God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (2024)


430 reviews4,437 followers

July 16, 2022

2.99 stars. A rapist? With the virginity kink?? As a love interest??? In a college romance book????

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (2)

I'm so underwhelmed. So scandalized. I'm yet to see anyone complain about how toxic, patriarchal and despicable that kind of thing is. Hey... hello... is anybody here?? Are moral police on vacation??? Why are y'all so boring and call the guy who forced a blowj*b on the suicidal

con artist hot/bland/soft/adorable when you could be having the time of your lives gaslighting readers for romanticizing the harmful behavior right about... now?

How weird.

Every time RK releases a new book, I'm ecstatic, regardless of the outcome, because I always get the feeling in my gut that tells me God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (3) God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (4)
And my gut feeling fails me all the time. But not when it comes to RK. 😈

The writing

1) Not the flashbacks from my Wattpad past. 😭😂

The air frizzles my honey-colored hair that’s streaked with natural blonde balayage and stuffs it in my eyes.

Not the "I look in the mirrow. The reflection of a stunningly beautiful girl with golden specks in her dark green eyes that match her long, honey-coloured hair stares right back at me" little speech. 😭

Rina, blink once if a Wattpad author is holding you hostage.

2) RK's dramatic flair for doom and gloom is actually leaking out of this book's every orifice, I kid you not:

Every time I close my eyes, Devlin’s kind face comes crashing in, then he smiles as scarlet red explodes from all of his orifices.

📘o r i f i c e📘

given context: smut book

examples of word usage in sentences:

Irunia, humorously (naughty giggling bursting out of her orifi mouth): Killian was stuffing his cum into Glyndon's every available


Rina Kent, formally, pompously (a melodramatic catch in her breath): SCARLET f*ckING RED EXPLODES FROM ALL OF HIS

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (5)

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (6)

— is someone's tragic death (or lack thereof) supposed to sound that funny? Asking for a friend, I'm not even complaining. Unintentional comedic relief, even taking the form of Devlin's death, is always welcome.

I flip it back and rub my palm on the side of my shorts as I stare down.
My rubbing heightens in intensity and so does the sound of the wind and the waves in my ear.

I stare up.
Up. (you see, I love me some parcellation as a stylistic device too)
At the starless. Soulless. Sparkless. Sky. My laughing heightens in intensity and so does the poetic quality of Miss Kent's writing. 😂

That first chapter had me howling with how edgy and dramatic it endeavoured to appear: crashing waves, bloody images rolling with the wrecking force of a hurricane, haunting scratch of metal and deadly water.

Wow, I felt almost haunted.💀💀💀💀

No stars were present then either, and just like tonight, the moon shone brightly, like the bleeding of pure silver on a blank canvas. The immortal rocks are unassuming witnesses of crimson blood, lost life—and an all-encompassing sense of grief.

The immortal rocks didn't agree to the whole 'unassuming witnesses of crimson blood and lost life' ordeal, but whatever. If that's not peak poetry, I don't what is.

Eventually, the writing style smoothens out

a little bit, but here and there RK has a pompously worded phrase ready for describing someone's death, suicide attempt or inferiority complex. Maybe because she is operating under the misapprehension that otherwise readers will be unmoved by the simple beauty of tragedy itself? Who knows. Certainly not us.

It's not the first time that I've noticed that RK makes her characters assume opulently a robe of exalted passions and exceptional emotions for the sake of drama and angst. I'd be more annoyed if it weren't so unintentionally funny. That's why, having clowned her wannabe poetry from the top to the bottom, I digress.

Killian (H)

Callous. Cold-blooded. Ice-cold. Lifeless. Monster. Psychopath.

— So often have

RK Glyndon and Killian tried to make themselves as well as others believe Killian is a psychopathic being never intended for normal society and doomed to misunderstanding that they have effectively convinced themselves of it. Not me though.

I'm very sceptical of authors who

tell not show feel the need to remind a reader of the same damn thing every 10 pages as if we were idiots incapable of coming to our own conclusions based on character's actions.

The only remotely unhinged scene that Killian performed quite well was their first meeting with Glyndon, where he gave her a choice of "blow me or die 👹👺👹👺".

“I can always use your ass and c*nt. In that order. So unless you’re willing to soak my dick with your blood and lick it clean, I suggest you open your mouth.” He hits me across the lips with his dick and I have no choice but to loosen my jaw.

That was hot, considering how Killian almost let her fall off the "deadly" cliff in the embrace of the "immortal" rocks sksksksk.

“Please use your lips or please use your c*nt and ass?” He pauses, then pushes me backward until my upper half is tilted in the cliff’s direction. “Or please turn you into a masterpiece?”

Otherwise, Killian is such an adorable little cinnamon roll. 🥺🔪🥺 Melted my cold-blooded heart.

“You’re drunk, I’ll take your shots.”

Or more like a parody of a real psychopath.

He is reminiscent of an edgy emo boy who happened to read an article "20 Signs of a Psychopath: Traits & Characteristics - Choosing Therapy" and conformed his behavior to the global standards for psychopaths: all the signs match, but that doesn't make him one.

When Killian discards his supposedly psychopathic role, as in when he's too busy preparing meals for Glyndon, stalking her social media or subscribing to art magazines, Killian can be so f*cking amusing and natural. <3

“No. You’re not my type.”
He pauses before stroking my stomach again. “And what’s your type?”
“Someone nice.”
“I can be nice.”
“Yeah, right.”
His voice lowers to a shiver-inducing range. “I gave you time like you asked, and it was a stretch on my part since, and I repeat, I am not a giver. So if that’s not considered nice, maybe I should retract my promise and be the opposite of nice.”
“Don’t…” This arsehole is a major headache. I can never win against him.
“Does that mean I’m nice?”
“You can be,” I mutter.
“Look at that. I’m suddenly your type.” I glare up him and I’m met with a low chuckle. “You’re so adorable, I could eat you up.”

Comedy king. My little cutie pie. 💕

I run back to my notifications and find he liked a lot of my pictures. I scroll down and down, and holy hell, the crazy bastard liked all five hundred pictures I posted on Instagram.
Every single one.
An hour ago.

You mean to say he's not boyfriend goals? 🔪🔪🔪

He cups my jaw then uses a finger to wipe across my bottom lip. “I love your mouth when it’s stuffed with my co*ck. You’re my perfect little cum hole, aren’t you?”

Killian better have Glyndon's number stored in his phone as "My Perfect Little Cum Hole". 😌

Glyndon (h) aka his perfect little cum hole 💕

Surprisingly, I liked Glyndon despite her being a very formulaic heroine whose inferiority complex serves as her one and only flex in this life. Sometimes she came up with funny lines that had me chuckling.

Killian’s expression remains blank, so she steps toward him, swaying her hips and biting the corner of her lower lip. “How about a celebratory f*ck to welcome me to the Heathens? You can choke me.”
I step backward as if I’ve been slapped. I can’t stay here anymore. My chest aches at the thought that he’s done the things he did to me to someone else.
He choked them, too.

I — 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
How can anyone hate Glyndon?
I wish my only problem in life was me realizing my boyfriend choked other girls before me meanwhile I was living under the illusion that the whole choking thing was exclusive between us. 👉🏻👈🏻 Imagine the heartbreak. 💔 Honestly, I keep reading RK for one reason only: her characters are so unintentionally funny.

