlefields. A History of the Wars on the Turco-Caucasian Border, 1828 to 1921 by W E D Allen and Paul Muratoff.
  3. The British Tanks by David Fletcher
  4. Against the Myth - The Great War 1914-1918
  5. Ordered to Die. A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War by Edward J Erickson
  6. Durham Men in the Great War by John Davison
  7. Battleship Texas by Hugh Power
  8. The Lusitania, the Life, Loss and Legacy of an Ocean Legend by Daniel Allen Butler
  9. The Great War 1914-1918 by Ian F Becket
  10. The Letters of May Lind (Newfoundland's Unofficial War Correspondent 1914-1916) by Francis T Lind
  11. Stoker's Submarine by Fred and Elizabeth Brenchley
  12. Will Aboott's War by Derek Savory
  13. Yanks. The Epic Story of the American Army in World War I by John Eisenhower and Joanne Eisenhower
  14. American's All. Foreign-Born Soldiers in World War I by Nancy G Ford
  15. When Heroes Die. A Forgotten Archive Reveals the last days of the School Friends who Died for Britain by Sue Smart (Ed.)
  16. Dear Mrs Jones - The Great War Dead of Crewe & Nantwich by Mark Potts & Joy Bratherton

U.S. Postal Service Honours Great Illustrator

Stand To! 64 April 2002

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • James Brazier resigns as editor of Bulletin. Stan Grosvenor takes over.
  • US Branch Seminar
  • WFA Calendar
  • Videos
  • Talbot House
  • Idea to place issues of Stand To! on the Web

Webwatch (8) Jim Fanning

'A Little Bit of Heaven in a World Which is Otherwise Hell': British and Dominion Soldiers by Simon Fowler

When New York feared an Air Attack by Wing Commander Peter Fairney Williams

'The Sinking of the T S Marquette': Deaths of staff nurses B M Rogers, Helena K. Isdell by Robin Haslam

James's Choice: Henry James Becomes a British Subject by Joseph J Liggera

The Camera Returns (46): Rue de Beaumetz, Berneville, (1st Bn Newfoundland Regiment) by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The Manchester Contingent and The Great War by H C A Hankins

  • The Manchester University Officers Training Corps (MUOTC)

Two Naval Episodes by Jim Minnoch

  • SMS Goeben: Whatever happened to her? The Battle of Imbros
  • Cox's Scapa Flow Fleet

Cox's Scapa Flow Fleet

Enfield Drill Hall Then and Now

Siegfried Sassoon a lecture by Dennis Silk


Heroes Remembered at St Peter's Church, Newnham-on-Severn, Gloucestershire by Ray Westlake

The RAMC on the Somme, 1916 by Niall Cherry

Max Plowman - The Subaltern on the Somme by David Filsell

Editor’s Book Choice: My Boy Jack: the Search for Kipling’s Only Son by Tony and Valmai Holt reviewed by Ann Clayton

Member's Research:

  • Sgt. John Barker 8 East Lancaster Regiment by Stephen Baker
  • The Gordon-Lennox Family in the Great War by Peter Ford
    • Lord Bernard Charles Gordon-Lennox
  • A Family Trilogy by Joe Symon
    • Private Samuel Symon 1st Bn Inniskilling Fusiliers
    • Corporal John Laverty, 3rd Australian Light Horse
    • Petty Officer John (Jack) Traynor, Royal Naval Division (Anson Bn) and 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Values then and now: executions for cowardice
  • Postman's Gazette Pen

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. The German Offensive of 1918 by Martin Kitchen
  2. Trench Art. A Brief History & Guide by Nicholas Saunders
  3. The Myth of the Great War. A New Military History of the Great War by John Mosier
  4. My Father's Son by Major The Early Haig OBE DL
  5. Airfields and Airmen by Mike O'Connor
  6. Have You Forgotten Yet? The First World War Memoirs of CP Blacker by John Blacker (Ed.)
  7. Kaiser Wilhelm II, Germany's Last Emperor by John Van Der Kiste
  8. Gallipoli 1915 by Tim Travers
  9. Military Sweetheart Jewellery III, A Guide For Collectors by Pamela M Caunt
  10. Managing Domestic Dissent in First World War Britain by Brock Millman
  11. The Great War, Memory and Ritual: Commemoration in the City and East London by Mark Connelly

Short Notices:

  1. Tommy Goes to War by Malcolm Brown
  2. War Letters to a Wife: France and Flanders, 1915-1919 edited by Jonathan Walker
  3. Seventeen Letters to Tatham. A WWI Surgeon in East Africa by Ann Crichton-Harris

Stephen Oram - Assistant Secretary (Then Hon Secretary to present day)

East Sussex Branch of The WFA

Stand To! 65 September 2002

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Compliments by Sir John Keegan in the Times Literary Supplement 12 April 2002

The Great War - as it once was and is now increasingly called again - refuses to recede into the past. Not only does the enormous literature of the war continue to grow, the war has taken a grip on the public imagination.

What I believe to be the most successful popular history organization in Britain, the Western Front Association, now has active branches in most English counties. Its members not only make frequent visits, which increasingly resemble religious pilgrimages, to the battlefields of France and Flanders. They also convene serious historical conferences and publish one of the best non-academic historical journals, Stand To!, which makes original and important contributions to our knowledge of the First World War.

The Association, apparently fissiparously, has spread to the United States, where there are several branches, to the Republic of Ireland, and promises to take root in the old Commonwealth.

Speakers invited to address branch meetings should be on their mettle. The members display a formidably detailed knowledge of the war, ask penetrating questions and are not fobbed off with easy answers. They often show that they are better informed than the so-called expert...

Webwatch (10)The Trench, BBC by Jim Fanning

The 2nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry in the Great War by David Thompson

A Possible Change of object of the Association of the Western Front Association to the conflicts of the first half of the 20th century.

Military Medicine on the Western Front by Dr Eric Webb

War Art : Florence Kate Upton (1873-1922) by David Cohen

Owen Wister and the Politics of Remembrance by Michael O'Brien

The Movement of German Divisions to the Western Front, Winter 1917-1918 by Giordan Fong

Decision on the Marne by David Johnson

The Camera Returns (47) Beaucourt-en-Santerre by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Far From the Land of the Wattle. The Story of 'Frank' Coffee by Paul Guthrie and Paul Bennett

Second Lieutenant Harold Parry (King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry) by Robert Church

Heroes Remembered at Northwick-South West Gloucestershire by Ray Westlake

John Whipp Goes to War (Royal Field Artillery) by Arthur Potton

General Sir Thomas Morland - The Forgotten Commander by Louis Ackroyd

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • YMCA Casualties
  • Military Band at Arras
  • London Balloon Apron
  • Apron Inventors
  • Berneville and Monchy-le-Praux
  • Queen Empress
  • Americans in the Canadian Expeditionary Force
  • Carrying the Wounded
  • Mystery Cross

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. Reader’s Guide to Military History by Charles Messenger (Ed.) [Reviewed by David Filsell]
  2. The War Come Home. Disabled Veterans in Britain and Germany, 1914-1919 by Deborah Cohen
  3. German Atrocities 1914. A History of Denial by John Horne and Alana Kramer
  4. The Hat in the Ring Gang. The Combat History of the 94th Aero Squadron in World War I by Charles Wooley
  5. Duty, Honor, Privilege. New York's Silk Stocking Regiment and the Breaking of the Hindenburg Line by Stephen L Harris
  6. A Tiger and a Fusilier. Leicester's VC Heroes by Derek Seaton
  7. Duty Done: 2nd Battalion The Royal Welch Fusiliers in the Great War by David Langley
  8. Isonzo. The Forgotten Sacrifice of the Great War by John Schindler
  9. Forgotten Victory by Gary Sheffield
  10. World War I Posters by Gary A Borkan
  11. First World War Graves and Memorials in Gwent Volume II by Ray Westlake
  12. Myths and Legends of the First World War by James Hayward
  13. Christmas Greetings from the Great War by Tony Allen
  14. In the Spirit of Wilfred Owen - A New Anthology of Poems by M Williams (Ed.)
  15. Distant thunder: Canada's Citizen Soldiers by Joyce M Kennedy
  16. A Brief History of the Royal Flying Corps in World War I by Ralph Baker
  17. A Military Atlas of the First World War by Arthur Banks
  18. Menin Gate and Last Post by Dominiek Dendooven

Stand To! 66 January 2003

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Obituary: Lt.-Col Michael 'Dick' Burge

Webwatch (11) by Jim Fanning

Voluntary Aid Detachments in the Great War by Caroline Fletcher

War Art : Portrait of Major Oliver Stewart, MC, AFC by Reginald George Jennings (1872-1930) by David Cohen

Oliver Stewart 9th Battalion Middlesex Regiment & Royal Flying Corps MC

'Remembering': Brigadier General Lewis Pugh Evans VC by Gil Jones

Member's Research: John Paul Cicilitira in the Great War by Giles Pietroni

The Worst Train Wreck in History: An 85th Anniversary by Jim Minnoch

The Camera Returns (48) Roulers by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The British League of Help for Devastated Areas of France: A Forgotten Memorial of the Great War by Adrian Gregson

What in the Sam Hill? By Paul Guthrie

Images of War: The Photographs of Frederick Gerald Gibbs by John Cameron

A Pastor & A Soldier: Cynddelw Williams by William Roberts Owen

William Robert Owens

The Burnt Documents: Private Woolf Selkovitch - A personal case history by Richard Hughes.

Postcards from the Front by Clive R. Harrison

An Officer Writes Major Henry Mountiforort Dillon DSO , 2nd Bn Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry


The Bangalore Torpedo: A note

Canada in the Great War - A Statistical summary

A Chaplain’s War: The Revd William Drury by Linda Witcombe

'Have you Forgotten Yet? ...' A Great War project at Bristol Grammar School by Barry Williamson

  • Lieutenant Stanley Charles Booker MC

The YMCA in Australia in the Great War by John W Harvey

The Room Where the Tank Was Invented or Was it? by Ken Ellis

Signal Hill, Calgary by W E Storey

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Schlieffen Plan
  • Thankful villages

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. Kitchener by John Pollock
  2. The Gateshead Gurkhas. The History of the 9th Battalion The Durham Light Infantry, 1859-1967 bv Harry Moses
  3. The Amazing Hiram Maxim. An Intimate Biography by Arthur Hawkey.
  4. Ireland and the Great War by Keith Jeffrey
  5. Billy Mitchell by James J. Cooke
  6. British Logistics on the Western Front, 1914-1918 by Ian Malcolm Brown
  7. German Uniforms Insignia and Equipment 1918-1923 Freikorps-Reichswehr-Vehicles-Weapons by Charles Wooley
  8. Find and Destroy-Anti Submarine Warfare in World War One by Dwight R. Messimer
  9. America's Great War - World War I and the American Experience by Robert M.Zeiger
  10. Doughboys, the Great War and the Remaking of America by Jennifer D.Keene
  11. The Second Ranker Lt General Sir William Peyton
  12. A Veteran on the Somme: Nivelle by David Johnson

French Great War Posters

Stand To! 67 April 2003

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • London Gazette online
  • Pathe News online
  • John Frost Historical Newspapers. 10,000 newspapers online

Webwatch (12) Jim Fanning

Rumours of Germ Warfare: The Double-Edged sword of bacteriology in the Great War by William C. Hanigan

My Aunt at Mons 1914-1918 (Miss May Ethelreda Crook) by Martin Middlebrook

The Camera Returns (49): Canal de la Haute Colme at Arques by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

War Art : Silhouettes by David Cohen

The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and The Western Front by Dr David Payne, PhD EuroProBiol CBiol MIBiol

The Blind Soldiers of Ward A15 Savenay, France by Frank Herron

A Belgian Soldier by Fred Ashmore


Remembering at St Mary's Brecon

The Late Captain Fryatt by Jim Minnoch

Tank at the Battle of Ancre by Monty Rossiter

'Warrior' by Ross Mason

Echoes of the Great War by Walter Kudlick

Cavell's Norfolk Escaper by Chris Basey

A Brothers Love (9162 Sergeant Raymond Alic Risley Simpkin) 2nd Bn West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own): Millencourt Communal Cemetery, Somme.

Sergeant Douglas Hunter DCM 16th West Yorkshire Regiment (Attached 93rd Light Trench Mortar Battery) by Philip Douglas Lodge

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Controversy over the 'Tank Room' where Sir William Tritton may or may not have 'invented the tank'
  • W H Ogilvie
  • A convicted murderer 'Shot At Dawn' 'controversy' -
  • Oh! What A Lovely War!' - controversy

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  • The 1st Royal Irish Rifles in the Great Warby James W Taylor
  • The First World War: The Essential Guide to Sources in the UK National Archivesby Ian Beckett
  • Fort Douaumont. Verdunby Christina Holstein
  • Trench Artby Nicholas J Saunders
  • Command and Cohesion. The Citizen Soldier and Minor Tactics in the British Armyby M A Ramsay
  • Touring the Italian Front 1917-1918by Francis Mackay
  • Peacemakers: The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and its attempt to end Warby Margaret Macmillan
  • The First, The Few, The Forgotten, Navy and Machine Corps Women in World War Iby Jean Ebbert and Marie-Beth Hall
  • At the Going Down of the Sun. 365 Soldiers of the Great Warby Ian Connery et al.
  • The Great War. BBC World Warby Correlli Barnett
  • The Aristocracy and the Great Warby Gerald Gliddon
  • In Enemy Hands. A British Territorial Soldier in Germany 1915-1919by Malcolm Hall
  • Short Notices
  • CD-Rom Maps

Stand To! 68 September 2003

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Germ Warfare
  • The influenza pandemic
  • US Marine William 'Eugene' Lee celebrated his 104th birthday in March this year
  • Cenotaph, 11 November 2003
  • Unveiling Bairnsfather plaque

Web Watch (13) by Jim Fanning

  • Priory School Lewes items belonging to Private Rupert Freeman

Bounded Duty and Service Royal Welch Fusiliers: A Royal Welch Fusiliers' perspective of eligibility and liability to serve in the Great War by David Langley

A Strange Happening in France by David R. Adams

War Art : Captain Charles Sargeant Jagger, MC, ARA (1885-1934) 13th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment by David Cohen

Memories of Paris by Mary Vincent

T P's Journal (Thomas Power O’Connor) by Ann Clayton

  • Great Deeds (compiled by ‘T.P’)
  • The Samaritans in Khaki
  • Private T Warwick VC
  • Self-Education under shellfire (Pelham School of the Mind)

CD Reviews

  • 'Oh! It's a Lovely War' (Vol.3) marches, songs, sketches and archive recordings
  • CD41 Review: Audio collection of readings by Siegfried Sassoon
  • Actuality Recordings in the Great War by James Hayward

A Labora of Love: The Odyssey of a Field Ambulance: Lieutenant Colonel George Mackie by Alastair Mackie

Remembering the Great War at Christ College Brecon by Ray Westlake

Like Father, Like Son by J P Lethbridge

The Camera Returns (50) Riqueval Tunnel of the St. Quentin Canal by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

'Making the Butterflies Kill' (cumulative aggression) by James Roberts

'Pull-Together' The Queenstown Naval Command of World War I by William H Langenber

The Nine Battalion Controversy by Bob Butcher

The BEF and The Development of the 'Bite & Hold' Operation on the Western Front 1915-1918 by David Blanchard

Fort Lincoln Then & Now by Len Shurtlef

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Armara Cemeteries, Iraq
  • Waziristan Badges
  • Memorial Scrolls
  • PoW Camps
  • Influenza
  • Executed for Murder

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. Mother of Eagles, The War Diary of Baroness von Richthofen by Suzanne Hayes Fischer
  2. Hawker's Big Push by John Hogston
  3. A Grateful Heart. The History of a World War I Field Hospital by Michael E Slay
  4. Irish Regiments in the Great War. Discipline and Morale by Timothy Bowman
  5. Gully Ravine, Gallipoli by Stephen Chambers
  6. A Chaplain's War. The Story of Noel Mellish VC MC by Hugh Montell
  7. The First Blitz by Andrew P Hyde
  8. The Battle of Tanga, 1914 by Ross Anderson
  9. Hot Blood & Cold Steel: Life and Death in the Trenches by Andy Simpson
  10. Death for Desertion. The Story of the Court Martial & Execution of Sub Lt Edwin Dyett by Leonard Sellers
  11. The National Army Museum Book of the Turkish Front, 1914-1918 by F M Lord Carver
  12. The Lonely Anzac - A True Son of Empire by John W. Harvey
  13. For A Shilling A Day: Black Country Memories of Warfare by Peter Rhodes
  14. A Brief History of the Royal Flying Corps in World War I by Ralph Baker

Stand To! 69 January 2004

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • The Difference between Stand To! and Bulletin
  • The RSPCA
  • Football Association Memorial

Front Cover: The New York Athletic Club Stained Glass Great War Memorial by Walter Kludlick

The Great War Forgotten: The Fragmentation of France's Panthéon De La Guerre by Mark Levitch

Tigers at Bay? The Leicester Regiment at Armentieres by Matthew Richardson

The Camera Returns (51) Renault FT17 tanks in Nampul by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

A Lancashire VC: Lance Corporal Alfred Wilkinson VC by John A Cristy


Making Sense of Eyewitness Accounts in Locating Historical Sites: Ernst Jünger at Bullecourt 21 March 1918

Lutyens and The Stone of Remembrance by Dominiek Dendooven

War Art : Joyce Dennys 1893-1991 by David Cohen

Extracts from T.P.'s Journal

The Boy in War by General Sir Robert Baden-Powell

An Infantry Lieutenant Narrates The Victory at St Mihiel

A Worcestershire Regiment POW

Some Reflections on The Outrage at Sarajevo by Luc Vanacker

The 'Bobby' Cards

'T.Brown' by Peter Arscott

Member's Research:

  • Remembering Private William James Miles of Witney by Wendy Lodge
  • German GHQ (Das Oberste Heeresleitung) by Jim Minnoch
  • Alfred Morris Gelsthorpe DD DSO Churchman Militarn by Louis Ackroyd

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Spanish Flu
  • Chinese Labour Corps (CLC)
  • Missing VC
  • The Wrong Helmets
  • Christ College, Brecon
  • Royal Welch Fusiliers

A Recent Great War Stamp Issue

Webwatch (14) By Jim Fanning: Women at War

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. Race, War and Surveillance - African Americans and the United States Government During World War I by Mark Ellis
  2. Italian Aces of World War I and their Aircraft by Roberto Gentilli, Antonio Iozzi and Paolo Varriale
  3. Answering the Call: Letters from the Somerset Light Infantry by John H F Mackie
  4. The Cross and the Trenches by Richard Schweitzer
  5. Loos - Hill 70 by Andrew Rawson
  6. Imperial German Army 1914-1918: Organisation, Structure, Orders of Battle by Herman Cron
  7. Glory is no Compensation; The Border Regiment at Gallipoli, 1915 by Ralph May
  8. For King's & Country by David Hill
  9. Dictionary of the First World War by Stephen Pope and Elizabeth-Anne Wheal
  10. A Dream Within the Dark: The Story of Will Streets by Victor Puck
  11. Remembering the Great War in Gloucestershire & Herefordshire by Ray Westlake
  12. Craft and Conflict: Mason Trench Art and Military Memorabilia by Mark J R Dennis and Nicholas J Saunders
  13. Raoul Duffy and the Great War by Walter Kudlick

Stand To! 70 April 2004

Notes by The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Remembering John Terraine, Founding President and Patron
  • Remembering John Toland author ‘The Last Hundred Days’

The Special Reserve by K W Mitchinson

Wigs & Guns : Tracing the personal stories of Irish barristers killed on the Western Front in the Great War by Anthony P (Tony) Quinn

A Ripping Lot of Fellows Letters from a Grenadier Battalion Officer Lt. Eric King

Peter Wells' Sketches

War Art : Two French Artists: Pierre Comba (1895-1934) and Raymond Desvarreux (1876-1961) by David Cohen

The Camera Returns (52): Abeele (Between Poperinge and Steenvoorde) by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The 'Other Half' Regular British Army Reinforcements from Overseas to the Western and other Fronts, 1914-1915 Part I: The 7th & 8th British Regular Divisions France and Italy by Louis Ackroyd

Crime and Punishment in the Royal Welch Fusiliers (RWF), from the Medal Roll of the 1914 Staf by David Langley


The Gartside-Tippings by Keith Chambers

Pte Pateman Goes to War by John Pateman

The Road to Baghdad by Jim O'Brien

Diary of a Bradford Pal: Pte George W Broadhead 2nd Bradford Pals 1915-1916 by John Broadhead

When Did Armistice Day Become Remembrance Sunday by J P Lethbridge

Arthur Seaforth Blackburn VC, 10th Battalion Australian Imperial Force

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Lutyens and the Stone of Remembrance
  • Charles Sargeant Jagger
  • Château de La Louveterie, Belgium

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. Monumental Accusations. The Monuments aux Morts as Expressions of Popular Resentment by Marilane Pattern Henry
  2. World War I German Aviators - The Sanke Cards by Charles Wooley
  3. The US Army of World War I by Mark R Henry
  4. Ireland's Banner County: Clare from the Fall of Parnell to the Great War by Daniel McCarthy
  5. The Central Powers in the Adriatic 1914-1918. War in a Narrow Sea by Charles W Kourger
  6. The Mammoth Book of How it Happened by Jon E Lewis
  7. The Man who Invented Hitler by David Lewis
  8. Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger Stand To 70 April 2004
  9. The Culture of Defeat: On National Trauma, Mourning and Recovery by Wolfgang Schivelbusch
  10. Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle Earth by John Garth
  11. France and the Great War, 1914-1918 by Leonard V. Smith
  12. The Great War - An Imperial History by John H Morrow
  13. Trench Art: Materialities and Memories of War by Nicholas J Saunders
  14. Russian Sideshow - America's Undeclared War, 1918-1920 by Robert L Willett
  15. Anthem for Doomed Youth by John Stallworthy
  16. Harlem's Hell Fighters: The African-American 369th Infantry in World War I by Stephen L Harris
  17. Galloper Jack. A Grandson's Search for a Forgotten Hero by Brough Scott

Stand To! 71 September 2004

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

Mourning and the Making of a Nation: Gold Star Mothers Pilgrimages, 1930-1933 by Lisa M.Budreau

The National Reserve by K W Mitchinson

War Art : Will Dyson (1880-1938) by David Cohen

The Other Half: Regular British Army Reinforcements from Overseas Part II by Louis Ackroyd

The 27th, 28th & 29th British Regular Divisions, France, Gallipoli and Salonika by Louis Ackroyd

Poetry compiled by Ann Clayton

Film Review

  • Lost Battalion (2001)

Lt. Tom Kettle, RDF 'B' Company, 9th Royal Dublin Fusiliers

The Camera Returns (53) Brimeux by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Sapper Horn's Odyssey by Peter Last

In a Tunnel in Loos

Did Seven Inauspicious Words Bring About the End of the Great War by Dr David Payne

Kaiser Wilhelm II 'My Ideas and Ideals' extracts compiled by Walter Kudlick

Special Reservists of the Royal Welch Fusiliers in 1914 by David Langley

Old Comrades Talking: 146 (Hull) Heavy Battery RGA

Vets in War by Bob Butcher

Wartime Waterways

Letters From the Front: John Millar Scott

Out Elverdinghe Way (with an artist in the Salient) by Tony Spagnoly

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Sarajevo Outrage
  • The Road to Baghdad
  • Boy Scouts
  • Major Willie Redmond MP

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. Mud, Blood and Poppyco*ck by Gordon Corrigan
  2. The War Underground. The Tunnellers of the Great War by Alexander Barrie
  3. For King and Empire. The Newfoundlanders in the Great War. The Western Front 1916-1918 by N M Christie
  4. End Game: Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asiaby Jennifer Siegel
  5. Valour Beyond All Praise: Harry Greenwood VC by Derek Hunt
  6. The New World Power - American Foreign Policy 1898-1917 by Robert E Hannigan
  7. Uniforms & Equipment of the Austro-Hungarian Army in World War One by Spencer A Coil
  8. The Trench. The Full Story of the 1st Hull Pals by David Bilton
  9. McCrae's Battalion. The Story of the 16th Royal Scots by Jack Alexander
  10. Guns, ites & Horses by Sydney Gifford (Ed.)
  11. Dear Mother - Great War Letters from a Bristol Soldier by Barry Williamson (Ed.)