Also don't tell me RK turned her heroine into a sweet princess that secretly harbors a rape fantasy inside her little head?? How convenient. 😂 I thought we already had that crap in Naomi × Seb book???

Not another f*cking bitch in the parody of a dark romance confessing to always having fantasies about being forced to have sex. 😭😂😭😂

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (7)

Yes, I might be having a mental breakdown, live, on the air, especially if I have to read about a heroine who calls herself "deviant" for entertaining a rape fantasy and then enjoying it when the occasion comes, why you even askin'?

Stop being a puss* and write a normal rape scene for once, they're not supposed to enjoy it sksksksks. 😭

Don't admit me to a mental asylum just yet. Filler dialogues

“Do you like messing with people a lot?”
“Not all people, no. Just a select few.”
“So I’m a VIP now?”
“If you want.”
“Seriously, talking to you is like speaking to an evil robot.”
“Evil robot, huh?”
“Yeah, you know, the ones who get destroyed at the end of sci-fi films.”
“You mean the ones whose red eyes flash in the last second of the movie, signaling their return?”
“You shouldn’t be proud of being evil.”
“That’s the thing, baby. I don’t see myself as evil.”
“Please don’t tell me you see yourself as a hero.” She sounds even more spooked than earlier.
“No, I don’t. I just see myself as neutral. Instead of black, white, or gray. I’m colorless.”
“You’re an entity. You can’t be colorless.” She huffs. “You’re just black.”
“Yeah, I give people colors and you’re definitely black, like your soul, heart, and that disturbing head of yours.”

Is that a script for a new tiktok reel? 👁️👁️

The page count could have been cut down by 20% with no residual damage; beta and alpha readers — hey, what's up? On vacation too?

Side characters

Unlike everybody and their mother, I don't care about any secondary characters.

Well, okay.

Maybe I do?

Landon × Mia 💕

Secondary characters and their interactions were mostly funny and entertaining (nothing to obsess over in my humble opinion though), but maybe RK should focus more on her main characters so that others don't steal their show? Like it happens in every damn book of hers. Or is that her marketing strategy aimed at luring people in reading her larger-than-life series, sequels, prequels and what not? 😂 Good soup.

If you wanna read a quality book about an authentic rapey sociopath with the virginity kink, go ahead and download UntouchableUntouchable. No shadowing here. 🌚

Overall: pretty mediocre, even for RK.

Since I'm such a ray of sunshine exuding cheerful energy today, lemme finish this on a positive note:

there's always something comforting and entertaining about RK books, equivalent to visiting an old friend. A wacky old friend. 💕

    artistic-heroine cardboard-characters control-freak-yum

brooke (semi-hiatus)

106 reviews9,650 followers

June 9, 2024

1.5 stars

— did i devour this book? yes. is this the worst book i’ve read this year? also yes. i tried to read this book last year but dnfd after chapter 3 bc of the forced SA. ultimately, i wanted to give this book another go and i wish i didn’t, bc it got so much worse. i fr lost all my brain cells reading this book!! if i had to read the word “neurotypical” and “c*nt” or calling women "holes" one more time i was going to fkn lose it.

➷ the way this story started out was criminally insane!! the mmc literally corners the suicidal fmc on the edge of a cliff and forces her to give him a blowj*b or he was going to ✨push her off the cliff✨

who says romance is dead it’s then later on imposed that the forced sex scenes are non-con bc its one of the fmcs fantasies?? um okay, anyway - i truly have no words. i’m so tired of rk handling triggering topics so recklessly. DO BETTER!! and the way people romanticise their relationship is alarming, y’all be treating them like they are some cutesy hallmark couple just bc he goes all soft for her.. THE STANDARDS ARE DISGUSTINGLY LOW!! 😭

leviastrid were the worst characters in the royal elite series so it makes sense that the fmc is astrid’s spawn bc glyn’s character was so utterly boring and she has the personality of a stick.. i don’t understand why killian was so fascinated and obsessed w her.. and naming her glyndon?? JAILLL 💀 (yes i still hold the biggest grudge towards astrid bc of how she treated my bby nicole)

how i imagine killian and glyn when they argue:
God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (9)

➳ killian is your typical emotionless, basic bitch ass edgelord, wannabe psycho who has ✨daddy issues✨ he is supposed to be this scary, threatening character but he isn’t one bit scary like he’s made out to be lmao. his character was downright cringy and the biggest loser who gave me the biggest ick. i refuse to believe he’s a psychopath when he made a smiley face with his food.. like ooh shiver me timbers, im so scared. also how is this man a med student?? UM ABORT ABORT ABORT, HE SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE NEAR PEOPLE

➷ i felt no chemistry between killian and glyn whatsoever. the dialogue felt juvenile and the writing was deadset comical, i felt like i was reading something that was written by a 7th grader. and the sex scenes were atrocious, like the anal scene?? wtf do you mean she cries “tears of relief” when he rams it in her with no preparation sksjdjs PLSS LETS BFFR RN. i honestly had the blankest face reading the smut scenes bc they were the most cringiest, unrealistic sh*t ever written. this is honestly a run down of what their convos consisted of:
↳ “dirty little slu*t” “tight little c*nt” “blood coats my dick” gagging 🤢
glyn: I HATE YOU 😤
↳ “say you’re mine.” “no.”
↳ “f*ck you.” “oh, baby. you know that foul little mouth gets me hard.”
— glyn honestly has no willpower and lets killian do whatever he wants to her and she just accepts it with little to no fight.. girly needed to go back to therapy fr.

— nikolai is the only character who piqued my interest in this book. long hair, tatted and has his dick pierced?? on my knees barking rn. y’all don’t understand how excited i am for niko & bran’s book,, NIKO CALLING BRAN LOTUS FLOWER?? BLOODTHIRSTY MAFIA PRINCE X SOFT, SHY GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOY?? IM SEATED. i literally felt more tension between both of these characters compared to the main leads in this book - THEIR BOOK WILL BE MY JOKER!!


    1-star absolutely-not

Phuong ✯

671 reviews7,996 followers

September 1, 2023

Killian and Glyndon’s meet-cute was so adorable 😩y’all when my future husband doesn’t corner me at a cliff and forced me to decide between

a) giving him a bj
b) raping my ass and puss*
c) throwing my body down the cliff and using my dead body to create a masterpiece
then ✨i don’t want it ✨. Killian really reinvented 'her body her choice' and we love him for it. 🤡

In a time when men are being exposed as lying cheating sc*ms left and right, my nonconsensual give-her-a-choice prince Killian Patrick Carson is single-handedly restoring my faith in men, cuz he would ✨never ✨cheat on Glyndon. His obsessed ass is too busy liking her 500 insta pictures and cooking her food. 🥺👉👈

I’m honestly so embarrassed right now, cause I was so sure that I would hate this book and even started to write a rant review only reading 20 pages of this book, but this book got me wheezing on the floor laughing 89% of the time that I really got invested in all of the characters 😭now I need AnnikaCreighton, NikolaiBrandon, EliAva LandonMia and even CecilyJeremy, the only character who can f*ck off is this weirdo Remi who talks about his lordship which is annoying af. How does that guy look into the mirror and is not embarrassed for himself is beyond me. 🤡