Stand To! 72 January 2005

Notes by The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Remembering Jim Minnoch
  • Contributors to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (60 Volume Set)
  • CWG Secondary School Education Initiative

19th Hussars (QAOR) as Divisional Cavalry 22 August 1914-14 April 1915 by Roger E. Salmon

The Camera Returns (54) D104 Contalmaison to Bazentin-le.Grand Road by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

The Great War Records of the 15th Service Battalion Durham Light Infantry by David Thompson

Jimmy Carpenter's War Diary - Part I edited by Peter Mealyer and Colin Hague

British Locomotive Names & The Great War

Fighting For Respect: African-Americans in World War One

Letters Home 1914-1915 by Corporal Arthur Wingfield King: Honourable Artillery Company

Film Review: Grand Illusion

War Art : Lance Corporal William Fyffe by David Cohen

The Weather, The Seasons, And The Loss of Sexual Innocence in the Great War by Emily Payne

Some Thoughts on the Royal Welch Fusiliers in the Great War by Peter A Crocker

Crime During The Great War: Some Midlands Examples by J P Lethbridge

Captain Ronald Hugh Walround Rose St Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)

Canadian Expeditionary Force Records Online by Gordon MacKinnon

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Football inscription
  • Bishop Gelsthorpe
  • Lutyens Sketches for Memorials
  • Resources for POW Information

The 'Other Half' Regular British Army Reinforcements from Overseas Part III British Regular Battalions in Indian Army Formations France, Mesopotamia & East Africa by Louis Ackroyd

Night Raid on the Vardar by Martin Marix Evans

Philatelic Corner by Len Shurtleff

Members' Research

Captain Geoffrey Skirrow, Croix de Guerre and the 2/5th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment by Fraser Skirrow

Great War in Colour

Capt Geoffrey Skirrow

Lance Corporal 2586 Harold Boardman 1st/5th Battalion the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment by John G Mandle

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. The Hell They Called High Wood by Terry Norman
  2. Known to the Night. Reckitt's Factory of Hull and the Great War by B S Barnes
  3. Passchendaele the Untold Story by Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson
  4. All Kaiser's Men: The Life and Death of the German Army on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Ian Passingham
  5. Treatise on Ammunition
  6. John Erskine VC of Dunfermline by Alison Cameron
  7. Old Soldiers Never Die by Private Frank Richards
  8. The Great War - An Imperial History by John H Morrow Jr
  9. Castles of Steel: Britain, German and the Winning of the Great War by Robert K Massie
  10. Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce by Stanley Weintaub
  11. Stamping out the Virus. Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War by Perry Moore
  12. The Road to St Julien - Letters of a Stretcher-Bearer from the Great War
  13. Private 12768: Memoir of a Tommy. The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders by John Jackson
  14. Verdun 1916 by Malcolm Brown
  15. The Angel of Mons by David Clarke
  16. Eric Maria Remarque: The Last Romantic by Hilton Tims
  17. The Enemy's House Divided by Charles De Gaulle
  18. British Campaigns in Africa and the Pacific, 1914-1918 by Edmund Dane
  19. Of Silence and Slow Time by Catherine Bruton
  20. Beneath Flanders Fields: the Tunnellers' War 1914-1918 by Peter Barton, Peter Doyle & Johan Vandewalle
  21. The Great War Captured in Colour by Walter Kudlick

Stand To! 73 April 2005

Notes by The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Stand To! 1: Spring 1981 - Stand To! 72 : January 2005 = 16 pages to 68 pages
  • [3024 pages and 4,500,000 words]

Athletes & The Great War by Neil Shuttleworth

'The Worst Donkey': Representations of Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig in Great War Television Documentaries by Emma Mahoney

Trench Diseases of the Western Front by Dr David Payne

John Alfred Watts

Wangaratta's Lost Sons by Neil Wilson

War Art : Major John Empson Tindall, MC by David Cohen

Beauty in the Wartime Writing of Edith Wharton by Joseph J.Liggera

The Durhams in Italy, 1917-1918 by David Thompson

Pvt Frank Richards DCM, MM 2/Royal Welch Fusiliers by David E.Langley

Jimmy Carpenter's War Diary (Part II)

Captain Ronald Hugh Walrond Rose 1st Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Part II

The Liverpudlian General: John Grenfell Maxwell

'The British Weren't on The Aisne in 1917!' by Roger Frankish

Member's Research

  • James Henry Cooper 7th Battery
  • Motor Machine Gun Section
  • RFS from Charlton Kings
  • Cheltenham by Rod Arnold

Loos - 'They Fell With Their Faces to the Foe' by Peter Last

The Camera Returns (55) Between Hardcourt and Bernafay Woods by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Lutyens' Memorials Dominiek Dendooven and James Brazier exchange words
  • British Locomotives Names
  • Clergymen

Garrison Library (First World War One Book Reviews)

  1. Cambrai 1917 by Gerald Gliddon
  2. Without Parade. The Life and Work of Donald Hankey A Student in Arms by James Kissane
  3. Foch-Supreme Allied Commander in the Great War by Michael S Neiberg
  4. Bushmills Heroes 1914-1918 by Robert Thompson
  5. Bringing Uncle Albert Home by David P Whiterhorn
  6. Britain, France and the Financing of the First World War by Martin Horn
  7. The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300-2000 by MacGregor Knox and William Murray (Eds.)
  8. The Coast Guard in World War I by Alex R Larzelere
  9. A Fraternity of Arms - America and France in the Great War by Robert B Bruce
  10. An Illustrated History of the Embroidered Silk Postcard by Dr Ian Collins

Stand To! 74 September 2005

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • Tideway School Project with Jim Fanning
  • WFA Schools Prize
  • 900+ cemeteries survey by Brent Whittam and Terry Heard

Command and Control in 1915: The Attack on Lone Tree, 25 September 1915 by Nick Lloyd

My Aunt at Mons - Further Information

War Books : A Reflection on Some Contemporary Views by David J.Filsell

The Royal Dublin Fusiliers: Origins and background of casualties during the Great War by Tom Burke

Great Uncle Ted's War: 10233 Pte Edward Sturgess 2nd Bn The Wiltshire Regiment by Robert F Stone

Haig. 'Tally-Ho' & 'Historical Amnesia': The Great War and Popular Conceptions by Gary Haines


The National Reserve

War Art : Major John Empson Tindall, MC (Part II) by David Cohen

Philatelic Corner by Len Shurtleff

Two Black Country Families by Beverley Reynolds

The George Cecil Memorial at Villers Cotterets by Michael Aidin

Tracking a Tank by Frank Herron

Le Panthéon de la Guerre

Major-General M S Mercer CB VD: The Highest Ranking Canadian Killed in the Great War by Gordon MacKinnon

Jimmy Carpenter's War Diary Part III edited by Peter Mealyer and Colin Hague

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Wangratta's lost sons
  • Empire Casualties at Gallipoli
  • Youngest Burial
  • Members' Questio

The Thing Called 'Armistice' by A S Taylor

The Camera Returns (56) Tank near Premont by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. The Sculpture of Charles Sargeant Jagger by Ann Compton (Reviewed by David Cohen)
  2. The Sculpture of Eric Kennington by Jonathan Black (Reviewed by David Cohen)
  3. Beneath Flanders Fields: The Tunnellers' War 1914-1918 by Peter Barton, Peter Doyle and Johan Vandewalle
  4. Tunneling to Freedom and Other Escape Narratives from World War I by Hugh Durnford
  5. Concise Illustrated Battlefield Guide to The Western Front - North by Major and Mrs Holt
  6. Command on the Western Front: The Military Career of Sir Henry Wilson by Robin Prior & Trevor Wilson
  7. The First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made their Country a World Power by Warren Zimmerman et al.
  8. Collapse at Meuse-Argonne: The Failure of the Missouri-Kansas Division by Robert H Ferrell
  9. Meuse-Argonne Diary - A Division Commanders in World War I by William M Wright
  10. Trench Knives and Mustard Gas - With the 42nd Rainbow Division in France by Hugh S Thompson
  11. Tommy: The British Soldier on the Western Front by Richard Holmes
  12. The Imperial War Museum Book of 1914 by Malcolm Brown
  13. Beacons of Remembrance by Jean Bingham

Recently Published Books in Brief:

  1. VCs of the First World War: the Sideshows by Gerald Gliddon
  2. Winston Churchill - Soldier by Douglas S. Russell
  3. Fortification on the Western Front by Paddy Griffiths
  4. With the German Guns by Herbert Sulzbach
  5. The Diary of a Forgotten Battalion. The Household Battalion in the First World War by Gerald Harvey
  6. Remembered. The Men on the Mareham-le-Fen War Memorial by M Hodgson
  7. Lest We Forget. The Men of Dorchester-on-Thames who fell in the Two World Wars 1914-18, 1939-45 by D P McGregor
  8. Plumer. The Soldier’s General by Geoffrey Powell
  9. Good Old Somerset. An ‘Old Contemptible’ Battalion in 1914. The 1st Battalion Somerset Light Infantry August - December 1914 by Brian Gillard
  10. The Saga of the Beckinghams & Kaiser Bill by Alex J McGahey
  11. Researching World War I, a Handbook by Robin Higham (ed) with D E Showalter
  12. Tracing Your First World War Ancestors by Simon Fowler
  13. Die Hard Aby! By David Lister
  14. Angels and Heroes. The Story of a Machine Gunner with the Royal Irish Fusiliers by A Moreno & D Truesdale
  15. August 1914 to April 1915
  16. Amiens 1918 by J McWilliams & R J Steel
  17. How the War was Won by Tim Travers
  18. The Daily Mail Official War Postcards by Tony Allen
  19. Illustrate: Your Family History with Postcards from the Great War by Tony Allen
  20. The Ingleton War by Andrew Brooks
  21. Dear Little Girl by Pamela McCleary
  22. With A Smile & A Wave - the life of Captain Aidan Liddell, VC by Peter Daybell
  23. Boy Soldiers of the Great War by Richard van Emden
  24. The Secret Annexe - an Anthology of War Diarists by Irene & Alan Taylor (Eds.)
  25. Heroic Option: the Irish in the British Army by Desmond & Jean Bowen
  26. Reconsidering Gallipoli by Jenny Macleod
  27. Forgotten Heroes. Men of Waterlooville, Cowplain and Purbrook Killed in two World War by John Symonds
  28. The Further Price A Parish Paid (a memorial at Knowle and Dorridge) by Michael Harrison
  29. Roll of Honour - the story of the Hundreds of Leek Men Who Fell in the First World War by C W Sheldon
  30. Italian Arditi Elite Assault Troops by Angelo Pirocchi
  31. Swansea Pals. A History of the 14th (Service) Battalion The Welsh Regiment in the Great War by Bernard Lewis
  32. The Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I by S A Coil
  33. Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo
  34. To the Last Man: A Novel of the First World War by Jeff Shaara (reviewed by Len Shurtleff)

Stand To! 75 January 2006

Notes by the Way (From the Editor)

  • The Western Front Association's 25th Anniversary
  • Notes on Guidance for contributors

John Terraine and Television History by Correlli Barnett

Territorial Force Nursing Service 1908-21 by Sue Light

Beaumont Hamel: The Recovery, construction, and reconstruction of a site of national memory by Professor Paul Gough

The Asylum War Hospital Scheme: Crises and solutions in the treatment of Great War casualties by Dr John Hopkins

The Camera Returns (57) George V at Hermin by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

A 'Brummie' Admiral: Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe by J P Lethbridge

Garrisoning the Raj during the Great War 1st Battalion Durham Light Infantry India & Pakistan, 1914-1919 by David Thompson MLitt

The Curious Story of Captain Alastair Mcready-Diarmid VC by Graham Adams

List of Contents For Stand To! Issues 45 to 74

  • Personal Accounts, Diaries and Veteran's Reminiscences
  • Personalities
  • Army Organisation
  • Weapons
  • Poetry
  • Heroes All
  • Members' Research
  • The Home Front
  • Miscellaneous Photo and Pictorial Features

Woodrow Wilson and America's Entry into the Great War by L. Shurtleff

The Military Service of Harry Osmond Fielding 1914-1921 by Dr Jonathan Hicks

Letters in Record Offices

Letters from the Trenches

Letters from Internment

'Without Exception, the Bravest Man I Have Ever Met': The remarkable story of Lieut-Colonel C G G Humphries DSO, MC and Bar, DCM by E W Lever

Jimmy Carpenter's War Diary (Part IV) Edited Peter Mealyer and Colin Hague

Representations of the German Military Effort on the Western Front January to July 1917 by G. Fong


German Military Effort on the Western Front, Jan-July 1917

Setting Out Towards the Twilight: The War Diary of Ernest Standler by Michael O'Brien

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Haig from Neil Hanson author 'The Unknown Soldier'
  • Revisionist History and 'The Donkeys' from Ian Herrity
  • Multiple Losses in One Family from John Symonds

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. The Battlefields of the First World War: The Unseen Panoramas of the Western Front by Peter Barton
  2. The Jewish Legion and the First World War by Martin Watts
  3. No Finer Courage. A Village in the Great War by Michael Senior
  4. The Great War and Juvenile Literature by Michael Paris
  5. A Very Parfit Gentil Knight by Simon Harris
  6. The Kaiser: New Research on Wilhelm II's Role in Imperial German by Annika Mombauer and William Deist
  7. In the Pink: The Letters of Lieutenant John Lawton 1915-1919
  8. Farming and Forestry on the Western Front by Murray Maclean
  9. The Life and Selected Works of Rupert Brooke by John Frayne Turner
  10. Massacre of the Innocents - the Crofton Diaries, Ypres 1914-15
  11. Bradford Pals by David Raw
  12. Cameos of the Western Front: Salient Points Four. Ypres Sector 1914-18 by Tony Spagnoly & Ted Smith
  13. The German Army on the Somme 1914-1916 by Jack Sheldon
  14. A History of No.10 Squadron Royal Navy Air Service in World War I by Mike Westrop
  15. 1914-1918 The History of the First World War by David Stevenson
  16. German Strategy and the Path to Verdun: Erich von Falkenhayn and the Development of Attrition by Robert T Foley
  17. The Royal Berkshire Regiment 1914-1959 by Martin Macintyre

War Art : Major John Empson Tindall MC (Part III) by David Cohen

Stand To! 76 April 2006

Notes by the Way (Notes from the Editor)

  • Somme 90th Anniversary
  • Surviving US Veterans

Salvation Army At War

The Battle Against Venereal Disease by Emily Payne

The 22nd (French Canadian) Battalion by Dr Jean-Pierre Gagnon

The Camera Returns (58): Royal Leamington Spa by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Was The 'Rainbow Division' Tarnished by Its Behaviour on the Battlefield by David C.Homsher

Leadership by G.Long

Mine Warfare: The Royal Engineer Officer's Problem by David Langley

1817 Pte Lynton Goode 1/15th Battalion Australian Imperial Force, Gallipoli by Jerry Murland

The Army Pay Corps Girls 1914-1920 by John Black

For King & Country: Canada and the Chinese Labour Corps in the Great War by Judy Maxwell

His Story Came From the Bible. In Search of L/Cpl Lewis Charlesworth by Paul F. Guthrie

Three Canadians by J P Lethbridge

Military Sketching by G.Long

War Art : Major John Empson Tindall, MC (Part IV) by David Cohen

Frank Richards DCM MM: His Early Years and the genesis of the Old Soldier Sahib by David Langley

The Lost Brothers of Great Rissington by Paul Cobb

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor) Stand To 76 April 2006

  • High Command and Strategy from Gary Sheffield
  • Bodelwyddean Castle from Martin Middlebrook
  • David Filsell 'War Books: A Reflection on some Contemporary Views ' ST! 74

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. A Brief History of 1917: Russia's Year of Revolution by Roy Bainton
  2. Lloyd George and the Generals by Professor David Woodward
  3. Diary of an Old Contemptible from Mons to Baghdad 1914-1919 by Peter Downham (Ed.)
  4. Uniforms and Equipment of the British Army in World War I. A Study in Period Photographs by Stephen Chambers
  5. Britain's Economic Blockade of Germany 1914-1918 by Eric W. Osborne
  6. Boys in Khaki, Girls in Print: Women's Literary Responses to the Great War by Jane Potter
  7. Tolga Ornek's Gallipoli (Film) by Tola Ornek

Stand To! 77 September 2006

Notes by the Way (Notes from the Editor)

  • Request to appoint a new editor
  • Chris Baker and the Internet
  • Claude Monet

Malaria in the Great War by Dr David Payne

The War Lists of Caius College, Cambridge by Dale Hjort

War Art : Jean-Jacques Berne-Bellecour (1874-1939) by David Cohen

A Pioneer in Picardy - Part I from the memoirs of Pioneer James Greenwood

'Damn the Dardanelles' by Howard Mallinson

The Regimental History of the 21st (Light Railway) Engineers American Expeditionary Force by Norma O'Keeffe

The 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers and the Tragedy of Mouse Trap Farm, April/May 1915 by Tom Burke MBE

How the Legacy of an old Portsmuthian May Save a Depressed Australian Bush Town by Stuart Gardiner

Nurse Annie Brewer by Ian Brewer

The Battle of Rosieres 1918 Three Years Ago by Captain Hal Armstrong

Keeling Gaines Pulliam JR Heroics or Hoax by Paul Guthrie

This Article was previously published in Camaraderie, the journal of the Western Front Association in the United States

The Camera Returns (59): Fricourt/Mametz Valley by Steve Wall and Bob Grundy

Philatelic Corner by Len Shurtleff

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • The Haig Debate
  • Great War Generals
  • Five Lost Sons
  • The Camera Returns (57)

Memorial Sites on the Western Front: The Continuing Debate

  • Arlene King, Director Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial
  • 90th Anniversary
  • Professor Paul Gough, University of the West of England

America's Great War Veterans by Jeffrey S Reznik PhD

Poets United in Death by Frank Ledwidge

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

Short Notices

  1. The 1st Battalion the Wiltshire in the Great War by Edwin Astill
  2. Somewhere in Flanders: Letters of a Norfolk Padre (Ed.) Stuart McLaren
  3. Badshot Lea and Farnham in the Great War by Maurice Hewins
  4. Last Post. The Final Word from our First World War Soldiers by Max Arthur
  5. Changing Perceptions. The War Poets by Cecil Woolf
  6. The Territorial Battalions of the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 1/4th 1/5th 5th 2/4th 2/5th 1908-1919 by Malcolm Johnson
  7. The Somme by Peter Hart
  8. The Somme by Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson
  9. The Irish on the Somme by Steven Moore
  10. Jack's War (An Illustrated Diary) by Jack Halstead transcribed by Jane Vincent
  11. Bloody April. Slaughter in the Skies over Arras, 1917 by Peter Hart
  12. Eddie Rickenbacker by W D Lewis and J Hopkins (reviewed by Len Shurtleff)
  13. Trial by Fire: Command and the British Expeditionary Force by Nikolas Gardner (reviewed by Len Shurtleff)
  14. War Girls. The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry in the First World War by Janet Lee
  15. Tunnel-Master & Arsonist of the Great War. The Norton-Griffiths Story by Tony Bridgland & Anne Morgan
  16. Trench Art: An Illustrated History by Jane A. Kimball
  17. Absolute Destruction: Military Culture and the Practices of War in Imperial Germany by Isabel V. Hull (reviewed by Len Shurtleff)
  18. Battles on the Tigris by Ron Wilcox
  19. Fight or Pay: Soldiers' Families in the Great War by Desmond Morton
  20. The Netherlands and World War I: Espionage, Diplomacy and Survival by Hubert P Van G Tuyll van Seroosken
  21. Fifty Good Men and True by Michael Kendrick

Recent Publications in Brief:

  1. A Century of Remembrance - One Hundred outstanding British War Memorials by Derek Boorman
  2. Britain’s Lost Tommies by Richard van Emden
  3. Under Fire in the Dardanelles by Kira Charatan & Camilla Cecil
  4. Devil’s Wood by Tim Hailwood
  5. Most Unfavourable Ground by N Cherry
  6. Cheerful Sacrifice - the Battles of Arras by Jonathan Nicholls
  7. The War Lords by Michael Carver
  8. Naval Battles of the First World War by Geoffrey Bennett

WFA Central Ontario Branch new website

Stand To! 78 January 2007

Notes by the Way (From the Editor)

  • Memorial Fresco, St Lukes, Brighton
  • Royal Naval Division searchable database online

British Divisional Christmas Cards 1914-1918 by Andrew Brooks

Mobilising the BEF August 1914 by Jim O'Brien

Not 'Ordinary Lunatics' The Ex-Services' Welfare Society and the Treatment of Shell-Shocked Men after the Great War by Fiona Reid

Bringing the Unknown Warrior Home - A Coffin for the Unknown Warrior by Mr Nodes (writing in 1920)

Surgery of the Headand 70 Day Brain Surgeons by William C. Hanigan MD, PhD

The Legacy of the Army of 1918 by G. Long

  • Training, Tactics and organisation

Poetry: The Pilgrimage 1930, Christmas, 1915

The Mark VII Tank: Experiments with Hydraulic Drive by Christopher Nash

'Nothing Like Nickyteen' - on smoking in the Great War

The Price of fa*gs in 1916 by Michael Senior

Woodbine Willie

First and Last. Durham Light Infantry involvement in the Battles of the Aisne by David Thompson MLitt

War Art : Sculpture of the Great War by David Cohen

Sir Jacob Epstein

A Pioneer in Picardy Part II extracts from Pioneer James Greenwood's memoirs

A Scottish Memorial Then & Now by John Andrews

The Camera Returns (60): Ransart by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Impact of Malaria
  • Camera Returns 57

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Call to Arms. The British Army 1914-1918 by Charles Messenger
  2. Race to the Front: The Material Foundations of Coalition Strategy in Great War by Kevin D. Stubbs
  3. Pyrrhic Victory: French Strategy and Operations in The Great War by Robert A Doughty
  4. All Roads Lead to France, Bath and the Great War by Andrew Swift
  5. Haig: the Evolution of a Commander by Andrew A Wiest
  6. Before Endeavours Fade by Rose Coombs
  7. The Warlords: Hindenburg Ludendorff by John Lee
  8. Victoria Crosses of the First World War: The Sideshows by Gerald Gliddon
  9. Combat - A Neglected Area of Military History by Stefan Felleckner
  10. Haig: the Evolution of a Commander by Andrew A Wiest
  11. The Old Front Line by John Masefield
  12. Wigs and Guns: Irish Barristers by Anthony P. Quinn
  13. The Great Game of Genocide: Imperialism, Nationalism and the Destruction of the Ottoman Armenians by Donald Bloxham
  14. The American Expeditionary Forces in World War I by John Evotaw
  15. Somme: the Battle Ninety Years On from Wharncliffe Magazines
  16. Flyboys directed by Tony Bill

Philatelic Corner: Commemorative Stamps by Len Shurtleff

Stand To! 79 April 2007

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)

  • New Editor Jon Cooksey announced from next issue
  • Ann Clayton editor since 1994
  • Regular contributors: David Cohen, Bob Grundy, Bob Wyatt and Terry Cave.

General Hunter-Weston's Appreciation of the Dardanelles Expedition by Elizabeth Balmer

The Ottoman Soldier at Gallipoli by Dr David Payne

A Chaplain with the 18th Division on the Somme by Linda Parker

Forgotten Victory: The Battle for Hill 70 15 August 1917 by Peter Last

Three VCs in Two Armies: Salvation Army VCs by CSM John Stanyard

Philatelic Corner by Len Shurtleff

War Art : Fortunino Matania by David Cohen quoting Clement K Shorter

A Pioneer in Picardy: Part III from Pioneer James Greenwood's memoirs

The Camera Returns (61): The main road from Albert to Bapaume by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Personalities of the 2nd Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers by David Langley

The American Refugee Relief in France: The Shurtleff Committee by Len Shurtleff

WFA United States Awards

When The' Tank Bank' Came to Town by Donnie Nelson

Haul Down and Ease Off: The American Air Service Balloon Corps in the Great War by Frank A. Contey

Electric Relief: Birmingham City Council and the city's power supply by J P Lethbridge

'We Too Were Soldiers': Women Poets of the First World War by Dr Vivien Newman

Wellington College in 1914: Roll of Honour by G A Long

Life and Commemoration Raymond Asquith (1878-1916) by Michael Aidin

Remembering The Great War At St fa*gan's, Glamorgan by Ray Westlake

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • British Troops at Verdun
  • 'Billy Smiff'
  • POW documents online at the National Archive

Garrison Library (First World War book reviews)

  1. The Lights that Failed: European International History by Zara Steiner
  2. Vienna and the Fall of the Habsburg Empire: Total War and Everyday Life in World War I by Maureen Heeley
  3. Stanley Spencer: Journey to Burghclere by Paul Gough [reviewed by David Cohen]
  4. Somme 1916: A Battlefield Companion by Gerald Gliddon [reviewed by Ann Clayton]
  5. Tracing Your Ancestors by Simon Fowler
  6. The Great War: Myth and Memory by Dan Todman
  7. The Unknown Soldier: the Story of the Missing of the Great War by Neil Hanson
  8. The Somme: A New Panoramic Perspective by Peter Barton
  9. Come on Highlanders! Glasgow Territorials in the Great War by A C Weir
  10. The Somme 1916 & Other Experiences of the Salford Pals by Michael Stedman
  11. From Pontefract to Picardy by Derek Clayton
  12. The Second Battalion Berkshire Regiment in World War One by Ian Cull
  13. Command and Control on the Western Front: The British Army's Experience 1914-1918 by Dr Gary Sheffield and Dr Dan Todman Stand To 79 April 2007
  14. Douglas Haig: Architect of Victory by Walter Reid
  15. China and the Great War: China's Pursuit of a New National Identify and Internationalization by Xu Guoqi
  16. 'Wielding the Dagger' The MarineKorps Flanders and the German War Effort by Mark D. Karau
  17. Victory Through Coalition: Britain and France during the First World War by Elizabeth Greenhalgh
  18. The Economics of World War I by Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison (Eds.)
  19. The Anzac Book

Stand To! 80 September 2007

Editor’s Introduction

  • Jon Cooksey introduces himself as the new Editor Stand To!
  • Interest in the Western Front and how it has developed over 26 years

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • The Haig ‘debate’
  • Salvation Army VC

From Pontefract to Picardy. The 9th King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in the First World War

Last US Great War Navy Veteran Lloyd Brown dies, age 105 Stand To 80 September 2007

The Moroccan Brigade on the Marne by Dr John Krijnen

John Sayer VC: A Forgotten Hero Reassessed by David Baker

Uncle Wallace’s War (Wallace Hanco*ck) by Clive Wright

The Pals Battalions Revisited by Mike Senior

A Coldstream Subaltern's Recollections of the Retreat from Mons by Sir James Horlick Bt. OBE, MC, MP

War Art : Fortunino Matania (Part II) by David Cohen

The Camera Returns (62): Chelers by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Edward Elgar: An Artist in Conflict

Lewis Straw MM 1895-1935 by Martin Passande by Tim Chamberlin

Personalities of the 2nd Royal Welch Fusiliers 'Stanway the Warrior' by David Langley

Devoted in Life, in Death Not Divided. The Knott Brothers and Ypres Reservoir Cemetery by John Dobson

Letters Lead to Harry's Last Resting Place by Jacquie Argent

My time in the Army 'The Diary of Heinrich Ludeke on the Western Front from 18 June 1917 - 21 November 1918' by Tim Chamberlin

Sergeant J H Spencer of Cwmgelli, Blackwood, Gwent by Ray Westlake

The Sons of Wellington College Part II - 1915 by G A Long

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Brice Ferguson Smyth, DSO and Bar by Jerry Murland

Captains and Brothers by Andrew Brooks

Errors, Omissions, and Duplication in the British Jewry Book of Honour by Harold Pollin

A Life Less Ordinary - Captain Charles Harold Blackburne, DSO by Paul O'Brien

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Surely We Are Winning by Malcolm K Johnson
  2. The Affair at Nery by Patrick Takle
  3. Lest We Forget by David O'Neale
  4. From Trench and Turret: Royal Marines' Letters and Diaries 1914-1918 by S M Holloway
  5. Schlachtfliefer! Germany and the Origins of Air/Ground Support, 1916-1918 by Rick Duiven and Dan-San Abbott
  6. War, Journalism and the Shaping of the 20th Century: The Life and Times of Henry W Nevinson
  7. War Memoirs of Earl Stanhope 1914-1918 by Brian Bond (Ed.)
  8. The Russian Army and the First World War by Nik Cornish
  9. In Flanders Flooded Fields by Paul Van Pul

Short notices

  1. Liverpool Heroes. Book I - The Stories of 16 Liverpool holders of the Victoria Cross edited by Ann Clayton
  2. The Union Comes of Age by Anne Samson
  3. Tip and Run. The Untold Tragedy of the Great War in Africa by Edward Paice
  4. The Russian Army and the First World War by Nik Cornish
  5. War Memoirs of Earl Stanhope 1914-1918 edited by Professor Brian Bond
  6. Directing Operations, British Corps Commanders on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Andy Simpson with a forward by Professor Gary Sheffield
  7. Suffolks and Sepoys. The Story of the 4th Suffolk Regiment on the Western Front 1914-15 by Neville Skinner
  8. Ritual and Remembrance. The Memorialisation of the Great War in East Kent by Peter Donaldson
  9. The Forts of the Meuse in World War I by Clayton Donnell
  10. World War I in Cartoons by Mark Bryant

Stand To! 81 January 2008

Editor’s Introduction

  • 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Cambrai
  • 90th Anniversary of the German Spring Offensive
  • 90th Anniversary of the Armistice

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Territorials vs Pals - the differences

The Three Seabrook Brothers - The Tragedy of an Australian Family - Passchendaele 1917 by Jan Van der Fraenen

The Chain of Command on the Western Front (as at 30 June 1916) by Martin Middlebrook

2nd Lieutenant Arthur Newberry Choyce: Leicestershire's Great War Poet - by Michael Kendrick

Brothers in Arms: Guernsey's Losses during the Great War by Elizabeth Walton

War Art : Christopher Richard Wynne Nevison (1889-1946) by David Cohen

Personalities of the 2nd Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers: Victor Ward. Soldier, Artist and Collector by David Langley

Friends Reunited by Peter Last

The Camera Returns (63):Merris, south of Bailleul by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

1/7th Battalion Territorial Force (Pioneers) Durham Light Infantry in the First World War by David Thompson

On A Change of Mentality - Percy Stone: His post war thoughts by Ronald Croxford

Allenby's Generals by J P Lethbridge

  • Lieutenant General Sir Henry Chauvel
  • Lieutenant General Sir Philip Chetwode

The Chippenham War Memorial by Ray Westlake

The Diary of Sergeant Stephen Walter Dury - 33rd Sanitary Section, 2nd London Sanitary Company, RAMC, TT by Andrew Brooks

The Lion of Houplines by Dr John Krijnen

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Battle of Vimy Ridge - 1917 by Jack Sheldon
  2. Doing its Part Nobly - Coventry's King Henry VIII School and the Great War by Chris Holland and Rob Phillips
  3. Doing Our Bit Middleton 1914-1919 by Martin Purdy and Ian Dawson
  4. Steady the Buffs? A Regiment, a Region and the Great War by Mark Connelly
  5. The Great War Diaries of Brigadier General Alexander Johnston by Edwin Astill
  6. Brief by Glorious. The Story of the 8th (Service) Battalion The Royal Fusiliers 1914-1918 by Charles Messenger
  7. Walking Arras by Paul Reed
  8. The German Army at Passchendaele by Jack Sheldon
  9. The Preparatory Prologue: Douglas Haig Diaries and Letters 1861-1941 by Douglas Scott (Ed.)
  10. American Battlefields of World War I. Chateau-Thierry - Then and Now. Volume One: Enter the Yanks as told in the actual words of the soldiers