Edit: no, you didn't see me rereading this book and rounding up my rating to 4 stars for

rapist Killian just because he's making smiley faces out of vegetables for Glyndon makes me smile like a lunatic. it didn't happen, my account might be hacked. 🌚

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (11)

┍━━━━━━━━»•» «•«━┑

#1 God of Malice – 3.5 stars
#2 God of Pain – 2.25 stars
#3 God of Wrath – 4 stars
#4 God of Ruin – tbr
#5 God of Fury – tbr
#6 God of War – tbr
┕━»•» «•«━━━━━━━━┙

    3-5-stars-enjoyed-but-sth-missing books-read-in-2022 boy-why-u-so-obsessed-w-me

chan ☆

1,168 reviews56.4k followers


August 20, 2023

he wants to be a doctor so he can dig around in people’s guts. not in a hot way 😕

    2023 dark-romance dnf

isy | roth's wife

249 reviews561 followers

February 14, 2023

All you bitches hating on my man Killian and I’m just sitting here thinking one less person I gotta fight off for him 💅 Not everyone can have as good of taste as me 💁‍♀️

Ummmm WOW 🤩

So how do I go back in time, so I can read this for the first time again because... that's all I want to do 😄

I seriously don't even know what to say. I want to say so much, but at the same time, I want to say nothing because everyone needs to experience this book. IT'S JUST SO FLIPPING GOOD. I didn't want it to end, but I just could not stop reading.

The relationship dynamics, the rivalries, the way they all are together, oh my god, I could not sit still. Every time another one of the kids was mentioned I got so hyped up. Each of them are so different and seeing them all interact with one another, and who they could possibly be paired up with, was so f*cking amazing. And let me say yeah, my pairings after reading this have DEFINITELY changed 😄

Honestly, I'm not going to say a single thing about what happens in this book because you just have to go in blind. I LOVE RK's work and I ALWAYS have high expectations going into her books, let me tell ya, I've been BLOWN AWAY.

Oh and y'all the spice 😩🥵 so hot. Someone likes making necklaces 😏👐

Just be prepared for Killian & Glyn to rock your world. They sure have fully flipped mine. Their story was a MASTERPIECE 🙌

I'm so ready for this series to take over my life.

    2022-favorites all-time-favorites bury-these-with-me

annie 🇵🇸

259 reviews494 followers

August 7, 2024

3 stars

i can't believe this book surpassed Aiden's trilogy (actually, i can because that was a sh*tty trilogy). Booktok really made this series famous.🫣


Rina really tried to give him depth by adding 'Daddy Issues' to his psycho, dark, animalistic, serial killer personality.

he's extremely rude and a psycho (obvious). a 19-year-old teenager, in his 4th year of pre-medical studies — at KING'S U University — with his psycho friends! He's obsessed with Glyndon from when he forced her to give him a blowj*b while she was dangling from the edge of a cliff and seconds away from cracking her skull open! 💀

Killian literally went 🚶‍♂️🤝🏻 📸 *Click* 📸 and was like, mhmjmmm nice picture..... continue.


'A king never bows', but babe... you actually did.

No king ever lives up to their hype (edit: Eli and Landon King did), so I had no expectations at all for Glyndon! Glyndon was suicidal at the start because of her dead bestie, but after the blowj*b, she was okay and didn't try to kill herself again. She knew that she attracted a

wannabe psycho, she kept comparing him with her brother. she did nothing except for throwing some words or sassying around (which earned her more FORCED bjs & kisses and she becomes boring again).

Her insecurities could've given her character a depth, but they were brushed off. ngl, even i know that she was suffering from being 'the youngest' 😭 but things could've been better. Her relationship with landon isn't good throughout this book, and Rina didn't really try to mend it in his book either. It was always Landon & Brandon.


• Their toxic relationship was so toxic that Killian used to make food for her because she didn't eat properly. He quit smoking for her. He killed someone who beat Glyndon. He threatened Glyndon repeatedly to take her virginity. He threatened her teacher who was never satisfied with her work.

well these things were present but the focus was always on DARK, FORCED, PSYCHOPATHIC, DERANGED sh*t, which was making me furious because fgs stop this smut. I'm not really interested to read about you guys f*cking 24/7.

and, If a guy talks to your girl or even touches her, you should TALK first. If not, then talk with your fists a little but WITH THE GUY. Don't go around and taking virginities of your girls just because you see them talking to someone. IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT YOU WHINY BITCH.


• CreightonAnnika: I'm excited for their story! (update: they are the sh*ttiest couple. Annika is 3/5 while Creigh is 0.1/5)

JeremyCecily: tbh i feel like they're kinda boring? (update: i was scared to read it but ended up LOVING this one sm! I love love love Jeremy & Cecily.)

• LandonMia: though Lan's also A PSYCHO, and he's going to be as misogynistic as the others, I'm still waiting for his book, and the fact that Mia's his match is actually pretty cool! Let's see, fingers crossed. (update: copy of other books but great. reread it and loved it.)

NikolaiBrandon: are actually going to be the first MM romance I'm going to read! And Nikolai is unhinged, but he's pretty obsessed with Brandon, so let's see. (update: enjoyed the book, it was cute! )

• EliAva: are babies! I loathe Aiden so much! I hated his books and I hated everything about him, but Eliava are the reasons I started this whole series. I have high expectations fr and idk why sometimes I try to force my brain to actually like a book because i have high expectations. It takes me some time to actually realize that I didn't actually enjoy it, so maybe that'll happen if Rina writes Eli as Aiden 2.0, but hopefully, they're not getting a trilogy, so THAT'S A WIN! (update: f*cking devoured their book, I'm still crying, screaming, getting insanely emotional because their book ended. IT WAS f*ckING GOOD! The best one of this series and i love EliAva more than anyone.)

RemiAriella: are actually going to serve, I know that! It's in my veins unless Rina pulls a DanielNicole 2.0 and makes Remi an asshole! and the fact Ari stalks Remi ehheheh! (no book bitchass INJUSTICE).

• nvm the other good characters like Maya, Vaughn and Gareth aren't getting their books either.


I don't hate dark romance books, it's just that some scenes really piss me off. Being labeled with Dark doesnt mean that the author should throw connection, understanding, plot and accepting mistakes a little more, into the bin. New romance books glorify sexual assault way too much. In kidnapping books, i get it. In backstory, i get that too. BUT THE MAIN CHARACTER DOING ALL THIS sh*t? NO ✋🏻 (let him do nasty sh*t like burning the house or taking the business or EVEN being Verbal but why does it have to be Dub-con always?)

I'm okay with dub con mostly because sometimes lol they do make sense for certain situations so a plot and great characters are necessary! A misogynist asshole with a girl with no backbone is getting pretty old! By dark, the book is supposed to be dark, not THE RELATIONSHIP that it actually becomes unbearable to read.

this book had some nice scenes, I'm not completely a hater lol. Glyn was pretty badass for posting two pictures on Instagram (holding hands w someone and a painting saying 'my type' with the type being completely opposite of Killian lol) 😂 and also for ghosting him but the vibes were ruined by forced scenes again and again.


➤ ratings:

• God Of Malice - 3 stars
God Of Pain - 1 star
God Of Wrath - 4 stars
God Of Ruin - 3 stars
God Of Fury - 3 stars
God Of War - 5 stars

    boy-obsessed dark-romance enemies-to-lovers


335 reviews3,180 followers

July 14, 2022

there were a lot of things i anticipated going into this book.

i expected something chaotic. unhinged. weird. nonsensical. crazy.

but boring? that is a plot twist i didn’t see coming. Rina Kent, as an author, is a lot of things but boring ain’t one... until now😅 they had the same conversations over and over. the same interactions. the same weird sex exchanges. Killian literally said the same handful of words over and over:

⟡ “never say never”

⟡ “baby”

⟡ “blood on my co*ck”

go on babes, i dare you to think of another word or phrase! please anything else.

Killian Carson:

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (18)

i will explain why in quotes, enjoy! (and the way all of these are within the first few chapter... i could have written a thesis with the amount of quotes there were)

Her skin appears pale blue in the darkness, like fresh corpses. If she somehow starts bleeding and the red is added to the mix, her skin will look ethereal under the moon.

Once upon a time, I was plagued by the urge to see underneath animals’ skin. Humans, too, but I only had access to animals.

See what exactly lurks behind that thunderous pulse, the soft beauty and the translucent skin? I bet red will make her a masterpiece.

What I didn’t realize, however, is the level of release I could have with her. It’s similar to that first time I cut open the mice and saw what was inside them. It’s the thrill of possessing someone’s life between my fingers.

“Did you bring a lot of your victims here?”
“So that’s what you are now, my victim? I like that.”

creepy. weird. stinky. stale. pervy. disturbed. boring. snoozefest. tedious. flat. you’d think a psychopathic rapist would have some ✨zest✨ to him? but no.

i know for a fact this motherf*cker smells funky and has greasy bangs. and that when he was in school he ran like this

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (19)

if you’re gonna give me a psychopath with an affinity for killing things, at least make him hot, mysterious, domineering, suave, witty... not this greasy weirdo who deffos lurks around the bins at school.

the best part of this book was him getting kidnapped and beaten by my bby Landon🤗

Glyndon “perfect little cum hole” King:

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (20)

all you need to know is that her mother is my arch-nemesis and Glyndon is as f*cking dull as her. i truly don’t know why Killian was obsessed with her nor why/how she got over him raping and assaulting her so quickly.

he even says “I swear to f*ck this seemingly normal, innocent, f*cking boring-on-paper girl might not be boring or normal, after all.”

no babes, dw, you got it right the first time!


my beloved🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️the star of the show. the loml. my lil cutie i adore her, eurghhhh.

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (21)


God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (22)


idk why i picture her as Felicity Smoak but she just has that vibe and she served it well. loml 2.0


my pink bubblegum princess, ily. i know her and Eli are gonna serve so f*cking hard.


i have finally come to the conclusion that RK can’t be British because if she was, she’d know that if Remi really went to a British school/uni, he’d get bullied so severely he’d contemplate killing himself at the end of each day. inaccurate British representation😔💔


my gaydar never fails me💅🏻


definitely my favourite sociopath up in here!! there were many of them too... but he took the cake🥺


not mad about it👀


id like to formally apologise to this man for comparing him to Remi😔🥲 you didn’t deserve that sh*t, bby.

Jeremy and Gareth... ehhhh. don’t think we saw enough of them for me to deduce an opinion yet. Jeremy definitely intrigues me, even though him and Gareth feel very similar.

so to sum it all up... the OG characters all f*cked up in raising their kids💀 i don’t think a single one of them is mentally stable whatsoever. although the families and their drama were the highlight of the book for me, so.

the couples i want!!

⟡ Annika and Creigh... i will go feral if i don’t get these two.

⟡ Jeremy and Cecily OR Jeremy and Landon... hear me out! rivals to lovers. the rival leaders of the Elites and the Heathens???? falling in love? yes🤲🏻

⟡ Remi and a castration ❤️

⟡ Eli and Ava

⟡ Landon and Mia ????? 👀👀

⟡ i always wanted Bran and Jay (Nicole’s brother) but im assuming it’ll be Nikolai and im really not mad about it.

despite disliking this first book, RK really has me intrigued for the rest.

    meh no-brain-cells nope


219 reviews

July 7, 2024

can we PLEASE stop labeling blatant SA as “dark” romance??

reading this book was a dehumanizing experience.


104 reviews797 followers

August 20, 2024

– 3.25 stars ★

Now, I don’t know what angels look like and probably never will—thank f*ck I have a designated place in hell—but she’s the closest thing to an angel I’ve ever seen. My own angel.


I surprisingly ended up enjoying this more than I thought I would. I went in with the lowest expectation ever and I´m glad they didn´t become reality. Y´all know I´m not the biggest fan of rape kink, but idk what happened during this book that made me not like it but also not feel disgusted.


Killian and Glyn match each others freakiness so well, they were everything but a healthy couple, but you know they suit each other in that aspect. I feel like before they met each other they were just two empty and lonely souls who breathed but weren’t actually alive. I’m glad they found each other despite all the crazy things that happend between them.

“I stare at her for a beat and then smile. Jesus. This girl is getting herself into big f*cking trouble. Because I want to keep talking to her. And I don’t even like talking to people.”


⤷Glyndon: She’s sweet, though she can be a bit annoying at times. I felt bad for her constantly comparing herself to her brothers when it came to art, she felt so insecure bc her art was different from her brothers and mom and thats just sad. The cutest thing about her was her bond with Jonathan, he was so soft and caring when it came to her, and I couldn´t help but feel all giggely when I saw them together.

The only request I have for Glyn is to knock off the Landon hate bc girl you literally love someone worse than him, be for real.

I haven´t even read Landon´s book but my pookie Buket loves him and thats enough reason for me.

Killian: I surprisingly ended up liking him more than I thought I would. Killian was indeed a psycho, but he had a way of making every little normal bare minimum act feel like a refreshing ‘oh he can be a decent person’. At this point he wasn´t only gaslighting and manipulating Glyn, he was getting to me too. I wish Rina made Asher grovel for hurting Killian so much, that he felt like he was less than others.


Rina has quickly become one of my comfort authors, and it makes me sad that with each book I read, I’m getting closer to the end of her universe.

Rina I still want Remi and Damien´s book I´m begging you. Her writing isn´t the best but it´s so easy and quick, she has a way of making me forget that I´m reading and I love that about her.

“I love you my monster.”
“And, I love you baby.”