Short Notices

  1. Liverpool Heroes Book 2 by Bill Sergeant and Sid Lindsay edited by Ann Clayton
  2. The Somme. A New Panoramic Perspective by Peter Baron
  3. Passchendaele. Unseen panoramas of the Third Battles of Ypres by Peter Baron
  4. Loos 1915. The Unwanted Battle by Gordon Corrigan
  5. Trial by Fire. Command and the British Expeditionary Force in 1914 by Nicholas Gardner
  6. A Richer Dust by Michael Oakland
  7. Lest we Forget. A History of the War Memorials of Peasenhall and Sibton Suffolk by Leslie Larnder
  8. Pro Patria Mori. The 56th (1st London) Division at Commecourt, 1st July 1916 by Bill MacCormick
  9. American Battlefields of the World War 1. Chateau-Thierry - Then and Now. Volume One: Enter the Yanks.
  10. The Devil’s Chariots. The Birth & Secret Battles of the First Tanks by John Glanfield.
  11. French Strategy and Tactical Bombardment Forces of World War 1 by Rene Martel
  12. Five Days in October. The Lost Battalion of World War I by Robert H Ferrell
  13. A Pity for Heroes by Derek Hunt

Also Received

  1. Mr Punch’s History of the Great War
  2. The Lion and the Poppy, British Veterans, Politics, and Society, 1921-1939 by Niall Barr
  3. Julius Buckler: Malaula! Battle Cry of Jasta 17 by Norman Franks.
  4. The Salient. Ypres, 1914-1918 by Alan Palmer
  5. The Unwanted. Great War Letters from the Field edited by John Hughes
  6. Ottoman Army Effectiveness in World War I. A comparative study by Edward Erickson

Stand To! 82 April/May 2008

Editor’s Introduction

Visiting battlefields and cemeteries - picking up litter

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)
Eton’s Generals

Mr Harry Richard Landis, the oldest US veteran at 108

Brothers in Arms: The 27th and 30th American Division on the Western Front with the British Army and the Breaking of the Hindenburg Line, 1918 by Mitch Yockelson

‘Birmingham and Albert: Godmother of Albert in Picardy’ by Alan Tucker

Better or Worse? British Divisional fatalities as an indicator of fighting effectiveness by David Tattersfield

Personalities of the 2nd Royal Welch Fusiliers, Henry Gerald Weston: Gentleman Ranker, Rogue and Patriot: Henry Gerald Weston by David Langley

From Kingston to Cairo: A Medical Officer and the story of No.5 Stationary Hospital, 1915-16 by Dr Andrew Iarocci

The Camera Returns (64): La Neuville, north of Corbie by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

War Art : Charles Gilbert Holiday by David Cohen

Brotherhood among Irishmen: The Battle of Wytschaete - Messines Ridge, June 1917 by Tom Burke

The Mystery of Major Kent - More Information by No Nearer an Explanation by John Sly

Not Just a Name on a Wall - Finding George Galloway by Tim Lynch

Leominster War Memorial by Ray Westlake

Two Graves at Ruddervoorder By Dr. George Edward Dobeson

Soup and Stoicism - Feeding occupied Belgium during the Great War by Alex Garcia

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Silent General. A Biography of Haig's Trusted Great War Comrade in Arms by Don Farr
  2. Julian Grenfell, Soldier and Poet: Letters and Diaries 1910-1915 by Kate Thompson (Ed.)
  3. Carson’s Army. The Ulster Volunteer Force 1910-22 by Timothy Bowman
  4. Major Oliver Nugent and the Ulster Division 1915-1918 by Nicolas Perry
  5. Leslie Coulson: A Singer Once by Vivien Whelpton
  6. A Guide to Military History on the Internet by Simon Steel
  7. The Unbearable Saki: The Work of H H Munro by Sandie Byrne
  8. The Brother Keepers by J E Macnintch
  9. Tracing Your Air Force Ancestors by H L Tomaselli
  10. Passchendaele 1917; The Story of the Fallen and Tyne Cot Cemetery by Bostyn, Blieck, Declerk, Descamps and Fraenen.
  11. Seduction or Instruction. First World War Posters in Britain and Europe by Jim Aulich and John Hewitt
  12. Meetings in No Man's Land. Christmas 1914 and Fraternization in the Great War by Marc Ferro and Malcolm Brown et al.
  13. The Secondary Infantry Division in World War One - A History of the American Expeditionary Force Regulars, 1917-1918 by George B Cole
  14. The Greatest Day in History. How the Great War Really Ended by Nicholas Best, Weidenfeld and Nicolson

Short Notices

  1. ‘Our Boys’. The Great War in a Lancashire Village by Jonathan Ali
  2. The War Memorial Book of the Parishes of Olveston and Aust, South Gloucestershire by WIlliam Morgan
  3. Grandad’s War. The First World War Diary of Horace Reginald Stanley by Dr Juliet Brodie
  4. Medicine and Duty: The World War I Memoir of Captain Harold W. McGill, Medical Officer 31st Battalion, CEF by Marjorie Barron Norris
  5. High Noon of Empire: The Diary of Lt. Col Henry Tyndall 1895-1915 by ‘Jimmy’ Jones (Editor)
  6. Gallipoli by Nigel Steel
  7. Prisoners of War in British Hands during WWI: A Study in Their History, the Camps and Their Mails by Graham Mark
  8. Prisoners, Diplomats and the Great War: A Study in the Diplomacy of Captivity by Richard Speed III
  9. Gertrude Bell Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations by Georgina Howell
  10. Desert Queen by Janet Wallach
  11. The Greatest Day in History. How the Great War Really Ended by Nicholas Best
  12. The Watch on the Rhine. The Military Occupation of Rhineland, 1918-1930 by Margaret Pawley
  13. Allied Artillery of World War One by Ian Hogg
  14. The German Army in World War One, Number 3, 1917-18 by Nigel Thomas
  15. Groupe de Combat 12 ‘Les Cigones’ by John Guttman

Also Received

  1. Heart of a Dragon, the VCs of Wales and the Welsh Regiments, 1854-1920 by W A Williams
  2. Allenby’s Military Medicine. Life and Death in World War I in Palestine by Eran Dolev
  3. The Advance from Mons. The Experiences of a German Infantry Officer by Walter Bloem
  4. Distant Victory. The Battle of Jutland and the Allied Triumph in the First World War by D A Butler
  5. The Memoirs of a Horse Transport Driver 1916-19 by J R Johnston
  6. German War Planning 1891-1914 Sources and Interpretation by Terence Zuber
  7. The War Lords. Hindenburg and Ludendorff by John Lee
  8. Horseman Pass By. The Australian Light Horse in World War 1 by Lindsay Baly
  9. Spies in Uniform. British Military Intelligence on the eve of the First World War by Matthew Seligman

Stand To! 83 August / September 2008

Editor’s Introduction

  • The Ridley Scott ‘Boy with Bike’ Hovis advert recreated with 200 extras in Great War uniforms

Communications Lines

In From the Cold project on the Great War Forum

Eton’s Generals

Hades' Henchmen - The Australian Tunnelling Companies and 'Alphabet Company': 1916-1919 by Damien Finlayson

Discipline in the BEF. An Analysis of Executions in British Divisions 1914-1918 by David Tattersfield

Personalities of the 2nd Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers 'The Surrey-man': Paris Hilary Drake Brockman by David Langley

The RFC on the Western Front - A Beginner's Guide by Bob Butcher

War Art : Lieutenant James Whale 2nd/7th Worcester Regiment by David Cohen

British Medical Casualties on the Western Front in the Great War Part I: Dealing with Wounded Related Data by Dr David Payne

Oases by Ronald Henry Poynting 1st/5th (Cinque Ports) Battalion, the Royal Sussex Regiment

The Camera Returns (65): Becourt Wood by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Fromelles, 19/20 July 1916 - A Success After All? By Mike Senior

Rethinking 10/West Yorks at Fricourt by David Stowe

Llandaff War Memorials by Ray Westlake

'The Journey's End' - the 9th Battalion, East Surrey Regiment in the Great War by Michael Lucas

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Daily Telegraph Dictionary of Tommies' Songs and Slang, 1914-1918 by John Brophy and Eric Partridge
  2. John Masefield's Great War: Collected Works by Philip W Errington (Ed.)
  3. A Lack of Offensive Spirit? The 46th (North Midland) Division at Gommecourt, 1st July 1916 by Alan Macdonald.
  4. Borrowed Soldiers: American under British Command, 1918 by Michell A Yockelson
  5. The Second Battle of the Marne by Michael S Neiberg
  6. Battles East - A History of the Eastern Front of the First World War by G Irving Root
  7. Wearside Battalion: the 20th (Service) Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry in the Great War by John Sheen
  8. Le Cateau by Nigel Cave and Jack Sheldon
  9. The Zeebrugge Raid by Philip Warner
  10. The Zeebrugge Raid 1918: The Finest Feat of Arms by Paul Kendall
  11. The German Army on Vimy Ridge by Jack Sheldon
  12. Kitchener's Men: The King's Own Royal Lancasters on the Western Front 1915-1918 by John Hutton
  13. World War I in Cartoon by Dr Mark Bryant
  14. The War Poets Series by Jean Moorcroft Wilson (General Editor)
  15. Borrowed Soldiers: American under British Command, 1918 by Michell A Yockelson
  16. The Second Battle of The Marne by Michael S Neiberg
  17. To Conquer Hell: The Meuse Argonne, 1918 by Edward G. Lengel

Short Notices

  1. Evelyn Wood VC: Pillar of Empire by Steven Manning
  2. Greater Love: A Directory of Chaplains of the British Army, Australia, Canada, East Africa, New Zealand and South African Forces and Ministers of Religion who gave their lives in the period 1914-22 by Rev. David Youngson
  3. Jack Garbutt: the Bilslade Bombadier by Susan Laffey (reviewed by Chris Baker)
  4. The Bath at War. A Derbyshire community and the Great War by Charles Beresford

Acetone, Cordite and the Balfour Declaration by Elizabeth Balmer

Stand To! 84 December 2008 / January 2009

Editor’s Introduction

90th Anniversary of the end of war

Communication Lines

AEF 115th Regiment group photograph

Casualty Statistics by Dr Erric Webb

Princess Patricia's Pals by Gordon MacKinnon

‘Dear Robert’ - The Letters of Frank Richards DCM MM to Robert Graves - Part I by David Langley

Searching for ‘Captain Goffre’ by John Krijnen

War Art : Ludovic-Rodolphe Pissarro (1878-1952) by David Cohen

Lieutenant Benno Carl Lehman MC by Andrew Pittaway

British Military Medical Casualties on the Western Front in the Great War - Part II

Wound Induced Trauma Related to Technological Advances in War by Dr David Payne

Remembering the Great War at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon by Ray Westlake

Lies, Damned Lies and Casualty Statistics - The Western Front Experience by Mike Senior

In From the Cold - Forgotten for Ninety Year by Terry Denham and John Hartley

Undefeated in the Field? Some German Reflections - Part I by David Filsell

The Camera Returns (66): Ypres to Comines railway line bridge by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Chinese Labour Corps 1917-1921 - Sources of Oral History by Brian Fawcett

General Sir Frederick Maude by J P Lethbridge

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Pro Patria Mori. The 56th (1st London) Division at Gommecourt, 1st July 1916 by Alan Macdonald
  2. Organisation and Insignia of the American Expeditionary Force 1917 to 1923 by R J Dalessandro and M G Knapp
  3. Mannock. The Life and Death of Major Mannock VC, DSO, MC, RAF by R J Dalessandro & M G Knapp
  4. 'Bands of Brigands' - The First Men in Tanks by Christy Campbell
  5. The Greater Game:Sporting Icons who fell in the Great War by C Harris and J Whippy
  6. Three Years on the Western Front: Gunner Rodbourne Goes to War by John Pateman
  7. On Fame's Eternal Camping Ground. A Study of First World War Epitaph in the British Cemeteries of the Western Front by Trefor Jones
  8. Brushes and Bayonets. Cartoons, Sketches and Paintings of World War I by Lucinda Gosling
  9. The Yankee Division in the First World War. In the Highest Tradition by Michael E Shay
  10. Enduring the Great War: Combat, Morale and Collapse in the German and British Armies, 1914-1918 by Alexander Watson
  11. The Battle of the Frontiers, Ardennes 194 by Terence Zuber
  12. Race & War in France: Colonial Subjects in the French Army, 1914-1918 by Richard S Fogarty

Short Notices

  1. Air Force Records. A Guide to Family Historians (Second Editions)
  2. First World War Army Service Records (Fourth Edition)
  3. The Lessons of War by William Van Der Kloot
  4. The War Dead of Twyning Parish by Martin Middlebrook
  5. The Diary of a World War I Fighter Pilot: Guy Mainwaring Knocker by Christopher M.Burgess

Stand To! 85 April/May 2009

Editor’s Introduction

  • Indian cavalry units attack towards Longueval and High Wood 14 July 1916
  • The power of culture

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Major Ralph Kent
  • Casualty Statistics
  • Fate of the Zeppelins

Ghosts on the Somme. New Techniques in the Analysis of Documentary Film by Alastair H Fraser

'Dear Robert' - The Letters of Frank Richards DCM MM to Robert Graves - Part II by David Langley

‘Tactically naive schoolboys’? An analysis of the performance of infantry officers of the 1st Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment on the Western Front, 1914-1918 by Chris Baker

War Art : Claggett Wilson by Michael Barton

Rudyard Kipling and King George V: The 1922 Pilgrimage to the Flanders Cemeteries by Michael Aiden

Army Cyclists - Not Glamorous But There by Kieth Tebutt

Saving the Lives and Limbs of Soldiers with Gunshot Fractures of the Femur in the Great War by Roger Austin FRCS Ed

Undefeated in the Field - Some German Reflections - Part II by David Filsell

Remembering that Great War at Liverpool Station by Ray Westlake

The Camera Returns (67): Polaertplein (square), Ypres by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

British Medical Casualties on the Western Front in the Great War - Part 3 & 4 - Dentistry for Soldiers and the Problems of the Clearance and Treatment of Battlefield by Dr David Payne

The Hackney Synagogue First World War Memorial (Brenthouse Road, London, E9) A Project of Remembrance by Martin Sugarman

D51 'Deborah' The Flesquieres Tank by Rob Kirk

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Survivors of a Kind: Memoirs of the Western Front by Brian Bond
  2. The Military Cross to Flying Personnel of Great Britain and the Empire 1914-1919 by Hal Giblin and Norman Franks
  3. Fromelles 1916 by Paul Cobb
  4. Tracing Yours First World War Ancestors by Simon Fowler
  5. 1918: A Very British Victory by Peter Hart
  6. Lancashire's Forgotten Heroes: 8th (Service) Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment by Stephen Border and Christopher Boardman
  7. The National Archives British Trench Map Atlas: The Western Front 1914-1918 by Peter Chasseaud
  8. Famous 1914-1918 by Richard van Emden and Victor Piuk
  9. Lutyens and the Great War by Gerald Gliddon and Tim Skelton
  10. The German Offensives of 1918: The Last Desperate Gamble by Ian Passingham
  11. Springboks on the Somme: South Africa in the Great War, 1914-1918 by Bill Nasson
  12. Doctrine and Reform in the British Cavalry 1880-1918 by Stephen Badsey
  13. The Diary and Letters of a World War I Fighter Pilot by Christopher M Burgess
  14. Digging the Trenches: The Archaeology of the Western Front by Andrew Robertshaw and David Kenyon
  15. The White War: Life and Death on the Italian Front, 1915-1919 by Mark Thompso

Mapping the Front

Stand To 86! August/September 200

Editor’s Introduction

The passing of the last veterans of the First World War

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

In From the Cold - Project update

Tyne Cot Visitor Centre

Private Harry Bowring and 'The Hampshire Cross' by Roger Coleman

The Enemy Above: British Reactions to German Zeppelin Raids in the Great War by Frank A Blazich Jr.

47167 Gunner Thomas William Sargent. His War Time Service with the 117th Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery by Stan Sargeant

‘Dear Robert’: The Letters of Frank Richards DCM MM to Robert Graves - Part III by David Langley

A Spy in the Lincolns? By David Nalson

57318 Sergeant Pilot Hermon William Tozer 110 Squadron Royal Flying Corps by David Evans

British Casualty Clearing Station No.37 Mont Notre Dame, Aisne by Fred Ashmore

War Art : Percy John Delf Smith (12 March 1882 - 30 October 1948) by David and Judith Cohen

The Camera Returns (68): Chateau de Wyngacourt, Fletre by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Rutherford, Geiger, Chadwick, Moseley, co*ckcroft and their role in the Great War by John Richardson, Russell Edgell, Nick and Harold Hankins

The Lowestoft Drifters and the Dover Mine-Net Barrage in the Great War by Neville Skinner

They Also Service - Lieutenant Charles Bryce Muir by Trevor Lindley

Luxmore Newcombe - a scholarly Soldier by John Sly

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Cambrai 1917: The Myth of the First Great Tank Battle by Bryn Hammond
  2. Heart of the Dragon: The VCs of Wales and the Welsh Regiments 1914-1982 by W Alister Williams
  3. First World War Flying Act: 20-year Adventure of Harry Chisam 1912-1923 by A Milne, M C Partington and T Preece
  4. Bonner VC. The Biography of Gus Bonner; VC and Master Mariner by Sue Satterthwaite
  5. Battles in the Alps: A History of the Italian Front of the First World War by G Irvin Root
  6. 9th Service Battalion The Sherwood Foresters: Notts and Derby Regiment During the First World War by John Steven Morse
  7. The Suicide Club: Machine Gun Corps Companies and Battalions, Guards Machine Gun Units, Their Formation Records & Operations by Graham Sacker
  8. The Secret Battle: a Tragedy of the First World War by A P Herbert
  9. An Improbable War: The Outbreak of World War I and European Political Culture Before 1914 by Holger Afflerback and David Stevenson (Eds.)
  10. Thank God I am trying to do my little bit. Pte Jim Elwell 7th Suffolks. A Walsall Lad’s Letters from the Trenches 1916-1917 by Ken Wayman
  11. History's Greatest Heist: the Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks by Sean McMeekin
  12. World War One: A Chronological Narrative by Philip Warner
  13. The Great War on the Western Front by Paddy Griffith
  14. Zeppelins over Suffolk, the Final Raid of the L48 by Mark Mower
  15. Harry's War. A British Tommy's Experiences in the Trenches in World War One by Harry Stinton

Short Notices

  1. A Young Man’s War. The Diary and Letters of W L Ward 1918 by Alec Ward
  2. Cornwall’s Fallen. The Road to the Somme by Nick Thornicroft
  3. Biggleswade and the Great War. Our own flesh and blood by Kenneth Wood
  4. Knights of Penrhyn. A Tribute to the Fallen Heroes of Penrhyn Parish by Ken Evans
  5. Our Glorious Dead. Malmesbury and the Great War 1914-21 by Charles Vernon
  6. Their Name Liveth for Evermore. The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland by Michael Doyle
  7. An Officer’s Manual of the Western Front 1914-1918 by Stephen Bull
  8. Shrapnel and Whizzbangs. A Tommy in the Trenches 1914-18 by Jeremy Mitchell

Stand To 87! December 2009/January 2010

Editor’s Introduction

  • The power of culture and memory of the Great War to amaze, illuminate and educate.
  • Remembrance and new memorials on the Western Front

Communication Lines (Letters to the editor)

  • Black POWs
  • Tyne Cot visitors centre (for and against)

Behind the Lines: The Story of the Iron Twelve - Part I by Hedley Malloch

The Beauly Lads at Neuve Chapelle and Festubert by H W Harrison

  • Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Fraser VD 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
  • Corporal Duncan Fraser 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
  • Private Thomas Gallacher 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
  • Private John Mackenzie, 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
  • Second Lieutenant Alastair Finlay Paterson, 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
  • Private Duncan Ross, 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
  • Corporal James Vass, 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
  • Private William Tolmie, 1 / 4 Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders

James Leach VC by Robert Bonner

War Art : 386202, Acting Sergeant Herbert Gibson MM, 1st Northumbrian Field Ambulance, Royal Army Corps by David and Judith Cohen

The Bantams at 'Bloody Bourlon' by Sidney Allison

Two Farms in October 1918: Lieutenant Philip R Meredith MC, 50th Bn MGC by Barbara Meredith

The Camera Returns (69): Ville-sur-Ancre by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Rutherford, Geiger, Chadwick, Moseley, co*ckcroft and their Role in the Great War - Part II - John co*ckcroft by John Richardson, Russell Egdell, Nick and Harold Hankins

When the Spirit of Judah Maccabee Hovered over the Whitechapel Road. 38th Royal Fusiliers by Martin Sugarma

Memorial on the Move - The Queen's Park and St.Peter's Park Memorial, Paddington by Ray Westlake

From 'Extra-Cushy' to Klein Zillebeke - R C Sherriff, Journey's End and the 9th East Surreys by Michael Lucas

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Best Fragments from France by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather
  2. 'A Breed Apart': Second Lieutenant Donald Bell VC and Captain Archive White VC by Richard Leake
  3. William Orpen. An Onlooker in France by Robert Upstone and Angela Weight
  4. Biggleswade and the Great War: Our own Flesh and Blood by Kenneth Wood
  5. Walking Verdun: A Guide to the Battlefield by Christina Holstein
  6. Gentlemen, we will stand and fight. Le Cateau 1914 by Antony Bird
  7. The German Army at Cambrai by Jack Sheldon
  8. Bloody Victory: The Sacrifice on the Somme and the Making of the twentieth Century by William Philpott
  9. The First World War by Pitkin Guides
  10. Letters from the Trenches. A Soldier of the Great War by Bill Lamin
  11. Tanks and Trenches by David Fletcher (Ed.)
  12. Untold War: New Perspectives in the First World War Studies by Heather Jones, Jennifer O'Brien and Christoph Schmidt-Supprain
  13. Gazetteer of East Kent in the Great War 1914-1918 by Hazel Basford and K.McIntosh
  14. The Spirit of the Troops is Excellent: The 6th (Morayshire) Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders in the Great War 1914-19 by Derek Bird
  15. For Love and Courage. The Letters of Lieutenant Colonel E W Hermon from the Western Front 1914-1917 by Anne Nason (Ed.)
  16. The Great War and Urban Life in Germany, Freiburg 1914-1918 by Roger Chickering
  17. The Great War Handbook: A Guide for Family Historians and Students of the Great War by Geoff Bridger
  18. Ghosts on the Somme, Filming the Battle June-July 1916 by Alastair H Fraser, Andrew Robertshaw and Steve Roberts
  19. A Wheen of Medals: The History of the (9th) Bn. The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (The Tyrones) in the First World War by W J Canning
  20. Verdun - an Integrated Defence by Neil J Wells

Short Notices

  1. The Western Front 1914-1916. From the Schlieffen Plan to Verdun and the Somme by Michael Neiberg
  2. The Happy Warrior. The Life and Letters of 2nd Lieut Alan Bullock, a Conscript of the Great War by Jon Miller
  3. Forgotten Battlefronts by Martin Evans
  4. Their Name Liveth for Evermore. The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland by Michael Doyle

Stand To 88! April/May 2010

Editor’s Introduction

  • British West Indies Regiments
  • A British Private Memorial behind German Lines: Henry Hammond Shott DSO 1/Royal Berkshire Regiment

Communications Lines

  • IWM Sound Archive - request for recordings
  • Tyne Cot Visitor Centre

‘The Devonshires Held this Trench - The Devonshire Hold It Still ’ - Part I by Jeremy Archer

Behind the Lines: The Story of the Iron Twelve - Part II by Hedley Malloch

The Fricourt-Tambour Duclos Sector on the Somme: Its Organisation and Defence by David Stowe

War Art : Charles Johnson Payne 'Snaffles' (1884-1967) by David and Judith Cohen

The Camera Returns (70): Armentieres by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

British and German Trench Slang 1914-1918: A Preliminary Formal and Semantic Comparison by Henry Daniels

The BEF in the Great War - Part I by Bob Butcher

Remembering the Great War at Bath Abbey by Ray Westlake

‘A Very English Teacher’ - Wilfred Owen and the 'Lost Boys' of Tynecastle High School by Neil McLennan

The 8th Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders on the Western Front 1915-1918 by J H Johnson

The 38th (Welsh) Division in the Great War by Matthew Powell

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. We Will Remember Them: The Voices from the Aftermath of the Great War by Max Arthur
  2. No Labour, No Battle: Military Labour During the First World War by John Standing and Ivor Lee
  3. The Day we won the War. Turning Point at Amiens 8 August 1918 by Charles Messenger
  4. 'Ours': The Jersey Pals in the First World War by Ian Ronayne
  5. Handbook of Imperial Germany by Janet & Joe Robinson
  6. The Road to Armageddon: The Life and Letters of Lieutenant Colonel, Henry Cadogan by Colonel Henry Cadogan RWF (Ed.)
  7. Great War Portraits by Keith Colman
  8. Earth Voices Whispering: An Anthology of Irish War Poetry 1914-1915 by Gerald Dawe (Ed.)
  9. Strategy and Command: The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1914 by Roy Prete
  10. The Marne, 1914: The Opening of World War I and the Battle that Changed the World by Holger Herwig
  11. Kitchener's Lost Boys: From the Playing Fields to the Killing Fields by John Oakes
  12. The British Army in Battle and Its Images, 1914-1918 by Stephen Badsey
  13. A Story of the 1st Battalion London Irish Rifles in the First World War by Ed Harris
  14. Mont St Quentin: A Soldier's Battle by Bill Bullett

Short Notices

  1. A new A7V Tank by Max Hundleby
  2. DVD: Lee Enfield Rifle
  3. The Gas Attack at Ypres by John Lee
  4. Men, Horses, Mud and Stew. The Little Fusilier’s Great War by Wilfred Cook
  5. Before My Helpless Sight, Suffering, Dying and Military Medicine on the Western Front 1914-18 by Leo Van Bergen

A note on Primary Sources for the Study of Medical Aspects of the Great War by Bob Wyatt

Stand To! 89 August/September 2010

Editor’s Introduction

The Inauguration of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery at Pheasant Wood in Fromelles

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Iron Memorial Project

Pilgrimage or Tourist Attraction

The Southern Tip of the Western Front 1914-1918 - The Terminus of the 'Underground Railway' Oostende-Switzerland by Sebastian Laudan

Raids and Patrols: What's the Difference? By Mike Senior

War Art : Captain Lester Howard Sacré, Essex Regiment, Aide-de-Camp to the Adjutant General, British Armies in France (1916-1917), Lieutenant-General Sir G H Fowke, KCB, KCMG by David and Judith Cohen

‘The Devonshires Held This Trench - The Devonshires Hold It Still’ - (Part 2) by Jeremy Archer

The Camera Returns (71): Ribemont-sur-Ancre by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Ypres and Beyond - A Sapper's Story: The Reminiscences of Sapper Samuel Charles

Drury, 3rd London Field Company RE abridged and edited by David Craigen

The BEF in the Great War - Part 2 - 1915 by Bob Butcher

Rewriting History. An Alternative Account of the Death of Lieutenant George

Macpherson of the Heavy Section of the Machine Gun Corps by Colin Hardy

“All means short of murder” British Socialists, 'patriotic labour' and the politics of recruitment during the Great War by David M Young

Remembering the Great War in Borough High Street, Southwark by Ray Westlake

Youth on the Western Front. The Experiences of a Nottinghamshire Lad During the Great War by Sue Andrews

Rutherford, Geiger, Chadwick, Moseley and co*ckcroft and their Role in the Great War (Parats 3a) - Henry Moseley by John Richardson, Russell Egdell, Nick and Harold Hankins

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Mons Myth: A Reassessment of the Battle by Terence Zuber
  2. The Riddles of Wipers: An Appreciation of the Trench Journal 'The Wipers Times' by John Ivelaw-Chapman
  3. Mons and the Road to Victory by John Terraine
  4. Cameos of the Western Front: Salient Points Five: Ypres and Picardy 1914-1918 by Tony Spagnoly and Ted Smith
  5. The Final Battle; Soldiers of the Western Front and the German Revolution of 1918 by Scott Stephenson
  6. Underground Warfare 1914-1918 by Simon Jones
  7. Beneath Hill 60 by Will Davies
  8. Boesinghe: Battleground Europe by Stephen McGreal
  9. Belfast Boys. How Unionists and Nationalists Fought and Died in the First World War by Richard Grayson
  10. Some Letters from a Subaltern on the Western Front. July 1915-June 1916 by J B Hoyle MC
  11. Spies of the First World War. Undercover for King and Kaiser by James Morton
  12. Newport Ghosts and the Great War by D J Ashwin
  13. The Complete Victoria Cross. A Full Chronological Record of all Holders of Britain's Highest Award for Gallantry by Kevin Brazier
  14. The Origins of the First World War by William Mulligan
  15. Aircraft of World War I - The Essential Identification Guide by J Harris, B. Pearson
  16. R-O-D (The Railways Operating Division on the Western Front 1915-1919 by William A T Aves
  17. Letters from Verdun. Frontline Experiences of an American Volunteer in the World War I France by W C and E T Hardy (Eds.)