269 reviews2,604 followers

September 29, 2022

3 stars 📸

“I love you enough to let you within my walls. I love you enough to let you talk to my demons. I love you enough to allow you to have a hold over me when I’ve never allowed anyone to have the power to destroy me from the inside out.”

killian carson (H)
🖤 med student
🖤 has a god complex
🖤 obsessive, psychopath
🖤 often fantasizes about murdering people

glyndon king (h)
❤️ virgin
❤️ tortured artist
❤️ has an inferiority complex
❤️ is living MY dream right in front of me

killian and glyn's first meeting had me on the edge of my seat (or should i say cliff iykyk). the way kill's character was automatically extremely enticing and had me sucked into the book from the very first chapter 🤌🏻

i have absolutely zero thoughts except those revolving killian. rina really put her whole kussy into his character, it was almost baffling 😮‍💨

his overly creepy inner thoughts about comparing glyn to corpses ✔️

Her skin appears pale blue in the darkness, like fresh corpses. If she somehow starts bleeding and the red is added to the mix, her skin will look ethereal under the moon.

him not giving two sh*ts that glyn wants nothing to do with him ✔️

“I hate you.”
“Let me search for the f*cks I have to give.” He pretends to study his surroundings. “See? None.”

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (27)

his inability to understand social media etiquette in ‘how to not look creepy af’ ✔️

I scroll down and down, and holy hell, the crazy bastard liked all five hundred pictures I posted on Instagram.

making sure he punctuates the fact that she’s his and no one else’s ✔️

“This is my puss*.” Thrust. “My property.” Thrust. “f*cking mine.”

his threatening nature ✔️

“If one day, I choose someone else over you, will you let me go?”
“I’d slice their throat, make you watch then claim you in their blood.”

LITTLE. whor*. ✔️
LITTLE. slu*t. ✔️

“You’re the most beautiful I’ve ever seen when you’re taking my co*ck like a dirty little whor*.”

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (28)

“Such an innocent face for a dirty little slu*t.”
the way killian had to keep repressing himself from murdering glyn 😍🥰 his self-control is unmatched

i’m actually obsessed with the banter between killian and glyn. they had NO RIGHT being that funny, particularly killian though

“I’ll have you know that my secondary school boyfriend had a huge dick.”
“You said that to piss me off, didn’t you?”

please the scene where glyn tries to act like she’s not into killian because her ‘type’ is a nice guy, but kill is just like ‘well aren’t i considered nice because i’m not trying to f*ck you right now’

“Does that mean I’m nice?”
“You can be,” I mutter.
“Look at that. I’m suddenly your type.”

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (29)

as far as the plot goes, it didn’t really exist and what there was, wasn’t anything too interesting to be honest. the conflict at the end could have been avoided if killian just told glyn the truth, instead of hiding it and looking even more suspect

i also didn’t really care about the chapters in astrid, levi, and asher’s POVs (astrid and levi are glyn’s parents while asher is kill’s dad). i suppose me not really caring about their chapters had to do with me not having read their books, but if you’ve read them, you might really enjoy those chapters.


remi was so f*cking annoying. why did he keep blurting out that’s he’s a ‘lordship’ and calling creigh ‘spawn’ it still stands that the only remi i can stand is remi for ratatouille 🐀

legacy of gods
↠ #1 god of malice — 3 stars
↠ #2 god of pain4.25 stars


12 reviews

July 13, 2022

I think is completely disgusting that Rina wrote a f*cking a rape scene between the main characters and acted like that sh*t was nothing??? And you guys ignoring it as well🤮🤮🤮

Larissa Cambusano

522 reviews

August 21, 2023

listen…. don’t judge me pls.


1,093 reviews1,550 followers

April 8, 2024

4.5 say-you’re-mine stars

"You can’t force me to become yours.” “Watch me.” “I’ll fight every step of the way.” “By all means. It’d make the end result sweeter.” “I hate you.” “Let me search for the f*cks I have to give.” He pretends to study his surroundings. “See? None.”

Want to read about a psycho who becomes obsessed quickly? How about one who has a low moral compass? Who doesn’t know how to feel sympathy? Well, then you came to the right spot… cause Killian is all of this… and more 😅(his name is so fitting lol).

If you get triggered easily, then this might not be the book for you. The first scene can be tough for people (I’ll list ⚠️ down below). As for me, well, that only solidified how crazy, OTT, and psycho Killian is… and… I was glued to the pages 😬.

“You’ll be late anyway, so how about we go back to my very logical idea of staying in bed all day?” I stare at Killian from my position in the passenger seat of his car. “Are you kidding?” He taps his finger on the steering wheel. “It’s strange how I rarely joke, but you choose to think that anyway. We need to work on your denial issues.”

Glyndon (19) is visiting the site of where her close friend unal!ved himself. She’s having some thoughts about life herself when she’s feeling like she’s falling. Don’t worry. Killian (19) comes to save the day. Well, kind of 😬. He’s not saving her without getting something in return, and he wants her to beg and get on her knees 😬. But she doesn’t want to. She’s a King, and Kings don’t bow down- she has the bite to prove it 😬, but Killian is gonna make her… and he’s gonna love every second of it 😅🫣.

What I liked/loved: (possible spoilers)
—umm… I wasn’t gonna say this first, but I’ll say it. The 🔥 lol. There’s a lot of it 😬😅. Once Killian takes Glyndon’s v at about 50%, it’s on 😉. I’m surprised these two came up for air 🤣. I appreciated that he *respected* her feelings here and there… until he was tired of being *respectful*

—how, um, f0rceful Killian could be. He doesn’t like the word no 👀. If he wants something, he’s gonna take it 😬. The opening scene is n0nc0n, then we get some dubc0n ones, but for the most part, Glyndon was along for the ride 😉

“I don’t want to be your girlfriend. In fact, I don’t want to be your anything.” “Good thing you have no say in it.”

—how different Killian feels and is for Glyndon. Since he’s a certified psycho, he gets surprised with himself at how obsessed he becomes with her and any type of emotions he feels for her. He’s never cared for girls, never had girlfriends, never wanted to be in a relationship, and, well, now he does 💁🏻‍♀️. She might say no, but he doesn’t care 😂. They’re together whether she likes it or not 🙃

—how duuuurty his mouth is 🥵. Are you kidding me Killian? How dare you be this good? You have no business being such a f!lthy speaking 19 year-old 💦. Good LAWD. Save my kindle. Killian has spoken and it’s gonna melt 🔥

—how OTT and JP Killian is. I mean. This man sees his woman getting near OM and he goes ape ish. I love me some jealous OM scenes, and this one is GOOD 😈💅

”Looks like I created a monster. Maybe we should explore your sexuality, after all.” “Exploring my sexuality means sleeping around, hooking up. You know, the casual kinky sex you had but I didn’t get the chance to try.” My smirk disappears. “If you’re up for f*cking in their blood, then sure thing. You have the green light to pick some poor souls.”

—the soft side of Killian. Yeah, I know. Seems weird, but he has some swoony moments. Not too many lol but considering he’s not well versed in sweet or nice, I was pleasantly surprised

—the side characters. I found myself taking notes as to who was doing what and who’s kid was whose and what family did what 🤣. I have to say, having read many of the books from the parents of the kids, I appreciated seeing their offsprings lol. I even noticed how similar certain kids were to their parents. I mean. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree 💅

—Remi and his lordship was annoying, yet also hilarious omg. Reminds me of his dad 😂. He gets his own bullet (since he won’t be getting a book 😩 neither is Gareth 🥺 and a few other characters)

—the text messages!!! Not only between the kids, but THE LAST TEXTING THREAD WAS SOOO SOOO GOOD! Sigh. Man. I’m feeling like I need to revisit RES. I was legit GIDDY and smiling !!!