Short Notices

  1. Bloody Victory: The Sacrifice on the Somme and the Making of the Twentieth Century by William J Philpott (In the US published as Three Armies on the Somme: The First Battle of the Twentieth Century)
  2. World War I Almanac by David R. Woodward
  3. Germany’s Western Front: Translations from the German Official History of the Great War (Eds.) Mark Osborne Humphries & John Maker
  4. A Companion to World War I by John Horne (Ed.)
  5. Thomas Wilson Bracken: Servant of Empire by Martin Gibson
  6. The Occupation of Constantinople 1818-1923 compiled by Brigadier-General Sir James Edmonds.
  7. Tyneside Irish, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th (Service) Battalions of the Northumberland Fusiliers by John Sheen
  8. Sheffield Pals. The 12th (Service) Battalion York & Lancaster Regiment by Ralph Gibson

Stand To 90! December 2010/January 2011

Editor’s Introduction

  • The Lord Ashcroft Victoria Cross/George Cross Gallery, IWM

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Hundred Days
  • The Strange Case of Walter Napleton Stone VC

Private 'X' and the Immortal Eighty of Festubert (Part 1) by Colin Taylor

The Aristocrats' Cemetery at Zillebeke by Jerry Murland

The Adventures of Byng and Birdwood by David Nalson

A Fortnight in France - A Soldier's Story of the Battle of Estaires, April 1918 by David Thompson

The Camera Returns (72): Becordel-Bécourt by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Great War Memorials - Memory and National Identity by Christopher Nash

The BEF 1914-18 (Part 3) - 1916 by Bob Butcher

Rutherford, Geiger, Chadwick, Moseley and co*ckcroft and their Role in the Great War (Part 3b) Henry Moseley by John Richardson, Russell Egdell, Nick and Harold Hankins

War Art : Art of the Great War - Some Examples from the German Side by David and Judith Cohen

Great War British Army Officer Records as a Research Source by Michael Lucas

Remembering the Great War at the Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly by Ray Westlake

Joseph Ashmore - 1/6 Battalion Durham Light Infantry by Fred Ashmore

The Port of Spain Great War Memorial, Trinidad by John Dixon

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. A Companion to World War I by John Horne (Ed.)
  2. World War I and the Question of Ulster. The Correspondence of Lilian and Wilfred Spender by Margaret Baguley (Ed.)
  3. The Burden of Guilt: How Germany Shattered the Last Days of Peace, Summer 1914 by Daniel A. Butler
  4. Some Desperate Glory: The Diary of a Young Officer by Edwin Campion Vaughan
  5. Aristocrats Go to War: Uncovering the Zillebeke Churchyard Cemetery by Jerry Murland
  6. When the Whistle Blows: The Story of the Footballers’ Battalion in the Great War by Andrew Riddoch and John Kemp
  7. War Planning 1914 by R F Hamilton and H H Herwig (Eds.)
  8. Tank Action in the Great War - B Battalion’s Experience 1917 by Ian Verrinder
  9. A District at War - Irlam and Cadishead’s Part in the Great War 1914-1918 by Neil Drum and Pete Thomas
  10. Mud Blood and Bullets: The Memoirs of a Machine Gunner on the Western Front by Edward Rowbotham
  11. Brief Glory: the life of Arthur Rhys Davids, DSO, MC
  12. Albert Ball VC - The Fighter Pilot Hero of World War I by Colin Pengelly
  13. Lander’s War. The War Diaries of Lieutenant Charles Lander 10th Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment
  14. Carnival of Hell - German Combat Experience on the Somme, 1916 by Richard A Baumgartner (Ed.)
  15. The Other Side of the Wire Vol.I - With the German XIV Reserve Corps on the Somme, September 1914-June 1916 by Ralph J Whitehead
  16. Somme 1916: A Battlefield Companion by Gerald Gliddon
  17. Tracing Great War Ancestors: Finding uncle Bill by Pen and Sword
  18. No Labour, No Battle, Military Labour during the First World War buring the First World War by John Starling and Ivor Lee

Short Notices

  1. First World War Studies from The International Society for First World War Studies
  2. DVD: Official History of the War
  3. Rural Sacrifice. The War Dead of Bisley, Eastcombe and Oakridge (1914-19) from N J Thornicroft
  4. The Great Western Railway in the First World War by Sandra Gittins

Stand To! 91 April/May 2011

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

The Camera Returns



Richard Holmes RIP

Claude Choules

‘Two Minor Demonstrations’: 1/1st Cambridgeshire Battalion's Raids on the Ancre, 16-17 September 1916 by Michael Durey

David Alfred Ayles: An Essex Vignette by John Sly

The BEF in the Great War 1914-1918 (Part 4) - 1917 by Bob Butcher

Private 'X' and the Immortal Eighty of Festubert (Part 2) by Colin Taylor

War Art : Lieutenant L. Van den Bergh by David and Judith Cohen

British Forces in Italy - The Southern Front 1917-1918 by Lieutenant Colonel Paolo Capanni

The Camera Returns (73) No.1. Convalescent Depot, Boulogne by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

‘In Retreat’ - An Extract from a Memoir by Captain R F Petschler MC RE by J H Johnson

Remembering the Great War in Holborn, London by Ray Westlake

The First Air Raids of the Great War by David Heal

From Leg of Mutton Common to Leg of Mutton Wood by John Pateman

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Remembering Fromelles: A New Cemetery for a New Century by Julie Summers (compiler)
  2. Crumps and Camouflets - Australian Tunnelling Companies on the Western Front by Damien Finlayson
  3. Great Lives: A Guide for Family Historians
  4. Trench: A History of Trench Warfare on the Western Front by Stephen Bull
  5. 'Corky's War' The Diary of an RAMC Stretcher Bearer 1915-1919 by Ronald Fairfax
  6. Richtofen Jagdstaffel Ahead: RFC Pilots Out-Performed and Out-Gunned Over the Western Front by Peter Macmanus
  7. August 1914 - Surrender at St Quentin by John Hutton
  8. The Trench War on the Western Front: 1914-1918 by Antonio Fernandez-Mayoralas
  9. The Madman and the Butcher: The Sensational Wars of Sam Hughes and General Arthur Curry by Tim Cook
  10. Destination Western Front London’s Omnibuses go to War by Roy Larking
  11. Wandsworth & Battersea Battalions in the Great War by Paul McCue
  12. The Military Papers of Lieutenant Colonel Sir Cuthbert Headlam 1910-1942
  13. The Great War Letters of Lady Dorothy Fielding MM by Andrew and Nicola Hallam (Eds.)
  14. Gallipoli: The Ottoman Campaign by Edward J Erickson
  15. ‘Blinker’ Hall: Spymaster, The Man Who Brought America into World War I by David Ramsay
  16. The 2nd Bedfords in France and Flanders 1914-1918 by M G Deacon
  17. Missed Signals on the Western Front: How the Slow Adoption of Wireless Restricted British Strategy and Operations in World War I by Mike Bullock and Lawrence Lyons.
  18. Somme 1914-1918: Lessons in War by Martin Marix Evans
  19. The Somme: France 1916 by Chris McNab
  20. Tommy's' Ark: Soldiers and their Animals in the Great War by Richard van Emden
  21. War is War by Ex Private X by A M Burrage
  22. The Distant Drum: Memoir of a Guardsman in the Great War by F E Noakes

Stand To! 92 August/September 2011

Editor’s Introduction

Views, thoughts and ideas can be shared - often leading to a greater understanding of what happened on the ground.

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Sir Arthur Currie

La Boiselle Study Group

Tactical Railways

Landsknechte vs Sportsmen Operation Kirschbüte - Seicheprey 20 April 1918 by Sebastian Laudan

The BEF in the Great War (Part 5) by Bob Butcher

One of the Youngest Pilots Killed in the Great War: Second Lieutenant Pieter Cedric

Earlam Johnson - 4 Squadron Royal Flying Corps by Clive Sharples

The Camera Returns (74) Mons-en-Chaussée, nr St Quentin by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Private X and the Immortal Eighty of Festubert (Part 3) by Colin Taylor

War Art : The Tank as Art: David and Judith Cohen

University College Nottingham during the Great War by Dr David Nunn

Remembering the Great War at The Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff by Ray Westlake

Just One of 21,000 by Brian Rogers

The Anzac Convoy, Albany, Western Australia by Christopher Nash

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Undefeated. The Extraordinary Life and Death of Lt. Col. Jack Sherwood Kelly VC, CMG, DSO by Philip Bujak
  2. The Back Parts of War. The YMCA Memoirs and letters of Barclay Baron, 1915-1919 by Michael Snape (Ed.)
  3. Gallipoli by Peter Hart
  4. To Conquer Hell: The Meuse-Argonne 1918 by Edward G Lengel
  5. The German Army at Ypres - 1914 by Jack Sheldon
  6. Elsie and Mairi Go to War: Two Extraordinary Women on the Western Front by Diane Atkinson
  7. Departed Warriors: The Story of a Family a War by Jerry Murland
  8. Haig:Master of the Field By Major General by Major General Sir John Davidson
  9. None that go Return: Leighton, Brittain and the Lost Generation 1914-1918 by Don Farr
  10. Dear Hal, Yours Pud by Theo Stibbons
  11. The Riddles of Wipers: An Appreciation of the Trench Journal ‘The Wipers’ Times by John Ivelaw-Chapman
  12. This Gallant Steelback - Ewart Boulter VC by Derek Seaton
  13. 6th Battalion The Manchester Regiment in the Great War by John Hartley

Short Notices

  1. The Love of a Brother. From Plaistow to Passchendaele by Martin Caerns (WFA Member)
  2. Woman of Thanet Rally to the Flag 1914-1918 by Laura Probert (WFA Member)
  3. Doctrine and Reform in the British Cavalry, 1880-1918 by Stephen Badsey

Stand To! 93 December 2011/ January 2012

Editor’s Introduction

‘War Horse’ Michael Morpurgo

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

The Devonshires

Barnsley Pals chaplain

Charlie: the Mysterious Death and Reburial of Major C E Sutcliffe by Gordon MacKinnon

Learning Curves and Opportunity Curves on the Western Front by Mike Senior

The Camera Returns (75) Framerville-Rainecourt by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

A Literary Collaboration: Henry Williamson, Cyril Beaumont and Randolph Schwabe by Jeremy Archer

Shipping Losses off the Coast of the North East of England 1914-1918 by David Thompson

War Art : Walter Percival Starmer (1877-1961) by David and Judith Cohen

‘Obviously All Was Lost’ - The Life and Death of Edward Revere Osler by Peter Starling

The Broadmarsh Crater - Vimy Canadian Memorial Site 'Then and Now' by Phillip Robinson

Walter Fuller's War by Adrian Watkinson and Diana Beaupré

Remembering the Great War at St.Bridget's Church, Brean, Somerset by Ray Westlake

The Burial of German Military War Dead on the Western Front by Dr. David Payne

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army by Gary Sheffield (reviewed by David Filsell).
  2. Kut 1916: Courage and failure in Iraq by Patrick Crowley
  3. Under the Devil's Eye by Alan Wakefield and Simon Moody
  4. Blood and Iron: Letters from the Western Front by Hugh Montagu Butterworth (Edited by Jon Cooksey)
  5. A Tommy at Ypres. Walter's War. The Diary and Letters of Walter Williamson compiled by Doreen Priddey
  6. Captain Hepper's Great War Diary 1916-1919. A Battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment on the Somme during the First World War by F Nigel Hepper (Ed.)
  7. Horsem*n in No Man’s Land. British Cavalry & Trench Warfare 1914-1918 by David Kenyon
  8. The Diary of an Artillery Officer: the 1st Canadian Divisional Artillery on the Western Front. Major Arthur Hardie Bick DSO by Peter Hardie Dick (Ed.)
  9. The Underground War: Vimy Ridge to Arras (Volume I) by Philip Robinson and Nigel Cave
  10. Artillery in the Great War by Paul Strong and Sanders Marble
  11. Fromelles 1916: No Finer Courage: The Loss of an English Village by Michael Senior
  12. The Battle of Flanders: German Defeat on the Lys 1918 by Chris Baker
  13. The Battle of the Lys 1918: Givenchy and the River Lawe by Phil Tomaselli
  14. The Dead of Mametz by Jonathan Hicks
  15. A Major Soldier, The Military Career of Frank Bailey DCM by Ted Bailey
  16. The Faithful, the Fallen and the Forgotten. Sons of the Rhins in the Great War 1914-1918 by Julia Macdonald
  17. Pill Boxes on the Western Front: A Guide to the Design, Construction and the use of Concrete Pill Boxes, 1914-1918 by Peter Oldham
  18. The Great War and the Making of the Modern World by Jeremy Black

Short Notices

  1. Doing my Duty: Corporal Elmer Dewy - One National Guard Doughboy’s Experience During the Pancho Villa Campaign and World War I by Stephen Banks
  2. Valhalla. The Western Front August - December 1917. ‘D’ Company 2/6th Manchester Regiment by Bob Bonner
  3. Herbert at War 1914-18. Volunteers in September 1914. The Story in his words edited by John Ewing
  4. Walking the Somme: Second Edition by Paul Reed
  5. Growing Remembrance: The Story of the National Arboretum by David Child

Stand To! 94 May 2012

Editor’s Introduction

Remembering Bridgeen Fox

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Major C E Sutcliffe re-buried

Bloody US Battlefield

‘A Cameron Can Never Yield’: The 4th Cameron Highlanders at Festubert, 16-18 May 1915 by Patrick Watt

From Snitterfield to Festubert, via British Columbia by Bob Foster

‘It is a Gas-ly War’ - The Diary of Major Swindell (Part I) Edited by Paul Swindell

The Camera Returns (76) Querrieu, north east of Amiens by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Incomparables? The Positive Existence of the ‘Learning Curve’ at Divisional Level between August 1916 - August 1917: The case of the 29th Division by Matthew Chorley

War Art : Private William Harold Hutchings (1885-1962) 2nd/1st West Lancashire Field Ambulance, 55th Division BEF by David and Judith Cohen

Help at Hand: 1/7th Robin Hoods' Medical Team in the Great War by Gary Wood

Re-reading Max Plowman and A Subaltern on the Somme: The Men and Officers of the 10/West Yorkshire Regiment, 1916-1917 by David Stowe

Commissions from the Ranks of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers during the Great War, a Point on the Learning Curve by Tom Burke

Heroes on the Doorstep by Ray Westlake

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Germany's Western Front: Translations from the German Official History of the Great War by Mark Osborne Humphries and John Makers (Eds.)
  2. The 22nd Battalion Manchester Regiment 1914-1920. The Western Front, Italy, Austria, Egypt by Alastair Cowan.
  3. All the Bright Company of Heaven. The Forgotten Story of the Cook Family, Crawley and the Great War by Renny Richardson
  4. Fear by Gabriel Chevallier
  5. Trench Art. Second Edition by Nicholas J. Saunders.
  6. The 11th Durham Light Infantry in their Own Names by Martin Bashforth
  7. The Platoon, an Infantryman on the Western Front by Joseph Steward
  8. A Village at War: Newdigate in World War One by John Callcut
  9. War Diaries. A Chaplain at Gallipoli. The Great War Diaries of Kenneth Best
  10. The Quick and the Dead: Fallen Soldiers and their Families in the Great War by Richard van Emden
  11. Men of Essex. The 9th (Service) Battalion The Essex Regiment by The WFA Essex Branch
  12. A Sergeant-Major's Death. From Beaucourt to A.I.F. Burial Ground by Martin Middlebrook
  13. Landrecies to Cambrai: Case Studies of the German Offensive and Defensive Operations on the Western Front 1914-1917 by Captain G C Wynne
  14. The Battle of Bellicourt Tunnel: Tommies, Diggers and Doughboys on the Hindenburg Line 1918 by Dale Blair
  15. Tracing Your Ancestors: A Guide for Family Historians by Janice Tait and David Fletcher
  16. Civilians in a World War, 1914-1918 by Tammy M Proctor
  17. The German Army at Cambrai by Jack Sheldon
  18. Hitler's First War. Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment and the First World War by Thomas Weber
  19. Six Weeks. The Short and Gallant Life of the British Officer in the First World War by John Lewis-Stemple

Short Notices

  1. Jedburgh’s Wartime Sacrifice. The Men of Jedburgh who Lost their Lives in Two World War by J D Smith (WFA Member)
  2. Nair War Memorial 1914-1918 by Stuart Farrell
  3. Letters Home 1914-1919 written by John Harker to his Family
  4. The Ordeal of Peace: Demobilization and the Urban Experience in Britain and Germany, 1917-1921 by Andrew Seipp
  5. The Military Letters of Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Stanley Maude, 1914-1917

Stand To! 95 September 2012

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Shipping Losses

Learning Curve?

The Final Whistle: Rosslyn Park - A Rugby Club at War by Stephen Cooper

The Camera Returns (77): Boulogne by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Dummy Tanks - A Real Great War Phenomenon by Martin Davies

“It is a Gas-ly War’ - The Diary of Major Swindell 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment - (Part II) by Paul Swindell

The Great War and the Anfield Bicycle Club by David Birchall

War Art : 74559 Corporal William Briggs Twibell (1893-1968) by David and Judith Cohen

What did you do in the Great War, Bishop? Padres, Plumage and Prelates by Tom Scherb

The Great War and Trench Lingo. English Jargon and Slang from France and Flanders 1914-1918 by Chris Moore

GHQ - A Little English Colony in the Pas de Calais by Terrence Hughes

With Three Divisions But Not His Own. Lieutenant Phillip Russell Meredith, MC, 50th Battalion Machine Gun Corps in France July - September 1918 (Part I) by Barbara Meredith

Remembering the Great War on the Victoria Embankment by Ray Westlake

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. War Surgery 1914-1918 by Thomas Scotland & Steven Hays (Eds.)
  2. The Stomach for Fighting - Food and the Soldier in the Great War by Rachel Duffett
  3. World War One Aircraft Carrier Pioneer. The Story and Diaries of Captain J M Cleery RNAS/RAF
  4. Haking. A Dutiful Soldier by Michael Senior
  5. Poems of World War One 1914-1918 by Steven Leslie Hill
  6. Images of War, The Germans in Flanders in 1914: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives by David Bilton
  7. The Great War Explained. A Simple Story and Guide by Philip Stevens
  8. Suvla: August Offensive, Battleground Gallipoli by Steven Chambers
  9. They Shall Not Pass: The French Army on the Western Front 1914-18 by Ian Sumner
  10. Fort Vaux, Battleground Europe by Christina Holstein
  11. The German-Jewish Soldiers of the First World War by Tim Grady
  12. Infantry Attacks by Erwin Rommel
  13. Ypres: Slaughter of the Innocents 1914-1915 DVD
  14. History of the 43rd and 52nd (Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire) Light Infantry in the Great War 19114-1918. Volume II: The 52nd Light Infantry in France and Belgium by Simon Harris
  15. Valour in the Trenches. ‘Bombo’ Pollard VC MC DCM HAC in the Great War by N S Nash
  16. Retreat and Rearguard 1914: The BEF’s Actions from Mons to the Marne by Jerry Murland
  17. The Confusion of Command. The War Memoirs of Lieutenant General Sir Thomas D'Oyly Snow, 1914-1915 by Dan Snow and Mark Pottle
  18. Massacre at Passchendaele: The New Zealand Story by Glyn Harper
  19. Joffrey's War: A Sherwood Forester in the Great War by Geoffrey Ratcliffe Husbands.

Short Notices

  1. The Great War Medal Collector’s Companion by Howard Williamson
  2. Birmingham in the First World War by J P Lethbridge (WFA Member)
  3. Wiltshire and the Great War. Training the Empire’s Soldiers by T S Crawford

Stand To! 96 January 2013

Editor’s Notes

The WFAs stance for the Centenary

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Cycling Cheminais

Remembering Hugo Haase

Conspicuous Bravery at Fromelles by Paul Cobb

Brigadier General R H Husey, DSP and Bar, MC London Rifle Brigade by Jeremy Archer

Loos to St. Eloi - the Experience of the Saxon 123. Infantrie Division on the Western Front, 1915 (Part I) by Andrew Lucas

Army Medical Services on the Western Front by Bob Butcher

Open Warfare during the 'Hundred Days' - 1918 by Dr Alun Thomas

The Camera Returns (78): South of Zillebeke by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

With Three Divisions (but Not His Own) Lieutenant Philip Russell Meredith, MC, 50th

Battalion Machine Gun Corps in France July - September 1918 by Barbara Meredith

War Art : 760345 Acting Sergeant Ernest Blaikley, MSM, MBE 2/28 County of London Battalion - Artists’ Rifles (1885-1965) by David and Judith Cohen

‘They sold us a pup!’ - the US II Corps and the Assault on the Hindenburg Line - September 1918 by Gordon Walker

Remembering the Great War in Bradford-on-Avon by Ray Westlake

The Old Watch Factory Prescot, Liverpool - Then and Now by Stephen Nulty

Garrison Library (First World War Book Reviews)

  1. The Hounds of Ulster: A History of the Northern Irish Regiments in the Great War by Gavin Hughes
  2. 'Young Citizen Soldier' From Boyhood in Antrim to Hell on the Somme. The Journal of Rifleman James McRoberts, 14th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, January 1915-April 1917 by David Truesdales (Ed.)
  3. Friends and Enemies: The 7th Royal Berkshire Regiment in World War One by John Chapman
  4. The Hidden Threat: The Story of Mines and Minesweeping by the Royal Navy in World War I by Jim Crossley
  5. ANZACS on the Western Front: The Australian War Memorial Battlefield Guide by Peter Pedersen and Chris Roberts.
  6. Fall of Eagles: Airmen of World War One by Alex Revell
  7. Bad Characters: Sex, Crime, Mutiny, Murder and the Australian Imperial Force by Peter Stanley
  8. Marjorie's War by Reginald and Charles Fair
  9. The Romanian Battlefront in World War I by Glenn E Torrey
  10. Women in War: from Home to Front Line by Celia Lee & Paul Edward Strong (Eds.)
  11. For King and Kanata: Canadian Indians in the First World War by Timothy C Winegard
  12. Duty Done: 2nd Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers in the Great War by David Langley
  13. The March on Paris by Alexander von Kluck
  14. The Chinese Attack by John Bishop
  15. The Somme Stations by Andrew Martin
  16. My Dear, I Wanted to Tell You by Louisa Young
  17. The Acolytes by Michael Arnold Williams
  18. A Quartermaster at the Front: The Diary of Lieutenant Colonel Allen Whitty Worcester Regiment 1914-1919 by Lieutenant Colonel Allen Witty
  19. Somewhere in Blood Soaked France: The Diary of Corporal Angus Mackay, Royal Scots, Machine Gun Corps 1914-1917 by Corporal Angus Mackay
  20. Royal Naval Division: Antwerp, Gallipoli, Western Front 1914-1919 Leonard Sellers (Ed.)