—the parents’ POV chapters. I need to read Killian’s parents’ duet, but I still got the gist

—the rivalry stuff that’s happening. Obviously, there’s going to be an overarching storyline as the series progresses. I’m excited 🥰

—potential couples 👀. I found myself analyzing all the interactions between characters as they were meeting. I’m soo excited for book 2 👏🏻

—the ow stuff 😑. Now. If you’ve read my reviews, you know how much I hate it in my books, but in this one, I like how Killian puts the ow in her place. He stops her kisses and talks sh*t to her 💁🏻‍♀️. Sounds good to me 💅

What I didn’t like/wanted more of:
—when the tension between Killian and his family happens, I wanted it to be drawn out more. I got emotional, regardless, but I still wanted more

—more sweet Killian. He actually makes an effort, but I would’ve liked to see them as a nice couple a little bit longer (like in an extended epilogue lol). I get it. We’ll get their HEA as the series continues, but I wanted more

—there were some grammar/spelling mistakes. If the mistakes are minor, I tend to overlook them, but there were a couple that had me rereading lines to figure out what was supposed to be there 😬

Overall, I pretty much loved it lol. It’s been a while since I read a good Rina Kent book, and this one hit all my spots 😉

⚠️safety squad⚠️
-no cheating/sharing
-su!cid€/su!cid€ ideation/mental health
-breath play/ch0king/degradation kink/biting/marking/p slapping/a$$ play/an@l
-OW kisses H. He has his lips closed as she tries to tongue him. OW Tells him to choke her 😑. The h turns to leave and the H says he’ll f the OW if she leaves. The h leaves but H doesn’t f the OW
-OM- H’s brother kisses h to make H jealous and the H kicks his ass
-h gets hit by a man
-h is a virgin/H previous manwhor*
-no condoms/H’s been celibate for 2 months/h’s on bc

    academy-prep bully college-graduate

Lori [semi-hiatus]

276 reviews159 followers

July 14, 2022

DNF 49%
I always say I'm done with RK and always come back but this time is the last, I swear.
This was so underwhelming and boring and RK out there bragging it's her longest book 🤣 (sorry hun, long =/= good).
From the first chapter we get the words psychopath and sociopath thrown around and you know the characters are going to be either extra self-aware or just... caricatures of what a psychopath is supposed to be.
On that note, Killian kept threatening her he'd f*ck her and until 49% he NEVER DOES. You start nicely with a forced BJ and then he never does good on his other threats? He only molests her a little
Yepp, that should tell you it falls into the latter category and it ended up being a caricature 🤡
some people are upset he assaulted her and here I am disappointed he didn't assault her enough

Hot cover aside, why is the same person from Pueblo Nuevo, 02, Panama here 1 starring this with multiple accounts (the same who 1 starred Empire of Hate a thousand times)? 🤣

Gry ☾

89 reviews138 followers

August 10, 2024

Listen, I had a great time.

Is it the most advanced concept? no.
Are they the most healthy people or couple? nope.
Does it cross several moral boundaries? um, yes.
Was I able to predict some plot twists? yes, I am smart like that.
Did I also eat it up? Yes, yes I did.

It was fun, flirty with great banter but simultaneously dark, twisted obsession.
Psychopaths that only have eyes for one girl is apparently my thing now.🤭

Headsup: The book contains dark themes. Check TW's ahead of reading.

God of Pain Review
God of Wrath Review
God of Ruin Review
God of Fury Review
God of War Review
I have heard things... about Rina Kent and her books, and I am very excited to learn more🤭

Ꮗ€♫◗☿ ❤️ ilikebooksbest.com ❤️

2,390 reviews2,332 followers

July 18, 2022

Chock full of second generation alpha anti-hero goodness!

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (36)

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💚🖤💙💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📔📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌎
Character development: 🙂😮😥😤🥰

The heroine:

Glyndon King - she is British and daughter to Levi and Astrid King. Glyn grew up in a family of sociopaths and artists. Her mother is a famous artist and her brothers Brandon and Landon are both artists as well, the latter being a sociopath like their Grandfather Jonathon and Uncle Aiden King. Glyn is also an artist, though she always felt like she didn’t add up. She keeps her emotions inside and after her best friend died a few weeks ago, she has been suffering in silence.

The Anti-Hero:

Killian Carson - he is American and son to Asher Carson and Reina Ellis. Killian is a true Psychopath in every way. He is a fourth year med student despite only being 19 and an amateur photographer, he likes to take pictures of very dark subject matter. Glyndon has caught his eye and once he is focused on something, he doesn’t let up.

The Story: Glyn and Killian meet at the edge of a cliff and suffice it to say, they do not meet as friends. Killian is a gorgeous man with a penchant for cruelty and he doesn’t hold back at their first meeting. The two of them attend rival colleges which are both located on Brighton Island off the coast of England.

“While REU (Royal Elite University) is posh, sophisticated, and reeks of old aristocratic money, The King’s U is all about new money, sharp stares, and threatening auras.”

I have said it before and I will say it again, but I absolutely love books about psychopath’s and sociopath’s that fall in love. I love it when someone who doesn’t feel emotions in the traditional way finally falls for one special person. Rina Kent does it so well. She is the reigning queen of the dark romance and I just love her anti-hero’s.

This book is told in multiple points of view, mainly in Glyndon’s, but there are plenty of chapters in Killian’s point of view as well. I love seeing into the mind of the anti-hero, so we can really get an idea of what they are thinking. We can see the obsession first hand. It is fun to watch as the hardened emotionless guy struggles to figure out why he is so interested in a particular female.

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (37)

There are so many interesting characters in this book. Luckily Rina put some family & relationship trees at the start of the book, which I found myself looking back on more than once as we met new characters. I loved the bonds between the sisters, brothers, cousins and friends. Especially given that there are so many sociopaths, psychopaths and mafia monsters in the mix. It certainly made things interesting and makes me what to read all the rest of this series right away.

I won’t go into the triggers and all the bad things that Killian does, but to say that there are many. Because if you don’t like reading about this kind of guy, then you shouldn’t be reading Rina Kent books. She writes for those of us that like dark romance, bullies, and anti-hero’s and she makes no bones about it. I for one love them and I haven’t disliked a book of hers that I have read so far.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.


    alphas contemporary dark-romance

shania♡ (tristan caine's wife)

96 reviews339 followers

August 16, 2024


live footage of me if i ever meet killian carson irl

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (39)


102 reviews47 followers

August 6, 2024

Everyday I daydream of all the ways I want to torture both of them.

ˋ✧*⁀➷ ʙᴇᴛᴛʏ (Levi Ackerman's wife)

218 reviews756 followers

April 11, 2024

rina kent putting her blood, sweat and tears to gaslight her readers into believing that a rapist, abusive psychopath with virgin kink is THE STANDARD we all need.

me with my 3-4 stars:

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (42)

    adult-and-eroticas dark-romance romance

Jenifer Briggs

1,439 reviews173 followers

July 24, 2022

Rina, boo, just live out your rape fantasy irl. You don't have to include it in *every* book to make your heroes "edgey."