Short Notices

  1. North Sea Battleground: The War at Sea 1914-1918 by Bryan Perrett
  2. ‘Remember These Men …’ The Dead of Three Cornish Villages: Tintagel, Boscastle and St. Genny’s 1914-1919 by Nick Thornicroft (WFA Member)
  3. Dorchester Remembers the Great War by Brian Bates
  4. Addlestone’s Victory Park by Jim Knight
  5. Search by Paul Mansard: A Collection of prints 1912-1916 by Jeremy Kemp
  6. The Baghdad Railway Club by Andrew Martin

Stand To! 97 May 2013

Editor’s Introduction

Suffolk Hill and Le Cateau in the snow March 2013

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Medical Matters

LRB Remembered

‘The Bosches seem to have done pretty well what they intended to do.’ - I ANZAC Corps and the German Raid on the Bidoux Salient, May 1916 by Aaron Pegram

‘Brave Birds’ - Carrier Pigeons on the Western Front by Mike Senior

Hauptmann Willy Lange: The Life and Death of a Prussian Career Officer by Sebastian Laudan

Army Ordnance Services on the Western Front by Bob Butcher

Theft of Commemorative Plaques from Narborough Church, Norfolk

‘Lest We Forget’: The Mis-remembered Men of Two Essex Villages by John Sly

Loos to St.Eloi - the experience of Saxon 123, Infanterie-Division on the Western Front, 1915 (Part II) - Loos and Souchey by Andrew Lucas

The Camera Returns (79) Foncquevillers by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Second Lieutenant Wilfred Owen and No.13 Casualty Clearing Station, Gailly by Philip Guest

War Art : Second Lieutenant Bertram Warner, Second Lieutenant Archibald Warner and Sergeant Evan Warne by David and Judith Cohen

Lester Bowles 'Mike' Pearson and the IRAF Great War Soldier, IRAF Instructor, Noble Laureate, Prime Minister by Gordon MacKinnon

Remembering the Great War - All Hallows-by-the-Tower to St. Olave’s City of London by Ray Westlake

‘No event of any importance has occurred’ 31 March 1917 by Simon Fowler

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Blaker's Boys - 9th (Service) Battalion, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) (County Armagh) & 9th (North Irish Horse) Battalion, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) 1914-1919 by Nick Metcalfe
  2. The Marne 1914: The Opening of World War I and the Battle that Changed the World by Holger Herwig
  3. The Great War by Peter Hart
  4. The Making of the First World War by Ian F. Beckett
  5. Images of War - Great Push, The Battle of the Somme 1916 by William Langford
  6. The Land is Bright. Journey Through the Personal Experience of the Great War - Carroll Carstairs, Cambrai 1917 by Jon Hall
  7. The Journey's End Battalion: The 9th East Surrey in the Great War by Michael Lucas
  8. The Military Papers of Lieutenant General Frederick Stanley Maude, 1914-1917 by Andrew Six (Ed.)
  9. The Final Whistle: The Great War in Fifteen Players by Stephen Cooper
  10. The Devil’s Carnival. The First Hundred Days of Armageddon. 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers August-December 1914 by J M Sneddon
  11. Reinventing Warfare, 1914-1918: Novel Munitions and Tactics of Trench Warfare by Anthony Saunders
  12. Across the Blood Red Skies by Robert Radcliffe
  13. No Empty Chairs by Ian Mackersey
  14. Aisne 1914: The Dawn of Trench Warfare by Paul Kendal
  15. Battle of the Aisne 1914: The BEF and the Birth of the Western Front by Jerry Murland
  16. The German Army on the Western Front by Jack Sheldon
  17. An Anzac on the Western Front: The Personal Reflections of an Australian Infantryman from 1916 to 1918 by H R Williams
  18. Murderous Tommies. The Courts Martial of Thirteen British Soldiers Executed for Murder During the First World War by Julian Putkowski & Mark Dunning
  19. Loyalty in Time of Trial: The African American Experience of World War I by Nina Mjagkij

Short Notices

  1. Somme Success: The Royal Flying Corps and the Battle of the Somme by Peter Hart
  2. Rommel & Caporetto by John and Eilen Wilks
  3. Halesowen War Memorial. Volume I - The Great War 1914-1919 by Michael Green

Stand To! 98 September 2013

Editor’s Introduction

Great Uncle Albert Cooksey 1/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Census Returns

Unknown Soldiers - a 1918 Draft By Tim Lynch

Vimy Ridge National Historic Site of Canada - A Self-Guided Tour by Phillip Robinson and Nigel Cave

Loos to St.Eloi - The Experience of Saxon 123. Infantries - Division on the Western Front, 1915-16 (Part 3) - Winter in Wytschaete Salient by Andrew and Michael Lucas

Captain Richard Wain VC - A Penarth Hero by Dr Jonathan Hicks

The Camera Returns (80) Ormskirk railway station, Lancashire 1915 by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

1 July 1916 - The Somme War Diaries. Unvarnished Accounts of the British Army’s Worst Day by Martin Mace and John Grehan

Great War Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force Burials and Memorials Associated with Castle Bromwich Aerodrome, Birmingham (Part I) by Christopher John

  • Lieutenant Raymond Tenney Balch
  • Second Lieutenant William Moorwood Staniforth
  • Alexander Williamson
  • Corporal Clifford Norman Ryder
  • Second Lieutenant Lucien Herbert Higgs
  • Second Lieutenant David K.Billings
  • Second Lieutenant Percy Charles Moynihan
  • Captain Edwin Tufnell Hayne
  • Major Maurice Naismith Perrin

War Art : 313870 Gunner Vivian John Cummings, 3rd Canadian Expeditionary Force by David and Judith Cohen

Wolverhampton Cousins on the Western Front

  • Captain Sydney John Sankey, 1 / 6 Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment (TF)
  • Second Lieutenant Harold Bantock Sankey, 241 Brigade Royal Field Artillery by Christ Twigg

A Curious Hybrid: the Special Reservist 1908-1914 by Geoffrey Fox

A Line of the Times: front line, front line or frontline ? By Henry Daniels

Not Forgotten - Lieutenant Albert Isaacs by Irina Shub

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. The Other Side of the Wire Vol.2. The Battle of the Somme with the German XIV Reserve Corps, 1 July 1916 by Ralph J.Whitehead
  2. The Kaiser's Reluctant Conscript by Dominick Richert
  3. The Clergy in Khaki, New Perspective on British Army Chaplains in the First World War by Michael Snape and Edward Madigan (Eds.)
  4. With Bayonets Fixed. The 12th and 13th Battalions of the Durham Light Infantry in the Great War by John Sheen
  5. The Zimmerman Telegram: Intelligence, Diplomacy and America's Entry into World War I by Thomas Boghart
  6. The Blue Beast: Power and Passion in the Great War by Jonathan Walker
  7. Dorothea's War. The diary of a First World War nurse by Richard Crewdson
  8. The diary and scrapbooks of Cordelia Leigh 1914-1919 by Cordelia Leigh
  9. Devil Dogs Chronicle: Voices of the 4th Marine Brigade in World War I by George B Clark (Ed.)
  10. Battle Lines: The Western Front by Car and on Foot: Ypres - Nieuwpoort to Ploegsteert by Jon Cooksey & Jerry Murland
  11. I Survived the Somme - A Secret Diary of a Tommy by Charles Meeres
  12. The 2nd Devons War Diary. The 2nd Battalion, Devonshire Regiment and its lost men, 1914-1919 by Martin Body
  13. At War with the 16th Irish Division 1914-1918. The Staniforth Letters by Richard Grayson (Ed.)
  14. Soldiers of Song. The Dumbells and other Canadian Concert Parties of the First World War by Jason Wilson
  15. Scarlet Fields: The Combat Memoir of a World War Medal of Honor Hero by John Lewis Barkley
  16. Raiding on the Western Front by Anthony Saunders
  17. The Devil's Carnival: The First Hundred Days of Armageddon - 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, August - December 1914 by John Mason Sneddon
  18. Slaughter on the Somme, 1 July 1916: The Complete War Diaries of the British Army's Worst Day by Martin Mace and John Grehan

Short Notices

  1. Chasing von Lettow-Vorbeck. The Story of Harold Downs’ Great War Service in East Africa with the 11th Hull Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery by Sgt Harold Downs DCM
  2. Love Tommy: Letters Home from the Great War to the Present Day by Andrew Roberts (Ed.)
  3. Walter Tull Scrapbook by Michael Morgan
  4. Tracing Your First World War Ancestry by Simon Fowler
  5. We are the Dead -Poems and Paintings from Great War, 1914-1918 by David Roberts

Stand To! 99 January 2014

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Planning for the Centenary
  • Gilbert the Philbert

‘A Holocaust of Flame and Death’: Explosions at Achicourt - 8 April 1917 by Colin Taylor

They Played for Gloucester and Fought for Their Country: Gloucester Rugby Clubs in the First World War by Martin and Teresa Davies

Supplies on the Western Front by Bob Butcher

The Mystery of the Map by Simon Weston

Vimy Subways and Grange Tunnel : A Self-Guided Tour by Phillip Robinson and Nigel Cave

The Camera Returns (81) Essex Farm Cemetery by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

One Soldier Amongst Many - the Experiences of a 5th Northants Pioneer on the Arras Front in 1917 by Ed Standton

Daredevils, Dog Collars and Dioceses. What Did You Do in the Great War Bishop? By Tom Scherb

August 2014 Official Centenary National Commemoration

Tuesday 12 August 2014 Eve of the Memorial Flight Commemorative Journey to France

Wednesday 13 August 2014 Centenary Memorial Flight

Service of Remembrance: Commemoration of the Arrival of the BEF in France in August 1914

August 2014 Official Centenary National Commemoration of the Arrival of the BEF in France in August 1914

Givenchy 15 June 1915 - An Analysis of One Battalion’s Experience in a Failed Attack on the Western Front by John Sly

Captain James Leslie (Jack) Buckman, 12th (Bermondsey) Battalion, East Surrey Regiment - in life and death by Michael Durey

War Art : A 1/10 Scale Model of a First World War British 60-Pounder Breech Loading Mark I Field Gun, built by the Elswick Ordnance Companyby David and Judith Cohen

Great War Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force Burials Associated with Castle Bromwich Aerodrome, Birmingham (Part II) by Christopher John

  • Air Mechanic 2nd Class Sidney Bernard Larkin - Australian Flying Corps
  • Second Lieutenant Cyril Thornton - Royal Flying Corps
  • Second Lieutenant Granville Vernon Lewes - Royal Flying Corps
  • Second Lieutenant Robert Francis Christie - Royal Flying Corps
  • Second Lieutenant Reginald Douglas Hamilton - Royal Flying Corps

Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed)

  1. Air and Sea Power in World War I: Combat and Experience in the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Navy by Maryam Philpott
  2. Irish Aviators of the Great War: Volume I Irish Aces by Joe Gleason
  3. Harry's War: The Great War Diary of Harry Drinkwater by Jon Cooksey and David Griffiths (Eds.)
  4. 17th Manchesters. A History of the Battalion and the Men who Served with it in the Great War by John Hartley
  5. Listening to Ludendorff. A Clandestine Belgian Military Wireless Station behind German Lines 1915-1919 by Paul Goldschmidt
  6. Scarce Heard Amid the Guns: The Experiences of a Gunner Officer in the First World War as Recorded in his Diary and Letters Home by John Potter
  7. We Wunt Be Druv. The Royal Sussex Regiment on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Hugh Miller
  8. And They Loved Not Their Lives Unto Death. The History of Worstead and Westwick’s War Memorial and War Dead by Steve Smith
  9. They Called Them Soldier Boys: A Texas Infantry Regiment in World War I by Gregory W. Ball
  10. Sorrow into Pride. The Story of a Staffordshire War Memorial (Elmore Green High School, Bloxwich) by Ken Wayman & Barry Cruchley
  11. Ten Brave Men and True. The Victoria Cross Holders from the Borough of Tunbridge Wells by Richard Snow
  12. Of Those We Loved. A Narrative 1914-1919 Remembered and Illustrated by I L 'Dick' Read

Short Notices

  1. ‘Til the Boys Come Home. Great Rissington Soldiers by Clare Mayo
  2. Dalwood Great War Memorial. Our Dalwood Heroes by Alison Morgan
  3. A Hundred Years On. The Great War and Other Events on Cannock Chase by Christopher John
  4. The Life and Death of a Field Artillery Subaltern on the Western Front by Keith Brain
  5. The Lion and the Eagle. Anglo-German Naval Confrontation in the Imperial Era, Volume 1. The Protagonists 1815-1914 by David Gregory

Stand To! 100 June 2014 Centenary Edition

Editor’s Introduction

  • Hearing from those involved at the birth of The WFA

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Quoting Peter Scott and the editorial policy of Issue No.1 of Stand To!
  • Paul Goodwin (Membership no.53 remembers)

A Day to Remember 28 June 1914 by Dr Eric Webb

The Origins of the Schlieffen Plan by Ross Beadle

Mons to the Marne 1914 - The French Perspective by Peter Hart

British Infantry Reserves for the Great War (Part 1) by David Langley

The Camera Returns (82): Tower of London by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Western Front Association Comes Alive! by Kate Pegler

Twenty-One Miles of Open Sea - The Royal Flying Corps Goes to War by Captain David Rowland

The Red Baron's Broken Engine by John Hughes-Wilson

The British Army at Le Cateau - 26 August 1914 by Adrian Gilbert

‘Into the Lion’s Den’ Infantrie-Regiment Nr. 72 at Le Cateau - 26 August 1914 by Sebastian Laudan

One Hundred Years On - Le Cateau and its aftermath by Charles Hopkinson

Taken in the First Few Weeks. Five First-Hand Accounts of British Prisoners of War by A D Harvey

Stand To! - Editorial Memories by Bob Butcher (Editor Issues 19-38)

George Otto Schack-Sommer a Briton in the Army of the Tsar by David Whittaker

The BEF at War - August to November 1914: Through the Lens of Major Thomas

Stanton Lambert’s Camera by Terry Dean

Message in a Bottle. The Experiences of 14896 Private George Brearley - 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards - in the Great War by Nigel Wood

An Australian at First Ypres by Aaron Pegram

The Munitionette’s First Heavy Shell. The Struggle to produce Munitions 1915 to 1918 by John Hughes-Wilson

Maricourt 1914 - Dr Jack Sheldon

Editorial Memories by Ann Clayton (Editor Issues 41-79)

John Giles Photographer. A Landscape Changed by Paul Reed

Biggles' Last Flight: Captain W E Johns and 55 Squadron RAF by David Tattersfield

War Art : CSM Major Alexander Gibb, 2nd Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders by David and Judith Cohen

Benjamin Smith and Comrades - at War with the KOYLI by Patrick Dolan

‘Emusqués of the worst type, living among the fleshpots of Paris’ The British Permanent Staff at the Supreme War Council by Chris Baker

‘War Dog 180’ Animals on the Front Line 1914 to 1918 by John Hughes-Wilson

Transport and Transportation on the Western Front by Bob Butcher

Bare Hands, Steel Tracks by Dr Lee Ho Yin and John Crampton

Man of Mystery - Lance Corporal William Shields 2nd Battalion East Lancashire

Regiment, and his death on board HMS Hampshire by Peter Threlfall

The New Paper Money. British War Measures & ‘Dora’ From 1914 by John Hughes-Wilson

An Ex-Chairman’s Memories by Chris Baker

‘Thy Will be Done’ A Family Memorial Card by Gordon MacKinnon

Poetry Matters by Vivien Whelpton

The Nhamacurra Engagement: 1-3 July 1918

Return to France and Flanders. 11th Battalion The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment) Battlefield Tour 1931 by Paul Cobb

My Memories of the WFA by James Brazier (Member No.4, WFA Treasurer 1980-91, Bulletin Editor 1993-2000)

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. Wilfred Owen by Guy Cuthbertson (reviewed by Daniel Bermingham)
  2. A Singular Day on the Somme - The Casualties of the Liverpool Pals 1 July 1916 by Joe Devereux (reviewed by Ann Clayton)
  3. Remembering Tommy - The British Soldier in the First World War by Peter Doyle and Chris Foster (reviewed by Bob Wyatt)
  4. Mapping the First World War: Battlefields of the Great Conflict from Above by Simon Forty (reviewed by David Filsell)
  5. Empire of Destruction - the 51st (Highland) Division in the Great War by Colin Campbell (reviewed by Bob Wyatt)
  6. A Tommy at Ypres by Walter Williamson
  7. The Wipers Times introduced by Christopher Westhorp (reviewed by David Filsell)
  8. France on Fragile Wings - a Libertyman’s Adventures 1917-1919 by William B & Sharon R Stine (Eds.) (reviewed by David Filsell)
  9. Tim’s War: The Psychology of War and Peace Through One Man’s Eyes by Robin E Gregory (Ed.) (reviewed by David Filsell)
  10. A Doctor on the Western Front - The Diary of Henry Owens 1914-1918 by John Hutton (Ed.) (reviewed by David Filsell)
  11. A Tommy at Ypres by Walter Williamson (reviewed by David Filsell)
  12. Achievement-The Righting of a Great Wrong 1914-1918 by Ian W.Hall (reviewed by David Filsell)
  13. Broken Sword - The Tumultuous Life of General Frank Crozier by Charles Messenger (reviewed by David Filsell)
  14. Haig’s Intelligence - GHQ and the German Army, 1916-1918 by Dr Jim Beach (reviewed by Colonel John Hughes-Wilson)
  15. Hundred Days: The End of the Great War by Nick Lloyd (reviewed by David Filsell)
  16. Loyalty Betrayed. Jewish Chaplains in the German Army during the First World War by Peter C Appelbaum (reviewed by Harold Pollins)
  17. Posters of the Great War by Frederick Hadley and Martin Pegler (reviewed by David Filsell)
  18. Muddling Through! The Organisation of British Army Chaplaincy in World War One by Peter Howson (reviewed by Bob Wyatt)
  19. Above Flanders: The German Air Force in Flanders 1914-1918 by Bernard Deneckere (reviewed by David Filsell)

Short Notices

  1. Coventry and Warwickshire 1914-1919. Local Aspects of the Great War Volume 1 by Chris Holland
  2. Portobello and the Great War by Archie Foley and Margaret Munro
  3. From Bats to Beds to Books. The First Eastern General Hospital (Territorial Force) in Cambridge - and What Came Before and After It by Philomena Guilllebaud
  4. The Great War Cookbook, from Trench Pudding to Carrot Marmalade by May Byron
  5. A Home Front Diary 1914-1919 by Lille Scale
  6. The Ploegstreet Sector by Paul Foster

Stand To! 101 September 2014

Editor’s Introduction

  • The long term legacy of the centenary

Communications Lines

  • Royal Melbourne Golf Club victim
  • Remembering the Home Front
  • Unknown soldiers
  • Photographic archive

The Caricatures of Private Edward Cole (Part I) by Michael Lucas

Gallantry at Nazareth - Palestine 1918 The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars Plan to Capture General Otto Liman von Sanders by Graham Caldwell

Other Administrative Services on the Western Front by Bob Butcher: Stand To 101 September 2014

  • The Signal Service
  • The Remount Service of the Army Service Corps (ASC)
  • Expeditionary Force Canteens
  • Army Postal Services of the Royal Engineers
  • Army Printing and Stationery Services
  • The Labour Corps
  • Intelligence Corps
  • The Women's Auxiliary Corps
  • Transportation Services
  • Forestry

The Gallant Headmaster by Jeremy Archer

From Three Maps to a Man - The Search for Sergeant Trenear by Carol Henderson

British Line Infantry Reserves for the Great War - Part 2: A Case Study of the Royal Welch Fusiliers by David Langley

The Camera Returns (83): Braisne by Bob Grundy anda Steve Wall

Finding Teddy - by Lyndon Sly and Erica Sciolti

The 'Khaki University of Canada' in the Great War by Diana Beaupré and Adrian Watkinson

War Art : Private Eric Henri Kennington, RA by David and Judith Cohen

Chequered Passage - A Snapshot of One Man's Service in the Great War by Julian Wynn

The Few of Us Who Were Left by Robin Gregory

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. Londoners of the Western Front. The 58th (2/1 London) Division in the Great War by David Martin
  2. The Stockbrokers' Battalion in the Great War. A History of the 10th (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers by David Carter
  3. The Great War Dawning - Germany and its Army at the Start of World War I by Dr Frank Buchholz, Joe Robinson & Col.(Ret.) Janet Robinson
  4. German Assault Troops of World War I by Thomas Wictor
  5. Theirs not to Reason Why: Horshing the British Army 1875-1925 by Graham Winton
  6. War Horses. The Story of the World War 1 Remount Depot at Latham Park, Latham, Lancashire by Nigel Neil
  7. Verdun: the Longest Battle of the Great War by Paul Jankowski
  8. The Leeds Pals by Stephen Wood
  9. Haig and Kitchener in Twentieth-Century Britain: Remembrance, Representation, and Approbation by Stephen Heathorn
  10. World War One - Frontline News by Nicholas Pringle
  11. Public Schools and the Great War: The Generation Lost by Anthony Seldon and David Walsh
  12. Top Secret - British Boffins in World War One by David Rogers
  13. Death did not Divide Them by Michael O’Brian
  14. Early Trench Tactics in the French Army: The Second Battle of Artois, May-June 1915 by Jonathan Krause
  15. Stolen Lives: Individual Tragedies of the Great War by Andrew Hamilton and Alan Reed
  16. First World War Heroes of Wotton-Under-Edge by Bill Griffiths
  17. The French Army’s Tank Force and Armoured Warfare in the Great War by Tim Gale
  18. A Peripheral Weapon? The Production and Employment of British Tanks in the First World War by David J Childs
  19. Planning Armageddon: British Economic Warfare and the First World War by Nicholas A Lambert

Short Notices

  1. The Unreturning Army. A Field Gun in Flanders 1917-18 by Huntly Gordon
  2. Road to Lindi. The 1st (Hull) Heavy Battery RGA East Africa and France 1914-1918 by Rupert Drake
  3. Preston in the First World War by David Huggonson
  4. Pioneer Battalions in the Great War: Organized and Intelligent Labour by K W Mitchinson
  5. Memoirs of a Rifleman and Scout by F M Crum

Stand To! 102 January 2015

Editor’s Introduction

  • Bumper Issues during the Centenary Years
  • New Office Administrator

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Night Raid on the Hollandscheschuur Salient by Laurence Hopkinson

Identity and Separation – The Letters of Private Frederick Whitham by Peter E. Hodgkinson, Nikki Oatham and Alastair Caisley

Brothers of a Certain Stamp – Captains Guy and Lionel Crouch by Andrew Brooks

British Line Infantry Reserves for the Great War – Part 3 by Martin Gillott

Mining at Givenchy by David Whittaker

The Camera Returns (84) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Four Years with the British Army Part 1 – Bristol to the Somme by Paul Cobb William Maslin

The Caricatures of Edward Cole by Michael Lucas

The Army Pay Services in Ireland 1914 – 1922 by John Black

War Art: Erna Plachte (1893–1986) by David and Judith Cohen

Red, White and Blue in North Russia – US Military Medical Care During the Murmansk Intervention, 1918–1919 by Dr. William Hanigan

The Dumfries ‘Atrocity’ by J. P. Lethbridge

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. A Mad Catastrophe: The Outbreak of World War I and the Collapse of the Habsburg Empire by Geoffrey Wawro
  2. Poilou: The World War 1 Notebooks of Corporal Louis Barthas, Barrlemaker
  3. Worshipper and Worshipped: Across the Divide - an Irish Padre of the Great War, Fr Willie Doyle Chaplain to the Forces 1915-1917 by Carole Hope
  4. The Indian Army on the Western Front: India's Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium in the First World War by George Morton-Jack
  5. Stemming the Tide: Officers and Leadership in the British Expeditionary Force 1914 by Spencer Jones (Ed.)
  6. Full of Hope and Fear: The Great War Letters of an Oxford Family by Margaret Bonfiglioli and James Munson (Eds.)
  7. Margot Asquith’s Great War Diary 1914-1916 by Michael Brook and Eleanor Brock (Eds.)
  8. New Zealand's Great War: New Zealand, the Allies, & the First World War by John Crawford and Ian McGibbon (Eds.)
  9. In a Time of War - Kildare 1914-1918 by James Durney
  10. Tales from the Trenches - The First World War Stories of Corporal Alexander Norman, 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment by Mary Cole
  11. Wyndham’s War being the Diaries of Thomas Wyndham Richards, a Cardiff Schoolmaster in Ruhleben Camp and Havelberg 1914-1918 by Derek Richards (Ed.)
  12. Gardens of Hell: Battle of the Gallipoli Campaign, 1915-1916 by Patrick Gariepy
  13. To Fight Alongside Friends: The First World War Diaries of Charles May by G.Harrison (Ed.)
  14. Postcard Messages from the Great War by Andrew Brooks
  15. The Life of Robert Loraine: The Stage, the Sky and George Bernard Shaw by Lanayre D. Liggera
  16. There and Back with a Dinkum by W R G Colman
  17. Life of Fire by Barroux
  18. Hero of the Angry Sky: The World War I Diary and Letters of David S. Ingalls, America's First Naval Ace by Geoffrey L.Rossano.

Short Notices

  1. Remembered with Pride. Past Pupils of the Hitchin Boys’ British School by Jean Handley
  2. Bishop Stortford in the First World War by D. Clare, C.Downing and S.Turner
  3. Men of Horley, 1914-198. Lest We Forget by Dough Cox
  4. Dunblane War Memorial. Remembering Dunblane’s Fallen by Edward Campbell
  5. Windsor in the Great War by Derek Hunt (WFA Member) and Brigitte Mitchell
  6. The Horse Pond War Memorial, Castle Cary, Somerset by Brian Lush and John Carter
  7. Racing Pigeon Pictorial International No.528
  8. Pigeons in the Great War (1928)
  9. The Sideshows. VCs of the First World War by Gerald Gliddon
  10. Bracknells’ Great War Fallen by Andrew Radgick
  11. Animals in the First World War by Neil Storey
  12. The British Airman of the First World War by David Hadaway
  13. Medical Services in the First World War by Susan Cohen
  14. Ypres 1914: Langemarck by Jack Sheldon and Nigel Cave

Stand To! 103 May 2015

Editor’s Introduction

  • Centenary of the Gallipoli Landings

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

Fyffe’s Gallipoli by Stephen Chambers

‘An Entente Most Remarkable’ Indians, Anzacs and Gallipoli, 1915 by Peter Stanley

A Story of Eight Soldiers by Richard J Preston

The Camera Returns (85): Mailley Maillet by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

From Hockey Field to Battlefield – Ten Lives Interrupted by Dr Frances Hurd

The Sandhurst Class of 1915

  • Carl Davies
  • Isaac Usher
  • Stanlie Layard
  • Tom Wilmot
  • Norman Kelley
  • James Fowlie
  • Ivor Cochrane
  • Trevor Southgate
  • Charles Cook
  • Douglas Wimberley

Over The Top: British Infantry Battle Tactics on the First Day of the Somme – 1 July 1916 by Tony Ball

The Attack of the 7th King’s Shropshire Light Infantry at Bazentin–le–Grand – 14 July 1916 by Peter Threlfall

William Maslin’s Four Years with the British Army – Part 2: The Fog of War by Paul Cobb

War Art : Jean–Jacques Berne–Bellecour by David and Judith Cohen

Editor’s Introduction

  • Centenary of the Gallipoli Landing

The Ulster Volunteer Force of 1912–1914: Are the Forerunners of the 36th Ulster Division Better Understood as a Political or Military Organisation? by Dan Downer

A Voice from the Past – Gardeschütze Johannes Templiner by Sebastian Lauden

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. The Memoirs of Sir James Edmonds by Ian Becket (Ed.) (reviewed by Peter Hart)
  2. And We Go on by Will R Bird (reviewed by Chris Moore) Canadian Classic
  3. A Short History of the First World War by Gary Sheffield (reviewed by Barbara Taylor)
  4. Memoir of the Trenches, Tanks & Captivity 1914-1919: Frank Vans Agnew MC by James Vans & Peter Widdowson (Eds.) (reviewed by Stan Grosvenor)
  5. The Truce: The Day the War Stopped by Chris Baker (reviewed by Elizabeth Balmer)
  6. Fire and Movement: The British Expeditionary Force and the Campaign of 1914 by Peter Hart (reviewed by Niall Ferguson)
  7. Great War Railwaymen: Britain's Railway Company Workers at War by Jeremy Higgins (reviewed by Peter Hart)
  8. From Boer War to World War: Tactical Reform of the British Army, 1902-1914 by Spencer Jones (reviewed byu Niall Ferguson)
  9. A Shipyard at War: Unseen Photographs from John Brown’s Clydebank 1914-1918 by Ian Johnson (reviewed by Len Shurtleff)
  10. Veiled Warriors by Christine E.Hallett (reviewed by Tony Welch)
  11. Bracknell’s Great War Fallen by Andrew Radgick (reviewed by Barbara Taylor)
  12. Armageddon’s Walls: British Pill-Boxes 1914-1918 by Peter Oldham (reviewed by Bob Wyatt)
  13. Battleground Gallipoli: Anzac: Sari Bair by Steve Chambers (reviewed by Peter Hart)
  14. The Sky Their Battlefield by Trevor Henshaw (reviewed by Peter Hart)
  15. Wirral in the Great War by Stephen McGreal (reviewed by Peter Hart)
  16. Wisht Lads’: Washington in the Great War by Peter Welsh (reviewed by Peter Hart)
  17. Loyal Sons: Jews in the German Army in the Great War by Peter C Appelbaum (reviewed by Harold Pollins)

Stand To! 104 September 2015 Special Edition

Editor’s Introduction

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • A Life Remembered
  • Lochnagar Crater 1 July 1916
  • PoW Parcels

Salonika 1915 – The Early Days of a Forgotten Campaign by Alan Wakefield

Monash on Gallipoli by Peter Pedersen

Hell at Helles: Sweating in the Trenches, Summer 1915 by Peter Hart

‘He never hung out of a ruck’ Blair Swannell – An English Lion in Australian Uniform by Graham McKechnie

A Difficult Year: Offensive Operations on the Western Front 1915 by Nigel Atter

No Shortcuts for ‘Wully’ Sir William Robertson – From Private to Professional Head of the Army by Graham Caldwell

Captain Tunstill’s Men’ by Dr Bill Smith

The Camera Returns (82) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The Evolution of Trench Warfare. La Bassée – Auchy – Loos 1915: A German Perspective by Sebastian Laudan

War Art : The Battle of Loos by David and Judith Cohen

Ernest Stafford Carlos 1883 – 1917 by Steven Harris

Harold Arthur Johnson 13th (County of London) Princess Louise’s Kensington Battalion by Andrew Brooks

Sowing the Seeds of the Somme. The Chantilly Conference – December 1915 by James Benn

First Casualties – Finding Second Lieutenant A F J Sang Intelligence Corps by Helen Carter

First Tanks at Elveden by David Fletcher

A King Goes to the Army Dentist by Gordon MacKinnon

‘An outstandingly brave fellow’ – The Fighting Days of Walter Summers, Film Director by Michael Lucas

From 1915 Medical Orderly to 1916 Cabinet Minister by Christopher Arnander

A Moonlight Massacre: The Night Operation on the Passchendaele Ridge, 2 December 1917 – The Tactical Controversy by Michael LoCicero

The Forgotten Americans during ‘Backs To The Wall’ by Terrence Finnegan

The First World War Paid Off? by David Tattersfield

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. Wales and World War One by Robin Barlow (reviewed by Linda Parker)
  2. The War Diary of an English Soldier: 12th September - 19th December 1914 by Alan Wilson (Ed.)
  3. Medicine and Duty: The First World War Diary of Dr Harold Dearden
  4. Frontline Medic - Gallipoli, Somme, Ypres: The Diary of Captain George Pirie RAMC 1914-1917
  5. Journey's End: The Classic War Play Explored by Robert Gore-Langton (reviewed by David Filsell)
  6. Kelly's War: The Great War Diary of Frederick Kelly 1914-1916 by Jon Cooksey and Graham McKechnie (Eds.)
  7. A Sunny August Bank Holiday to a Wet Easter: Royal Marine Light Infantry 1914-1916 by T J Budd
  8. Guerillas of Tsavo: The East African Campaign of the Great War in British East Africa 1914-1916 by James G Wilson
  9. Billy Bishop VC: Lone Wolf Hunter. The RAF Ace Re-examined by Peter Kilduff
  10. Get Tough Stay Tough: Shaping the Canadian Corps 1914-1918 by Kenneth Radley
  11. British Posters of the First World War by John Christopher
  12. World War I in cartoons by Mark Bryant
  13. McGill's War: A History of Life in Britain during the Great War Illustrated by the Art of Donald Fraser McGill by John Paul Wilton
  14. From the Somme to Victory: The British Army's Experience on the Western Front 1916-1918 by Peter Simkins (reviewed by Elizabeth Balmer)
  15. A History of the Royal Navy: World War I by Mike Farquharson-Roberts
  16. The Battle of Dogger Bank: The First Dreadnought Engagement by Thomas R Philbin
  17. English Freemasonry and the First World War by Diane Clements (Ed.)