I've been burned by this author before, but I've all I've seen is how different this book is, how dark it is, and how the hero is like no other. But really? Where was all of it? The only thing that was dark was that brutal rape scene, but it's OK because our heroine-- lovingly duped as a warm glory hole -- wanted it all along. Bitch where?!?!

And you cannot convince me that this dude is hunky, interesting, or appealing on any level. He openly admits to wanting to rip things-- both animals and people -- apart and see what they look like underneath the skin. He's that skinny guy with long greasy hair that's always straightening his bangs in the back of the classroom, and thinks the dumpster behind the cafeteria is the best make out spot. We all have one guy in high school that fits this.🤷‍♀️ also he needs to rape women to feel like a big strong man. This dude belongs in a straight jacket, not a romance novel.

Also, was there a plot? The same conversation was repeated over and over again. And the one couple I'm halfway excited about will probably be ruined or just won't happen at all.

And PSA: the only way a rape fantasy can truly work is if: the couple trusts one another explicitly, AND there's a safeword if things go too far. So girl, having a deranged hero force his co*ck in a virgin c*nt to make it bleed is not it boo.

Just call me a 🤡 for being fooled by this author once more.

nina ★ ⸝⸝

41 reviews274 followers

November 6, 2023

“a monster can’t be changed or derailed. a monster’s only aim is to destroy.“

this review might contain some little spoilers.

don't be fooled by the fact that i read it in one day. after 50% into the book, it gradually lost my attention and i just skimmed through it so i would give it a maximum of two stars or just one i don‘t know.

i was about to dnf the book and i deeply regret not having done so..the book already started terribly, which should have been my sign to just stop it at this point.

killian i'm sick and tired of virgin-obsessed-mmc, it's disgusting and not cute or whatever.
he wasn't a „creepy psychopath“ like rina kent probably wanted to portray him. he just made me shake with nausea every time he opened his mouth.

“his features are vacant, his eyes still dull and lifeless, and every bleak color in the palette.“

glyndon i actually feel deeply bad for her. she put up with everything killian wanted to do to her without even fighting back. i cannot understand what she saw in him but both were not quite „normal“. let's just put that out there.

“a disaster might or might not kill you, princess. But being terrified of it would definitely finish you.“

─── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ──

! trigger warning: this part of the review contains sensitive topics !

sometimes, I want to stop hiding from everyone, myself included. oftentimes, however, it gets too hard and it’s impossible to breathe properly.

sensitive issues have been taken and dealt with so recklessly in this book.

honestly none of this is remotely "romantic". i felt genuinely disgusted reading it and had to take breaks to collect myself. it was not dark romance or some kind of smutty read, it's glorified and romanticized r*pe. every scene in which the mc got closer to each other seemed forced to me

so therefore personally, i won't be reading the other books in the series even though they might be better than this one (as I have heard) but it just wasn't for me at all.

Oz✿ (semi hiatus- dying at work)

106 reviews129 followers

August 6, 2024

Every copy of this book across the world needs to be burned to ash.

    bombastic-sideye dnf

Imme van Gorp

719 reviews1,109 followers

June 24, 2024

|| 1.0 star ||



I’m absolutely flabbergasted that anyone could call this a romance book. It’s a horror story, from start to finish. I honestly don’t even want to believe that this book actually exists in this genre.

The hero literally rapes the heroine when they first meet and then he continues to rape her for almost the whole book until she finally gives into him completely and becomes his permanent f*ck-toy without fighting back anymore.
The heroine has a lot of self-esteem issues and doesn’t have the energy to fight against this monster in the end, so she just gives up. He tells her what to do at all times, and eventually she just does it without even bothering to say no or voice her opinion, because she knows she has no say anyway. He continues to slap, choke and rape her, but somehow that’s okay, because now she sort of wants it…?

How can this sound like a happy ending to anyone!??
This story is a goddamn tragedy, and it’s making me loose all faith in humanity that some people are actually SIMPING for this abusive rapist while calling the victim “boring”. There’s just no way.


'Legacy of Gods' series:
1. God of Malice - 1.0 star
3. God of Wrath - 2.5 stars
5. God of Fury - 3.5 stars
6. God of War - 1.0 star

    1st-person-pov abuse college


377 reviews3,243 followers

December 13, 2023



510 reviews4,311 followers

August 15, 2023

ೃ⁀➷ 4 stars *ੈ✩‧₊˚

Between Killian and Glyndon… CreighAnni and EliAva were the main event 🌝

Killian was the softest psycho for her once he accepted his obsession (he made her lunch every day bc she wasn’t looking after herself 😩✋) but glyn was so boringggg. She had her moments when they would banter but then I’d get bored again. Ngl kill was savage w some of the backclaps like It got me doubling over cackling howling. Loveddd that.

Killian’s chapters were definitely the best. I loved reading about the dynamic he has w his parents, Gareth, Jeremy and Niko. And Mia omg I absof*ckinglutely went feral over how protective he was of her plssss ✋

Glyn was basically a vessel for introducing us to the bigger and better characters lol. I like how she gave colours to every character tho. That was cute.

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (49)

^^Killian when glyn was being ungrateful he saved her life


♡︎ EliAva — they had literally ONE scene where they didn’t even talk(!!) to each other but f*ck me the tension they have could’ve killed me on the spot. Plsss everyone being scared sh*tless to hear Ava talk about another guy bc they know how Eli would react if he knew?!!! someone better come drag me off the floor 😩 Idk if I can be patient enough to wait for their book ugh I need it yesterdayyyyy

♡︎ CreighAnni — my loves my precious my grumpy x sunshine pookies. Ugh they’re giving everythingggh. Her being cute asf and talking his ear off and him pinning her down w one arm bc she touched his fish and chips- HELP THEYRE TOO ADORABLE ALR 🤭💅 Their crumbs have me the MOST excited to start their book. I just know it’s gna be a ten course meal.

♡︎ JerCes — not much going on there tbh buttttt it has a lot of potential to be interesting. I’m ready to be surprised by their book 🤞🤞

♡︎ LandonMia — it’s not a want. It’s a need. They’re gna be so hot together ugh I CANNOT wait till he calls her his masterpiece- it’s gna be org*smic.

♡︎ NikoBran — the tension the CHEMISTRY?! I’m gna fall in love w their book i alr know. (Also I js KNOW that player 89 was bran)


This book was still cringe asf Rina style but it was somehow ignorable and I managed to not roll my eyes too much at the *elaborate* descriptions of the dark powerful mysterious and silent type mmc. The British slang wasn’t too bad in this book - emphasis on too bad. I still gagged whenever she would use “arse” in her inner monologue 😭

This book genuinely would’ve been three stars if it weren’t for the side characters icl. They gobbled all my attention and left scraps for the main couple. I just loved the friendship groups and each ship in the making shkshdjdj im so excited to read the rest of the series 🤸🏻‍♀️

𝗦𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲:
Remi was a f*cking tool for calling himself “my lordship” or wtv the f*ck like…

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (50)

𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀: 🎧
Magic — Ralph tresvant
XO — Christian
Death of peace of mind — bad omens (TMI — the last part of the song genuinely scared me the first time I listened to it lmao my heart fr skipped a beat 💀 I wasn’t expecting it and I couldn’t stop pissing myself laughing bc of my reaction😭)

𝗙𝗮𝘃 𝗤𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: the 162 highlights shocked me to my core compared to the 3 from AstridLevi’s book 💀

“Not you. The photograph.”