Short Notices

  1. Conan Doyle’s War (edited version of Volume I The British Campaign in France and Flanders (Six Volumes) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  2. Walking the Retreat: The March to the Marne 1914 Revisited by Terry Cudbird
  3. A Home Front Diary 1914-1918 by Lillie Scales
  4. In a Time of War: Tipperary 1914-1918 by John Dennehy
  5. The Great War Memory and Ritual: Commemoration in the City and East London 1916-1939 by Mark Connelly
  6. Stories from the War Hospital by Richard Wilco*cks
  7. Fallen on the Somme by M A Argyle
  8. By Motorbike from Mons: War Diary of Lieutenant Edward Sidney Hacker, Army Service Corps August 4th to November 30th 1914
  9. The Horns of the Beat: The Swakop River Campaigns of World War I in South-West Africa by James Stejskal
  10. The Fighting McKays of Macclesfield: A Story of Service and Sacrifice with the 22nd Cheshire Regiment by David Hill (WFA Member)
  11. Les Combatants des 1001 Nuit from L’Alloeu Terre de Battailles, 1914-1918
  12. The Indian Corps on the Western front Handbook and Battlefield Guide by Simon Doherty and Tom Donovan
  13. King George’s Own Central India Horse the Story of a Local Corps by Major General W A Watson
  14. Dangerous Work - The Memoir of Private George Weeks of the Labour Corps 1917-1919 edited by Alan Weeks
  15. Not in the Hands of Boys by Julian Moss
  16. Damage - A Novel of the Great War by D G Holliday
  17. What Tommy Took to War 1914-1918 by Peter Doyle and Chris Foster
  18. 1917: The First World War at Sea in Photographs by Phil Carradice
  19. Swansea in the Great War by Bernard Lewis
  20. The Huns have got my Gramophone by A J Doran and A McCarthy
  21. We Good… We no Shoot: The Christmas Truce at Plugstreet Wood by Andrew Hamilton and Alan Reed
  22. The Somme Battlefield: A Pocket Guide to places and people with Secret Maps by Ruaraidh Adams-Cairms (reviewed by David Filsell)
  23. The Sky Their Battlefield II: Air Fighting and Air Casualties of the Great War - British Commonwealth and United States Air Services 1912 to 1919 - Second Edition by Trevor Henshaw

Stand To! 105 January 2016

Editor’s Introduction

  • Fred Plotts

Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • Gilbert the Filbert

The Unidentified Irish Guards Lieutenant at Loos: Laid to Rest by Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Graham Parker and Joanna Legg

Notes on the Army 1910–1914 by Edward Campbell Hopkinson, Edited by Charles Hopkinson

Remembering the Morton ‘Gymes’ Disaster 19 February 1915 by Peter E Bradshaw

The Camera Returns (87): Arras by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Keeping the Individual in Focus: Making Use of Interviews with Great War Veterans from the IWM Sound Archive by David Hisco*cks

The First Victims of the Great War: A Further Look at the Joncherey Incident – Before and After by Dorrien Clifford

Legacies of War: The University of Leeds War Memorial by David Stowe

War Art : Second Lieutenant William Hugh Duncan Arthurby David and Judith Cohen

Soldiers’ Effects Records: Their Use in Estimating a Soldier’s Start of Service Date by Craig Suddick

Veteran Unemployment, the Embankment Fellowship Centre and ‘The Downgate Twenty–One’ by Peter E Hodgkinson

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. Executed at Dawn: British Firing Squads on the Western Front 1914–1918 by David Johnson (reviewed by Bob Wyatt)
  2. Ring of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary at War 1914-1918 by Alexander Watson (reviewed by Chris Robinson)
  3. The Lion and the Eagle: Anglo-German Naval Confrontation in the Imperial Era Vol.2 The Antagonists 1914-15 by David Gregory (reviewed by Niall Ferguson)
  4. I Wish They’d Killed You in a Decent Show: The Bloody Fighting for Croiselles, Fontaine-Les-Croiselles and the Hindenburg Line Between March 1917 to August 1918 by Colin Taylor (reviewed by Linda Parker)
  5. 1917 The First World War in Old Photographs: Mud and Tanks by John Christopher, Campbell McCutcheon (reviewed by Niall Ferguson)
  6. The Happy Warrior: James Thomas McCudden VC by Alex Revell (reviewed by David Filsell)
  7. The Last Great Cavalry Charge: Battle of the Silver Helmets - Helen 12th August 1914 by Joe Robinson, Frances Hendricks and Janet Robinson (reviewed by David Filsell)
  8. General Sir Thomas Morland KCB KCMG DSI: War Diaries and Letters by Bill Thompson (Ed.) (reviewed by David Filsell)
  9. Z Day: The Attack of the VIII Corps at Beaumont Hamel and Serre by Alan MacDonald (reviewed by David Filsell)
  10. Khaki Jack: The Royal Naval Division in the First World War by E C Coleman (reviewed by David Filsell)
  11. Soldiers’ Songs and Slang of the Great War by Martin Pegler (reviewed by Louise Gaede)
  12. Soldier Slang of World War I by Emily Brewer (reviewed by Louise Gaede)
  13. 1914: Voices from the Battlefield by Matthew Richardson (reviewed by David Filsell)
  14. Edward Thomas: From Adlestrop to Arras by Jean Moorcroft Wilson (reviewed by Linda Hart)
  15. Irish Voices from the Great War (new edition) by Myles Dungan

Short Notices

  1. The 1914 Campaign by Andrew Rawson
  2. The Home Front in Britain 1914-19018 - An Archaeological Handbook edited by Catrina Appleby
  3. Signals from the Great War: The Experiences of a Signals Officer on the Western front as Told Through his War Diaries 1917-1919 by Archibald Gordon Macgregor RE MC edited and compiled by Anna Wefti
  4. America’s U-Boats - Terror Trophies of World War I by Chris Dubbs
  5. The Territorial Force at War 1914-1916 by Bill Mitchinson
  6. The New Army in Training by Rudyard Kipling
  7. France at War by Rudyard Kipling
  8. Sea Warfare by Rudyard Kipling
  9. The War in the Mountains by Rudyard Kipling
  10. Eyes of Asia by Rudyard Kipling
  11. Machine Gun Corps: First World War Flashed and Badges by Alan Jeffrey and Gary Gibbs

Stand To! 106 July 2016 Special Edition

Editor’s Introduction

Communication Lines

Shots from the Front The Somme in the Soldiers’ Own Words and Photographs by Richard van Emden

The Camera Returns (88) The Northern Edge of Mametz Wood by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Herbert Plumer, Douglas Haig and the Loss of ‘The Bluff’ February 1916 by James Benn

‘The Most Valuable Sources of News’ Australian Prisoners and German Intelligence in 1916 by Aaron Pegram

Principal Hagarty’s Battalion The Short History of the 201st Battalion Toronto Light Infantry by Gordon MacKinnon

Life in the Trenches 1916 by Peter Hart

The Immelmann Enigma by David Filsell

Somme Preparations: ‘The Superhumanly Possible’ by Rob Thompson

Somme and Rhine: The Memoirs of Major Edward Ison Andrews Part One – To the Somme Edited by Michael Lucas

A Tactical Victory on the Somme: The 1st South Staffordshire Regiment on 1 July 1916 by David Shergold

First Blood - The Australian Breakthrough at by Hugh Sebag–Montefiore

‘Not a Single Blade of Grass...’ Guillemont, 3 September 1916 Tactics and Insights by Sebastian Laudan

War Art : Lieutenant Richard Barrett Talbot Kelly, MBE, MC, RI 52 Brigade – Royal Field Artillery (1896–1971) by David and Judith Cohen

Tunnelling Companies on the Somme Part One by David Whittaker

The Man behind a Poem for Today by Elspeth Johnstone

A New Circular Tour of the Serre Battlefield by Jerry Murland

Off the Beaten Track Little–Visited Private & Regimental Memorials on the Somme Opportunities for Further Research by Tonie and Valmai Holt

A Day of Disaster: Malancourt Wood Verdun – 20 March 1916 by Christina Holstein

Private Harold Page: a Norfolk Man by Robert Burkett, Andrew England and Richard Rayner

Jutland: How the War was Won by Andrew Lambert

A Gordon Highlander at the Battle of Jutland by John Mathieson

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. British Battle Planning in 1916 and the Battle of Fromelles: A Case Study of an Evolving Skill by Roger Lee and John Bourne (Ed.)
  2. Hold at all Costs! The Epic Battle of Delville Wood, 1916 by Ian Uys
  3. Putty: The Life and Letters of Lieutenant General Sir William Pulteney 1861-1941 by Anthony Leask
  4. Dearest Mother: First World War Letters Home from a Young Sapper Officer in France and Salonika by Andrew Baines and Joanna Palmer (Eds.)
  5. Mud, Blood and Determination: The History of the 46th (North Midland) Division in the Great War by Simon Peaple
  6. For King and Another Country: Indian Soldiers on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Shrabani Basu
  7. Fighting Irish: The Irish Regiments in the First World War by Gavin Hughes
  8. Irishmen in the Great War: Reports from the Front 1915 by Tom Burnell
  9. Ireland’s Call - Irish Sporting Heroes Who Fell in the Great War by Stephen Walker
  10. Final Wicket: Test and First-Class Cricketers Killed in the Great War by Nigel McCrery
  11. ​Subterranean Sappers - A History of 177 Tunneling Company Royal Engineers 1915-1919 by Iain McHenry
  12. I Chose the Sky by Leonard Rochford
  13. Into the Blue by Normal Macmillan OBE MC AFC
  14. Behind the Gas Mask: The US Chemical Warfare Service in War and Peace by Thomas I Faith
  15. A Group Photograph, Before, Now and In-Between by Andrew Tatham
  16. Missing by Not Forgotten: Men of the Thiepval Memorial-Somme by Ken Linge and Pam Linge
  17. Henry Gray:Surgeon of the Great War by Thomas Scotland anad Ann Boyer
  18. The Guardians of Silence by Andrea Contrini

Short Notices

  1. The New Oxford book of War Poetry by John Stallworthy
  2. Padre, Prisoners & Pen-Pusher by Peter Howson
  3. In the Hands of the Enemy by Rev Benjamin O’Rorke
  4. My Family in the Great War by Ned Malet de Carteret

Stand To! 107 October 2016

Editor’s Introduction

  • The last contribution by David and Judith Cohen ‘War Art’ after 22 years

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

The First Tank Action in History by David Fletcher

Facing the Tanks The German Army at Flers – 15 September 1916 by Jack Sheldon

The Camera Returns (89) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Cricketers to the Front: The Men of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club by Martin and Teresa Davies

Learning on the Ancre 2nd Battalion Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 13 November 1916 by Stephen Barker

‘Smokes for the Blokes’ Insights into the Tobacco Trade’s Perspective on the Early Years of the Great War by Henry Daniels

War Art : Second Lieutenant Thomas Ivester Lloyd (1873–1942) Royal Field Artilleryby David and Judith Cohen

Extraordinary Friendship. December 1915 on the Western Front: A Leicestershire Perspective by Karen Ette

Tunnelling Companies on the Somme Part Two by David Whittaker

Somme and Rhine: The Memoirs of Major Edward Ison Andrews Part Two – From Recovery to the Rhine Edited by Michael Lucas

Garrison Library (World War I Book Reviews)

  1. Jutland 1996 - The Archaeology of a Naval Battlefield by Innes McCartney
  2. Bloody Paralyser: The Great Handley Page Bombers of the First World War by Rob Langham
  3. Johnny Enzed - The New Zealand Soldier in the First World War by Glyn Harper
  4. Fighting the Kaiser’s War: The Saxons in Flanders 1914/1918 by Andrew Lucas and Jurgen Schmeischek
  5. The German 66th Regiment in the Great War: The German Perspective by Otto Korfes
  6. The German Army in the Spring Offensives 1917: Arras, Aisne and Champagne by Jack Sheldon
  7. The Writer’s War, The Great War in the Words of Great Writers Who Experienced it by Felicity Trotman (Ed.)
  8. Lord Kitchener’s One Hundred - World War I Surgeons Biographies and Diaries by L O Stunden
  9. African American Doctors of World War I - The Lives of 104 Volunteers by W Douglas Fisher and Joann H Buckley
  10. The Men Who Planned the War: A Study of the Staff of the British Army on the Western Front, 1914-1918 by Paul Harris
  11. British Infantry Commanders in the Great War by Peter R Hogkinson
  12. Courage without Glory: the British Army on the Western Front in 1915 by Spencer Jones (Ed.)
  13. The Rising: Ireland Easter 1916 (Centenary Edition) by Fearghal McGarry
  14. ‘A Slashing Man of Action’: The Life of Lieutenant General Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston by Elaine McFarland
  15. The Fighting Pioneers. The Story of the 7th Battalion DLI by Clive Dunn
  16. Genesis, Employment, Aftermath: First World War Tanks and the New Warfare, 1900-1945 by Alaric Searle (Ed.)
  17. Beneath Troubled Skies: Poems from Scotland at War 1914-1918 by Lizzie MacGreggor (Ed.)
  18. The Church Lads’ Brigade in the Great War. The 16th (Service) Battalion The King’s Royal Rifle Corps. The Long, Long, Trail by Jean Morris
  19. War Diaries: 3,300 diaries and over 1.5 million pages from The Naval and Military Press by Chris and Gary Buckland

Short Notices

  1. Your Towns and Cities in the Great War: Aldershot by Murray Rowland
  2. Weymouth, Dorchester & Portland in the Great War by Jacqueline Wadsworth
  3. Portsmouth’s World War One Heroes: Stories of the Fallen Men and Women by James Daly
  4. The Diary of Corporal Vince Schürhoff, 1914-1918 edited by Jim Beech
  5. ‘When Shall Their Glory Face ?’ Dulwich Hamlet: First World War Roll of Honour
  6. ‘An Ordinary Soldier’. His Experiences of Services in the First World War by S A Bird
  7. Captain by Sam Angus
  8. Behind the Front - British Soldiers and French Civilians 1914-18 by Craig Gibson
  9. Newcastle Commercials. Newcastle’s Very First Volunteer Battalion of the Great War by Ian Johnson

Stand To! 108 January 2017 [Open Access Copy]

Editor's Introduction

  • Plans for the 100th Anniversary of Third Ypres

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)

  • ST106 Special Edition - some footnotes
  • Smokes for blokes
  • Tank myth
  • Somme Special ST 106 - Peter Hart’s ‘Life in the Trenches’ and ‘Off the Beaten Track’ by Tonie and Valmai Holt.

Zeppelins over Edinburgh: Truths and Myths of the First Bombing Raid on Scotland by Alan Reid

The Home Base – The UK 1914–1918: Part One – Mobilising the Nation by Bob Butcher

Death in the Ramparts – December 1917 by Colin Taylor

AIF Battalion Commanders in the Great War: The 14th Australian Infantry Battalion – a Case Study by William Westerman

The Camera Returns (90): Nesle by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

General Sir John Steven Cowans: Pre–eminent Military Administrator and a War Winning Genius by Terry Dean

John Kipling: On the Balance of Probability by David Langley

‘Big’ Cross, ‘Little’ Cross – Why? by Tom Tulloch–Marshall

A Great War Legend: Major Frederick Elliot (‘Boots’) Hotblack by Colin Hardy

Great Scientists and Gunnery Innovation in the Great War by William Van der Kloot

Garrison Library (World War I Books Reviews)

  1. Attack on the Somme: 1st ANZAC Corps and the Battle of Pozieres Ridge, 1916 by Meleah Hampton
  2. Somewhere in France: The Story of 4783 Private James Ross Duperouzel, 51st Battalion Australian Imperial Force by W T Superouzel
  3. Kitchener's Mob: The New Army to the Somme by Peter Doyle and Chris Foster
  4. Till the Trumpet Sounds Again: The Scots Guards 1914-1919 in Their Own Words Vol.1. Great Shadows August 1914 - July 1916 by Randall Nicol
  5. The Battle of Jutland by John Brooks
  6. Behind the Lines by Jeffrey B Miller
  7. Victoria Cross: WW1 Airmen and their Aircraft (expanded second edition) by Alex Revell
  8. The First Tank Crews: The Lives of the Tankmen who fought at the Battle of Flers Courcelette, 15 September 1916 by Stephen Pope
  9. From the Royal Field Artillery to the Irish Artillery Corps by Mark Mcloughlin
  10. Sedbergh and District 1914-1918. But who shall return us the children? By Diane Elphick (Ed.)
  11. Dudley's 1914-1918 War Memorial and the 720 Men Commemorated by John Hale
  12. Epitaphs of the Great War by Sarah Wearne
  13. Battery Action! The Diary of a Gunner 1916-1919 by Paul Cobb
  14. Aisne 1918 by David Blanchard
  15. They Didn't Want to Die Virgins: Sex and Morale on the Western Front 1914-18 by Bruce Cherry
  16. Shell Shock - The Crisis by Taylor Downing
  17. Neither Unionist nor Nationalist: The 10th Irish Division in the Great War by Stephen Sandford
  18. The German Army in the Offensives of 1917: Arras, the Aisne and Champagne by Jack Sheldon
  19. The Welsh at Mametz Wood by Dr Jonathan Hicks
  20. Fritz and Tommy: Across the Barbed Wire by Peter Doyle and Robin Schäfer
  21. Gallipoli: A Ridge Too Far by Ashley Ekins (Ed.)
  22. The Somme. The Epic Battle in the Soldiers' own Words and Photographs by Richard van Emden
  23. Airmen Died in the Great War: The Roll of Honour of the British and Commonwealth Air Services compiled by Chris Hobson
  24. Local Heroes from the Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames War Memorial Association

Short Notices

  1. The London Gazette, 40,056 pages of military entries from Naval and Military Press
  2. No More Soldiering: Conscientious Objectors of the First World War by Stephen Wade
  3. And the World Went Dark: An Illustrated Interpretation of the Great War by Steven N Patricia

There are 1,910 Book Reviews up to this point

Stand To! 109 June 2017

Editor’s Introduction

  • 100th Anniversary of the Third Battle of Ypres
  • Retirement of David Cohen
  • Bob Wyatt hands over editor role to David Filsell
  • From ST 19 and more formally from ST 23 to ST 117 (98 editions)
  • David Filsell Press & Publicity Officer in 1987
  • Communication Lines : Letters to the Editor
  • Australian Electrical and Mechanical Company
  • Fire on the Ypres Ramparts
  • The First Tank Action in History ?
  • Macphereson Myth
  • John Kipling
  • Visiting Graves a century after the soldier’s death
  • 1st Essex Memorial Appeal

Tolerating Mysters and Challenging History by Peter Barton

‘Our German Friends Were Quite Friendly’ Christmas with the Canadians on Vimy Ridge - December 1916 by Gordon MacKinnon

Raiders Lost - Now Found The Tyneside Scottish at Armentieres - February 1917 by David Tattersfield

47th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force Casualties at the Battle of Messines 7 -12 June 1917 by Paul Sutton

The Camera Returns (91) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Ypres of Trouble : The Royal Flying Corps and the Third Battle of Ypres by Peter Hart

The First Day of Third Ypres : The 1st Battalion The Prince of Wale’s (North Staffordshire) Regiment by Jim Tanner

The Fifth Grenadiere at Poelkapelle, 20 September 1917 by Sebastian Laudan

9th KOYLI in the Battle of Broodseinde 4 October 1917 by Dr Derek Clayton

Nurses on the Front Line :The Work of Nurses at the Brandhoek Advance Abdominal July - November 1917 by Christine E Hallet

A New Circular to of the Passchendaele Battlefields by Jerry Murland

War Art : A small collection of our favourite works reflecting the Third Battle of Ypres by David and Judith Cohen

Rewarding Sites around the Ypres Salient by Tonie and Valmai Holt

Turnover Amongst Brigade Commanders : The Real Reasons ? by Dr Trevor Harvey

German Gunners of Cambrai by Steve Thornely

German Ground Strafing in the Cambrai Counter-Attack : Some PoW Accounts by A D Harvey

The ‘Tank Corpse’ of Cambrai : A Century-Old Mysets by John Taylor and Rob Kirk

The Home Base - The UK 1914-1918 by Bob Butcher

Garrison Libraryedited by David Filsell

Zero Hour Z Day 1st July 1916: XIII Corps Operations between Maricourt and Mametz by Jonathan Porter

Churchill and the Dardanelles by Christopher Bell (reviewed by Gary Sheffield)

Wherever the Firing Line Extends by Ronan McGreevy

Ulster Will Fight Vol. 1 Home Rule and the Ulster Volunteer Force 1886-1922 by David R Orr and David Trusedale

Ulster Will Fight Vol. 2 The 36th (Ulster) Division from Formation to the Armistice by David R Orr and David Trusedale

Hear the Boat Song : Oxford & Cambridge Rowers killed in World War I by Nigel McCrerry

Men who Played the Game - Sportsmen Who Gave Their Life in the Great War by Mike Rees

Dauntless Courage on the Somme: Officers of the 19th Division who fell at La Boiselle 1-10 July 1916 by Nick Thornicroft

Time to Remember: The Journal of Lance Sergeant William Webb, October 14 - January 16, 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Seventh Division 1914-1918 by Gerald Buxton

The Vest Pocket Kodak of the First World War by Jon Cooksey

Liaison: General Pierre des Valliers at British General Headquarters, 1916-1917 by Elizabeth Greenhalgh

From the Western Front to Salonika: A French Soldier Writes Home by Catherine Labaume-Howards (ed)

We Are All Flourishing : The Letters and Diary of Captain Walter J J Coats MC 1914-1919 edited by Jan Chojecki and Micahel LoCicero

The Bridge to Air Power: Logistics Support for the Royal Flying Corps Operations on the Western Front, 1914-18 by Peter Dye

Overstrand in the Great War by Tim Bennett

The Half-Penny Curate : A Personal Account of War and Faith 1914-1918 by Sarah Reay

Guilty but Insane: JC Bowen-Colthurst: Villain or Victim? By James W Taylor

Letters from the Trenches - The First World War by Those Who Were There by Jacqueleine Wadsworth

HMS Hampshire : A century of Myths and Mysteries Unravelled edited by James Irvine

Frederick George Scott: The Great War as I Saw It

Shell Shocked Prophets: Former Anglican Army Chaplains in Inter-War Years by Linda Parker

Pass Guard at Ypres by Ronald Gurner

Behind the Lines by W F Morris MC

Roux the Bandit by Andre Chamson

Mr Britling Sees It Through by H G Wells

Into the Blue by Norman Macmillian OBE, MC, AFC

Tell Mum Not to Worry: A Welsh Soldier’s War in the Near East by Rhys David

Poppyganda by Matthew Leonard

For Valour: Canadians and the Victoria Cross by Gerald Gliddon

World War I Fact Book by William Van der Kloot

(World War One source book by Philip Haythornthwaite)

Stand To! 110 October 2017

Editor's Notes : Remembrance and the Centenary

Communication Lines :Nurses featured in Stand To!, Intelligence given British Prisoners to their German captors,

Remembrance and Armistice 2017 and 2018

Britannia's Unruly Stepchildren: Part One - The Army by Michael O'Brien

Major General Sir Robert Fanshawe in the Great War by Richard Earl

The Camera Returns (92) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

To Pardon or Not to Pardon? The Twenty Five Canadians Shot at Dawn. Part One by Diana Beaupre and Adrian Watkinson.

A Lonely Anzac: 1394 Private Harold Meston - 9th Battalion AIF by Paul Cobb

The Battle of the Somme a Cinematic Watershed of Propaganda and Persuasion by Mark Connelly

Who was Who? How a Military Medal Conundrum Led to a Case of Mistaken Identity by John Sly

A Pessimistic Attitude? The Sacking of Horace Smith-Dorrien by James Benn

The Home Base - The UK 1914-1918: Part Three - Guarding the Home Base by Bob Butcher

Alnwick - A Typical Town in the Great War by Dudley George

Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant Major! British Army Expansion of the Warrant Officer Class by Graham Caldwell

Garrison Library: First World War Book Reviews

‘The Reconographers - Intelligence and Reconnaissance in British Tank Operations on the Western Front’ by Colin Hardy

‘Crossing No Man’s Land: Experience and Learning with the Northumberland Fusiliers in the Great War’ by Tony Ball

‘Fighting The Somme: German Challenges, Dilemmas and Solutions’ by Jack Sheldon

‘Against the Tommies: History of the 26 Reserve Division, 1914-1918’ by David Bilton

‘From Journey’s End to the Dambusters. The Life of R C Sherriff’ by Roland Wales

‘Glum Heroes: Harship; Fear and Death - Resilliance and Coping in the British Army on the Western Front 1914-1918’ by Peter E Hodgkinson

‘The Embattled General: Sir Richard Turner and the First World War 'by William F Stewart

‘Loyal to Empire: The Life of General Sir Charles Monro, 1860 - 1929’ by Patrick Crowley

‘Oswald Boelcke - Germany’s First Ace and Father of Air Combat’ by R G Head

‘They Called it Shell Shock. Combat Stress in the First World War’ by Stefanie Linden

‘The Christian Soldier, The Life of Lt. Col Bernard William Vann, VC, MC, and Bar, Croix de Guerre avec Palmes’ by Charles Beresford

‘Arm to Save Your Native Land: Army Recruiting in North-West Wales, 1914-1916’ by Clive Hughes

‘Victory on the Western Front: The Development of the British Army 1914-1918’ by Michael Senior

‘The British League of Help” How British Communities helped in the Reconstruction of Devasted French Villages after the Great War’ by Bryan F Lewis

‘Harrogate Terriers, The 1/5th (Territorial) Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War’ by John Sheehan

‘Finding my Australian Grandfather’ by Douglas Johnstone

‘The Passchendaele Campaign 1917’ by Andrew Rawson

‘Passchendaele: 103 Days in Hell’ by Alexandra Churchill

‘Epitaphs of the Great War: Passchendaele’ by Sarah Wearne

Stand To! 111 January 2018

This edition of the journal of The Western Front Association remembers the German Spring Offensive of 1918

Editor's Introduction

Looking forward to Remembrance Sunday 11 November 2018

Planning for a special edition of Stand To!

Communication Lines

Australian soldiers who died on the troop train from Marseilles to the Western Front and other train tragedies.

Soldiers executed

Shetland casualties

In defence of articles by Peter Barton

Restoring British military bicycles.

We're for it hot and thick. The 13th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment (Forest of Dean Pioneers) in the German Spring Offensives - March and April 1918 by Colin Taylor

Tag X - Durchbruch! The German Advance from the St Quentin Canal 21 March 1918 by Sebastian Laudan

The Camera Returns (93) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Retreat and Rearguard Somme 1918 The Actions at the Somme Crossings by Jerry Murland

Ferdinand Foch: General in Chief by William Philpott

28 March 1918 - An Essex Regiment Infantryman's Memories of Operation Mars edited by Phil Sutcliffe

The Kaiser's Battle. A Statistical Re-Analysis by David Tattersfield

The Home Base - The UK 1914-1918 Part Four - The Home Base under Alnwick by Bob Butcher

Aces Falling : The Kaiserschlacht and the War in the Air by Peter Hart

'It's a Charge, Boys' the Life and Gallant Death of Gordon Flowerdew VC by Stephen Snelling

To Pardon or Not to Pardon? The Twenty-Five Great War Canadians Shot at Dawn - Part Two by Diana Beaupre and Adrian Watkinson

My Period wit the 1/6th W Yorks A Few Notes Made from Memory by Harry Ottolini, Sgt, 'A' Company

Defending Amiens. The Australian Imperial Force during the German Spring Offensive March - April 1918 by Aaron Pegram

Confrontations at Villers-Bretonneux by Peter Pedersen

Trench Life in Silhouette Captain Harry Lawrence Oakley by Jerry Rendell

War Art by David and Judith Cohen

German Infantry Regiment 169 in the May 1918 Aisne Offensive by John K Rieth

Britannia's Unruly Stepchildren: Americans who Served and Died in the British Armed Forces 1914-1918. Part Two - Double Eagles - US Citizens in the RFC/RNAS/RAF by Michael O'Brien

Garrison Library: First World War Books Reviewed

An Army of Brigadiers: British Brigade Commanders at the Battle of Arras 1917 by Trevor Harvey

Victory on the Western Front by Michael Senior

The Other First World War. The blood-soaked Russian Fronts 1914-1922 by Douglas Boyd

The British Army and the First World War. Ian Beckett, Timothy Bowman and Mark Connelly

Lost Opportunity: The Battle of the Ardennes 22 August 1914 by Simon J House

Vimy: The Battle and the Legend by Tim Cook

Retreat and Rearguard Somme 1918 by Jerry Murland

A Taste of Success: The First Battle of the Scarpe 9-14 April 1917

Voices from the Past: The Wooden Horse of Gallipoli: The Heroic Saga of SS River Clyde an Icon of the First World War.

Bloody April 1917 by Norman Franks, Russell Guest and Frank Bailey

Camel Combat Ace. The Great War Flying Career of Edwin Swale, CBE, OBE, DFC by Barry M Marsden

Zeppelins over the Midlands: The Air Raids of 31 January 1916 by Mick Powis

Let the Zeppelins Come by David Marks

Unfailing Gallantry - 8th (Regular) Division in the Great War 1914-1919 by Alun Thomas

Nurses of Passchendaele; Caring for the Wounded of the Ypres Campaigns 1914-1918 by Chritine Hallett

Unknown Warriors: The Letters of Kate Luard RRC and Bar, Nursing Sister in France 1914-1918 by Kate Luard (Editors John and Caroline Stevens).

Women in the Great War by Stephen and Tanya Wynn

Law and War: Magistrates in the Great War by Jonathan Swan

Destination Western Front: London’s Omnibuses Go to War by Roy Larkin

An Artist’s War: The Art and Letters of Morris and Alice Meredith Williams by Morris and Alice Meredith Williams (Editor Phyllida Shaw).

Celluloid War Memorials: The British Instructional Films Company & the Memory of the Great War by Mark Connelly

Company K by William March

Germany and the Great War: The Opening Year - Mobilisation, the Advance and the Naval War by Joshua Bilton

The British on the Somme 1916: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives

The Somme: The Day by Day Account by Chris McCarthy

Under the Devil’s Eye by Alan Wakefield and Simon Moody

Stand To 112 June 2018


Communication Lines : Notes from the Editor

Bridges and bunkers, 32 Squadron, Shell Shock and Heneker defence.


The Lightning Keepers. The Australian Alphabet Company in the Great War by Damien Finlayson

The Camera Returns (94) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

'Pill Box', 'Pillbox' or 'Pill-BOx'? What's in a Name by Peter Oldham

One Man and his Car (and Dog) The Life and Death of 'The Admiral' by Colin Taylor

Canadian Great War Warrant Officer Insignia by Ed Storey

Innovation and Imagination in the British Army on the Western Front, 1915 to 1918 - Carrier Pigeons and Battlefield Communications by David Hisco*cks

Two 'Old Contemptibles' by John Sly

'These order will be destroyed prior to Zero Hour' - Poelcappelle 9 October 1917 by Wade H Russell

A Box in the Attic: The Lost Story of Private William Hoare 10th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers by Dr Ian Stone

Garrison Library: Books on the First World War reviewed

Allenby’s Gunners: Artillery in the Sinai and Palestine Campaigns 1916 – 1918 Alan H Smith

First to Fight, the US Marines in World War I. Oscar E Gilbert and Romain Cansiere.

Violence and the German Soldier in the Great War: Killing, Dying, Surviving. Benjamin Ziemann

A Deadly Legacy: German Jews and the Great War. Tim Grady.

Against All Odds: Walter Tull – The Black Lieutenant. Stephen Wynn

Lossberg’s War: The World War 1 Memoirs of a German Chief of Staff. Fritz von Lossberg (Major General David T Zabecki and Lieutenant Colonel Dieter J Biedekarkne (Eds/Translators)

The Struggle for the Dardanelles: The Memoirs of a German Staff Officer in Ottoman Service Major Erich Prigge (Philip France Ed and Translator)

Canadians on the Somme 1916: The Neglected Campaign. William F Stewart

The British on the Belgian Coast: The North Sea as Front Line during the Great War. Luc Vanacker.

Miners’ Battalion. A History of the 12th (Pioneers) King’s Own Yorkshire Light. R Ede England (Malcolm K Johnson Ed).

Duty Nobly Done. The South Wales Borderers at Gallipoli 1915. Rodney Ashwood

Leeds Rifles: The Prince of Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment) 7th and 8th Territorial Battalions 1914–1918. Andrew Kirk

6th Battalion the Cheshire Regiment in the Great War. A Territorial Battalion on the Western Front 1914-1918. John Hartley

Liverpool Territorials in the Great War. Paul Knight

Killer Butterflies. Combat, Psychology and Morale in the British 119th (Western Division 1915-1918) James Roberts

Bullets, Bombs and Poison Gas: Supplying the Troops on the Western Front 1914–18. David Rogers

Tank Hunter World War One. Craig Moore

Disputed Earth: Geology and Trench Warfare on the Western Front 1914–18. Peter Doyle

Rendezvous with Death: Artists & Writers in the Thick of It 1914–1918. Tony Geraghty

Words and the First World War. Julian Walker

1917: War, Peace, & Revolution. David Stevenson

War Beneath the Waves: U–Boat Flotilla in Flanders 1915–1918. Tomas Termote

Fearless: The Extraordinary Untold Story of New Zealand’s Great War Airmen. Adam Claasen

Wales and the First Air War 1914–1918. Dr Jonathan Hicks

The World Remade: America in World War 1. G J Meyer

British Prisoners of War in First World War Germany. Oliver Wilkinson

Voices in Flight: Escaping Soldiers and Airmen of World War 1. Martin W Bowman

Faces from the Front: Harold Gillies, the Queen’s Hospital, Sidcup and the Origins of Modern Plastic Surgery. Andrew Bamji

Esmond: The Lost Idol, 1895–1917. Johnnie Astor and Alexandra Campbell

The Flag : The Story of Revd David Railton MC and the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Andrew Richards

Stand To 113 November 2018

Available in digital format to Digital Members from November 2019 and to all members online from November 2019.

Communication Lines

‘The Empire Strokes Back’ BEF Logistic and Engineering Preparations and Development for the Advance to Victory, 1918 by Rob Thompson

Feeding Victory Food and British Victory in the First World War by Professor Eric Grove

The Croix de Guerre Battalion 6/Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch) in the Battle of Tardenois, July 1918 by Chris Noble

The Camera Returns (95) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Missing at Arras, Lost in Persia A Family’s Tragedy by Richard Thompson for Judith Ley

The Battle of Cambrai - No, Not that One! by Jack Sheldon

‘Brothers in Arms’ Breaking the Hindenburg Line by Clive Harris

Anglo-French Views of the American Army in the Autumn of 1918 by A D Harvey

Through a Soldier’s Lens Jack Speed’s Great War Photography by Jana Meye and Heather Potter

The End. The German Army in Autumn 1918 by Sebastian Laudan

The US 2nd Division at Blanc Mont Ridge by Major General (read.0 David T Zabecki

Crossing the Sambre: 4 November 1918 by Derek Clayton

The New Zealand Division in 1918 by Christopher Pugsley

All Over Bar the Shouting 11 November 1918 by Peter Hart

Reflections on 11 November 198 by Paul Cobb

After the Armistice GHS, Command and Celebrations in the Days following the End of the War by James Benn

The Post-Armistice Collection, Identification and Burial of the Dead by David McGregor

‘Nix Mear Gefangener’ The Return of British Prisoners of War after the Armistice by Simon Fowler

One Hell of a Row. A War Widow’s Pension by John and David Lea

‘To Keep the Faith’ John McCrae, Moina Michale and the Flanders Poppy by Diana Beaupre and Adrian Watkinson

Garrison Library: World War I book reviews.

Echi Nel Silenzio: Paesaggi della Grande Guerra dal Garda al Pasubio (Landscapes of the Great War from the Race to the Pasubio) by Andrew Contrini and Fernando Larcher.

George Butterworth: Soldier and Composer by Lawrence Green.

Lloyd George: Statesman or Scoundrel by Richard Wilkison

Learning to Fight: Military Innovation and Change in the British Army, 1914–1918 by Aimee Fox

1918: Winning the War, Losing the War by Matthias Strohn (Ed.O)

Régina Diana: Seductress, Singer, Spy by Vivien Newman and David A S Semararo

Eyewitnesses at the Somme: A Muddy and Bloody Campaign, 1916–1918 by Tim Cook

Reluctant Warriors: Canadian Conscripts and the Great War by Colonel Patrick M Dennis

The Battle That Won the War: Bellenglise: Breaching the Hindenburg Line 1918 by Peter Rostron

The Last Battle: Endgame on the Western Front 1918 by Peter Hart

Pioneers of Armour in the Great War by David A Finlayson and Michael K Cecil

Pouring with Rain – Troops Fed Up: British Second Army and the Liberation Offensive in Flanders 1918 by Dennis Williams

The Somme 1916: Touring the French Sector by David O’Mara

The American Expeditionary Forces in the Great War – Meuse–Argonne 1918: Breaking the Line by Maaten Otte

British Children’s Literature and the First World War: Representations since 1914 by David Budgen

Welsh at War: From Mons to Loos & the Gallipoli Tragedy by Steven John

Welsh at War: The Grinding War – The Somme & Arras by Steven John

Welsh at War: Through Mud to Vic by Steven John

The First World War Battlefield Guide: Volume 1, The Western Front (2nd edition June 2015) by Major General Mungo Melvin CB OBE (Ed.)

The First World War Battlefield Guide, Volume 2: The British Army Campaign Guide to the Forgotten Fronts of the First World War Creative Media Designs, Army Headquarters, Colonel John Wilson Conulsting Editor Colonel Michael Crawshaw

The 48th (South Midland) Division 1908–1919 by K W Mitchinson

The Battle of the Selle: Fourth Army Operations on the Western Front by Peter Hodgkinson

Fourth Army Operations at the Battle of the Selle 9–24 October 1918: A Battlefield Guide by Peter Hodgkinson

Bad Teeth No Bar: a History of Military Bicycles in the Great War by Colin Kirsch

The Forgotten War of the Royal Navy: Baltic Sea 1918 – 1920 by Michal Glock

Baptism of Fire – The Royal Flying Corps at War: The First Year in France by Alex Revell

The Great War’s Finest: An Operational History of the German Air Service. Vol 1 by Matt Bowden

Zeppelin Onslaught: The Forgotten Blitz 1914–1915 by Ian Castle

Combat over the Trenches. Oswald Watt, Aviation Pioneer by Chris Clarke

The Fear of Invasion: Strategy, Politics and British War Planning, 1880–1914 by David G Morgan-Owen

The Kaiser’s First POWs by Philip Chinnery

First World War Military Service Tribunals: Warwick District Appeal Tribunal, 1916–1918 by Philip and Julie Spinks (Eds.)

Aftermath: 1918–1924, Years that Shaped the Twentieth Century by Graham Berry

The Man who saved Paris – Roger West’s Ride 1914 by Michael Carragher

A Flintshire Territorial at War 1914–18 by H Maldwyn Davies

Keeping Their Beacons Alight: The Potter Family of Barnsley and their Service to Our Country by Jane Ainsworth in collaboration with Jean Copley and Ian Potter

Stand To 114 May 2019

Available in digital format to Digital Members from May 2019 and to all members online from May 2020.

Communication Lines

Identifying the Dead of Tyne Cot by Peter Hodgkinson

‘You have done splendidly’ The Third Line Territorial Battalions on the Western Front by Richard Earl

The Camera Returns (96) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Private Prince The Wartime Career of ‘Eric Edward Dale’ by Colin Taylor

Differing Accounts British Confidential and Published Versions of the Moment of Capture during the Great War by A D Harvey

A ‘Pal’ at Suvla Bay, Salonika, the Salient and the Somme by Andrew Brooks

‘It is time, indeed.’ The Great War Commemoration of the 16th (Irish) Division in France and Belgium by Tom Tulloch–Marshall

Garrison Library:Book Reviews

Military Historian: My Part in the Birth and Development of War Studies 1966–2016 by Brian Bond

Survivors of a Kind: Memoirs of the Western Front by Brian Bond

Haig’s Enemy: Crown Prince Rupprecht and Germany’s War on the Western Front by Jonathan Boff

Defending the Ypres Front 1914 – 1918: Trenches, Shelters and Bunkers of the German Army by Jan Vancoillie & Kristof Blieck

The Verdun Regiment. Into the Furnace: The 151st Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Verdun 1916 by Johnathan Bracken

Britain and Victory in the Great War (ed) Peter Liddle

A Battle too Far: Arras 1917 by Don Farr

Two Sides of the Same Bad Penny? Gallipoli and the Western Front, a Comparison Editor Michael LoCicero

Futile Exercise? The British Army’s Preparations for War 1902–1914 by Simon Batten

Robert Graves: From Great War Poet to Good–bye to All That, 1895–1929 by Jean Moorcroft Wilson

Pandora’s Box: A History of the Great War by Jurn Leonhard

The Indian Army in the First World War Editor Alan Jeffreys

With Their Bare Hands: General Pershing, the 79th Division and the Battle for Montfaucon by Gene Fax. Reviewed by Charles Messenger

Hamel 4th July 1918: The Australian & American Triumph by John Hughes-Wilson. Reviewed by Charles Messenger

First Through the Clouds – the Autobiography of a Box–Kite Pioneer by Frederick Warren Merriam

Winged Sabres: One of the RFC’s Most Decorated Squadrons by Robert A Sellwood

Over and Above by Captain John E Gurdon DFC

Images of War: Sopwith Camels over Italy 1917–1918 By Norman Franks

An Eye in the Sky: The Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force Career of Air Commodore Henry George Crowe MC, CBE, CBD (SC) by Bob Cossey

Haig’s Tower of Strength: General Sir Edward Bulfin – Irelands’ Forgotten General by John Powell

Scots in Great War London: A Community at Home and on the Front Line 1914–1919 by Paul McFarland

British & Dominion Formation & Unit Vehicle Signage 1914–1918 by Rod Dux and Mike Hibberd

Long Long Trail A–winding: Centenary Perspectives on the Great War Editor Dr Andrew Cromac

A Gallant County – the Regiments of Gloucestershire in the Great War by Robin Grist

From Docks and Sand

Peace at Last: A Portrait of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918 by Guy Cuthbertson

British Widows of the First World War: The Forgotten Legion by Andrea Hetherington

The Conscientious Objector’s Wife: Letters between Frank & Lucy Sunderland, 1916–1919 Editor Kate Macdonald

Decisive Victory: The Battle of the Sambe by Derek Clayton

The Other Side of the Wire, Volume 3: With the XIV Reserve Corps – The Period of Transition July 1916–August 1917 by Ralph J Whitehead

Photographing the Fallen: A War Graves Photographer on the Western Front 1915–1919 by Jeremy Gordon Smith

Black September 1918: WW1’s Darkest Month in the Air,

Wilfred Owen’s Shrewsbury: from the Severn to Poetry and War

Scarborough in the Great War, Steven Wynn,

A Letter from France: Poems and Stories of World War One, Anthony G Nutkins,

Herefordshire’s Home Front in the First World War, Bill Laws

All Quiet in the Western Suburbs: World War One in Chiswick and nearby Districts, John H Grigg

The Hadleigh Boys, Marian Thornley

Stand To 115 June 2019

Available in digital format to Digital Members from June 2019 and to all members online from June 2020


Communications Lines


Götterdämerung – June 1919:The End of the German High Seas Fleet by Robin Brodhurst

Churchill’s Dummy Fleet Deceiving Germany about Britain’s Capital Warship Strength and Fleet Dispositions by Graham Caldwell

The Camera Returns (97) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Medical Officer Recruitment and Demobilisation in the Army in the Great War by Peter Starlin

Haus Käthe. The Story of a ‘Pepper Box’ Bunker by Peter Oldha

Henry Bell. Another Sad Story of the Great War by John Sly

How, Where and When was R C Sherriff wounded in August 1917? by Peter Crook

Letters front the Front: The Propaganda War by Martin and Teresa Davies

Garrison Library: First World War Book Reviews

  1. Masters of Mayhem: Lawrence of Arabia and the British Military Mission to the Hejaz. James Stejskal
  2. An Unappreciated Field of Endeavour: Logistics and the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front 1914–1918. Clem Maginniss.
  3. Mephisto: Technology, War and Remembrance. Jeff Hopkins-Weise and Gregory Czechura
  4. Pershing’s Tankers: Personal Accounts of the AEF Tank Corps in World War. Lawrence M Kaplan (ed).
  5. War and Remembrance: The Story of the American Battle Monuments Commission. Thomas H Conner.
  6. Forgotten Soldiers of World War 1 – America’s Immigrant Doughboys. Alexander F Barnes and Peter L Belmonte
  7. The Indian Empire at War: From Jihad to Victory – The Untold Story of the Indian Army in the First World War. George Morton-Jack.
  8. The Badges of Kitchener’s Army. David Bilton
  9. 1918: The Decisive Year in Soldiers’ own Words and Photographs. Richard van Emden.
  10. Flesh and Steel during the First World War: The Transformation of the French Army and the Invention of Modern Warfare. Michel Goya. (Translator Andrew Uffindell)
  11. Godley: The Man behind the Myth. Terry Kinloch.
  12. English Landed Society in the Great War: Defending the Realm. Edward Bujack
  13. That Grim Red Dawn – Shetland’s Sacrifice at the Ancre. John Sandison
  14. A Sturdy Race of Men: 149 Brigade – A History of the Northumbrian Fusiliers Territorial Battalions in the Great War. Alan Isaac Grint.
  15. Noble Savages: The Savage Club and the Great War 1914 – 1918. James Wilson.
  16. The Soldiers’ Peace: Demobilizing the British Army 1919. Michael Senior.
  17. Royal Air Force and Australian Flying Corps Squadron Losses 1st April – 30th June 1918. W R Chorley
  18. Retreat: A Story of 1918. Charles R Benstead (With an introduction by Hugh Cecil)
  19. The Forgotten Front: The Eastern Theater of World War 1, 1914–1915. Gerhard P Gross (Ed) Translated by Janice W Ancker
  20. The South Irish Horse in the Great War. Mark Perry.
  21. A Muddy Trench: A Sniper’s Bullet. Jacquie Buttriss.
  22. Mons: An Artillery Battle. David Hutchinson.
  23. Legacies of the First World War. Wayne Crocroft and Paul Stamper (eds)
  24. With Marshal Foch: A British General at Allied Supreme Headquarters April–November 1918. Lieutenant General Sir John Du Cane, KCB (Elizabeth Greenhalgh, Ed)
  25. Where They Kill Captains: Memories of War 1914–19. Douglas H Butler.
  26. 1918: How the First World War was Won. Julian Thompson in association with The Imperial War Museum.
  27. Britain and Victory in the Great War. Peter Liddle (Ed).
  28. Ironside: The Authorised Biography of Field Marshal Lord Ironside. Edmund Ironside with Andrew Bamford
  29. Priests in Uniform: Catholic Chaplains to the British Forces in the First World War. James Hagart
  30. Faith of our Fathers: Catholic Chaplains on the Western Front 1916 – 1919. Stephen Bellis.
  31. College Echoes: An Epitaph to the Great War. Patrick Stevens.
  32. To our Brothers: Memorials to a Lost Generation in British Schools. Sarah Wearne (author) and James Kerr (photography)
  33. Postcards from the Trenches: A German Soldier’s Testimony of the Great War. Irene Guenther

Stand To 116 October 2019

Communication Lines


Back Home !

Peter Hart

Heimkehr - Coming Home The Demobilisation and Transformation of the German Army 1918 - 1919

Sebastian Laudan

The German ‘Stab in the Back’ Myth

Jack Sheldon

The Camera Returns (98)

Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Walls of Papers vs Walls of Steel: France, the Failings of the 1919 Peace and the Route to the Maginot Line

Martin S Alexander

The Demobilisation of Britain’s Equine Army 1918-1919 An Overview

Dr Graham Wantson

‘The biggest single bit of work since any of the Pharaohs’ the Imperial War Graves Commission and the Commemoration of the Great War, 1917-1939’

Mark Connelly

Will We Remember Them? The Linkister Looks at h the Meanings and Functions of Commemoration.

Henry Daniels

Shackleton’s Pall Bearer William Andrew Sandiso

Jon Sandison

‘Worst pests than weeds!’ Remembering the Great War Women’s Land Army

Helen Frost

Clearing the Battlefields the Chinese Labour Corps in 1919

Dominiek Dendooven

‘What a chance for an artist!’ Alfred Munnings, War Artist, 1918

Emma Mawdsley

The British Army Demobilisation Strikes in 1919

William Butler

Cartography of Wounds

Dr James Wearn and Jenny Martin

Garrison Library : First World War Book Reviews

Terriers in India; British Territorials 1914-19

Peter Stanley

Guiseley Terriers: A Small Part of a Great War: A History of the 1/6th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment.

Stephen Barber

Great Escapes of the First World War

Various Authors

A Visitor’s Guide, The Battles of Arras: North: Vimy Ridge to Oppy Wood and Gauvelle

Jon Cooksey and Jerry Murland (Reviewed by Mark Connelly)

A Long Week in March: The 36th (Ulster) Division in the German Spring Offensive, March 1918

Michael James Nugent

Hero on the Western Front: Discovering Alvin York’s Battlefield

Michael Kelly

Biplanes at War: US Marine Corps Aviation in the Small Wars Era 1915-1934

Wray R Johnson

War Amongst the Clouds

Air Vice Marshal Hugh Granville White and Group Captain Chris Granville WHite

Royal Air Force and Australian Flying Corps Squadron Losses 1st July - 11th November 1918

W R Chorley

Those Bloody Kilts; The Highland Soldier in the Great War

Thomas Greenshields

Ordnance: Equipping the British Army for the Great War

Philip Hamlyn Williams

Supplying the British Army in the First World War

Janet MacDonald

Battle of the Baltic Islands 1917: Triumph of the Imperial German Navy

Gary Staff

The Last Days of the High Seas Fleet: From Mutiny to Scapa Flow

Nicholas Jellicoe

The Great Scuttle: The End of the German High Seas Fleet

David Meara

The French on the Somme: From Serre to the River Somme - August 1914 - 30 June 1916

David O’Mara (Reviewed by Christina Holstein)

A Time to Die and a Time to Live

Tom Scotland

The Drumhorse in the Fountain & other Tales of Heroes and Rogues in the Guards

Christopher Joll & Anthony Weldon

The German Failure in Belgium, August 1914

Dennis Showalter, Joseph P Robinson and Janet A Robinson

Ghosts of Old Companions: Lloyd George’s Welsh Army, The Kaiser’s Reichsheer and the Battle of Mametz Wood, 1914-1918

Jonathan Riley

Defending Trinity College Dublin, Easter 1916: Anzacs and the Rising

Rory Sweetman

Other Ranks

W V Tilsley (ex-Private 202926) with additional research and material by Gaye Magnall

The Killing of the Iron Twelve

Hedley Malloch

Between the Darkness and Light

Roy Peachey

Stand To 117February 2020


Communication Lines


‘Shoppee’s Tower’: The Importance of a Nieuport Church Tower in October 1914 by Luc Vanacker


Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Gordon Carter, DSO, Pioneer Battalion Commander on the Western Front by William Westerman


The Dinwiddy Rangefinder and the Defence of London by Peter Hodgkinson


The Camera Returns (99) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall


A Lieutenant at Fifteen by Dr Paul Harris


The Short Life and Demise of the 3rd Regiment, Canadian Mounted Rifles in 1915 by Gareth Jones


Brigadier General Gordon Strachey Shephard DSO, MC, Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur, MiD (1885–1918) by Trevor Lindley


A PoW who Made it to Switzerland – but not by Escaping: Private Sydney Smith’s War by Dr A D Chissel


Frank Richards and the Snake Expert by John Krijnen


Garrison Library

Belgium in the Great War by Jean-Michel Veranneman

WWI Crusaders: A band of Yanks in German-occupied Belgium help save millions from starvation as civilians resist the hard German rule. August 1914 to May 1917.

Southern Thunder: The Royal Navy and the Scandinavian Trade in World War One by Steve R Dunn

World War I Remembered: Royal Marine Buglers and Musicians at War by John Ambler

Belgrade during the Great War: The City through the Eyes of Those who lived in it 1914-198 by Milos Brun

Armenian Genocide: The Great Crime of World War I by David Charlwood

Lessons from the Mud, 55th (West Lancashire) Division at the Third Battle of Ypres by Paul Knight

A Bradford Pal: from Mill Town to the Battlefields of France by John Broadhead

Keeping the Old Flag Flying: The World War I Memoir of Kenneth Basil Foyster - Canadian, Prisoner and Internee.