“If you’re not into that option, I have alternatives in mind.”

‘Bran has always been orange to me—warm, deep, and one of my favorite colors.’

‘Like her hair, she’s silver to me, not really white, and can be smudged with black.’ — Cecily

‘Ava is, without doubt, pink, like her dress, aura, and personality.‘

“You were going to fall to your death, but I caught you. Last I checked, that’s called saving in every dictionary, so how about you show more gratitude?”

“Why are you doing this to me? You have the looks to get anyone you want. Why me?”
A wolfish grin tilts his mouth. “You think I’m attractive?”

“The only thing you’ll see is your blood as I stab you to death.”
“I don’t mind. Red happens to be my favorite color.”

‘Eli, who was drinking from a bottle of water, pauses and tilts his head in our direction.
Or more like in Ava’s.
No words are spoken, but it’s like they’re having a silent war.’

“Don’t look so surprised. Told you, my superpower is mind reading.”
She puffs out a breath. “You’re just offering excuses.”
“I’m not you, baby. I don’t do that.”

‘She’s a stubborn, hotheaded little sh*t, and I’m here for every f*cking second of it.’

Nikolai whistles. “Don’t understand sh*t about art, but these would look sick as tattoos.” He snatches the phone to stare at a family picture taken at some opening of a gallery.
~he’s already so cute and obsessed w Bran🤭

“Can I have a bite?”
“Get your own,” he mumbles after swallowing.
“I can’t really eat the whole plate. It looks fried, so a bite would do.”
“No,” he says point-blank.
“Just a little—” One second, she’s reaching for his container, and the next, he’s pinning her against the back of the sofa by her collarbone with one arm as he continues eating with the other.
“I said, no.”
“Okay.” Her smile falters. “Can you let me go?”
“I don’t trust you not to come after my food again, so you have to either stay in this position or leave.”
“Got it.”
She actually remains still, watching him the whole time.

‘I let my fingers get lost in her hair, messing it up a little.
Messing her up a little.
Sometimes, she’s so perfect it pisses me the f*ck off.‘

‘Her blonde hair is gathered in a long ponytail with a f*ck ton of ribbons that match the ones on her black dress, boots, and bag.
She’s like a f*cking Goth Barbie, sans the black hair’ — Mia
~NEED her book

‘As she holds me, I meet Landon’s gaze and smirk.’
~he’s such a lil f*cker hahah

“What did one butt cheek say to the other?”
Cecily rolls her eyes. “What?”
“Together, we can stop this sh*t.”
Annika, Ava, Brandon, and I burst out laughing. Creighton smiles a little, and Cecily throws a lemon at him, but can’t stop her grin. “You clown piece of sh*t.”

“You don’t smoke anymore,” she announces out of the blue.
“I said I’d quit if you’d keep my lips and hands occupied, and I keep my word, baby.”

“f*ck the cops.”
“This is personal,” Landon says.
“Not sure if I should be glad or creeped out that you two are finishing each other’s sentences.”
~I love that they’re teaming up sjhdjdhd

‘If this woman asks me to cut my chest open and show her the organ she’s asked for, I’d rip it from its tendons and lay it at her feet.’

    4-stars crank-the-ac-im-melting dramarama

❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books

2,399 reviews9,799 followers

July 12, 2022

God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (52) God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (53) MY REVIEW AND OTHERS: can also be found on my blog:

' 🅶🅾🅳 🅾🅵 🅼🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 ' Is the first full length book in author Rina Kent's 'Legacy of Gods' series. Spoken in multiple POV's.

What a CrAzY ride! Twists and turns, rival college gangs, initiation like the hunger games into a secret society run by a group of psychopaths. But they have nothing on ‘Killer’ the boy who set his sights on the girl he should’ve left well enough alone.

A threatening presence in her life, she wanted answers to a death which plagued her and she was certain he was at the bottom of it. He wanted to dominate her. These two combusted my iPad, hotter than the desert.

“𝕴 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖑𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖒𝖞 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊 𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊, 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕴’𝖉 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖞 𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖒𝖞 𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚.”

Glyndon King is an art student, a sketcher and dabbler in contemporary impressionism attending the Royal Elite University. Nineteen year old Killian Carson is a fourth year med student at their opposing university the King's U.

Dive in deeper into the storyline and these two were perfect for each other. I don’t think the author could’ve chosen anyone better for the other. When dark and light collided it was a perfect match.

This kept me locked in its hooks from the get go, burned the pages of my kindle as I got sucked into their psychotic orbs. Inhaled, devoured and has me anticipating the next stand alone book in this series.

Jenn (The Book Refuge)

2,247 reviews3,479 followers

January 24, 2024

Reread in 2024

I loved it just as much this time. Fascinating look at a psychopath and what it might look like to grab their attention.

I did not know how this one was going to go for me. I didn't know if I would ever try Rina Kent again. But I'm not too big to admit I was wrong and I will be continuing this series for sure.

I like that Killian was a BORN psychopath and that the reason he was able to get away with so much is that he was good at masking and had parents that loved him. He was not a good dude but I did enjoy his antics and his obsession with Glyndon.

Gylndon has her own mental struggles and it explains why she doesn't go to her very loving family for help when Kill turns his eyes on her. So that also made it work for me.

All the naughtiness and sexy bad boy stuff that comes with the story were right up my alley. So this was a winner.

5 stars
4.5 on the spice scale

CW: dubcon, noncon, discussions and thoughts of suicide. Anal, somnophilia, choking, co*ckwarming, breeding

    2024-read read-2023


421 reviews1,793 followers

May 14, 2024

EXCUSE - F*CKING - ME … Why did I wait so long to read this? I am obsessed with this book and now immediately going into book 2.

I get it.. Killian is ✨technically✨ a psychopath but like.. is he really? 🫢😏 I’m gonna be honest I felt more romance in this book than some other ACTUAL “romance” books. Idk what that says about me… but whatever 🤷🏼‍♀️

Gosh, I ate this up. In the beginning I was slightly concerned with all the character introductions but I caught on quickly!

Killian = perfection. Not a single thing wrong with that man & you can’t tell me otherwise. I won’t listen.
Glyn = THE WAY SHE UNDERSTOOD ALL OF KILLIAN had me in my f*cking feels, ok? 😭
The parents = omg don’t even get me started. I actually teared up at a few parts & now I cannot wait to read Rina Kent’s backlog.

Page 300 🥹🥹 stop it right f*cking now when he says “you make the demons go away, even temporarily - whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it. I like how quiet it is up here.” STOPPPPP 🥹

Ok lastly, I know I’m freaking out about how this book is legit GOLD but please definitely remember to check the TW because this has some dark topics & scenes.

“You’ll never be able to take her away from me. You can break my legs and arms, but I can still crawl toward her.”

“I’ll make sure you always choose me as much as I choose you.”

“Leave me again and I will f*cking tie you to me”

“I love her to the point of f*cking madness”

    5-star-reads dark-college dark-romance
God of Malice (Legacy of Gods, #1) (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.