History of the Small Arms School Corps 1853-2017 by Richard Fisher

Jack Beresford: An Olympian at War by John Beresford

Archduke Ferdinand and the Era of Assassination by Lisa Traynor

Stand To! No. 118 June 2020

Communications Lines : Letters to the Editor

Defending Trinity College Dublin: Easter 1916 by Rory Sweetman

Tanks and Storm Troopers: British and German Solutions to the Deadlock on the Western Front by A D Harvey

The Camera Returns (100) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

The War Experience of Sergeant Fred Billman, East Surrey Regiment Loos to Guillemont – Part I by Michael Lucas

Keep Your Mouth Shut! Secrecy and Deception on the Western Front by Andrew Rawson

General Lord Rawlinson of Trent – 1864–1925 by Dr Rodney Atwood

A Brief History of Military Mining on ‘The Birdcage’ sector near Ploegsteert Wood: 1915–1917 by David Whittaker

Keeping up the Strength The Australian Imperial Force in 1918 by Roger Beckett

Dental Services in the British Army 1914–1918 by Rachel Bairsto and Fiona Gray

First World War Book Reviews : Garrison Library

War Amongst the Clouds : Air Vice Marshal Hugh Granville White & Group Captain Chris Granville White

Fire-Step to Fokker Fodder. From the Trenches to the Red Baron. The First World. The First World War Diaries of William ‘Jack’ Lidsey

Lionel Morris and the Red Barro, Air War on the Somme by Jill Bush

Camel Pilot Supreme. Captain D V Armstrong DFC by Annette Carson

Aero-Neurosis: Pilots of the First World War and the Psychological Legacies of Combat by Mark C Wilkins

The Road to the Knoll: The Life of Captain George Edward Schultz of the Birkenhead Bantams by John Schultz CBE

The German Corpse Factory: A Study in First World War Propoganda by Stephen Badsey.

British Rifles Grenades of the Great War by John Bailey

French Fashion: Women & The First World War by Maude Bass-Kreuger and Sophie Kurkdhian (Eds)

The Learning Process; The BEF’s Art on the Western Front 1914-18 by Andrew Rawson

Lessons from the Mud: 55th West Lancashire Division at the Third Battle of Ypres by Paul Knight

General Sir Herbert Lawrence : Haig’s Chief of Staff by Paul Harris

Soldiering On:British Tommies after the First World War by Adam Powell

Stars in A Dark Night: Hornsea in the War by

Poetry from the Heart by Anthony G Nutkins

Stand To 119

Communication Lines

Keeping up the Strength 1914–1967 by Tom Blackman

The 1/5th Lincolns and the Attack at The Hohenzollern Redoubt – 13 October 1915 by Steve Bramley

The War Experience of Sergeant Fred Billman, East Surrey Regiment Part II – Guillemont and After by Michael Lucas

The Pill Boxes of Tyne Cot by Peter Oldham

So close to success, but thwarted by a Turkish Shell Inspiring his troops: General Henri Gouraud at Keres Dere on Gallipoli by Dr George Bailey

The Camera Returns (101) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

Behind the Statistics: First World War Medical Records by Richard P. Hughes

Mastering No Man’s Land: Patrolling and Raiding by Fraser Skirrow

In Ruhleben Camp: British Internees in Germany and their response to captivity by David Snape

Straightforward: The Fight for the Bois des Buttes on 27 May 1918 – The German Perspective by Sebastian Laudan

‘The Pill–Box Problem’: The Tactical Importance of German Concrete Fortifications at the Third Battle of Ypres by Glyn Taylor

Secret German Prisoner of War Camps and the Vanished by Michael Durey 57–59

Garrison Library > Book Reviews

  • Children at War 1914-1918 by Vivien Newman
  • DH9 From Ruine to Restoration: The Extraordinary Story of the Discovery in India & Return to Flight of a Rare WWI Bomber by Guy Black
  • The Zeppelin Offensive: A German Perspective in Pictures & Postcards Air World by David Marks
  • THe First Campaign Victory of the Great War: South Africa, Manoeuvre Warfare, The Afrikaner Rebellion and the German South West African Campaign, 1915 -1915 by Antonio Garcia
  • Staring at God: Britain in the Great War by Simon Heffer
  • Battleground Gallipoli by Steve Chambers
  • Sons of Freedom: The forgotten American Soldiers who defeated Germany in World War One by Geofrey Wawro
  • In Haig’s Shadow: The Letters of Major-General Hugo De Pree and Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haif edited by Gary Sheffield.
  • On the Road to Victory: Transport with the BEF on the Western Front by Michael Harrison
  • The Fortress - the Great Siege of Przemsul by Alexander Watson
  • The Dandy Ninth: A history of the 9th (Highlanders) Royal Scots
  • The Name Beneath the Stone by Robert Necome (Fiction)
  • Illustrating Armageddon: Fortunino Matania and the First World War by Jim Davies with an introduction by Lucinda Gosling.

Stand To!120 November 2020

Editortial by Colin Wagstaff and Rich Hughes

No Man’s Land: Vernon Bartlett, The Unknown Warrior, and the Literature of Disillusionby Professor Gary Sheffield...........................4-6

Peace and Commemoration: Britain after the First World Warby Justin Saddington..........................................7-15

The French Unknown Soldier: Contexts and Controversiesby Professor Alison S. Fell.................................16-20

A fitting finaleby John Spencer.................................................21-22

The Unknown Warrior: citizen of empire?by Professor Sir Hew Strachan............................... 23-25

The Unknown Warrior - Legend and Fact Part One: Origins and Early Planningby Justin Saddington.......................................26-35

Never Such Innocence: Remembrance for a New Generationby Lady Lucy French, OBE....................................36-38

Up in Smoke - Britain’s War Widows and the Conflict of Commemorationby Andrea Hetherington.......................................39-41

The Unknown Warrior - Legend and Fact Part Two: The Selection Storyby Justin Saddington.............................................42-49

A walk with the Unknown Warriorby Jonathan Grun.................................................50-57

The work of the National Army Museum’s War Grave Adjudication Unitby Emma Worrall.............................................56-62

Public Schools and Great War Memorials - Sacred and Secularby Timothy Halstead............................................63-65

The Unknown Warrior - Legend and Fact Part Three: The Methodology of the Selection Processby Justin Saddington............................66-70

Weeping Women and Missing Men: Women, Bereavement and Grief in Interwar Britainby Professor Lucy Noakes..................................71-75

Lost but not forgottenby John Spencer....................................................76-77

The Belgian Unknown Soldierby Dr Mario Draper..............................................78-82

Vera Brittain Remembers the Dead and the Livingby Dr Phylomena Badsey........................................83-86

Plaque to the Unknown Warrior: Victoria Stationby Kathy Stevenson.....................................................87

Saving a national treasure: the Cavell Vanby John Spencer.........................................................88

Bringing the Unknown Warrior homeby Jonathan Grun......................................................89

The Unknown Warrior William Coltman: one of the Hundred VCsby Graham Nolan.............................................92-93

Witness to history: the man with a ringside seatby John Spencer....................................................94-95

Treasured Possessionsby John Spencer.........................................................96

Stand To! January2021

Communication Lines 2–6

A Bridge Too Many on the Oise by Michael Carragher 7–11

A Short Spell on Mudros and Helles by Barbara Meredith 12–18

Another Lonely Anzac 1394 Private H V Meston 9th Battalion AIF by Paul Cobb 19–21

The Camera Returns (102) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall 22–23

A Fascination for Flora Along the Western Front by Dr James Wearn, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


Lieutenant Geoffrey Lloyd Eight Months as a Prisoner of War Interesting sidelights on the German Revolution by Andy Taylor 31–33

The 29th Division The Origins of a Mythical Reputation? by David Griffiths 34–35

The Last–Minute Rush to Create the BEF Senior Command in August 1914 How Sir William Robertson came to be appointed Quartermaster General to the BEF by Ross Beadle 36–38

Sir Douglas Haig and the Introduction of the Trench Mortar 1914-1915 by John Mason Sneddon 39–44

What did you say in the Great War, Bishop? Principles, Patriotism; Power and Pressure by Tom Scherb 45–49

Garrison Library 50–IBC

Victory at Gallipoli: The German–Ottoman Alliance in the First World War by Klaus Wolf (Translator for Tim Iredale)

The Russian Baltic Fleet in the Time of War and Revolution 1914 –1918: The Recollections of Admiral S N Timiryov

The First and Last of the Sheffield City Battalion by John Cornwell.

The Greenhill Dictionary of Military Quotations Peter G Tsouras, Lt Colonel Retired.

Haig’s Tower of Strength. General Sir Edward Bulfin – Forgotten General by John Powell.

Fokker Dr1 Germany’s Famed Triplane in World War One by Mark C Wilkins.

In the Trenches: A Russian Woman Soldier’s Story of World War 1 by Tatian L Dubibskaya (ed) Lawrence M Kaplan

Tanks in the Great War 1914–1918 – The Development of Armoured Vehicles and Warfare by J F C Fuller.

Valour Beyond Measure – Captain Richard William Leslie Wain: VC The Tank Corps at Cambrai 1917 by Dr Jonathan Hicks

Faithful Fighters by Kate Imy.

Armoured Cruiser Cressy : Detailed in the original builders’ plans by Andrew Choong.

November 1918: The German Revolution by Robert Gerwarth.

Kildare The Irish Revolution 1912–23 by Seamus Cullen.

Flesh and Steel during the Great War. The Transformation of the French Army and the Invention of Modern Warfare by Michel Goya.

For what we have done: The first attack on Bellewaarde, 16 June 1915 by Michael R B McLaren.

Wilson’s War: Sir Henry Wilson’s Influence on British Military Policy in the Great War and its Aftermath by John Spencer.

Stand To! No. 122 April 2021

Communication Lines


Reduced and Reconstituted British Divisions, 1918 by Bill Mitchinson


James Neville Marshall VC MC and Bar by Peter Lees


The Camera Returns (103) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall


Disaster to Triumph Saving life and limb on the Western Front 1914–18 by Tom Scotland


The Memoirs of a Japanese Nurse on the Western Front (pt 1) Introduction by Dr Dominiek Dendooven


Hajimeko Takeda’s Notes by a Japanese Nurse Sent to France or Women Soldiers Dispatched to Europe: the Japanese Red Cross Relief Corps and the First World War by Eiko Araki


A Poet’s War Office Files by Michael Lucas


Map Study of 10th Essex (Service) Battalion : Movements 20 – 27 March 1918 by Dora Ringland


Stereography in the Great War Part I: Paper card manufacturers by Ian Ference


The Pill Boxes on Ypres’ Ramparts Vestiges of the Anglo/American defence of Ypres, 1918 by Peter Oldham


Malvina Hoffman – A Monumental Woman The odyssey of an artist through the Great War by Michael O’Brien


Garrison Library > First World War Books Reviewed


John Terraine. The Smoke and the Fire: Myths and Anti-Myths of War 1861-1945. A reappraisal by Gary Sheffield


Zero Hour Z Day, Volume Two: XV Corps Operational between Mametz and Fricourt by Jonathan Porter


The Kaiser’s U-Boat Assault on Germany: Germany’s great gamble in the First World War by Han Joachim Koerver


Endell Street: The Suffragette Surgeons of World War One by Wendy More


Major General Oliver Nugent: The Irishman who led the Ulster Division in the Great War by Nicholas Perry


The Coolie’s Great War. Indian Labour in a Global Conflict 1914-1921


Verdun 1917: The French Hit Back by Christina Holstein


Directing the Tunnellers’ War: The Tunnelling Memoirs of Captain H R Dixon MC RE b (Eds) Phillip Robinson and Nigel Cave


A Lancashire Fusillier's First World War by Norman Hall


Stand To! No. 123July 2021


Communication Lines 2-3

Somme, March 1918: Bridgehead defence and a fateful retreat James Briggs and 2nd Battalion, West Yorkshire Regiment by Dr James Wearn 4-6

The Camera Returns (104) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall 7-9

The Myths of Langemarck by Jack Sheldon 10-13

Where are the Missing Soldiers of the 45th Battalion at Messines Ridge? by Lachlan Newham14–17

An Iron Imperative: How the Battle of Cambrai speaks to the present day by Alexander Turner18–23

Stabbed in the Back: The German GeneralStaff and the consequences of economicmismanagement by Dr Pete Edwards24–28

The Memoirs of a Japanese Nurse on the Western Front (Part II): Hajimeko Takeda’s Notes by a Japanese Nurse Sent to France Translated by Paul Carty & Eiko Araki, edited by Freddy Rottey & Dr Dominiek Dendooven29–33

The Death Penalty: To coerce or encourage? by Lester Lewis34–37

Stereography in the Great War (Part II): Glass slide manufacturers by Ian Ference38–43

The Capture of a Party of Machine Gunners and Bombers of ‘D’ Company 14th Battalion

York and Lancaster Regiment (2nd Barnsley Pals) near Puisieux au Mont, 9 March 1917 by Ian R Scott 44–50

Garrison Library (Book Reviews) 51–56

Walking Verdun : A Guide to the Battlefieldby Christina Holstein (introduced by the author).

The Gallipoli Evacuationby Peter Hart(reviewed by Jim Grundy).

In Which They Servedby Richard Cullen(reviewed by Barbara Taylor).

Civilian Specialists at War : Britain's Transport Experts and the First World Warby Christopher Phillips (reviewed by Bradley Shoebottom).

Communities of Resistance: Conscience and Dissent in Britain during the First World Warby Cyril Pearce (reviewed by Elizabeth Balmer)

Comrades in Conscience: The Story of an English Community's Opposition to the Great Warby Cyril Pearce(reviewed by Elizabeth Balmer)

Gunpowder & Glory: The Explosive Life of Frank Brock OBEby Harry Smee and Henry Macrory(reviewed by Michael Lucas)

The King's Menby Neil M Storey(reviewed by Michael Lucas)

Stand To! No.124

Communication Lines p 3

Illusions and Disillusions, Vain Hopes and Great Disappointments: Major General Bertram Mitford and 42nd Division, 1917 by Michael Lucas pp 4-8

The Camera Returns (105) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall pp 9-11

The Memoirs of a Japanese Nurse on the Western Front (Pt III): Hajimeko Takeda’s Notes by a Japanese Nurse Sent to France Translated by Paul Carty and Eiko Araki, edited by Freddy Rottey and Dominiek Dendooven pp 12-16

‘The Carries Are Getting Terribly Long’ A New Zealand Stretcher–Bearer on the Somme, September 1916 by Graham Howie pp 17-21

‘An Error of Judgement’ Gas Attack by 108 Brigade 1 September 1916 by Richard Earl pp 22-27

Stereography in the Great War (Pt III): Amateur Stereographers by Ian Ference pp 28-34

NCOs: Backbone of the British Army? by Stephen Manning pp 35-39

Bluebirds of War Canadian Nurses from War to Peace by Andrea McKenzie pp 40-44

A Good War From Civilian in 1914 to Lieutenant Colonel in 1918 by A D Harvey pp 45-49

Garrison Library pp 50-56

  • Nicholas A Lambert (2021) The War Lords and the Gallipoli Disaster: How Globalized Trade Led Britain to its Worst Defeat of the First World War.
  • Gwyn Jenkins (2021) A Welsh County at War: Essays on Ceredigion at the time of the First World War.
  • Edward Pereira, Spencer Jones and Michael Locicero (eds) Catholic General: The Private Wartime Correspondence of Major-General Cecil Edward Pereira, 1914-19.
  • Ann Buckley (Ed) (2021) German Prisoners of the Great War.
  • Matt Haultain-Gall (2021) The Battlefield of Imperishable Memory. Passchendaele and the Anzac Legend
  • Mark C Wilkins (2021) British Fighter Aircraft in World War 1.
  • Stephen Chambers (2021) Krithia: Gallipoli.
  • Julian Walker (2021) Tommy French: How British First World War Soldiers Turned French Into Slang.
  • John Charteris (2021) At British Headquarters During the Great War

Stand To! No.125 January 2022

Duel on the Roman Road. A micro–analysis of an artillery–tank action at the Battle of Amiens Part 1 by Geoffrey Holt and David Pearson FSA 2–10

The Camera Returns (106) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall 11–12

Duel in the Sky by Christopher Nash 13–18

Fighting Bob Cain A Scottish immigrant in the AEF by Aaron Heft 19–22

From Wolverhampton to the Somme. The Great War experiences of Thomas Clarke and Arthur Stokes by Chris Twiggs 23–28

Some Representations of War on the Great War Stage by Michael Waters 29–34 Haig and the

Destruction of a Major General by Peter Crook 35–40

A Very Personal War Rudyard Kipling and the Irish Guards in the Great War by James Fanning 41–43

Loose Connections The stories behind three medals of the Great War by Dr Adrian Gregson 44–51

Garrison Library 52–60

  • Mud, Blood and Poppyco*ck Britain and the First World War by Gordon Corrigan
  • Rendezvous With Death. ANZAC Stories of the Great War by John Ramsland
  • The True Story of the Christmas Truce: British and German Eyewitness Accounts from World War I by Anthony Richards
  • The Bulgarian Contract: The Secret Lie that Ended the Great War by Graeme Sheppard
  • ‘For Every Sailor Afloat, Every Soldier at the Front’ Princess Mary’s Christmas Gift, 1914 by Peter Doyle
  • White Feather to Victoria Cross – Harold Ackroyd VC. MC. MD Christopher E Ackroyd & Edward F Malet de Carteret
  • Indian Soldiers in World War I. Race and Representation in an Imperial War by Andrew T Jarboe
  • Studentenfriedhof to Soldatenfriedhof. A History of Langemark German Cemetery and self–guided tour by Roger Steward
  • Years of Endurance: Life Aboard the Battlecruiser Tiger 1914–16 by John R Muir
  • Gallipoli Diary 1915 by Alec Riley, Michael Crane & Bernard de Broglio (Ed)

Stand To! No.126 April 2022

Communication Lines p.2

The Camera Returns (107) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall pp.3-4

Two Serial Enlisters and Deserters The story of two Victorian soldiers by John Slypp. 5-8

A Runner’s Story: Private Tom Haslam Broadhead MM, 7th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment by John Broadhead. pp.9-12

Duel on the Roman Road A micro–analysis of an artillery–tank action at the Battle of Amiens Part 2 by Geoffrey Vesey Holt and David Pearson FSA. pp.13-21

How to Join the RFC One man’s recollection of joining the Royal Flying Corps by Gareth Jones. pp.22-26

A German Gun from Fosse 8, Loos A Rare Survivor by Michael Taylor. pp. 27-30

Surviving to Fight: Britain’s success in countering gas warfare in 1915 by Captain Michael ‘Rocky’ Salmon. pp. 31-36

Fighting a War on Two Fronts Robert Jones, Director of Military Orthopaedic Surgery WWI by Tom Scotland. pp. 37-42

The Great War Dead of West Norwood Cemetery by Peter Hodgkinson and John Clarke. pp. 43-48

Garrison Library. pp. 49-56

  • Boy Soldiers of the Great War Revisited by Richard van Emden
  • The Boy Scouts in the Great War by Craig Armstrong
  • Of No Earthly Use. The 2nd Line Territorial Force Divisions and the Western Front 1914–18 by KW Mitchinson
  • The Mountain War, A Doctor’s Diary of the Italian Campaign 1914 – 1918 by Isaak A Barasch with an introduction by Hew Strachan
  • Hindenburg, Ludendorff & Hitler: Germany’s Generals & the Rise of the Nazis by Alexander Clifford
  • The Italian Empire and the Great War by Vanda Wilcox
  • The British Way of War: Julian Corbett and the Battle for a National Strategy by Andrew Lambert
  • Deserters of the First World War: The Home Front by Andrea Hetherington
  • A Voice from the Trenches 1914–18: From the Diaries and Sketches of Bernard Eyre by Bernard Eyre Walker and Sara Woodall (Editor)

Stand To! No.127 August 2022


Communication Lines

The Camera Returns (108) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall

‘Missing, No Evidence Available...’ Whatever happened to Fred Eastwood? by Graham J Howie

2nd Lieutenant Joseph Maude, 6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment – Hero or Villain? by Chris Noble

Britain’s Changing Influence Over the Design, Development and Deployment of Allied Tanks in the Great War by Cameron Ward

‘The Scratch of the Surgeon’s Knife’ John Singer Sargent’s Gassed by Gary Haines

Jackie the Baboon by Dirk Danschutter

Royal Navy Chaplains by Tom Scherb

Wounded Veterans of the First World War The impact of wounds and medical/psychological conditions as recorded in the pension ledgers by Peter Hodgkinson

Garrison Library

The Battleground Europe Series by Nigel Cave

Moonlight Massacre: The Night Operation on the Passchendaele Ridge, 2 December 1917 by Michael Locicero

The Commissioners: How two men led the two police forces which became An Garda Siochana, the Civic Guard of the Irish Republic Dublin, Ireland by Paul Smyth.

Keeping the Home Fires Burning: Entertaining the troops at home and abroad during the Great War by Phil Carradice.

The Approaching Storm: Roosevelt, Wilson, Addams and their clash over America’s Future by Neil Lanctot

The Meuse Heights to the Armistice by Maarten Otte

Alexander Paterson: Prison Reformer by Harry Potter

Asia in Flanders Fields: Indians and Chinese on the Western Front, 1914– 1920 by Dominiek Dendooven

First Anywhere – The Story of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 1909–1919 by Philomena Liggins

Stand To! No.128November 2022

Communications Lines - The Editor

The Camera Returns (109) - Bob Grundy and Steve Hall

The Repatriation and Burial of French Soldiers After the First World War - Christina Holstein

Clandestine Exhumations. Brining the dead home - Jill Stewart

No Bodies Found. ‘Ghost’ burials of the Western Front - Tom Tulloch-Marshall

Sarah Smith, the British War Graves Association and the Issue of Repatriation - Mark Connelly

The Trauma of Those Left Behind. Mothers and widows of the Great War - Richard Preston

The Psychological Legacy of Service in Veterans of the First World War. Some reflections - Peter Hodgkinson

The First World War, Facial and the Psychology of Disfigurement - Andrew Bamni

Invisible Killers of the Great War. The fight against microorganisms causing death from wounds and diseases - Tom Scotland

‘No More Than Three Months’ Trench Service. A study in the length of frontline service by other ranks in one during the Great War - Tom Thorpe

Three Aussies and an Englishman. A personal story of family and war - Myles Lauchlan Sanderson

‘Queer’ Men, Sex with Underage Boys and a Sheep. Prosecutions for gross indecency with a male person during the Great War - Frances Hurd

My Experience in France and Belgium 1917-18. Private Leonard Edgar Trice 242825, 7th Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment - edited by David Isby

Remembered. A reinforcement draft to the Royal Sussex Regiment - John M Ballard

Garrison Library (World War One Books reviewed)

The Real ‘General Mitford’: Sudan, South Africa, Loos, Somme, Passchendaele. The Life of Major General Bertram Mitford, 1863-1936 by Michael Lucas

A Great Hatred - The Assassination Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson MP by Ronan McGreevy

Shell, Spikes and a Dog Called Drummy. Five extraordinary years in the life of an ordinary man by Michael Wilson.

Germany in the Great War - Arras, Third Ypres & Cambrai by Joshua Bilton

Chasing the Great Retreat: The German Cavalry Pursuit of the British Expeditionary Force before the Battle of Marne, August 1914 by J Robison, D Declercq and R Gilbert

The Flying Sikh. The Story of a WW1 Fighter Pilot - Flying Officer Hardit Singh Malik by Stephen Barker

No bad soldiers: 119 Infantry Brigade and Brigadier-General Frank Percy Crozier in the Great War by Michael Anthony Taylor

Memoirs of the Great War: Complete and Unbridged, Volume I by Joseph Joffre (Translated by Robert B Marks)

Stand To! No.129 January 2023

Communication Lines


The Camera Returns (110) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall


The Air War in Sub–Saharan Africa 1914–1918 by Anne Samson


General Crozier Machine–guns the Portuguese by A D Harvey


Mastering No Man’s Land by Fraser Skirrow


ALF: A story of perseverance by Peter Threlfall


Mechanical Defects and Military Anomalies: Contemporary views on the SMLE rifle from the pages of the journal Arms and Explosives by Steve Wren


Hidden Heroes: Some reflections on the YMCA during the Great War

by John Black


‘Courage, brother: hope on’ The blinded veteran and the work of St Dunstan’s by Gary Haines


Anzac Machine Gun Tactics – April/May 1915 by Greg O’Reilly


Garrison Library


Stand To! No.130April2023



Communication Lines


The First Lionesses! The Army Pay Office Preston Ladies Football Team During The Great War by John Black


The Camera Returns (111) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall


Finding Nancy (the Springbok) by Dirk Danschutter


AIF Machine Gun Tactics at Pozières: July and August 1916 by Greg O’Reilly


Did Whisky Win The War? Acetone for Cordite MD by Derek Bird


Pershing in Retrospect by David T Zabecki


Fighting With The Greek ‘Johnnies’: British encounters with the Greek army on the Macedonian Front, 1918 by Jake Gasson


Peace Medals: Souvenirs of Peace Day 1919 by Giles Thomas Penman


Garrison Library : WW1 Book Reviews

53- IBC

Stand To 131



Editor’s Introduction


AIF Machine Gun Tactics – Bullecourt 1917 by Greg O’Reilly


The Camera Returns (112) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall


Success and Failure XIII Corps and VIII Corps 1 July 1916: An artillery perspective by Richard Smith


A Coalition of Dissenting Voices: The significance of dissent and opposition on the home front during the First World War by Christopher Price


Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett: America’s best senior commander of the Great War by David Zabecki


Budding Bairnsfather, Blighty Magazine and Cheery Tommy Atkins byRobert St.John Smith


Sharing the Burden: Arguments relating to the taking over of more frontline by the British from the French. Some examples from the early stages of the war by James Benn


The Winning and Losing of the Great War at Sea and the Feeding of Nations by Thomas Scotland


‘I will always cherish the kindly thoughts’ Salford’s Civic Reception for Ex–Servicemen in 1920 by Steven Illingworth


Garrison Library


Stand To! No. 132

  • The Camera Returns (113) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall...4–5
  • The War in Ukraine and the First World War by Hew Strachan...6–11
  • Germany, Russia, the First World War and Fall of the Tsar by Gordon Corrigan...12–17
  • Bloody April: The Royal Flying Corps and the Battle of Arras, 1917 by Peter Hart...18–22
  • The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Echoes of the Great War in the twenty–first century by Roman Nekoliak...23–30
  • A Chaplain’s Lot Was Often Not A Happy One: Chaplaincy in the Great War There are no atheists in foxholes [Origin of the quote is disputed] by Nigel Cave...31–35
  • ‘Behind the Barbed Wire Fence’ Ukrainian internment in Canada during the Great War by Vivien Newman...36–42
  • An ‘Argonaut Voyage’ Into Chaos Saxon 212. Infanterie–Division in Southern Ukraine, April 1918 – March 1919 by Andrew Lucas...43–52
  • ‘The Right Medicine for the Bolshevist’ British air–dropped chemical weapons in North Russia, 1919 by Simon Jones...53–61
  • A Trench Across Time: Wounding and recovery, from the Western Front to the defence of Ukraine by Emily Mayhew...62–65
  • The Development of German Great War Defensive Tactics and their Applicability in the Twenty–First Century by Jack Sheldon...66–71
  • Psychological Wounds of War Bakhmut and Third Ypres compared by Edgar Jones...72–75
  • The German Occupation of Ukraine 1918 A forgotten chapter of the First World War by Peter Lieb...76–83
  • Garrison Library...84–88



Operation HAGEN: Ludendorff’s Flawed Master Plan to Win the First World War by David Zabecki


The Camera Returns by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall


The Sacking of Major General Sir William Douglas by Michael Lucas


Justice Unleavened by Mercy: The fate of Private Loader by Harry Potter


Conscription and Reform of the British Penal System by Frances Hurd


Machine Guns and the Battle of Messines by Greg O’Reilly and Jeffrey McNeill


Being an account of the military careers of the Kick family in the Great War by Michael O’Brien


Fighting Over A Corner of A Not-Forgotten Field: Two men on opposite sides of the line during the Battle of Ginchy by James Wearn, Jenny Martin (with Helen Basson)


Colin Hardy Award Winner for 2023: Lizzie Kenyon-Muir. To what extent was the First World War the main reason for the enfranchisem*nt of women in Britain?


Colin Hardy Award Runner-up for 2023: Arthur Beresford-Jones. Did the First World War create greater unity or more tension between ethnic components of empires fighting on the Eastern Front?


Garrison Library (Book Reviews)


Stand To! No.1 to No.133 Full Contents Listing (2024)
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